Deng Huang's face changed, and he asked, "What does General Gao plan to do with us?"

"You and I have a comradeship, I really can't be harsh on you, but I can't let you go back, so I have to ask General Deng to go to Huguan with me

!" "How can this be done!" Deng Huang exclaimed.

Gao Ran said in a deep voice: "This is up to you!" Then he waved his hand and ordered: "Tie them up for me!"

Gao Ran's personal soldiers rushed up and tied up Deng Huang and hundreds of people.

Subsequently, Gao Ran and his own soldiers escorted Deng Huang and his men across the river one after another.

Yuan Shao sent Deng Huang to call Gao Lan, and then continued to drink and feast with everyone, and the atmosphere of the banquet did not seem to be affected in any way. The feast lasted until the evening.

After everyone dispersed, Yuan Shao suddenly remembered Gao Lan's matter, so he asked a relative next to him, "Is Gao Ran back?" At this moment, Yuan Shao's expression was much more relaxed than before, obviously Yuan Shao's anger had basically disappeared.

The entourage immediately replied: "Back to the lord, I haven't seen General Gao Lan."

Yuan Shao couldn't help frowning, and asked again: "What about Deng Huang, is Deng Huang back?"

Yuan Shao's brows furrowed even tighter, and after thinking for a moment, he ordered: "Let Han Meng take five thousand people to chase Deng Huang and Gao Lan!" At this moment, Yuan Shao already faintly felt that something was wrong.

Personally follow the promise, and immediately go down to give the order.

Yuan Shao paced back and forth in the lobby, looking very irritable.

Time passed imperceptibly, and the setting sun was completely driven away by the cold moonlight, and gradually, the moon climbed overhead.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps outside the lobby. Yuan Shao couldn't help but perk.

A moment later, Han Meng, who was burly and stubborn, walked in, followed by not only a few personal soldiers, but also a few ordinary people dressed as boatmen.

"Lord!" Han Meng said to Yuan Shao. At the same time, Han Meng's personal soldiers grabbed the back collar of those people, kicked them on the calf, and shouted: "Kneel!" Then several people fell to the ground with a pop, and the expressions of these people were very frightened at this moment.

Yuan Shao glanced at the people in some surprise, and then asked Han Meng urgently: "What about

Gao Ran and Deng Huang?" "Back to the lord, Gao Ran and Deng Huang have both defected!"

Although Yuan Shao had a little hunch, he was still surprised when it was suddenly confirmed. At this moment, Han Meng pointed to the boatmen behind him and continued: "These people are the boatmen of the Yellow River ferry, and they are the ones who ferryed Gao Ran

and the others to the other side!" Then Han Meng shouted to the boatmen: "Tell me everything you know!"

Yuan Shao frowned and looked at the boatmen, the boatmen looked at each other with pale faces, and then an old boatman came out tremblingly and told what he had seen and heard before, not daring to omit the slightest. After finishing speaking, the boatmen looked at Yuan Shao nervously.

Yuan Shao's face became very ugly, blue and purple for a while, and his nostrils kept panting. It's no wonder that Yuan Shao is like this, the most angry thing for any superior is the departure of his subordinates.

"How dare the two of them do this!?" Yuan Shao suddenly roared angrily. Those present couldn't help but be taken aback.

Yuan Shao drew his sword and slashed at the boatmen. In the splatters of blood, several innocent boatmen were killed on the spot.

Seeing Yuan Shao, who looked like crazy, Han Meng and his own soldiers couldn't help but tremble, but they didn't dare to move their bodies in the slightest. Cold sweat oozed from everyone's foreheads.

Yuan Shao killed a few shipwrights, and his anger calmed down a little. Yuan Shao looked at the blood on the ground, and couldn't help frowning in disgust, and then said, "Clean up this place!"

Han Meng hurriedly agreed.

Yuan Shao left the lobby and came to the backyard, and several beautiful women immediately greeted him, "My lord!" The voice was so loud that it made people tremble. Seeing this scene, Yuan Shao's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Although Yuan Shao was very annoyed that Gao Ran left, Yuan Shao put this matter behind him soon after, after all, Gao Ran's status in his heart was not very important, and he still had the unparalleled fierce generals in the minds of Yan Liangwen and Chou.

After Yan Liang collected his troops and returned to Chenliu, Yuan Shao had no intention of fighting again, at this moment he was already satisfied, the acquisition of Chenliu and Qianjun made Yuan Shao feel that he was not busy in vain; in addition, Yuan Shao was worried that if he continued to fight, his strength would be too lost.

The war between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao deeply shocked all the people in the world, especially the noble class. People were not shocked by the war itself, but shocked by the rapid change of the situation, originally Yuan Shao and Cao Cao joined forces to attack Chen, what everyone didn't expect was that Yuan Shao would suddenly fight back.

Yuan Shao's defection turned Chen Chu's precarious situation into a safe one, which made all those who hoped for Chen Chu's downfall sigh. Because of this incident, Yuan Shao's image among the scholars was greatly reduced, which Yuan Shao did not expect.

Before Yuan Shao attacked Chen Liu, Yuan Shao's envoy and Chen Chu's orders went to Jizhou together. Chen Chu gave Zhang Liao only one order, that is, to immediately withdraw to Zhuojun and return Jizhou to Yuan Shao.

Zhang Liao was a little surprised by this order, he thought that his next task would be to hold Jizhou in order to hold Yuan Shao's main force.

Zhang Liao was a wise and brave general, so he also realized that Chen Chu must have reached some kind of agreement with Yuan Shao.

