Bingzhou is still the seat of government of the Northern Army, and some people proposed to move the seat of government to Chang'an, but Chen Chu rejected the proposal after comprehensive consideration and listened to the opinions of many strategists.

Soon after Chen Chu returned to Bingzhou, Tian Feng, Xu Shu, and Fu Zhu returned to Bingzhou one after another. After the three of them arrived, Chen Chu immediately summoned the three of them and Lu Su, who was left behind, to discuss the matter.

First of all, Lu Su gave a brief introduction to the current situation. Generally speaking, the current situation is very favorable to the Northern Army, but due to the fact that the Northern Army has gone through several major battles in succession, the losses are very large, and the new Guanzhong Army still needs to increase its efforts in order to completely control Guanzhong, so the Northern Army will not be able to touch the Central Plains in a short period of time.

"How did you get in Meiwu?" asked Chen Chu.

Lu Su replied: "The money and grain obtained from Meiwu are abundant!It is enough for our army to last for four years!" Chen

Chu nodded and thought about it, and after a while, he raised his head and asked: "Except for the troops that must be put into Northern Xinjiang and Guanzhong, how many troops can our army have left?"

These numbers were all in Lu Su's heart, and Lu Su replied without thinking: "No more than 150,000!" "150,000!"

Chen Chu couldn't help frowning. The number of 150,000 seems to be very large, but for Chen Chu's current situation, this number is too small!

"I plan to expand the army, what do you think?" Chen Chu suddenly said after thinking for a moment.

The four of them were not surprised to hear this, in fact, they also had this idea.

"It's all at the command of the lord!" said the four of them.

Chen Chu nodded, and then said: "I plan to rebuild the Hexi Legion, and reorganize the Hexi Legion into 100,000 people, and at the same time reorganize the Yunzhong Legion!" Chen Chu's plan actually did not expand the army in terms of structure, but reorganized the original two regiments with only 50,000 or 60,000 people. The reason why Chen Chu did not expand the army on a large scale is because the current situation is good, and there is no need to rush to expand the army; the other reason, and the most important reason, is the problem of the burden of money and food, although Chen Chu has now obtained Dong Zhuo's Meiwu, but this can only be used as excessive, not as a reliance, and Bingzhou and Guanzhong are not rich places, and it is difficult for these two places to afford too large an army.

The four strategists glanced at each other, and then hugged their fists at Chen Chu and said to Xu Shu, who was the most skilled in military training: "The lord's move is feasible, and such a reorganization will soon form combat effectiveness

!" As soon as Xu Shu's voice fell, Lu Su continued: "This doesn't have to increase the burden of military spending!"

Tian Feng and Fu Yu also nodded in favor.

Next, Chen Chu discussed the specific matters of the reorganization with the four strategists. In the end, Chen Chu decided to divide half of the Bingzhou Legion to form a new Hexi Legion. The strength of the Bingzhou Legion at this time was 200,000, and because the Bingzhou Legion was incorporated into the Dong Zhuo army of more than 100,000 by Lu Bu, so the Bingzhou Legion could be split to form two completed legions.

At the same time, it was decided to recruit young men from the northern counties to join the Yunzhong Legion, which turned the Yunzhong Legion into a mixed army composed of both Huns and Han Chinese. For the battle losses of each department, a separate source of conscription will be recruited.

After deciding on the reorganization and supplemental plan, Chen Chu proposed that the various legions be renamed for easier memorization. Of course, the strategists have no objection to this.

So Chen Chu renamed the legions. Since Chen Chu came from later generations, Chen Chu used the naming method of the army in later generations. The original Youzhou Legion was renamed the First Legion, the original Luoyang Legion was renamed the Second Legion, the Hexi Legion was renamed the Third Legion, the Bingzhou Legion was renamed the Fourth Legion, and the Yunzhong Legion was renamed the Fifth Legion.

Chen Chu didn't know at the moment that his use of the naming method of one, two, three, four, five for the army had aroused the desire to win among the legions, and the last in the rankings desperately wanted to prove that they were no worse than the first, and the first in the rankings were desperately trying to keep their position. However, as long as the momentum of this kind of competition is well grasped, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages for the military.

In addition to these five major legions, there are also two cavalry legions of Tiger Roar and Blue Wolf, for these two legions, Chen Chu did not rename them.

After the reorganization and other matters were finalized, the next day the herald sent the fast horse with the order.

In the past few days, Kebineng has led 200,000 Xianbei cavalry to stay on the grassland north of Yunzhong, looking forward to the good news from the south, but in the end only two bad news came that made him extremely depressed. First, the envoy he sent was beheaded by Chen Chu's order; second, the combined forces of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao had been incomparable, and the crisis in the annexed states had been resolved.

Kebineng was annoyed and scolded Cao Cao and Yuan Shao for more than an hour before calming down.

However, anger is anger, and Kebineng, who has no chance to take advantage of it, has no choice but to lead the army back to the depths of the grassland. At the time of the withdrawal, Kobineng glanced at the south with deep feeling.

Chen Chu turned the corner to safety, which made many people very chagrined. Wei Zhongdao is one of the most representative. For more than a month, Wei Zhongdao has spent his time in frustration and anger, Wei Zhongdao has written many poems, and each poem is full of his hatred for Chen Chu deep into his bone marrow. His sweetheart Cai Wenji drifted away from him, and his great enemy Chen Chu was about to be destroyed under the offensive of the coalition forces, but he suddenly turned the corner.

