The rebels looked at each other, but no one dared to step forward, and when Dian Wei came over, the rebels involuntarily scattered to both sides, and no one dared to stop Dian Wei at all.

It is no wonder that these rabble, whose morale has been drained, dare to make a move against a fierce general like Dian Wei, who is known as 'evil'!

After the rebels dispersed, a man in a pale brocade robe with a sharp beak appeared in front of Dian Wei. At this moment, the brocade-robed man was trembling slightly, his eyes were rolling wildly, and he couldn't stop swallowing his saliva, and he seemed to be very scared.

Dian Wei condescendingly looked down at the worthless 'little animal' in front of him, and a sinister smile flashed on his ugly cheeks.

Just before everyone could react, Dian Wei hurriedly slashed out with a halberd in his right hand, and then a terrifying rain of blood broke out on the scene.

Look at the brocade-robed man again, he has been split in half alive!

Seeing this, the surrounding rebels were so frightened that their breath stopped. Everyone was pale, and looked at the fierce and inexplicable bald general with a look of extreme fear.

Dian Wei carried the blood-dripping iron halberd and fiercely glanced at the surrounding rebels, shouting: "Those who lay down their weapons, do not kill!"

At this time, the rebels were already frightened and had no idea of resisting at all, and everyone hurriedly put down their weapons.

Seeing this scene, Dian Wei pursed his lips and showed a dissatisfied expression. At

the same time that Dian Wei led his army to suppress the rebels, another group of about 1,000 iron guards led by Zhang Rui entered the street where the scholars lived. All the gentry who participated in the rebellion became prisoners.

At this point, the rebellion against Chen Chu launched by the Bingzhou Shi clan was suppressed less than an hour after it was launched. All 5,000 rebels were annihilated, of whom 2,000 were killed and another 3,000 taken prisoner, while the number of casualties on the part of the Northern Army was less than 200. All the scholars who participated in the rebellion were captured, and the Northern Expeditionary Army completely eliminated the opposition forces within Bingzhou through this incident, and Bingzhou really became Chen Chu's strongest stronghold.

During this time, what attracted the attention of the world the most was undoubtedly the great battle between Chen Chu's Northern Army and Cao Cao and Yuan Shao and the battle in Guanzhong.

In the eyes of the world, although the Northern Army is brave and good at fighting, it has little chance of winning in the face of the million-strong army of the two princes. It is normal for the world to have this view, although the two major princes' armies still have not broken through Huguan and Keiguan, but the absolute difference in strength makes it only a matter of time before they break through these two passes, and there seems to be no suspense in this matter.

The war in Guanzhong also attracted the attention of the world. What everyone did not expect was that Ma Teng Han Sui's Xiliang Army actually joined Chen Chu's side, and what the world did not expect was that Dong Zhuo's army, which was known for being good at war, was wiped out in just a few months! The 260,000-strong army was wiped out!

The destruction of Dong Zhuo surprised the people of the world, and both the civilians and the scholars rejoiced at this incident. This situation has to make people sigh, Dong Zhuo is really a failure

! "Wen Ji! Wen Ji! Good news!" At noon that day, Cai Yong came back from outside, and shouted excitedly as soon as he entered the house.

Cai Wenji walked out to greet her father, and when she saw her father's excited face, she couldn't help but ask in surprise, "Father, what makes you so happy?" Cai Wenji was really surprised, because during this time, Cai Yong was troubled by Wang Yun and others finding fault from time to time, his brows had been furrowed, and he had long lost his smile, but today he was so happy!

"Wen Ji, do you know? Dong Zhuo is finished!" Cai Yong's eyebrows fluttered and he said something that was headless and brainless.

Cai Wenji was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of surprise, "Father, are you saying that Dong Zhuo, who kidnapped the Son of Heaven, is finished?!"

Cai Yong nodded heavily. At this time, the two had already come to the hall, and Cai's mother, who came out of the back hall after hearing the news, said to Cai Yong dignifiedly: "Master, you are back." "

Madame came out just in time, I have good news for you!" Cai Yong looked like a child offering treasures at this time. Immediately, Cai Yong said what he had just said to Cai Wenji to Cai's mother.

"Master, what's going on?" Cai Mu couldn't help but ask after being happy. This question is also what Cai Wenji wants to ask.

Cai Yong calmed down his excitement for a while, and then replied: "More than a month ago, an army to conquer the north suddenly moved south from Shangjun, and at the same time, Ma Teng Han Sui's Xiliang army marched east from Longyou. Two armies attacked Dong Zhuo from two directions, Dong Zhuo's entire army was annihilated, and Dong Zhuo himself was said to have been captured alive by the Northern Army!"

Cai Yong said very briefly, no wonder, he only heard the general news, as for the specific situation, he did not know at all.

As soon as she heard the name of the Northern Army, Cai Wenji's eyes lit up suddenly, and then a trance appeared on her delicate face.

At this moment, Cai Yong didn't notice his daughter's strange appearance, and was still talking excitedly. However, Cai's mother on the side noticed her daughter's expression.

The more Cai Yong spoke, the more excited he became, and it took a while to gradually calm down.

