Chapter 32: The Birth of a Qilin

Three questions, calculations:

Question: There are pheasants and rabbits in the same cage, with a total of 35 heads and 94 feet. How many pheasants and rabbits are there?

Minister's explanation:

Let the number of chickens be represented by A, and the number of rabbits be represented by B.

Then A + B equals 35,

And 2A + 4B equals 94.

A can be calculated as 35 minus B,

Then 2 multiplied by (35 minus B) plus 4B equals 94.

Therefore, 70 plus 2B equals 94.

So, 2B equals 94 minus 70, which is 24.

Therefore, B equals 24 divided by 2, which is 12.

Also, since A equals 35 minus B, A equals 23.

The answer is: There are 23 pheasants and 12 rabbits.


During this era, mathematics was not highly developed.

Firstly, it was not widely used, so only officials and merchants who needed calculations would study it.

Secondly, the mainstream ideology did not value it. Everyone believed that reading the books of sages was enough, and studying the minutiae of mathematics was only for cunning merchants.

Thirdly, there was no systematic doctrine or school.

Therefore, the mathematical level of people in this era was not very high.

Having the mathematical level of a primary school student in Bai Yu's previous life was already quite good.

Furthermore, there were some mathematical formulas and algorithms that required thinking.

Some intelligent people might have studied some mathematical principles, but the information was blocked and not widely spread.

Simple linear equations in this era were enough to stump heroes, causing many scholars to rack their brains.

When scholars encountered such questions, they would each make laborious assumptions and calculations. Perhaps some stumbled upon the correct answer by chance, while others spent a great deal of time and mental effort.

But for Bai Yu...

It was simply too easy. He completed it in an instant.

It was almost insulting to his intelligence.

What he thought about the most was not the answer, but how to express the algorithms he knew in a way that these people could understand.

The second and third questions were ridiculously simple.

No wonder Bai Yu was able to submit his answers so early.

"Quick-witted, quick-witted..."

The emperor was slightly smarter than others, but not by much.

Lan Su looked at Bai Yu's solutions,

And after thinking for a while,

He suddenly became enlightened and couldn't help but marvel.

No wonder he was able to arrive in the capital and take the imperial examination at the age of sixteen.

This child... is truly intelligent and bright!

The next question was about administrative policy, based on a controversial case that had been going on for over a decade.

Provide opinions and solutions.

Bai Yu answered in a standard manner.

But there were also a few unique perspectives and imaginative ideas that caught Lan Su's attention.

He's only sixteen years old!

Truly a great talent!

A rare talent has emerged in our country!

Upon reaching this point, Lanzhou no longer doubted Bai Yu's worth!

His eyes were filled with anticipation as he eagerly flipped to the end.

This is the question he proposed!

He was getting a little impatient, wanting to see what kind of answer this miraculous young man would give him.

Five questions,

I ask: What is the governance of an emperor?

I respond:

I have heard that the governance of an emperor within the realm is based on practical politics, which can then restrain the masses and handle complex affairs. There must be a sincere heart that leads by example, which can then inspire the people and revitalize the common tasks.

Establishing guidelines, enforcing laws, displaying them on the tablets of Wei, and issuing them to the commanders. Starting from the peaceful court in the rock corridor, spreading to the various departments and offices, and extending to the counties and provinces, covering every aspect, meticulous and without any leaks.

What does it mean to have a sincere heart? It means to be diligent and not lazy, to be astute and not dull. It starts from the depths and rises from the hidden places, beginning with the solemnity of the palace and spreading to the borders and corners of the nation. It permeates and irrigates, with clear thoughts and intentions, without any hindrance to the body and mind.

It is indeed appropriate to open up to wise counsel, to honor the virtues left by the ancestors, and to restore the spirit of the ambitious. It is not appropriate to belittle oneself or misinterpret the truth, in order to block the path of loyal remonstrance.

The palace and the government should be unified, and the rewards and punishments should be consistent. If there are those who commit crimes or show loyalty and goodness, they should be judged by the appropriate authorities to demonstrate Your Majesty's fairness and clarity. It is not appropriate to show favoritism and create different laws for the inside and outside.


Bai Yu started off with a thousand words, neatly written,

Combining the various sayings left behind by many wise ministers from past lives.

What he answered was also what a basic wise minister should say.

The emperor also loves to hear such words,

In summary, it is about favoring the wise and distancing the flatterers, establishing laws and regulations, having laws to follow, governing the world with wisdom, leading by example, and not being swayed by desires...blah blah blah, a bunch of inspirational clichés.

If I were to describe it,

It would be an essay on the perfect score in the future college entrance examination.

By the way, I'll also flatter a bit and praise the emperor.

With such an article, there would be no problem at all, a perfect composition.

Lansu also read it with great interest.

Even felt that he was capable and found many areas for self-improvement and learning from it.

Only felt like he had obtained a rare treasure, this person should be the top scholar in the imperial examination.

What kind of feeling is this?

It's like young people in the future lying in bed watching motivational videos.

Are the videos correct?

Naturally, they are!

Are those motivational chicken soup correct?

Naturally, they are too!

People get fired up while watching, and the next day they want to work hard.

But in reality, after waking up from the dream, nothing really changes.

Still slacking off.

Lansu slowly looked at it,

However, when he saw the later part, his eyes widened.

His breathing gradually became rapid.

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