Although they stood all night, the personal soldiers led by Dian Wei were still vigilant and watchful and escorted Zhang Xiu back to the Hanshou Marquis' Mansion.

Now that Kyoto has just been decided, it is necessary to guard against someone ambushing Zhang Xiu with bows and crossbows.

After returning to the Hanshou Marquis' Mansion, Zhang Xiu first saw a woman about forty years old, and ten beautiful women lined up behind the door.

These ten beauties are all first-class beauties, with different heights and shortness, but their temperaments are all upright.

"Meet the Prince. This forty-year-old woman led ten beauties to salute Zhang Xiu uprightly, and suddenly made a coquettish voice.

Zhang Xiu remembered that Dong Zhuo had given him ten beauties in the palace. This older man should be a female official, teaching beautiful women manners or something.

Zhang Xiu is also a womanizer, and he is naturally ape-hearted. However, he glanced at Dian Wei and the others first, and first said to a left-behind soldier next to him: "The brothers have not eaten, go and prepare wine and good food." "

No. The soldier who stayed behind said yes and immediately went down. Immediately, Zhang Xiu didn't care about these beauties, and only let the older woman lead these beauties to the back house.

He drank wine with Dian Wei and the soldiers for a while, and then let Dian Wei and the others take care of themselves, and then returned to the back house and ordered two beauties.

Wash and change clothes first, and then turn upside down.

Now that the Zou family is far away in Luoyang County, no one cares about him in sexual affairs. As the so-called heart ape horse, the wild horse that broke off the leash became Alexandre Dumas.

When Zhang Xiu woke up, it was already the next morning. The two beauties beside him woke up early, but they didn't dare to move. Zhang Xiu lifted the futon and revealed two plum blossoms.

Dong Zhuo didn't fool him, they were all virgins.

Seeing Zhang Xiu get up, the two beauties dared to move, and got up to help Zhang Xiu bathe and change clothes. After getting dressed neatly, Zhang Xiu turned his head and said to the two beauties: "Good life serves Lonely, is diligent and duty-bound, Lone will not treat you badly." "

Thank you, Prince. The two beauties showed joy and responded coquettishly.

Zhang Xiu left the back house and went to the front yard. On the way to go, I saw Dian Wei standing by the sword. He worked almost all year round, working more than six hours a day, which was much worse than 996.

"General. After Dian Wei saw Zhang Xiu, he bowed and saluted.

"What's going on in the house?" asked Zhang Xiu.

"Mr. Chen Gong is here. I have ordered someone to settle down and let the imperial physician heal Mrs. Chen. Dian Wei put down his left hand and pressed it on the hilt of the sword, and said in a deep voice.

"Well, take me to Chen Gong. Zhang Xiu nodded, of course it was impossible for him to forget Chen Gong, the imperial doctor and the residence were all ready.

This Hou Mansion is very large, with five entrances. It is not a problem to vacate and arrange the Chen Palace.

The only problem is that it is too big and it is inconvenient to walk. Zhang Xiu turned around and came to the residence where Chen Gong was located, and found Chen Gong in a small study.

"Public station. Zhang Xiu walked in very refreshed, and bowed to Chen Gong, who was reading.

"General. Chen Gong hurriedly put down the bamboo slips, stood up and returned the salute to Zhang Xiu, and then said with a grateful face: "Thank you for the arrangement, general." After Imperial Doctor Chen came to see and gave medicine, his wife's condition improved a lot.

Although there was no way to be pulled on the boat by Zhang Xiu at that time, but now the mood is different. Zhang Xiu arranged a comfortable residence for him, not to mention, his wife, who had been ill for a long time, also improved after seeing the imperial doctor.

Chen Gong is also a righteous person, so he is naturally grateful to Zhang Xiu.

"You're polite, that's what I should do. Zhang Xiu picked up Chen Gong very happily and said.

Immediately, Zhang Xiu and Chen Gong sat down together, and Zhang Xiu asked for warmth again, he was really a corporal of Lixian, and his attitude was very good.

Chen Gong is a little embarrassed.

"I am ashamed that I have received great favor from the general, but I have not contributed to it. Please also ask the general to give me a position. Chen Gong raised his hands and said sincerely.

Zhang Xiu shook his head and said, "Gongtai should also know that I became General Fubo. The official is promoted, but he has no long history or anything, and he can be placed on the public platform. The public station can read books first and take care of the wife. After a few days, Dong Gong will seal me an official position. Or I can simply find a position for the public station in the DPRK and China. "

General Fubo is a miscellaneous general, and the biggest official position under him is the battalion Sima (battalion governor), which belongs to the sequence of deputy generals.

The rest are all small officials, but it is not easy to settle in the Chen Palace. Otherwise, wouldn't it seem that he didn't respect

Chen Gong? Chen Gong noticed Zhang Xiu's kindness, and couldn't help but feel a little warm in his heart, but he also said with a smile: "The official is not big or small, just to see if he can contribute." Since the general is General Fubo, there should always be a person in the battalion to manage the accounts and logistics. Please also hand it over to me, general. "

He really doesn't care, he used to be a county magistrate just for fun, let alone now.

Seeing that the world is going to be chaotic, and Zhang Xiu is very good to him. It's also good to be a staff member under Zhang Xiu, or a logistics officer or something.

Dong Zhuo made a stumbling block, Zhang Xiu was still a little worried about Wu Kuang, and it would be good to install a logistics officer.

Seeing that Chen Gong was resolute in asking for help, he decided the matter.

"Good. Zhang Xiu nodded and agreed to Chen Gong's request, and then planned to take Chen Gong to see Wu Kuang and officially take over the logistics.

