Zhizhou: \"You're An Official, But You're Raising A Bunch Of Demonesses?

Chapter 420: Tell Me Clearly, What Kind Of Pen Are You Using?

Chapter 420: Tell me clearly, what kind of pen is it?

"If people all over the world deposit their surplus money in banks and hand it over to the state for management, won't they have money?"

Bai Yu leaned on the chair and said to Lan Xi with a smile.

"But...the country can't just create something out of thin air to pay the people's interest! Over time, this will also be a big hole.

Bai Yu's unconstrained ideas suddenly enlightened Lan Xi.

She felt that the door to a new world had opened in front of her, and a promising road was unfolding towards her bit by bit.

Bai Yu shook his head and said with a smile: "Some people save money, and naturally some people need to withdraw money for loans.

"Merchants need capital to do business, and people need a large amount of funds suddenly to build houses or get married. They may not be able to collect a large amount of funds in a short period of time... In this case, the bank can provide it to them loan.

"The interest rate for bank loans is higher than the deposit interest rate for people to store money... In this way, won't you have money?"

"It can not only recycle currency, but also stimulate consumption."


Lan Xi seemed to be shocked, her eyes widened with wonder.


It's a wild, but promising, and amazing idea.


Lan Xi really feels that this monster Bai Yu is more suitable for this position than her.

He has too many ideas and has the vision to influence too many people.

It seems that all problems are not problems in front of him and can be solved in the best way.

Maybe if he became emperor, he would be better than her.

She lowered her eyes and sighed secretly.

Bai Yu didn't know what Lan Xi was thinking, so he just continued: "In this way, the country can control the monetary structure of society by adjusting bank interest rates. If it wants to have more money in the hands of residents and allow people to borrow more, then Lower the deposit interest rate. If you want people to save more money, then raise the deposit interest rate...

Bai Yu said to Lan Xi confidently based on the vision of another world standing on the shoulders of giants.

Her Majesty the Queen's eyes became brighter and brighter as she spoke directly.

There is much to be done, there is much to be done!

What Bai Yu said is not just as simple as setting up an organization.

It is a new model and a new economic structure.

No one has ever done it before, and they don’t know what the consequences will be if it is implemented rashly.

But there is no doubt that the upper limit of this idea is extremely high, because it has something to do.

"Tell me more...let's talk..."

If she hadn't been in the palace now, she would have summoned the ministers to discuss more details and feasibility.

She is like a sponge absorbing knowledge, desperately absorbing water from Bai Yu.

She wanted to know more.

Bai Yu shrugged: "What to say...that's all!"

I'm not omnipotent, this is just a framework of ideas, more details need to be filled in, and I can't guarantee whether it can be implemented smoothly. "

"His Majesty also needs to discuss with the ministers, such as the appropriate interest rate, how to publicize it, who can borrow money, the maximum loan amount, penalties for overdue repayment, specific recording procedures, and deposit certificates cannot be forged. ..."

The evolution of the bank took hundreds of years of continuous updating and optimization before it became what Bai Yu was in his previous life.

However, even Bai Yu's previous life was not perfect.

Money is a very sensitive thing,

It can turn ghosts into humans, and it can also turn humans into ghosts.

It is destined to experience many human trials and challenges.

Bai Yu didn't know what would happen if this thing was introduced in this era when science was still lagging behind.

But there is no doubt that,

This new system was established,

It requires too much preparation work and detailed elaboration to turn it into the most suitable mode for operation in this era.

This is exactly what needs the most effort,

Bai Yu was too lazy to do it.

If everything is left to him, what do you want the empress Lan Xi to do, and what do you want the ministers below who are on official salary?

"Ah? Is this the end?"

Her Majesty the Empress woke up from a dream and looked at Bai Yu with some unfinished thoughts.

He kept mumbling and said.

The expression is a little... strange.

how to say?

It's like a wife looking at a helpless man at night.

Bai Yu's temples bulged.

Gou men are always like this!

It's both love-hate and love-hate.

So are the various ideas put forward before,

Give an eye-catching frame every time,

However, I won’t go into details anymore, more details,

She would then have to argue with various ministers, brainstorm ideas, and discuss for several days before she could implement it in detail.

This bad guy is obviously so smart, but he always likes to be lazy.

His simple words can always find the most critical answer to the problem, but he just doesn't say it.

The next moment, I saw the world spinning in front of me,


Her Majesty the Empress couldn't help but exclaimed,

But her body was already being gently held in someone's arms.

Bai Yu narrowed his eyes and said to her fiercely: "Your Majesty, your eyes are very dangerous!"

"It seems that it has been too long since I discussed important matters with His Majesty at night. It's time to revitalize my husband!"

Her Majesty the Empress has learned bad things from the vixen, and it’s time to educate her.

Put aside national affairs for now,

Mind your own little things first!


"Let go first, I'm going to take a note and write it down."

Although he is a high-ranking emperor, he is an unparalleled champion.

But the love between the two seems to be no different from that of ordinary people.

They are all an old married couple,

(Zhao? Zhao) Her Majesty the Empress is not ashamed either.

Even on the contrary, there was a glint in his eyes, with a hint of expectation.

Gently pushing Bai Yu, he didn't use the calendar at all.

She looked at him and said as if she wanted to return the favor.

What happened to the empress?

The empress also needs nightlife.

"Take a note and write it down?"

Bai Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at her playfully: "Tell me clearly, what kind of pen did you use and where did you take the notes?"

"Remember it carefully, I want to supervise it!"

Lan Xi:?

Bad stuff!

The two had fun for a while,

Suddenly, Lan Xi seemed to have thought of something, her eyes flashed, revealing a bit of cunning.

The next moment,


Suddenly, golden light flashed,

Suddenly, a distant roar of dragons came from the palace.

The aura of innate nobility ripples around in circles.

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