Chapter 430: Dad never lies (Completed)


"There was just a crisp sound in Wangdi Pavilion, and the wine bowl was smashed to pieces."

"The overlord Donghuang is also a hero at the end of his life. Even though there is no chance for him to turn around, he still smiles wildly and looks at the handsome young master-like champion opposite him.

"Lang smiled and said: 'Bai Yu, come, fight me one last time!'


"The champion should respond to him. They are rivals and confidants!"

"When the blood-drinking gentian gun that killed millions of people is drawn out and pointed directly at the king who dominates the world, the war is about to break out..."

Flavor Restaurant, time flies by for hundreds of years,

At first, this restaurant was only a little-known restaurant on the outskirts of Beijing.

Gradually, it spread throughout the country and became famous all over the world.


It is said that its original founder,

I have some connection with the legendary champion Hou Bai Yu. I made a huge bet and received his guidance, and I got to where I am today.

The most Apex Level VIP wooden card is only given to one person, and that is the champion.

You can often hear storytellers telling stories and legends here.

This is a tradition that started from the very beginning and continues to this day.

The most classic one is the legendary story of the champion.


The storyteller in the tavern was spitting and talking passionately about the thrilling final battle between Champion Hou and Dong Huang.

And at this moment,


"What you said is wrong, that's not the case!"

Suddenly, a milky female voice came.

Everyone in the tavern was stunned.

The storyteller also stopped. If his voice hadn't been childish, he would have thought someone was here to cause trouble.

As far as the eye can see,

But seeing a delicate and charming little girl carved from powder came into view,

She put her hands on her hips, her eyes full of confidence, and said in a somewhat charming way: "My father told me that he and Donghuang clearly decided the winner with scissors and baggage hammer~"

She looks so cute. She has a bun, a plain skirt, and her waist is so cute and tight.

Even if the atmosphere is interrupted,


When everyone saw such a cute little girl, they couldn't feel any disgust at all.

The children who heard such innocent words couldn't help laughing.

"Girl, your father told you, will the champion produce cloth, hammer or scissors?"

"Hahaha, come on, girl, uncle wants to play with you."

"Haha, Lao Liu, this is so creative! You can talk about it like this in the future~"

Those are the champions 993 Hou and Donghuang!

How can we decide the outcome in such a childish way?

It was obviously a story told by a father to coax his children.

However, they did not pay attention to the fact that the pronoun "he" mentioned by the girl actually refers to her father, not the champion prince mentioned by the storyteller earlier.

"Daddy~ Isn't that right~"

The little girl is so smart that she feels like the people around her are laughing at her.

He couldn't help pouting, and jumped directly into the arms of the handsome man who was teasing the little fox, and asked coquettishly.

"Of course it's true~"

Bai Yu didn't care about the teasing looks from people around him.

Just hugging the little girl and gently smelling the same smell as Sister Long on her body,

He smiled and said: "Your mother saw it at that time! If you don't believe it, let Uncle Lan tell you in person next time when you are free~"

"Daddy never lies to anyone~"


It’s over~

I am very grateful to be able to keep up with my friends till now.

As usual, just like Overlord Flower, here are some fragmentary thoughts of the author.

The first thing I can assure you is that this book was typed word by word by myself.

There is no ghostwriting, all the books in this account are written by me.

Some readers of Late Stage said: Oops, why do I feel like the writing is wrong? Why is the plot so retarded? Has the author changed?


You overestimate me!

I am actually such a hot chick!

I am ashamed to say that after writing novels for so long, I am still like a novice, I don’t even know where to find a ghostwriter.

About this book,

Come on, come on, everyone wants to follow me, I will announce something,

I'm a fool!

Alas, there are actually many shortcomings in this article.

First let’s talk about the most controversial plot of Jiu Yuan.

This is my problem,

I had thought about this plot before the protagonist went to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. At that time, I seemed to have watched a video about children being abandoned, and I was deeply moved.

People are like this. Only when they lose it will they realize and cherish it.

I just wanted to write a plot about the love between mother and daughter. The original plan was that during the battlefield with the gods, Hong Ling was in danger, Jiu Yuan risked her life to save her, and then chased the child to the crematorium. This drama deepened in the process. The relationship with the protagonist (I don’t know about mother and daughter donburi...).

I feel that only when there is a turning point, a regret, and a change from ruthlessness to affection can such feelings be profound enough.

Because I just wrote about the emotions that arose out of nothing, it seemed dry.