At the door, Zhang Xiu met Li Ru, who came in a carriage. Seeing Li Ru's polite face, Zhang Xiu chuckled in his heart, I'm afraid Dong Zhuo is going to do something like a demon.

Dong Zhuo is getting more and more annoyed, and he makes trouble from time to time. But fortunately, Dong Zhuo didn't have long to jump.

Zhang Xiu's face was not obvious, and he still saluted Li Ru respectfully and politely: "Mr. Li." "

Is Han Shouhou going out?" Li Ru got out of the chariot and first glanced at Chen Gong before asking with a smile.

"I want to go to the army. Zhang Xiu told the truth.

"That's why I'm here. Li Ru nodded and said. Seeing this, Zhang Xiu invited Li Ru into the study of the Hou Mansion and Chen Gong accompanied him.

"Now that Kyoto is peaceful, there are many people in and outside the city. Especially the people in the city, a lot of disturbing things happened, and Luoyang was chaotic. The lord ordered the purge of soldiers and horses, and the soldiers and horses of the Marquis of Hanshou also needed to go to camp outside the city.

Li Ru said politely.

"This is to transfer me out of the city.

Zhang Xiu felt like a mirror in her heart, but she was not afraid. Dong Zhuo can't do without him. As long as there is a war, Dong Zhuo will have to use him.

"Since Dong Gong has a fate, the end will naturally obey his fate. Zhang Xiu replied with a smile.

Li Ru breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, according to his thoughts, it should be to let Zhang Xiu sit in the city. But Dong Zhuo wanted Zhang Xiu to go out and set up camp outside the city, and introduced Lu Bu as a close general, and they were all together, which was ridiculous.

Can a person like Lu Bu be a guard?

Thinking of this, Li Ru turned his head and glanced at Dian Wei outside the door. He was deeply impressed by Dian Wei, who almost didn't say a word, and protected Zhang Xiu day and night.

This should be the guard, Lu Bu Li

Ru was full of words, but he couldn't talk to Zhang Xiu. Seeing that Zhang Xiu was not dissatisfied because of this, he was very happy. He was busy, and after staying for a while, he took his leave and left. Zhang Xiu personally saw him off and went to the gate.

"General. Dong Zhuo is afraid to doubt you. After the two returned to the study, Chen Gong quickly entered the role and said to Zhang Xiu.

His idea was to leave Dong Zhuo as soon as possible, this person would inevitably be defeated, entangled with Dong Zhuo, and it would be difficult to have a good end.

Zhang Xiu had a remark when he recruited Chen Gong, but now Chen Gong has automatically entered his Zhang Xiu family, and his identity is different, and his words are different.

Zhang Xiu said to Chen Gong sincerely: "Gongtai, I also know that Dong Gong is just suspicious and difficult to succeed. I have a plan in my heart, and I ask the public to believe me. "

I also put my heart in my heart.

When Chen Gong heard this, he suddenly felt happy in his heart, bowed down and said solemnly: "No."

After talking to Chen Gong, Zhang Xiu took Chen Gong to the military camp in the east of the city under the escort of Dian Wei and others according to the previous plan.

This was originally the military camp of the captain of the city gate, but it is currently occupied by Wu Kuang.

After Wu Kuang got the news, he came out to greet Zhang Xiu and entered the hall of the mansion of the city gate (under the captain of the city gate) and sat down.

"The prince is here, but to purge the army?" Wu Kuang took the initiative to ask. Chengbei fought with Lu Bu, and his infantry performed unsatisfactory, if it weren't for Zhang Xiu's cavalry, they might have been defeated.

If you lose, then the fun will be great.

At that time, Wu Kuang was very ashamed and made up his mind to rectify the army.

But it's not all his pot, the infantry under his command are all He Jin's old department. There is no need to say much about He Jin's virtue in leading the troops.

The nepotism under his command is also complicated. Now that He Jin is dead, those nepotisms can naturally be cut across the board.

Wu Kuang is very confident that as long as he is given some time, he will be able to sort out an elite army.

"Of course, the army must be purged. The old, weak, and incompetent were dismissed, the able-bodied were recruited, and military discipline was rectified. Now although the Duke of Dong occupies Luoyang, the princes of the Quartet are afraid that they will not accept it. War waits for no one, and we need to be prepared. Zhang Xiu's face became serious, and he nodded and said. But after saying this, Zhang Xiu changed his words, pointed to Chen Gong sitting next to him, and said with a smile: "This is Chen Gongzigongtai, a native of Dongjun." And the general is a state (from the same state), and the general may have heard of it. I plan to let the public station manage the money and food in the army.

Wu Kuang had no objection to Zhang Xiu's order. Dong Zhuo and Zhang Xiu are fighting each other, and he is really indescribable.

Now his son and nephew are all serving as "guards" in Zhang Xiu's mansion, and Zhang Xiu has installed a large number of cronies in the infantry army, so what happened to the installation of a logistics officer?

But he was surprised by Chen Gong.

"It turned out to be Mr. Gongtai. Wu Kuang was a little messy, and stood up in shock. He is a native of Chen Liu, how could he not know about Chen Gong?

This person is a famous person in Yanzhou, and he has a certain reputation at home. To deign to be a logistics officer under Zhang Xiu's command? This is simply incredible, and even a little ruined. also made him feel that Zhang Xiu was really terrifying.

"I've seen General Wu. Chen Gong looked calm, smiled and bowed to Wu Kuang.

"Mr. Gongtai. Wu Kuang reacted at this time, and hurriedly bowed and returned the salute.

Zhang Xiu looked at it with a smile.

He held Wu Yi and Wu Ban in his hands, planted cronies in the infantry army, and Chen Gong stared at him. Dong Zhuo is a demon, a fart demon

, his army, he controls.

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