Zhan Yue

Chapter 963: Beilianghou

   "Great, great~~"

The old man stood in the world of the Ming ghost box and smiled with his palm: "I didn't expect that there would be such a young man with such outstanding swordsmanship in the world. It seems that the line that we are about to disappear can be considered as a successor. It is very good, very good. The bad guy is thousands of times stronger!"

Not far from the side, Lin Cheng leaned Erlang's legs and smiled and said, "Don’t be so humble, the boy named Beichenfeng from your Beichen family is actually pretty good. He is definitely expected to step into the Yangyan realm in five years, just compared to my two. The apprentice is much inferior."

Beichen Guanqi smiled and said, "You are just lucky."

As he said, the old man swept his sleeves and directly received the ghost box, as if there was a gust of wind blowing. The next moment, the three of us stood in the backyard and everything changed. The old man held the small box, a little reluctant. But still resolutely handed it to me, and smiled: "The gentleman has a quick whip, this treasure belongs to you, I hope you can make good use of it."

"Senior, I can't accept it."

I directly declined and said: "First, this treasure is the heart and soul of the seniors, and second, we only met for the first time. How can I easily accept such a valuable thing?"

"One yard owned by a yard."

The old man smiled slightly and said: "This ghost box has been with me for hundreds of years. Now, my old man is about to run out of life. Wouldn't it be a violent thing to bring it with you, but you... I've heard of some things about you. , The ghost box may be useful to you, accept it, as a gift from my seniors to you."

On the side, Lin Cheng nodded: "Lu Li, take it, Mr. Beichen has always rarely given gifts to others. Since he insists on giving you gifts, he doesn't have to refuse it stubbornly."


I frowned, then knelt on one knee, raised the Ming Ghost Box with both hands with a big gift, and said, "Thank you, senior Beichen!"

"You are Welcome."

Beichen Guan laughed, looking very hearty, and said: "Since he has accepted the gift of the old man, then the old man will ask cheekyly, this... the last sword of my little friend, what is the last sword, can you speak frankly? My friend, the old man is also quite accomplished in kendo, but the beauty of this sword... I haven't seen the old man in his life, if I can't figure it out, I'm afraid he won't be scorned until he died!"

I was stunned, not knowing where to start.

"Could it be... the teacher's master's knowledge, inconvenience to disclose? Then forget it." Bei Chen watched Qiuhao clearly.

I shook my head hurriedly and said, "It's not a master's mastery, but it doesn't matter if I say it."

Lin Cheng embraced his arms and said with a smile: "Let's talk about it, maybe this will be very helpful to Old Man Beichen's final mood change, and even once he understands something, it may extend his life."


I nodded and said, "Actually, I understood this sword technique in the game. At that time, I was watching the sword repairing battle between the demons and the ghosts on a great wall in the game. When I was observing, I saw it. The mountains and the sea in the distance, and a sword repairman told me that this kind of weather is very rare, called listening to the mountains and seas. After that, I realized the power of the mountains and the sea from the mountain and sea atmosphere, and the swordsmanship in reality has also changed. When using the power of mountains and seas, sword intent will increase by more than ten times."

"That's it..."

Bei Chenguan's face was surprised and shocked, and he nodded gently: "Listen to the mountains and seas...Listen to the mountains and seas..."

After chanting a few times, he waved his hand gently and said with a smile: "It turns out that it is the true meaning of kendo that was learned between the mountains and the sea. The old man has been practicing behind closed doors for these years, and he has understood the essence of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, but it seems to be My own road has narrowed down. It’s a great mountain and river, so it’s really a shame not to go out for a walk!"

Lin Cheng smiled and said, "Master, do you want to spend the last part of your life... in the mountains and water?"

"Why not?"

Beichen Guan laughed and said, "The old man has been worried about too much in his life, and there is no real relaxation. Today, I have to ask my little friend Lu Li to call me. It's better to go and see the mountains and the sea. If you can understand it, it will be worthy of this life. Without any comprehension, there is probably no regret to be able to finish this life in the mountains, rivers, and scenery."

I nodded: "I wish you something, senior!"


Bei Chenguan smiled and said, "Well, we two old men will not bother you. Hurry back and we should also go. By the way, the Ming Ghost Box is very convenient to use. You only need to use Yang Yan. It’s fine to refine it with the power of strength."

"Okay, thank you senior for your advice!"


In the night, the two elders in the Yangyan realm disappeared from sight between the ups and downs, and I returned to the studio with the Ming ghost box, watching Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Ruyi on the line, the jade legs crossed. Chen's appearance was a bit agitated, so he grabbed the Ming Ghost Box and went downstairs to his room, closed the door, and began to refine.


The process of refining is not complicated. The Ming Ghost Box is like an icy utensil, and when I penetrate the sun flame into it, I get a ray of life in response, and just as I keep inputting the sun flame After Jin, the entire Ming Ghost Box was red, and then the breath of life in the treasure began to accept my power and absorbed part of the Yang Yan Jin, and then there was a psychic feeling in my mind, which seemed to be the same as the Ming Ghost Box. There is a certain mentality between them.