On the day he received the order, Zhang Liao set about carrying it out. The first thing to do was to release the nearly 40,000 Yuan army captives who had been captured.

At the same time as the prisoners were released, Yuan Shao's envoy was also present, and he announced Yuan Shao's order. Yuan Shao said in the order that from now on, Yuan's army formed an alliance with the Northern Army. Yuan Shao's order surprised all the officers and soldiers of the Yuan army.

Zhang Liao then conducted a simple handover ceremony with Yuan Jun and returned the defense of Jizhou to Yuan Jun.

After completing this, Zhang Liao led his army north that day, preparing to pass through Liu Yu's Youzhou Huizhuo County again. When leaving Jizhou, Guo Tu, the governor of Jizhou of Yuan Jun, also led people to see him off in person, this scene is really a little emotional, the two armies that originally fought to the death are now like brothers.

Zhang Liao led 40,000 troops to the north, arrived at Boling in the early morning of the next day, and after rounding out the nearly 10,000 troops who stayed in Boling, the whole army continued to go north.

In the middle of the third day, the whole army reached Hejian County, more than 200 miles north of Boling. The march of the Northern Army was very fast.

When the Northern Army arrived in Hejian County, it unexpectedly encountered an uninvited guest, and Sun Zhan, the Taishou Gonggong of Beiping, led 100,000 people to the south.

The two armies met, and both stopped.

After learning the identity of the other party, Zhang Liao and Gongsun Zhan galloped out separately and met on the road.

"Gongsun Taishou, where are you going?" asked Zhang Liao with his fists clenched.

"I heard that Yuan Shao dared to attack the general, so he specially led the army south to attack Jizhou!" Gongsun Chan replied heroically.

Zhang Liao couldn't help frowning, and said mockingly in his heart: Seeing that the situation has changed, I'm afraid I want to take advantage of the fire to rob.

Zhang Liao calmly hugged his fist at Gongsun Chan and said, "I thank you Taishou Gaoyi on behalf of the lord! But Taishou is only afraid that it will be a trip for nothing!"

Gongsun Chan frowned and asked, "What does General Zhang mean by this?" "

Gongsun Taishou may not know that my lord has formed an alliance with Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao has already rebelled against Cao Cao!" "Gongsun

Chan didn't know about this, he decided to send troops south after learning about it. His purpose was to take advantage of the emptiness of Jizhou to take Jizhou.

But Gongsun Chan pretended to be surprised, "There is such a thing!"

After a pause, Gongsun Chan asked tentatively, "What does General Zhang think I should do?"

Normally, the more chaotic these princes' forces are, the better, but the situation at the moment is a little different. Yuan Shao had already turned against Cao Cao, and Chen Chu just took this opportunity to consolidate his relationship with Yuan Shao, and used the feud between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao to make it difficult for the princes of the world to form an alliance against him, so the alliance with Yuan Shao was more important than ever at this moment; and the relationship between Gongsun Chan and Chen Chu was known to everyone in the world, if Gongsun Chan attacked Jizhou, everyone would associate this matter with Chen Chu's head, and would think that Chen Chu instructed Gongsun Chan to make a move against Jizhou, which was bound to seriously affect the relationship between Yuan Shao and Chen Chu. So for now, the Northern Army will never allow Gongsun Chan to make a move against Jizhou.

Zhang Liao thought for a moment and replied: "You and I are allies, and now my lord has formed an alliance with Yuan Shao, so Taishou and Yuan Shao can also be regarded as allies, how can Taishou attack allies?"

Gongsun Chan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said: "What General Zhang said is extremely true! Since Yuan Shao is already an ally, then I will lead the army to turn around!"

Zhang Liao clasped his fists at Gongsun Chan and smiled: "Taishou understands the righteousness, that is the best!"

Gongsun Chan also hugged his fists and said: "If General Zhang is fine, then I will leave!" At this moment, Gongsun Zhan's expression was as usual, and he didn't seem to be annoyed by the failure to get what he wanted.

"Taishou, please take it! After going back next time, I will definitely report to the lord about the high righteousness of Taishou!" Zhang Liao said with a sincere face.

Gongsun Zhan nodded, clenched his fists and said, "Farewell!" Zhang Liao immediately returned the salute. Then Gongsun Chan turned his horse around and went back to his army.

Looking at the back of Gongsun Zan leaving, Zhang Liao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Zhang Liao had already prepared for the worst just now, if Gongsun Chan wanted to forcibly go south, he would not hesitate to oppose Gongsun Chan to stop Gongsun Chan, because at this moment Yuan Shao's role in the Northern Army was too important!

" Zeng Guang!" Zhang Liao said in a low voice.

Zhang Liao's confidant adjutant Zeng Guang immediately responded: "General

!" "Pass the order, the whole army is on alert

!" "Yes!"

Gongsun Chan returned to the army with a horse, and at this moment Gongsun Chan's expression became very ugly, which was diametrically opposed to when he faced Zhang Liao before.

"General, what did Zhang Liao say to you?" asked Yan Gang, Gongsun Zhan's cronies, impatiently.

Gongsun Chan did not answer Yan Gang, but ordered in a deep voice: "Pass the order, the whole army will return to Beiping!"

Yan Gang couldn't help but be surprised, and asked urgently: "Why is this?"

Gongsun Chan was already in a bad mood, but now Yan Gang's rambling made him even more upset, so he whispered with a displeased face: "If you are asked to pass the order, you will pass the order! What are you talking about!".

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