Chapter 41: Is Your Majesty Going to Kill Me?

"Bai Yu's words are not falsehoods, but the truth! They are the essence of the way of the king!"

"Are there not those who rise to power among the nobles and officials?"

"Because Bai Yu's arguments can enable anyone to ascend to the lofty throne and rule over a vast territory."

"The authority of a ruler does not come from divine bestowal, but from human actions!"

"If Bai Yu's arguments were spread throughout the world, it would inevitably lead to great chaos! The people would be angered and revolt!"

"Therefore, Your Majesty..."

"You are afraid!"

"Is that so?"



The young man's whisper was like a haunting melody, passing through the ears and into the mind.

Bursting like fireworks.

Effortlessly, it entered the deepest recesses of the soul.


"The world belongs to Us!"

"Am I afraid of you?!"

Having cultivated his composure for many years, Emperor Lansu did not show his emotions easily.

However, he was easily provoked by this overly audacious young scholar.

His eyes widened, his face turned red, and he slammed the table fiercely.

He shouted loudly.

With just a few words, he effortlessly revealed his innermost thoughts.

This young man was too terrifying!

For a king, this was also too dangerous.

A king cannot allow anyone to easily guess his thoughts.

Yet, this young man was only meeting him for the first time today, and they had barely exchanged a few words. He didn't know him at all.

And yet, it had come to this.

He had never encountered such a person before.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Accompanied by the emperor's roar.

The sound of numerous swords being unsheathed echoed in the palace.

The gleam of blades flashed before Bai Yu's eyes.

The emperor's living and working quarters were undoubtedly the safest place in the world.

At the same time, it was also the most dangerous place.

Countless hidden guards lurked in the shadows.

As long as the emperor gave the order, they would rush out and chop Bai Yu into pieces.

Oh my...

How terrifying!

Will Sister Long save me?

"Is Your Majesty going to kill me?"

In the midst of this crisis, Bai Yu's expression remained calm.

He simply asked the enraged emperor in a calm tone.

From the very beginning, he knew that this place was dangerous.

"Do you think I dare not kill you?"

When the emperor is angry, a million corpses will lie in his wake.

It doesn't seem difficult to deal with such a scholar.

But for some reason,

Facing Bai Yu's gaze,

Lan Su felt a strange sense of unease.

Such a young genius, who is both intelligent and close to being a demon,

Does he not know that I want to kill him?

The things he writes, the first reaction of a king would be to kill him.

No matter how talented or clever he is, if he exceeds the limits, it becomes a huge threat!

Instead of using him, it's better to kill him!

Can't Bai Yu figure it out?

That's impossible!

He is fully capable of writing a perfect test paper that doesn't make him fearful.

He is well aware that Bai Yu has this ability.

There are some things he knows that can be left unsaid.


He deliberately added those words about ruling and controlling the people.

Which caught his attention the most.

He dares to write, which means he is not afraid!

"Of course."


Bai Yu nodded gently, still with a calm expression,

Quietly looking into Lan Su's eyes, he asked, "Your Majesty, are you sure you want to cut off this path and make an enemy of Bai Yu?"

Amidst the shadows of blades and swords, under the furious gaze of an emperor,

He lightly touched his chest, his eyes full of confidence, "Do you need a commoner to tell you the result of making this decision?"

He stared back at the emperor, saying calmly, "You cannot kill me!"

"And, you will lose a loyal minister who was born in this country and has affection for this land, leaving behind a name that will last for eternity!"

He pointed at himself, his words completely devoid of any modesty.

Comparing himself to a loyal minister whose name will last for eternity.

So proud, so confident, so arrogant!

In front of the king, he showed no restraint.


In the next moment,

The spiritual platform trembled,

A gentle breeze suddenly blew through the silent palace,

Lan Su trembled violently,

Unable to take his eyes off Bai Yu,

This young man once again shocked him.

He felt as if there was an indescribable and inexplicable power emanating from the other person, an eerie aura beyond comprehension.

For some reason,

He inexplicably felt that this person is extraordinary, not simple!

He is not someone who can be easily killed.

"Who are you?"

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