In addition, some readers have said that the plot of always seeing a banshee (chef) monster and then taking it away is too monotonous, and I want a villain.

Damn it, my brain was twitching, so I wrote it stupidly.

This mistake is different from Kong Lingshuang’s previous one.

Kong Lingshuang is out of touch with her character.

Jiuyuan is not,

In fact, the plot is not brainless. From Jiuyuan's perspective and her character, what she does is true and reasonable.

This is her lifelong obsession. She will definitely become dizzy when it is so close to her eyes, and she will definitely do whatever it takes to do it.

It’s not a big deal to destroy the protagonist’s character, because I always think that for some people, killing her is not a harsh punishment.

Is Yama important?

In fact, it is not that, in a sense, every position in the underworld is unimportant.

Because it is the main character’s speech,

You can send it up if you want, and you can jerk it off if you want. For the protagonist, they are actually wage earners, and they are all cogs that make up the power system.

Let Jiuyuan be punished and arrange a vacant job at the same time. She will not bear the power and glory of this position, so I think there is no problem.

But I overlooked one thing,

Everyone is here to see the refreshing article, not to see the frustration.

After I posted it, everyone scolded me a lot, and I actually regretted it. Isn’t it good that I just kept writing cool articles?

I'm an idiot!

In the subsequent plot, because everyone was so resistant to her, and I thought she was quite bitchy, she disappeared.


When I read books in the past, I always scolded the author for what he wrote. He was clumsy, stupid, too naive, had repetitive plots, and just wanted to show off.

Now after writing it myself,

I found it really difficult because some plots cannot be written or controlled.

If there are not enough twists and turns and contradictions, and the emotions are not deep enough, it will appear to be a noob.

In the final analysis, technology is still not good enough.

Alas, I still have to practice!

However, from the author's perspective, this is actually not the biggest trouble with this book.

The biggest trouble is Goldfinger. My Goldfinger design is such a waste!

The completion cycle was so long that I lost all my hair while writing the detailed outline.

When I need something, I find that the plot doesn't keep up.

I don't want him to appear again when something comes out too early.

I actually didn’t want the protagonist to become the Lord of the Netherworld so early.

However, Yunyao's tasks have been completed, so there is nothing he can do.

There are some rewards I want, but I find there is no way.

In short, this Goldfinger is really dependable!

A certain fool who copied my novel couldn't see the advantages and disadvantages, so he copied this thing too, not knowing what to say.

The third point is the power system of gods and Buddhas. This book is not an upgrade novel because I really don’t like to read novels that spend a lot of time talking about the protagonist’s cultivation, upgrade and becoming stronger.

I don’t know if you can see it or not, but my immortal god is based on the power status of the officialdom as a template and human calculations as a link. It is very different from the normal power system of upgrading and strong means strong.

This was designed after I saw some big guys explaining Journey to the West.

But... I'm still too rubbish. I can't create a perfect system. I haven't polished it well. There are a lot of holes in the details. I also lack imagination. I made Yitshet and finished it hastily.

It was originally planned that the final war with Lan Chi would be written like the Battle of the Gods, where immortals would participate in the battle, you would sing and I would go on stage, and it would be a battle of Divine Ability.

I even thought about a lot of various spells, Divine Ability, and some divine character settings.

However, I found that the protagonist was too barren and had a shallow background, but he still had to be invincible.

Lan Chi's cheating is also difficult to use. It's stupid if you use it too low, but you're afraid of being disliked by readers if you use it too high.

After thinking about it for a long time, I gave up.

Therefore, the scenes of Ming Yan'er, Hong Ling, Little Black Cat, Little Crow, Ling, Tao Rui, and Wu Die, who were originally planned to shine here, were also deleted.

This is my biggest regret in the whole book.

Mud, after writing a book for so long, I still feel like I am stinging my feet.

Regarding the heroine,

This is actually the first time I have written about so many female protagonists in the harem, and there are indeed some problems.

Many readers don't like bulldozer stallions, and I don't either.

But when you actually write it down, you will find that it is really difficult to cover everything.

My favorite is undoubtedly Sister Long.

She is the most beautiful heroine I think I have ever created.

You will find that other heroines may have to part ways,

Only Sister Long is the one I have always arranged to be by Bai Yu's side.

No matter what Bai Yu does, there is always his sympathetic sister Long watching him.

I don't want them to be separated.

In the follow-up, you can actually find that Sister Long and Bai Yu get along less and less, it can be said to be almost non-existent.

Because there is nothing more to write.

I actually want to write more about her relationship with the protagonist.

