The person who came was Cai Yong.

He was working in the Yamen of Shangshutai, and was hurriedly summoned here by Dong Zhuo.

"Ming Gong. Why are you so anxious?" Cai Yong was a little untidy, hurriedly entered the study, and greeted Dong Zhuodao, but was startled.

Because Dong Zhuo's image is very bad, his hair is scattered, his eyes are red, his face is ugly, and he is panting like a cow. In the study, it was a mess

Cai Yong couldn't help but look at Li Ru next to him, Li Ru reluctantly told Cai Yong about the matter, and then cautiously ordered: "Cai Shangshu." You and Han Shouhou are old friends. You immediately hurry up and go to the outside of Bishui Pass, on behalf of rewarding the Marquis of Hanshou, and let the Marquis of Hanshou return to Luoyang immediately.

Cai Yong was also shocked, and his brain was buzzing. He is now respected by Dong Zhuo, and he can be regarded as "like a fish in water" here, and he is half of Dong Zhuo's family, of course he doesn't want Dong Zhuo to fall.

"No. Cai Yong promised in a deep voice, and immediately regardless of his age, after the arrangement was completed, he took more than 100 light horses, and rode his horse to Bishui Pass while the sky was still bright.

"Li Ru, I'm thinking about it. Sun Jianqiang is too strong, and Da Lang may not be able to stop it. Why don't we give up Luoyang and move the capital to Chang'an? We burned Luoyang, excavated the imperial tomb, and went to Chang'an. Relying on the Tongguan garrison, it is a breeze.

Dong Zhuo was in a trance, the six gods had no owner, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought of the commonplace question, moving the capital to Chang'an.

Li Ru was also moved for a while, but then shook his head decisively and said: "Lord, please have confidence in Han Shouhouhou, he will definitely be able to stop Sun Jian." "

Hey. Dong Zhuo sighed, as if it was a frosted eggplant.

"Why is it that everyone in the world has turned against me? Isn't it okay to sit and obediently let me rule? Damn bastard

......" ......

On the other side, Cai Yong, regardless of his old age, traveled day and night, with a reward letter, a hussar general Yinxin, and a new Yinxin of Hanshouhou, galloping to the east. Arrived at Bishui Pass first, and without saying a few words to Xu Rong, he rode his horse and galloped to Zhang Xiu's camp, and went straight to the tent of the Chinese army.

At this moment, Zhang Xiuzheng was discussing the military with Chen Gong, Shi Guangyuan, Fa Zheng, and Xu Shu.

"It is worthy of Gongsun Zhan, the cavalry is very powerful. Our cavalry fought with his cavalry, stronger, but few in number. There were a lot of dead and wounded.

Zhang Xiu sat on the handsome seat, her face was rarely a little gloomy.

is worthy of being on active duty, Gongsun Zhan is much stronger than Yuan Shao.

"The food road is no longer possible, and we need to find another way. Chen Gong nodded and said. In fact, he really wanted to say that with Zhang Xiu's current troops, in the case of unsuccessful invasion of the grain route. If you want to break through the sour dates, it is already impossible.

I'm just afraid that speaking out will hit Zhang Xiu's morale.

However, although Chen Gong didn't say it, Zhang Xiu also knew this truth. He is not a dead heart, since the battle, Zhang Xiu has never resolutely attacked a strong and heavily guarded city.

"Yuan Shao can't get rid of it quickly. However, Dongfang doesn't need to take care of it, it is enough to have Xu Rongzhen guarding the Bishui Pass. I think we are still returning to the dynasty and sitting in Luoyang. Watch the situation in the Quartet. Ma Teng and Han Sui in the northwest, and Sun Jian in the south.

"Especially Sun Jian. Ma Teng and Han Sui have Captain Pang De, and Tianshui Captain Zhao Yun is in Luoyang County, and I have no worries in my heart.

"But Lu Bu, Hua Xiong, Fan Chou and others led 80,000 horse infantry troops to stop Sun Jian.

After Zhang Xiu finished speaking, after thinking about it carefully, he said: "It's so decided, we will withdraw from the army." "


Chen Gong, Fa Zheng, Xu Shu, Shi Guangyuan and others also agreed very much, and naturally bowed down to promise.

At this moment, Cai Yong broke in from outside, embarrassed and said to Zhang Xiu: "Han Shouhou." The Son of Heaven has an edict.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiu glanced at everyone, stood up and bowed to Cai Yong, and then Cai Yong took out an edict from the Son of Heaven and read it out. handed over the golden seal and purple ribbon to Zhang Xiu, and hurriedly said: "Hanshouhou, Luoyang is urgent now." Please return to the army immediately.

Zhang Xiu's face was also a little ugly, and then he sighed and scolded: "Lu Bu is a person, there is more than enough success and failure." He

had already asked these people to stick to the pass and not to fight Sun Jian, but he didn't listen. Lu Bu is .....

"The class teacher returned to the court. Zhang Xiu had already decided that the class teacher would return to the court, so he was not awkward, but ordered.

"No. Everyone

suddenly agreed, and went down together to give orders and prepare. However, the camp is also tomorrow, and it will definitely not be possible to go today.

Zhang Xiu is actually not worried about Luoyang, Luoyang City is strong, Lu Bu, Hua Xiong, Fan Chou and others have heavy troops and garrison a city, how can they defend it for seven or eight months, it's too late.

"Sir is tired all the way, please go into the tent and rest. Zhang Xiu saw that Cai Yong's face was colorless, and couldn't help but be very worried, so she stepped forward to help Cai Yong and said.

