Just when Zhang Rui was **, Zhang Tai trembled and said: "You, don't mess around! I, my father is Zhang Yuan, if you move me, my father, my father will definitely not let you go!" Zhang Rui couldn't

help but feel a burst of amusement. This kind of person who carries his dad out whenever he has a problem is really a waste.

However, how to deal with Zhang Tai, the son-in-law? Zhang Rui couldn't help but make a difficulty. If he is released, Zhang Rui is worried that there will be any problems, and if he is not released, what should he do?

Diao Chan on the side saw Zhang Rui's difficulty, so he proposed: "Sister, it is better to take them to the Thorn Mansion first, and let the eldest brother decide how to deal with them." "。 Diao Chan's voice was very soft and thin, and only Zhang Rui, who was next to her, could hear what she was saying.

Zhang Rui's eyes lit up, then dimmed again, and asked worriedly, "Will the eldest brother be unhappy?" It's a little pitiful.

"Sister, now that the matter has come out, no matter what the attitude of the eldest brother is, we can't hide it from the eldest brother! What's more, how to deal with these people must be decided by the eldest brother!"

Zhang Rui nodded, and then prepared to give an order to the iron guard. However, at this moment, Zhang Tai spoke again: "I advise you to let me go quickly, otherwise my father will definitely let you die a bad death!" Zhang Tai's tone began to be arrogant again. It turned out that he saw Zhang Rui and Diao Chan whispering after hearing him report to his home, so he thought that Zhang Rui and Diao Chan were frightened by his father's reputation.

It's no wonder that Zhang Tai has such thoughts, after all, this Zhang Yuan is the head of the No. 1 scholar clan in Bingzhou, and his influence is self-evident.

Zhang Rui saw that Zhang Tai dared to play tricks in this situation, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and she was about to go crazy.

At this moment, there was a clanging sound of armor, and everyone couldn't help but look for prestige, only to see a group of soldiers patrolling the city rushing towards this side.

These soldiers who patrol the city do not belong to the regular army of the Northern Army, but belong to the yamen of the city patrol. The city patrol yamen is an institution that manages the security of the city, similar to the police station in later generations.

Seeing that it was the soldiers patrolling the city yamen who arrived, Zhang Tai immediately showed a look of surprise. He wanted to stand up and shout hello, but as soon as he moved, he felt a sharp pain in the broken wrist, and at the same time, his head was dizzy, and he couldn't stand up at all.

Compared with Zhang Tai's excitement, the bearded family next to him is not as optimistic as him. Because he found that the other party and his party did not show the slightest panic after seeing the soldiers patrolling the city yamen, but showed a strange look in their eyes, which was a kind of look in which the superior looked at the subordinate, and the bearded family was no stranger to this kind of look.

There were about a hundred soldiers patrolling the city, and the leader was a small officer. This junior officer is called Wang Yang, a native of Bingzhou, who originally served in Ding Yuan's army, but after Chen Chu sat in the annexation of the state, he left the army and became a city patrol officer in the city of Bingzhou.

The patrol soldiers soon arrived at the scene and immediately surrounded both sides.

The petty officer glanced at the bloody scene and couldn't help frowning, he was a little annoyed, how could he explain such a thing to the top in his jurisdiction.

Immediately, the little officer recognized Zhang Tai's identity, which surprised him even more. The son-in-law of the Zhang family had his arm cut off, this is a big problem!

, "Mr. Zhang, how could it be you?" The little officer hurriedly jumped off his horse and walked towards Zhang Tai quickly.

But before he could get to the carriage, he was stopped by an iron guard.

Wang Yang couldn't help but be furious, and as soon as he raised his hand, he was about to order the army to attack. When the army received the order, they immediately roared and took a step forward.

However, at this moment, Wang Yang's face suddenly changed. Because he saw the weapons in the hands of the Iron Guard, he was different from the rabble under Zhang Tai, he could recognize the weapons in the hands of the Iron Guard, and at the same time, he also knew that those who could master this kind of weapon were all brave people in the Northern Army.

Wang Yang couldn't help but set his eyes on the two beautiful women not far away, his heart couldn't help jumping, he thought of a rumor, the lord Chen Chu had two stunning confidantes around him.

Could it be ......?"

asked Wang Yang, in a very polite tone.

"The Iron Guards of the Northern Army!" the Iron Guard who stopped Wang Yang said coldly, with a taste of pride in his tone. Then he pointed to Zhang Rui and Diao Chan not far away and said, "These two are the wives of the lord." "。 Although Zhang Rui and Diao Chan have not yet held a wedding with Chen Chu, the whole army of the Northern Expedition has already regarded them as the wives of the lord.

Although Wang Yang had long expected the identity of Zhang Rui and his party, he couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard the other party say it in person at this moment.

Knowing the identities of Zhang Rui and Diao Chan, Wang Yang hurriedly came to the two daughters, knelt down and said, "The lowly Wang Yang has seen the two ladies!" Wang Yang did not doubt the identity of the two daughters at all, after all, who dared to pretend to be Chen Chu's family members in this Bingzhou City, not to mention that the stunning appearance of the two daughters was not something that others could impersonate if they wanted to.

"Lord Wang doesn't have to be polite! get up!" Zhang Rui said very dignifiedly, at this time Zhang Rui no longer has the evil spirit just now, looking at Zhang Rui's appearance at this time, it is really difficult for people to imagine that Zhang Rui just now actually cut off Zhang Tai's arm in a gesture, although Zhang Rui at that time was amazing, but there was a very attractive charm, that is, a kind of iceberg above the moon under the cold glamorous.

