Zhizhou: \"You're An Official, But You're Raising A Bunch Of Demonesses?

Chapter 16 I Want A Hundred Gold, I Will Teach You A Way

Chapter 16: I Want a Hundred Gold Coins, Passing on a Great Dao

"Let me introduce myself. I am Bai Yu Tang, the 18th generation heir of the number one building in Liuzhou. Our ancestors used to provide banquets for the emperor."

"After our ancestors retired, they returned to their hometown and established a prosperous business."

"But this is just a common dish."

Bai Yu pointed to a plate that had been licked clean and said with a smile.

He made up a bunch of nonsense, talking nonsense,

But he said it as if it were true, without blushing or skipping a beat.

"That's how it is, that's how it is!"

"Our family background is deep, no wonder we can't compare."

"You, sir, are qualified to judge the dishes in our restaurant."

In ancient times, information was scarce,

The shopkeeper Li naturally didn't know about the number one building in Liuzhou or the old chef who provided banquets for the emperor.

But Bai Yu's words were so mysterious, coupled with the strong aroma of the exotic lamb,

They naturally believed it.

Number one in the world... that is certainly prestigious!

When Bai Yu said so, they naturally flattered him.

"We were rude earlier!"

He tugged at the chef's clothes next to him,

Even though Bai Yu was the one who was rude first, he still couldn't help but apologize to Bai Yu.

"It's alright!"

Bai Yu waved his hand lightly, not saying much.

"Um... sir, would you like to work in my restaurant? You can name your own salary!"

"Li, the shopkeeper, asked with some anticipation."

"Bai Yu came to find him, there must be a reason."

"If Bai Yu could come to their shop..."

"Not to mention the Lieliang Tower that has been subtly pressuring them, even if it developed into the best restaurant in the entire Lieliang City, so what?"

"Bai Yu smiled and jokingly asked, 'If I open one, would you be able to afford ten gold coins a day?'"

"Uh... Sir, please don't joke!"

"When business is good, this restaurant may not even earn ten gold coins in a year."

"If they have to pay Bai Yu a salary, what about their own livelihood?"

"And it's only for one day!"

"Bai Yu shook his head gently and said, 'I came to the city for fame, not to cook.'"

"With your family background, you're not going to cook to achieve fame?"

"Isn't that breaking the tradition?"

"While Li, the shopkeeper, laughed dryly, he couldn't help but secretly criticize in his heart."

"He thought for a moment and continued to ask, 'Ahem... Sir, can you sell this dish to me? I'm willing to pay a high price.'"

"Bai Yu casually waved his hand and said, 'Just cumin lamb, it's just a small trick, it's fine to give it to you for free.'"

"This thing is very simple, it's just a few more seasonings."

"Even if Bai Yu doesn't give it to them,"

"They can work hard to study and figure it out."

"It's not really that delicious when you say it's delicious."

"But it's just something new."

"It's not enough to dominate the negotiation table absolutely."


"The chef and Li, the shopkeeper, immediately widened their eyes and exclaimed in surprise."

Nowadays, who doesn't hide their good wine and food as if it were a secret recipe passed down through generations!

People these days are really outrageous!

And they're giving it away for free?

Bai Yu patted his chest and said, "I never lie."

Long Zhi: ...

He's lied plenty of times!

At least none of those few sentences just now were true!

"It's just a small trick, not worth mentioning!"


However, Bai Yu suddenly changed the subject, "I have a great method that can help you become successful and make a fortune! Do you want it?"

The young man's eyes were burning, deep and profound, exuding a unique and dragon-like aura. It was as if his eyes could see into people's hearts.

He could stir up the deepest desires in people, making them involuntarily want to listen to him, want to believe him.

"I... I want it!"

Li, the shopkeeper, trembled and hesitantly spoke up.

He knew that once he said those words, he would no longer have any initiative, no longer have the qualifications to negotiate as equals with the other person.

But he willingly accepted it.

"I want a hundred gold coins!"

Bai Yu reached out his hand, his tone calm.

As if he were talking about something insignificant.

"Oh, and that little chicken..."

He seemed to have thought of something and pointed to a chicken in the courtyard not far away, which was nestling in its nest and curiously watching the chefs in the kitchen.


Li, the shopkeeper, suddenly trembled violently.

It was as if a bucket of cold water was poured over his head, instantly waking him up.

His heart was pounding heavily.

A small chicken may be insignificant,

But a hundred gold coins!

He had been running the tavern for decades, and his savings amounted to just about a hundred gold coins.

Was this person going to take it all?

"Sir, a hundred gold coins is too much!"

"Can we negotiate?"

His first reaction was not to question Bai Yu, but to involuntarily plead with him.

"A hundred gold coins is not much, I want less! Follow my path, and you can earn it all back within a year!"

Bai Yu shook his head, not making any concessions.


Li, the shopkeeper, hesitated, his round face showing uncertainty.

On one hand, there was the huge temptation of earning a hundred gold coins a year, and on the other hand, there was the gamble of giving up his entire fortune.

This decision could change his life, and he had to think it over carefully.

Bai Yu sat firmly in his position, adding another condition: "If you don't believe me, then forget it!"

"There are others who can afford it!"

Li, the shopkeeper, suddenly raised his head, his voice becoming louder: "No...!"

Immediately, he softened his tone, pleading with Bai Yu: "Sir, I am not unwilling to buy! But this matter is of great importance to me. Can you give me some time to think?"

Bai Yu extended a finger and said calmly, "I'll give you one day."

Li, the shopkeeper, gritted his teeth and agreed: "Okay!"

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