Zhizhou: \"You're An Official, But You're Raising A Bunch Of Demonesses?

Chapter 43: I'm Too Angry! The So-Called Loyalty And Filial Piety

Chapter 43: It infuriates me! The So-called Loyalty and Filial Piety





"A thousand-year royal city, rivers of blood!"

"A hundred-year dynasty, severed today!"

"Your name will be engraved on the pillar of historical shame!"

"Your kingdom is now extinct!"

"All your people will be slaughtered!"

"Everyone shall be buried with the parents of the commoners!"

The cold words of the young man seemed like a curse, penetrating his mind.

And he could never forget.

Anger, fear, despair, regret... various emotions intertwined.

Lansu's eyes widened with anger,

He slammed the table and stood up.

His face turned red, trembling with rage, his lips buzzing.

Pointing at Bai Yu's nose,

Unable to utter a complete sentence.



"How dare you!"

Not to mention that such a situation had occurred.

Just hearing it, just thinking about it.

It was enough to drive Lansu crazy.

He had never even dreamed of anything as terrible as this.

How absurd, how terrifying, how sinister...

Clearly, he was just a young man in his prime!

Defecting to another country, returning for revenge, bloodshed in the royal city, the destruction of the dynasty...

How could he dare?

How could he?

Speak such words?

"If Your Majesty insists on taking this foolish step!"

"Then Your Majesty can try and see if the commoners dare, see if the commoners can!"

Bai Yu's gaze was intense, facing the furious king,

But he showed no sign of backing down.


"It infuriates me!"

"It infuriates me!"

Somehow, when looking into the young man's clear eyes,


He seemed to see another scene through the other's eyes,

Ruined walls and billowing smoke,

Iron cavalry entering the imperial city,

Burning, killing, looting, rivers of blood.

The ancient capital destroyed in an instant.

The hundred-year dynasty severed forever.

The royal family completely exterminated, hanging in the most humiliating manner at the city gate, exposed to wind and sun.



Lansu was shocked and angry, trembling all over, shouting with his head raised.

Since he became king,

When has he ever encountered such a person?

If what he said is true!

After his death, how can he face the former emperor and ancestors?

How should future generations evaluate him as a king who caused the downfall of the country?

Not to mention gambling, he doesn't even dare to think about it!

Just thinking about it is enough to make his mind tremble.


Seeing that the emperor was not in the right state.

The hidden guards around suddenly drew their knives,

Intending to rush forward and capture Bai Yu, the strange person who had angered the emperor.

"Get out of here!"

"Everyone, step back!"

However, then,

Lan Su suddenly became furious and slammed the table.

Instead of scolding Bai Yu again,

He scanned the surroundings with eagle-like eyes and roared.


Instantly, the attendants fell silent,

Swords returned to their sheaths, once again hiding in the shadows.

"Do you know what you're saying? Betraying your own country, killing your own parents! This is disloyalty and unfilialness, deviating from the right path!"

Lan Su no longer cared about the emperor's emotions, only looking at Bai Yu and questioning.

A young man who is only twenty years old, saying such grandiose words of causing the downfall of a country,

It's simply outrageous, sounding somewhat ridiculous.

If spoken out, others would think he's a delusional madman.

But surprisingly,

The angry emperor, however, did not question this at all.

That brilliant and stunning test paper already revealed a lot.

Now seeing this person with such radiance and brilliance.

It is clear that he is extraordinary!

Lan Su understood very well!

Although he didn't want to believe it,

subconsciously, he knew,

this young man... can do anything he wants!

"Disloyalty and unfilialness?"


Bai Yu, upon hearing this, seemed to find it amusing and chuckled lightly.

"Your Majesty, as a commoner who has achieved academic success and come to serve the country, how can I be considered disloyal?"

"If my parents were to die unjustly, and I seek revenge for them, how can I be considered unfilial?"

"If the country and the king do not accept me, do not accept my family. If the country betrays me, if the king betrays me, should I still repay them with my life? This is not loyalty, this is foolishness!"

"My parents gave birth to me and raised me, showing me respect. They raised me even when they grew old. However, they cannot control every aspect of my life. If, in my prime years, I obey everything my parents say, using my life to repay their nurturing, what is the meaning of my own life? This is not filial piety, this is lacking independence!"

Bai Yu's words were sharp and convincing,

his words sounded somewhat unconventional,

going against the mainstream ideas of loyalty to the ruler and filial piety towards parents that scholars usually adhere to.

However, his words were logical and clear,

easily dismantling Lan Su's deceptive arguments that confused right and wrong with the greater situation.

In the end, many of the country's ideas may be correct.

However, many of them are also the fundamental principles propagated by emperors to maintain their rule.

"I have heard that governing a country with filial piety does not harm one's relatives."

"Your Majesty, have you ever considered who is responsible if it ultimately leads to such a result?"

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