Diao Chan didn't speak, because she put herself in the position of her sister, and of course Zhang Rui took the idea of everything.

Wang Yang stood up, and then he found that his men were still standing in a daze. So he scolded: "What are you doing in a daze! Don't come to see Madame yet!" The

sergeants reacted at this time, and then pressed their weapons and hurriedly bowed: "Meet the two ladies!" The scene of more than 100 people kneeling together is still quite spectacular.

"Get up!" Zhang Rui said in her beautiful voice.

Seeing such a scene, Diao Chan on the side couldn't help but feel proud and proud in her heart, once upon a time, Diao Chan was just a song and dance girl who could be used as a plaything at any time, but now she has become the wife of Megatron's Northern Army, enjoying the supreme appearance among 10,000 people. Although Diao Chan loves Chen Chu wholeheartedly, as a woman, she will inevitably have some vanity.

Hearing Zhang Rui's words, all the sergeants said together, "Mrs. Xie!" and then stood up. At this moment, everyone had already taken back their knives and guns, and no one dared to point their knives and guns at Zhang Rui and his party anymore.

When Wang Yang just bowed to Zhang Rui Diao Chan, Zhang Taidang fainted. Zhang Tai lost too much blood and was frightened by the identities of Zhang Rui and Diao Chan.

Zhang Tai's men were also frightened. I saw that their faces were pale, and even their legs were limp and they were sitting on the ground.

The family members now felt as if they were in a dream, and they actually accompanied the young master to tease the hussar general's wife!?

Wang Yang and the group of soldiers patrolling the city looked at Zhang Tai and his men like dead fish. Everyone thought in their hearts: How dare you be rude to the Duchess and Lady! What a life is really impatient!

No one sympathizes with the plight of Zhang Tai and his men. Everyone knows Zhang Tai's character, and looking at the situation at the scene, it is obvious that Zhang Tai is interested in seeing the color, so he doesn't know how to speak lightly, and even moves his hands and feet, so the two ladies ordered the iron guard to capture and kill Zhang Tai and his subordinates in shame. Zhang Tai usually robbed the people's daughters with fierce and domineering, but now he deserves this retribution.

"Madam, what should we do with Zhang Tai and his men?" Wang Yang said with a fist at Zhang Rui. Although Wang Yang was a little worried about Zhang Tai's identity, it was no longer up to him how to deal with this matter at this time.

"Bring this Zhang Tai and his men back to the Assassin's Mansion! You send someone to invite a doctor over, you can't let Zhang Tai die like this! The corpses here must also be cleaned up

!" "Yes! The lower officials understand!" Immediately Wang Yang gave a series of orders to his subordinates, and all the sergeants immediately became busy.

Chen Chu and Xu Shu Lusu discussed in the study for a long time, and finally made a decision.

Zhun Jia Xu asked for the Bingzhou Army and the 50,000 Luoyang Army to first make every effort to solve the problem of Guanzhong and not transfer them to the Bingzhou battlefield; all the cavalry of the 50,000 Blue Wolf Battalion were reinforced to the direction of Jiguan to cooperate with Zhang Liaobu, who was about to launch an attack, to solve Yuan Shao's problem; the last 20,000 Hexi Army Corps were transferred to Huguan to strengthen the defense of Huguan, Chen Chu decided to personally lead the 20,000 Hexi Army to Huguan, for Chen Chu's decision, Xu Shu and Lu Su originally disagreed, but at Chen Chu's insistence, the two were finally convinced。

"Zijing, after Yuan Zhi and I leave, the state will be handed over to you!" Chen Chu said solemnly.

Lu Su immediately hugged his fists and promised: "The lord rest assured! Su will definitely live up to the trust of the lord!"

Chen Chu nodded, "I am relieved that Zijing is sitting in the town and the state." However, Zijing must be careful of those scholars in the state. There is intelligence that their activities during this period of time are very strange

!" Lu Su frowned and nodded, and then said: "Su will pay attention! Don't let them take advantage

of it!" After Chen Chu discussed with the two of them for a while, the two of them prepared to go down to do business.

At this moment, an iron guard ran in in a panic and reported: "Lord, two ladies, they, they ......."

Chen Chu couldn't help frowning, and asked urgently, "What's going on, madam, what's going on with them?" Lu Su and Xu Shu also frowned and stared at this iron guard.

"The two ladies didn't have an accident, but Zhang Tai, the son of the Zhang family, had one of his arms cut off by Madame Rui!" Tie Wei quickly explained.

Hearing that nothing happened to the two girls, Chen Chu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Immediately thought of Zhang Tai in Tie Wei's mouth, so he pondered: Rui'er has always been kind to people, if she is not angry, she will never hurt people! This Zhang Tai usually relies on his father's power, and he has done a lot of things to rob people's daughters. It should be Zhang Tai who tried to despise Rui'er and Cicada, so Rui'er's arm was cut off!

Just as Chen Chu was pondering, Lu Su said: "Although Mrs. Rui is excellent in martial arts, she has always been kind to people. I think it must have been Zhang Tai who tried to be rude to Madame Rui and Madame Cicada, so he was injured by Madame Rui! This Zhang Tai has never done similar things in ordinary times!

"" Zijing is right. If it weren't for the fact that we didn't want to excessively stimulate the forces of the Shi clan in the state, we would have brought this bully to justice a long time ago! Zhang Tai's arm being cut off by Madame Rui today can be regarded as retribution!" Xu Shu continued. Xu Shu's face at the moment showed a hint of cheerfulness, he had been jealous and hateful since he was a child, and he was very happy to see people like Zhang Tai being rectified.

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