Just as I uttered a soft drink, a golden water pattern appeared on the Ming Ghost Box, and just in front of me, a door was visible to the naked eye. Stepping into it was the world of the Ming Ghost Box, and one step back was reality. The world, and just when I stepped into the ghost box, I whispered "Close", and the door connecting the two worlds disappeared. When I opened it again, following the guidance of my mind, the new door was in the bed. The head position is turned on.

This also means that I can take refuge in a clear ghost box, even a Tibetan. In this way, even if the enemy is strong, it may not be able to see the mystery of the transparent ghost box.

What a good thing!

He gently squeezed the Ming Ghost Box in his hand, and then put it into his pocket. I will need to carry it with me in the future. This thing is very easy to use. The old man Beichenguan really gave me a great opportunity.


At this time, it's nine o'clock in the evening, and it's still early, so let's go online and have a look!

Going upstairs, taking the helmet, lay down on the sofa next to Lin Xi, and went online.


The characters appeared in the Fanshucheng. Not far away, A Fei was burying his head and carving the inscriptions, and not far away was Nanmu Keyi selling potions, and further away there were some Yilu elite players who were setting up stalls to sell goods and support their families. Basically, the ecological circle of the Yilu Guild has been formed. So far, it is quite healthy and prosperous.

"Ali, are you online now?"

A Fei looked up at me and said with a smile: "Look at you, you don't seem to be doing business right now."

I grinned, carrying a pair of daggers and walking forward: "Fly, how is business today?"

"I made do with it, and made more than two hundred thousand yuan."

"In that case, give me a punch!"

With a flash of lightning, A Fei and his stall were knocked over. For a moment, A Fei became furious: "Fuck your sister..."

Nanmu Keyi leaned forward and backward with a laugh, but I rushed to the teleportation formation in a burst of laughter, and then chose to teleport to Yanmen Pass. It’s time to see how the Flowing Fire Legion is. Since the battle with the Sealed Legion, there hasn’t been I've visited them, and in the mailbox, there are already a lot of notifications about the completion of the Frozen Legion.



Yanmen Pass, a majestic pass standing on the border of the northern border of the empire, was flying the dragon flag of the Xuanyuan Empire and the fire flag of the Liuhuo Legion. There were a forest of soldiers standing there. Qingqi scouts were constantly coming out of the city, coming and going, and it was very lively.

"grown ups!"

A captain of the ten thousand master respectfully stepped forward and said: "My lord, you are finally back. The declaratory officer sent by your majesty has arrived in the Flowing Fire Corps for two days and has been living in the post house. The adults have not come, and there is no way to declare."


I laughed: "Go, I'm not here."


Shuai Teng, shortly after I stepped into the Shuai Teng, Zhang Lingyue, Qin Zhan, Chai Lu and others also walked in one by one. There were also some generals who were higher than ten thousand chiefs. There were more than ten people in total, all of whom were stray fire. The core high-level of the legion, not long after, a young official in the official uniform of a scribe, holding the imperial decree in his hands, walked in very respectfully, but with a slight sullen expression on his face.

Anyway, I was also a member of the Legion and the officialdom for so long. How could I be so ignorant. I immediately stepped forward with a smile on my face and said, "This lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I’m so sorry, these days. I have been busy with cultivation matters. After a long time of retreat, I did not worry about mundane affairs. I left the adults in the cold. Please bear with me. After the announcement, I will definitely let Zhang Ling set up drinks and treats and take the adults around in the nearby towns. Go, and appreciate the local customs of Northern Liang Province."

Suddenly, the sullen expression on the young official's face was wiped out, and he saluted and smiled: "July Liuhuo has made great achievements in the Northern Territory. He is the most respected generation of famous generals of his Majesty, and he is also a master of the realm of immortal kings. Among the younger generation of monks, it can be said that there are very few cultivators. The matter of adult cultivation is the most important thing. Why not wait a few more days for the official?

"Thank you for your understanding!"

I nodded and smiled: "Then...declare it?"


He immediately unfolded the golden imperial enlightenment and enlightened edict, and said solemnly: "The Flowing Fire Corps takes the order!"

I immediately led a group of generals, one after another with the generals kneeling down to worship etiquette.

"Edict: The Flowing Fire Legion, outside Yanmen Pass, beat the invading Sealed Legion. Although it failed to capture the thunder of the thieves, they killed a lot of them. They raised our army's power in the pioneering forests and seas. My heart, this battle raised the prestige of our country and made me very comforted. Therefore, the July Liuhuo regiment commanded the Northern Lianghou, and the entire area of ​​Yanmen County in Yanmenguan was the Beilianghou fief. In addition, Zhang Lingyue was promoted to general, Give ten thousand gold, promote Qin Zhan as general, give ten thousand gold, promote Chai Lu as general, give ten thousand gold! When the sky is right, I will be ordered by this."

Has it been sealed?

I couldn't help laughing. I didn't expect the Fenghou incident to come so quickly! ?

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