But I don’t know how to write about her beauty.

Whenever I write about daily life with other heroines, I wonder, should I transfer it to Sister Long?

However, there are too many women, and sometimes I really can’t find a suitable focus.

grandma drops,

Why am I such a hottie?

The above are probably the shortcomings of this book that I personally feel.

There are some other things,

The author is a very emotional person, thinks a lot, and is easily moved by himself.

Commonly known as pretentious, it is inevitably written in a literary style.

I have tried to persuade myself many times, but it is still difficult to change.

I started writing cool stuff, but then I started writing emotional stuff without even realizing it.

I'm very sorry if I have caused a bad experience to everyone.

Frankly speaking, the author and Bai Yu are completely opposite people.

The author is a rat in the third dimension, typing or playing games every day.

I don’t have too many friends, and I don’t have much entertainment.

Le, my family doesn’t really support my coding.

The mental state may not be very good.

I am not saying this to make myself miserable, because compared to many people, I am quite happy.

Just telling everyone about my status. can also be understood as making excuses.

My mentality is also quite bad. I have a very bad habit of reading comments.

Because it took me a long time to create and I can't get any recognition in reality, I hope to receive positive feedback from here.

Sometimes I feel uncomfortable and aggrieved when I am scolded.

Because I create stories seriously and want to express some of my thoughts and concepts.

I don't mean to disgust anyone with any malicious intent.

I really tried my best to write the book.

There is no hydrology just bad money.

There are no routines, each chapter is carefully thought out and written with a good plot.

In this book, you probably won’t see much of the vulgar pretentiousness and slap-in-the-face complex, right?

Because I don’t like to read, I don’t like to write, so I won’t fool everyone.

But my level is just like this. If you are not satisfied, Tianfen is sorry.

I think I am qualified as an author.

You spend money to read a book, and I will try my best to tell you a story.

I think this is correct, right?

My ability is limited, so I am very sorry if I have brought you a bad experience.

At first, I was praised a bit too highly by everyone, and I was very scared.

I have too many comments, some good and some bad, much more than other novels about the same body star.

I'm actually quite scared, because if I climb too high and fall, it will be very painful.

My nerves were always tense, and I was living in a haze every day. In the next few days, I was not mentally normal.

When it came to the plot of Jiu Yuan, I didn’t even dare to watch it.

All in all, I was quite tired writing this book. It was my first time writing a book like this.

I want to take a break for now.

If I write again in the future, I will try to improve my mentality and control myself not to read comments again.

I want to live hard, grow in the sunshine, and live a healthier life.

I hope you don’t want to be a rat person.

When I read the comments, if I don't agree with some comments that are offensive, I will directly delete them and add them to the blacklist.

There are also some idiots who say that readers who like my books are ‘filial sons’.

Hmm... Then you may not have the chance to be a dutiful son.

I really dislike the word "filial son" on the Internet. I have never posted this word online.

I really don't understand,

A civilization inherited for five thousand years, based on filial piety,

Why is such an important word so stigmatized?

Will you really be happy playing these bad jokes?

Previously, if you said that a person is a filial son, the other person will be very happy and think that you are healing him.

Now I have to think about whether this person is scolding me.

Everyone has things they like and people they like, and some people speak out for the things they like.

As a result, some groups come up and label someone as a ‘filial son’.

There are reasons why you don't like it, and there are reasons why others like it.

I didn’t offend you, so why can’t I recognize the difference in ideas?

You just say what you don't like and express your opinions. Why do you want to label it and attack it?

Filial son, boiling sheep... these words are labeled as such, and the discussion is omitted directly, making them invincible.

Looking back now,

In fact, I feel that I am quite childish a lot of the time.

People with a bad mentality are not suitable for playing on the Internet.

You still need to practice, you still need to make yourself better.

If any book friends whose reviews have been deleted read this, I apologize to you.

I am so sorry.

If you are a companion with pinkeye and rhythm,'re paraffin wax~

By the way, it seems that f cannot mention books from other websites, and comments will be automatically deleted.

Some readers said that my book was plagiarized, and my website and book review were deleted.

Some readers said that my book was like Ke Qiyuan, and the book review was deleted.

There are also some other comments that have been swallowed. I don’t know what rules were violated. It’s really not me who deleted them!


Well, that's probably it.

The story is finished~

Friends who see this, thank you very much for your support and likes.

I hope that everything goes well for you, that you grow toward the sun, and that you are accompanied by flowers and glory along the way.

There is a long way to go, we will meet again later.


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