At this time, Cai's mother asked, "Then what does the hussar general plan to do with Dong Zhuo?"

Cai Yong waved his hand and said with emotion: "Madame is wrong. Chen Chu is no longer a hussar general, he has been crowned by the Holy Lord as the general in charge of the whole country's soldiers and horses! In addition, how to deal with Dong Zhuo cannot be decided by Chen Chu, but by the Holy Lord

!" Cai's mother couldn't help but be stunned, and exclaimed: "General!? I didn't expect him to be a supreme minister at such a young age!" As she spoke, Cai's mother glanced at her daughter who was in a daze, intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, Cai Wenji frowned slightly, as if she was worried, and she really didn't know what she was thinking.

Cai Yong talked a lot today, and he talked for half an hour before he stood up and said to Cai's mother and Cai Wenji: "I'm going to the study to write something, don't come and disturb me!" Cai Yong has a habit of wanting to write something whenever he is excited or happy to express his heart.

Mother Cai stood up and smiled and said, "Master, go ahead, we won't bother you."

Cai Yong nodded, and then set his eyes on Cai Wenji. However, Cai Wenji was still sitting in a daze at this time, and she didn't seem to hear what Cai Yong said.

Cai Wenji's demeanor and behavior at this time were very abnormal, Cai Yong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but then showed a sudden expression. Although Cai Yong is not as careful as Cai's mother, he is also a thoughtful bachelor, and he can certainly guess Cai Wenji's careful thoughts.

didn't disturb Cai Wenji, who was in a daze, Cai Yong went straight to the study.

After Cai Yong left, Cai's mother gently sat down next to Cai Wenji and looked at Cai Wenji with a loving face.

"Wen Ji!" Cai Mu called softly.

Cai Wenji came back to her senses in shock, and saw her mother watching her from the side, her cheeks turned red involuntarily, and her eyes quickly avoided her mother's gaze. Cai Wenji's appearance at this time is simply a little girl who has been discovered by her parents, it is really cute!

Cai's mother couldn't help but smile, and then held Cai Wenji's slender hand and asked softly: "Wen Ji, are you thinking about hussaring, oh, he is now a general?" Cai Wenji's

face turned even redder, and her head hung even lower.

"Wen Ji, don't be embarrassed with your mother! Tell your mother whatever you want in your heart!" said Cai Mu as she stroked Cai Wenji's black and smooth hair.

"Mother!" Cai Wenji involuntarily called softly, and at the same time threw herself into Cai's mother's arms.

Cai Wenji buried his head in Cai's mother's arms, and after a while, he said faintly: "Although he humiliated me at the poetry meeting, I don't hate

him!" After a pause, Cai Wenji continued with a look of reminiscence: "His iron-blooded spirit makes me feel what a real man should be! Like Wei Zhongdao, those so-called talents don't look like men at all compared to him!" Cai's

mother smiled slightly and asked: " So, from that day on, our Wen Ji's heart was full of his figure?"

Hearing her mother ask, Cai Wen Ji couldn't help but show a hint of shame, but nodded lightly.

Cai's mother paused, and then said: "Although I haven't seen this general, I believe that our family's Wen Ji's vision will not be wrong."

But Wen Ji, have you really decided?" Cai Wenji bit her red lip and glanced at Cai Mu, and then nodded solemnly, "Mother, I have decided! No matter what the result is, I am willing to follow his side!"

Cai Mu looked at Cai Wenji, and after a long time, she said kindly: "Wen Ji, neither your mother nor your father will oppose your decision!" But have you thought about how to deal with the problem with Wei Zhongdao? Although your father has never responded positively to the Wei family's proposal, almost everyone thinks that you will marry into the Wei family. If we regret the marriage, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of damage to your reputation!" Cai

Wenji raised her eyebrows lightly, paused for a moment, and then replied with a firm face: "Mother, my daughter has already decided

!" Then Cai Wenji showed a leisurely look and continued: "My daughter has also thought about what her mother said, and because of this, she tried to forget him! But his shadow became clearer and clearer in her daughter's mind, and her daughter couldn't forget him at all!" At this moment, my daughter understands that my daughter will not be able to forget him in her life!" As she spoke, Cai Wenji's coquettish cheeks involuntarily showed a deep color.

Seeing Cai Wenji's expression at this time, Cai's mother couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Cai's mother looked into Cai Wenji's eyes, and only saw a piece of firmness and affection. Cai's mother couldn't help but be surprised in her heart, she really didn't understand, why did her daughter only see the general once, so she was so affectionate? Cai's mother didn't

say anything. Because she knows her daughter's character, once Cai Wenji decides on something, no one can change

it!" "Wenji, since you have already decided, then I will ask your father to find a suitable time to officially put the Wei family's affairs away!" "Mother!" Cai Wenji's

heart was moved, and she couldn't help but squeeze into Cai's mother's arms.

Cai's mother stroked Cai Wenji's hair, sighed, and said, "I hope Wenji, your choice is correct!" In fact, Cai's mother

hopes that Cai Wenji can marry a relatively ordinary person, at least then she can live a safe life.

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