"There is Lao Hanshouhou. The relationship between Cai Yong and Zhang Xiu was "irreversible", and he was not hypocritical, he nodded, was helped into the inner tent by Zhang Xiu, and fell asleep on the bed.

"Hey. Father-in-law, you really have to be careful with your bones. Zhang Xiu sighed when she saw this, and hurriedly covered Cai Yong with a futon.


There are two flowers, one on each branch.

No one in the Kwantung soldiers contacted Ma Teng and Han Sui. but they besieged it from three sides.

Wang Kuang and Zhang Yang of Hedong County and Hanoi County in the north are short of troops, so they can only bluff and shout, which is a waste of dim sum.

Yuan Shao had already lost two battles in a row, and the third team did not dare to fight, so he started to shrink his head. With Xu Rong guarding the Bishui Pass, there is nothing to worry about.

Zhang Xiu was worshiped as a "hussar general" and was transferred to the south to fight fires.

But no one from the Kwantung princes contacted Ma Teng and Han Sui, and the two also had their own eyes and ears, and spies. In the face of such a situation, wouldn't they still help the farm?

Ma Teng and Han Sui dreamed of eating Luoyang County, which Zhang Xiu had been running for many years, attacking Sanfu, and claiming the title of king.

Since the last [Battle of Lüyang], Ma Teng has worked hard to engage in agriculture and commerce, and has opened the riot mode to restore the number of soldiers. And the crazy milk tun is stuck in Guo Yan in Lieliu City.

Ma Teng has only one request for Guo Yan, brother, please. Don't go out of the city to fight with Zhang Xiu, guard the city well, as the flank of Jicheng, just be steady.

I have to say that Ma Teng is also a capable, capable and famous person. He was brave and good at fighting (in his early years), generous to others, kind to the people, and prestigious. Under his management, his power quickly emerged from the shadow of the last war and began to flourish.

Not to mention Han Sui, Han Sui is not a person to be underestimated, and he did not lose a single soldier at all in the last war.

These two goods expanded their strength in the Liangzhou rioters, and when they heard that Dong Zhuo was betrayed by the world, they were naturally ready to move.


In the tall and majestic city, people come and go, and it is very lively. The Marten Mansion in the city, in the study.

After Ma Teng learned the news, he waved his hand to let the little official who came to report down, and said, "Go and call Yang Changshi." "

No. The little officer said yes, and went down at once.

Because he is really outstanding, Yang Fu has been promoted from joining the army to Changshi, and has become the second-in-command in internal affairs. He has outstanding talents, and he has been reused by Ma Teng for the third time in the long history, and has become the absolute core figure of the Ma Group.

"Great. Soon after, Yang Fu walked in from outside. Although he has been promoted, he is more calm.

No matter how Ma Teng looked at it, he felt that Yang Fu was a talent, and immediately smiled and said, "Yishan." Sit. "

Sit down. Yang Fu thanked him, came to the side seat and knelt down. Then he shook his sleeves and said, "Dashuai came to me, but is there a big deal?"

Ma Teng nodded, and then said with a smile: "As Yishan expected, after Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, not only did he not succeed in taking power, but he was angry and resentful, and now everyone in the world is against him." The Kwantung army besieged Henan County from three directions, southeast, north, and south. At this moment, it is the time for me to raise troops to attack Sanfu. Yishan, do you have a plan?"

Yang Fu is an upright talent. When the news came that Dong Zhuo had entered Luoyang and successfully controlled the government, Ma Teng and Han Sui were uneasy.

Yang Fu concluded that Dong Zhuo would definitely betray his relatives and leave his relatives, and his eyes were really vicious.

Yang Fu didn't hesitate when he heard this, and said: "Please send someone to agree with Han Dashuai to send troops together, and this time after Han Dashuai leads the troops to Jicheng, we will do it together." With an army of 200,000, all of them pressed towards Luoyang County.

"First kill Zhao Yun in Shangqi, and then like a boulder pressing an egg, it will destroy Luoyang.

Speaking of this, Yang Fu raised his head and said to Ma Teng sincerely: "Dashuai." This time, Dong Zhuo was already too busy to take care of himself, and the imperial court had no reinforcements. We will win.

"Okay. Good. Ma Teng nodded again and again, full of joy, and then ordered: "Yishan, you can do it with confidence, mobilize people and horses, and send envoys." "

Yang Fu is the second person in the long history. Ma Teng believed in Yang Fu again, and handed it over to Yang Fu to deal with.

"No. Yang Fu suddenly agreed, then stood up and arched his hand to Ma Teng, and strode away. He is also on fire in his heart.

The last time he made a plan to attack Luoyang, he was given a head by Zhang Xiu, and this time, he must find the field back.

This time the odds are too great, excited Ma Teng. I couldn't help but take out a jar of good wine from the cabinet on the side, fill it for myself, and drink a bowl of it happily. I came out of the study again and looked in the direction of Luoyang County. A pair of tiger eyes are full of greedy light.

"Putting aside the hatred with Zhang Xiu, the population of Luoyang County is five or six hundred thousand, and the land is quite fertile. As long as I get Luoyang County, my strength will be greatly increased.

"Not to mention, you can enter the Sanfu vertical and horizontal from the Weishui River. Maybe in my lifetime, Ma Teng can be a [King of Guanzhong]. "

The times make heroes. Ma Teng's family was poor in his early years and made a living from hunting, but he became an important traitor in the world.

Now that the Han family has lost control of the world, why can't he Ma Teng be a [King of Guanzhong]?

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