Zhizhou: \"You're An Official, But You're Raising A Bunch Of Demonesses?

Chapter 5 Being Too Smart Doesn't Seem To Be All Good

Chapter 5: Being too perceptive and sharp doesn't seem to be entirely advantageous.

The speaker is a well-built middle-aged man.

He is dressed in luxurious clothing and wears a jade bracelet. He sits alone at a table, surrounded by delicious food and wine.

He disdainfully glances at the pretentious scholars nearby.

"Why do you speak like this?"

"Aren't the scholars supposed to assist our emperor in governing the country?"

"Big brother, not to mention second brother, you are a merchant. Being involved in commerce makes you cunning. You prioritize personal gain over emotions. What qualifications do you have to criticize us?"

"It is precisely because of people like you that the moral standards of society are declining and people's hearts are no longer virtuous!"

"Is having a few silver coins in your pocket something to be proud of?"


In terms of eloquence, the scholars are quite formidable.

Bai Yu hasn't spoken yet, but the scholars around him engage in a back-and-forth exchange of words.

Mocking remarks are constantly being made.

The merchant, who lacks eloquence, widens his eyes and turns red in the face.


He angrily slams the table.

"You bunch of poor scholars!"

"If any of you can achieve fame and success, I'll eat this table!"

After glaring at a few people, he looks around and stands up in anger.

Then he leaves in a huff.

Everyone is taken aback, thinking that he might resort to violence.

However, he unexpectedly leaves without causing any trouble.

"Sir, you haven't paid your bill yet!"

The waiter, who was busy serving customers, suddenly remembers something and his expression changes.

He hurriedly shouts and runs towards the door.

However, there is no sign of anyone outside.

"So, he wanted to dine and dash!"

"Hey! That's so unethical!"

"This is what merchants are like, cunning and deceitful! What a bad omen!"

"I knew he wasn't a good person just by looking at his fat head and small eyes!"

"He may have fat arms and legs, but he can run pretty fast!"

"Considering the expensive food, we should report this to the authorities, innkeeper!"


The people present also realize what happened.

They can't help but sneer and mock the departing merchant.

The merchant, driven by greed, clearly has money but still tries to escape without paying.

It truly disgusts people.

Bai Yu remains silent throughout, simply observing as a bystander.

Soon, he finishes his meal and drinks.

"Everyone, I have to leave now!"

He settled the bill and bowed to the remaining few people.

They were just passing acquaintances and drinking buddies.

It couldn't be considered a close relationship.

"Oh? Brother Bai, are you leaving already?"

"Take care on your journey!"

"When we meet again in the capital, we must have a good drink together!"


A few boastful scholars bowed to Bai Yu and bid farewell with some reluctance.

"Definitely, definitely."

Bai Yu waved his hand and left.

However, as soon as Bai Yu left,

"Hey~ These days, anyone can participate in the imperial examination~"

"It's only because he's good-looking, what's the use?"

"Such a carefree person, only knows how to eat, doesn't know etiquette, how can he become an official?"

"It doesn't matter, it's good to have more people like him! It will always highlight our knowledge."


The people who were just joking around had changed their expressions and sneered,

saying with some disdain.

Perhaps they were jealous of Bai Yu's good looks, or perhaps they were dissatisfied with his disregard for formalities, his lack of flattery, and his refusal to associate with them...

In any case, they didn't think highly of him.

When Bai Yu was present, he was the one everyone looked out for, and they were close and happy.

But after Bai Yu left, he became the subject of their ridicule.

In this world, people's hearts are fickle, and this is generally the case.

"But he's just an ordinary person, why bother talking about him!"

"Li Xiong, I heard you have information about this year's exam questions, can you share?"

"Oh, Liu Xiong is a talented person with outstanding ideas. Do you really need to know this useless knowledge?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Haha... let me tell you..."



"Ah, it seems that having sharp ears and keen eyesight is not always a good thing."

A few steps away from the shop door, Bai Yu paused, as if he had heard something,

shaking his head repeatedly, sighing softly, seemingly troubled as he murmured.

Making friends is really difficult.

Even if everyone seems friendly but distant, not conspiring together, there's no need to rush to say it out loud~

I can hear it!

People's hearts are like ants, it's regrettable~

Since these few people don't like him so much, they must not believe him.

Then he doesn't need to tell them that this shop is a scam...

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