Zhan Yue

Chapter 936: Antiquity?

Twenty minutes later, less than ten minutes before Yilu officially occupied Chaoge City, the voice of the battle outside the King of Shang’s hall gradually weakened. Eventually, they besieged Yilu, Wuji, Troubled World War League, Wushuang City, and Lingyan Pavilion. The guilds stopped one by one, and even, I heard that the Mythical Guild had taken the lead and left in grief. They suffered a lot. They lost at least 20,000 or 30,000 horses in the battle with the guilds such as Yilu and Wuji outside the hall. They attacked the hall and rushed towards the door. It also lost at least tens of thousands of horses. In fact, even if the fight continued, the Mythical Guild would not have the strength to win the city.


"Congratulations Yilu!"

On the Youmeng channel, Yan Shi said with a smile: "The first S-level historical real-name city in the whole server is already belonged to Yilu."

"Yeah, congratulations to Yilu!" Chaotic Times said with a smile.

Feng Wushuang also smiled and said: "Congratulations to Yilu, this cooperation is happy, next time you continue to play Fenglinshan Mountain, please bring us Wushuang City, happy together is really happy!"


I emphasized my head: "Thank you all. This time Yilu won Chaoge City. Everyone took at least half of the credit. Don't worry. After Yilu takes the station, all the facilities in Chaoge City will be used. Enjoy the same price as the members of Yilu, besides, we will definitely do all the things we promised before!"

"Yeah." Yan Shi said with a smile: "We can trust you Lu Li and Lin Xi's credit, so we can rest assured!"


I nodded: "Well, everyone retreat. You must be tired too. Let's take a good rest for the next period of time."


The group of Youmeng gradually calmed down. Everyone went to work on their own. Even when I walked out of the hall, there were only a deer outside, and the battle had ended prematurely.


Soon after, a ringtone echoed in the sky over the national clothes, and it lasted for a long time, which was exciting——


System Announcement: Congratulations [Yilu has you] Guild successfully occupied [Chaoge] (S-level historical real-name city)! The real-name city in this history has officially become a city under the name of the guild [One Deer Has You]. It will be maintained in one hour. The maintenance will last for 12 hours. After the maintenance is completed, it will appear in the original coordinates as the guild residence, [One Deer Has You] The guild is also about to receive part of the city's taxes, revenue, production, rewards, bonuses, etc.!

it's finally over!

Everyone in Yilu walked out of the main hall one after another, and their faces were joyful. This victory was not easy to come by. They forcibly seized the Chaoge City from Fenglin Volcano and Mythology. Everyone at Yilu did their best, especially Chong. At the door, many masters were killed, and they made great contributions to the guild. Without the contributions of this group of people, it would be impossible for us to stand here.


Looking at the time, Shen Mingxuan smiled and said: "It turned out that the battle was in the middle of the night, and I even forgot to eat dinner. Let's take a good rest. After noon tomorrow, we can start to build our New Chao Song City~~"

Everyone laughed, everyone's face was full of longing, but I held my double-edged blade and tilted my head to look at Lin Xi next to me: "What will I eat soon?"

"Local pot chicken, okay?" She smiled: "I'm a bit greedy for the dough on the side of the pot."

"Okay, I'm ready to go offline!"



It’s already winter, and even Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan are exaggerated to wear woolen coats, but I still look like autumn clothes that are resistant to freezing, so I drove downstairs and took three MMs to a place near Wangshan in the distance. The local pot chicken is very famous

Soon, in the middle of the night, a hot pot of chicken, coupled with delicious fungus and potato wedges, is the ultimate enjoyment of life in this cold late night. With a good mood, everyone’s appetite is pretty good. We even ate a pot of chicken, and got a record we have never had before!

After eating and drinking, I took everyone back to the studio. The MMs washed and slept, while I was lying on the bed in the room. When the whole person was lying on the bed, I felt like a small fire dragon moving in my body. Again, this is an appearance of full power. Since stepping into the peak of the Yangyan realm, I will have this feeling almost every day before going to bed. The whole person seems to be reborn.

The air of luck spread all over the body, after just a few cycles, there was a warm feeling all over the body, and at the same time, there was a little tiredness, so I hugged the pillow and fell asleep.


The next day, the big family slept in tacit understanding. When I got up, it was more than 11 o’clock. Shen Mingxuan ordered lunch in bed. So when we all met on the second floor, Auntie Cook He also took the food, rode a small electric bike and drove straight downstairs, and then came up with the food.

After lunch, an exciting time came.


