Just as Li Kai was about to speak, Cui Xiong preemptively said: "Brother Li Kai, you calm down first and think about it for a while."

Li Kai looked confused, what do you mean? Didn't you encourage me to give my opinion just now?

I really didn't understand, Li Kai could only swallow back what he wanted to say.

After a while, Lu Feichong looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, I don't think this matter can be settled like this, if we compromise this time, don't say that Yang Hao will be more arrogant next time, and it is estimated that everyone else will also ride on our heads to pull dung at will, what do you mean?" Li

Kai heard Lu Feichong's question, coughed lightly, and couldn't help but say: "Ahem...... Ladies and gentlemen, I completely agree with Brother Lu's opinion, if Li Shimin is not allowed to severely punish Yang Hao, a thief, this time, our family's face will be gone

," "Who will be in awe of our family in the future, and they may laugh at our family behind their backs, so I mean we must not compromise."

Li Kai gritted his teeth in the end, slapped the table hard, and when he thought of Yang Hao, he couldn't help but be angry in his heart.

The crowd glanced at him and ignored him.

After being silent for a while

, Cui Xiong glanced at everyone in the audience, and then slowly spoke, "Everyone, I have a different opinion, you should listen to what I have to say, don't interrupt."

After speaking, Cui Xiong deliberately glanced at Li Kai again, and then continued: "Indeed, Brother Lu and Brother Li Kai were very right just now, to put it bluntly, we can't lose the face of our family, we can't lose

it," "However, this time we really can't be hard-handed, it's not that I want to compromise, but for the long-term interests of our family,"

Indeed, if we collectively dismiss the official and force Li Shimin to severely punish Yang Hao, I believe that he, Li Shimin, will not abandon the Tang Dynasty for the sake of Yang

Hao," "In this way, regarding the bombing of the mansion this time, our family's face is indeed reversed, but have you thought about it, if you do this, our family will lose face even more, even more serious than Yang Hao's bombing of the mansion this time,"

In the court today, Li Xiaogong said the cause and effect of the thorough investigation of this matter, which is to warn our family, and this is also what Li Shimin meant, obviously, they have absolute evidence to prove that we are the first to lose

," "Coupled with the rumors about our family in Chang'an City this morning, if we continue to make a collective dismissal at this time, I am afraid that the world will be even more disdainful of us, saying that we are bullying others and bullying juniors,"

"You know, the world's remarks are often the most terrible, in order to severely punish a Yang Hao, the gain is not compensated, our family wants to be famous for a hundred generations, focusing on a good reputation, so, this time we have to take a step back

," "We can't let our family fall into passivity for the sake of a momentary battle of will, leaving a bad impression on the world, this is my opinion, you should think about it, if you have different opinions, you can talk about it."

After Cui Xiong said this, he glanced at everyone again, and saw that they were all silent, and he was not in a hurry, so he picked up the teacup and drank the tea by himself.

Everyone in the box has been listening quietly to Cui Xiong's words, and then they fell into contemplation

, and most of them also felt that Cui Xiong's words were very reasonable

, and pondered carefully, this is the most correct for the long-term interests

of the family, and the reason is clear, but they are also a little uncomfortable in their hearts, after all, if they compromise this time, the family will also suffer from the shame of the world

As for what Li Kai said in the future, anyone will dare to stand on the head of their family and pull dung, they naturally don't believe it, there is only one

Yang Hao, not everyone is like Yang Hao, who is stunned and does whatever he wants, relying on Li Shimin's trust in him now.

After being silent for a long time

, Li Chengjie, the representative of the Li family in Longxi, who has always been relatively low-key, looked at

Cui Xiong and said: "Brother Cui Xiong, if we compromise like this, will it seem that our family is too weak and can be bullied?" Of course, I also agree with your opinion

," "It's just that I personally think that we should not give in so easily, at least do something to save some face, what do you think?"

As Li Chengjie's words fell, some of the people present who agreed with the compromise also nodded and looked at Cui Xiong.

Cui Xiong frowned and pondered for a while, before he said: "There is no need to be so, since you want to choose to compromise, then compromise to the end, simply neatly, this also seems to be our family atmosphere, there is no point in struggling and compromising again

," "This time the face is doomed to be lost, so don't procrastinate, so as not to cause some unnecessary trouble in the future." When

they heard this, they fell silent again......


long after Yang Hao woke up, Steward Lin brought two family members to bring breakfast in, knowing that Yang Hao was not used to eating food in

prison, and no one stopped him, yesterday Princess Changle and Cheng Chumo had already instructed the prison head not to stop the people who came to visit Yang Hao.

After Steward Lin brought breakfast in, he said a few words and left, secretly stuffing Yang Hao with a note when he left.

After they left

, Yang Hao asked the family to block the door of the cell, and he opened the note in the back to look at it, the note was all Arabic numerals of later generations, Yang Hao looked at it for a while, then tore the note into pieces, and then beckoned Xue Rengui and them to have breakfast together.

And the content on the note is also very simple and clear, just twenty words: the news has been disseminated, and the effect is very good at present, and no identity has been revealed.

After breakfast, Yang Hao closed his eyes and rested

, and at noon, Princess Changle came over with lunch, and the two also came to the rest room near the outside together

, and after sitting down, Yang Hao ate lunch first, it is worth saying that there is also a stewed old hen soup inside.

Princess Changle watched quietly from the side, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, and Yang Hao was so uncomfortable to watch.

After Yang Hao finished eating, Princess Changle grinned and said, "How is it? My stewed chicken soup is delicious, right?" Yang Hao

sighed, and asked in surprise: "You still stew soup?"

Princess Changle raised her small chin and said proudly: "Of course, in the past, my father was fighting outside, and my mother was also busy, as the eldest sister in the family, I naturally have to learn to cook.

Yang Hao raised his hands, gave two thumbs up, and praised: "Yes, this is for you, you deserve it."

Yang Hao really didn't expect that the dignified princess of the Tang Dynasty would cook, and the chicken soup just now seemed to be quite delicious.

Hearing Yang Hao's praise, Princess Changle's happy beauty blushed.

Seeing this, Yang Hao squeezed his eyebrows and said: "Don't be proud, you have to continue to work hard, I will have a good mouth in the future!" Princess

Changle heard this, and immediately blushed, and scolded with a shy smile: "Phew, if you want to be beautiful, you won't make it for you, if you want to do it, you will make a chicken butt for you to eat, hahaha.........


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