Just when Wei Zhongdao was indignant, Wang Yun suddenly came to find him. The two talked in the room for a long time, and then the indignation on Wei Zhongdao's face disappeared and was replaced by a ruthless look.

Soon after, Wang Yun began to attack Cai Yong again, and this time what everyone didn't expect was that a group of scholars represented by Wei Zhongdao actually made a 180-degree turn and stood on Wang Yun's side.

Wang Yun was obviously fully prepared for this attack, and they bypassed the 'History of the Han Dynasty' itself, but excerpted some of the criticisms of the emperor in the 'History of the Han Dynasty', and used this as a basis to demand that the imperial court punish Cai Yong for the crime of disrespect. Wang Yun's hat is very large, so although Ma Ridan and other old ministers tried their best to reconcile them, the situation became more and more unfavorable for Cai Yong.

In desperation, Cai Yong finally decided to leave Luoyang with his students and family members to protect the 'Han History'. Cai Yong's destination was chosen in Chang'an for two reasons, one was because the situation in Chang'an under the control of the Northern Expeditionary Army was stable, and the other was that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was in Chang'an, which gave Cai Yong a sense of belonging.

Regarding the decision to go to Chang'an, Cai Wenji is a hundred willing, and the reason is self-evident.

On the day Cai Yong left Luoyang, Ma Ridan and other ministers came to see him off. These old ministers did not persuade Cai Yong to stay, and the reason was very simple: With the current situation in Luoyang, Cai Yong would not be able to leave if he did not leave!

After saying goodbye to these old friends, Cai Yong and the students' families embarked on the road to the west.

Regarding Cai Yong's departure, Wang Yun did not stop it, Wei Zhongdao wanted to stop it, but he couldn't find any reason, and finally could only watch Cai Wenji and Cai Yong leave Luoyang together from a distance.

After Cai Yong was forced to leave Luoyang, Wang Yun, who was in charge of the matter, won high prestige, and many courtiers and families looked up to Wang Yun.

In this regard, Wang Yun smiled with satisfaction. At this moment, many people realized that the reason why Wang Yun was reluctant to Cai Yong was because he wanted to gain political capital.

Although the Cai family was a little sad about leaving their hometown, when they left Luoyang, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of relaxation is like a passerby carrying a heavy load and finally removing the burden from his shoulders.

However, the Cai family's relaxed mood did not last long. Soon after leaving Luoyang, they saw people starving to death on the side of the road from time to time.

Cai Yong couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "There are constant disputes in the world! In the end, it is these ordinary people who are unlucky!" Cai's mother on the side couldn't help but sigh


At this time, Cai Wenji said: "As long as the general sweeps away the princes of the world, the people will be able to live and work in peace and contentment!" Cai Wenji's words were obviously biased against Chen Chu.

Cai Yong and Cai's mother couldn't help but glance at each other, and shook their heads with a wry smile.

Cai Yong and his entourage walked westward without hurry, and gradually saw more and more people. Most of these people were walking west with their families.

Cai Yong couldn't help but be surprised, so he sent a student to inquire.

After a while, the student came back and said to Cai Yong, "Teacher, the student has already asked just now. According to the people, they were going to Guanzhong.

Cai Yong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Why did they go to

Guanzhong?" The student replied respectfully: "It is said that the great general Chen Chu was benevolent in Guanzhong, so these people wanted to live in Guanzhong. Hearing the student's

answer, Cai Yong showed a slightly startled expression. Cai Yong didn't know about Chen Chu's benevolent government in Guanzhong, and it is no wonder that a great literati like him, who devoted himself to the compilation of 'Han History', rarely cared about other things.

Cai Yong paused, and then asked: "Even if Chen Chu implements benevolent government, there is no need for the people to leave their hometowns! What a hardship is it to travel such a long distance

!" The student sighed and replied: "The teacher doesn't know, and now many people around Luoyang can't survive! They have only one way to die if they stay in their homeland, so it is better to come out and try their luck!"

Cai Yong was taken aback and said urgently: "How is this possible? Aren't you hearsay!"

"How dare a student deceive the teacher! The rural people around Luoyang will not be able to eat at all! Although Yuan Shao was born into a famous family, he does not want to be sympathetic to the common people, but instead takes advantage of the common people; the ministers of the DPRK and the central government can only talk empty words and only know how to attack each other, and they are powerless to change the current situation!" said the student with an angry face.

Cai Yong couldn't help but show embarrassment, because

this student's words scolded him as a teacher, isn't Cai Yong himself the minister who can only talk empty words? The student also seemed to realize this, and as soon as the words fell, he knelt down in front of Cai Yong with a panicked face and pleaded guilty: "The student lost his words, please punish the teacher!" Cai Yong

was not angry. Cai Yong hurriedly helped the student up, and said with emotion: "You said it well! I really have no regrets in this life to have a student like you!" The student

was only resigned, and did not dare to say anything nonsense

! Cai Yong and his party were walking together, when suddenly an old man on the side of the road fainted to the ground, and an eight or nine-year-old girl beside the old man suddenly cried: "Grandpa! Grandpa......

." Seeing this, Cai Yong hurriedly got out of the car and came to the old man's side, at this time, there were more than a dozen people around the old man, and one of the young men with extraordinary temperament helped the old man up and leaned against a wooden stake.

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