The characters appeared in the east gate square of Fanshu City, and then Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi appeared aside and rushed to the teleportation array together. They were disappointed to find that there was no project to transmit Chaoge City at all, so they could only teleport. After arriving at Yanmen Pass, Lin Xi summoned Bailu with Shen Mingxuan, and I summoned Wu Hachi. With wishful thinking, the four men and two rode galloped towards Chaoge City.

After 20 minutes.

When we arrived at Chaoge City, we found that it was deserted. How could there be any Chaoge City?

"I wipe..."

I looked into the distance and my heart sank: "Can't it? Did the system fool us? How come that Chaoge City completely disappeared? What's the matter?"

"I don't know..." Lin Xixiu frowned.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Gu Ruyi stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance, and said, "Lin Xiluli, look over there, it looks like someone..."


I also saw it. I hurried over and hurried over, but saw a territory about the size of a football field. There was no wall, only a row of things similar to the fence of a vegetable garden. Inside, there was a piece of bare open space. At the same time, a hand The old man on crutches stood in the center of the territory, looking very abrupt and conspicuous.


I pulled on the rein, took the Wuqizhi "peng" across the fence and stepped into the territory, came straight to the old man, and said, "Who are you?"


Before my voice was over, the old man disappeared in an instant, and he sank into the ground.


Lin Xi also came in riding on the white deer, holding the sword of the archangel: "Where is that old man? Why is it gone all of a sudden?"


I frowned: "Could it be something spirited?"


This is, under a bush of grass not far away, the old man rose again, leaning on a cane, with a faint anger on his face: "I am the land guarding the ruins of Chaoge City, which is what you call the land. Father-in-law, back then, I was ordered by Chaoge Taishi to guard the roots of the city of Chaoge City. In this blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years have passed~~~"

I was stunned for a moment: "Duke Earth? Say so...Are you not a god?"


The old man was also taken aback, and then laughed at himself: "The little old man is just a land of the lowest grade. How can he be a god? It's just that he was entrusted by the Supreme Master to guard his luck for so many years. Who is it, baby?"


Lin Xi smiled slightly and said, "We are... Yilu has your guild's leader and deputy leader, who came here to find our guild residence. I heard it is called Chaoge City. Could it be the old man you guarded this area? ?"

"Ah?! Are you...the new masters of Chaoge?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, his previous anger was swept away, and then he knelt on the ground repeatedly and kowtow, saying: "Little old man has eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai, no wonder how many adults, no wonder..."

I frowned and said, "Chaoge City... is it now guarded by you?"

"Yes it is."

The old man nodded: "Enlighten this lord, Chaoge City has long been annihilated in thousands of years, and now there is only one city of underground spiritual luck, and the little old man is here to stay here. In order to maintain the last fortune, don't leak it, otherwise there will really be nothing left."

Lin Xi said, "Then...we want to rebuild Chaoge City, do we start with you?"


The old man looked excited: "Masters, are you really sent by the local government to rebuild Chaoge City?"


I patted Lin Xi's fragrant shoulders and said with a smile: "Hey, this beautiful lady is the lord of Chaoge City who was personally ordained by Emperor Longwu of the Xuanyuan Empire, Xuanyuanying. With a word from her, reconstruction can begin."


The earthly man looked excited: "Since it is the decree of the Emperor, then...then I have really seen the sun in Chaoge City!"

"The key is, how to rebuild?" Lin Xi asked.

The land public said in a deep voice: "Although the little old man is only the lowest-grade land, he has a little ability to move mountains and rocks and open up land. As long as the incense is strong enough, it will only take a little time to rebuild Chaoge City."


I was at a loss: "How to make incense? Isn't it about building an earth temple for you?"

"That doesn't have to..."

Di Gong laughed: "You adults only need to build a star picking platform first. In the process of reconstruction, the popularity of popularity is equivalent to incense, and I can naturally draw aura and luck from the star picking platform."


I slowly moved forward and said, "Where is the location of the star picking station?"

The landlord reached out his hand and pointed to a large piece of blank ground, and said, "It's there."


I walked forward, and when my mind touched this blank ground, a prompt popped out in front of my eyes--


System prompt: whether to build a [star picking station] here?


"Confirm ~www.wuxiaspot.com~build!"

With a bang, there were a lot of stones, wood pieces, etc. on the ground, and even a few celebrity craftsmen were refreshed, but the construction process was very long, requiring 48 hours, and when the mind touched, there was an option to speed up the project. , Requires players to go to distant quarrying and logging. In short, it is some resident missions. There are many missions that can be repeated.

Lin Xi and I are definitely not enough.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves crisscrossed behind him, Qing Deng led a large ticket and a deer and iron rider, and everyone looked confused: "Where is our Chaoge City?"

I pointed at my feet: "It's here, we need to rebuild ourselves, hurry up and pick up the task!"


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