Zhizhou: \"You're An Official, But You're Raising A Bunch Of Demonesses?

Chapter 53 If You Can Get His Approval, Then You Are The Heir Apparent

Chapter 53: If you can gain his approval, then you will be the crown prince.

"Do you recognize him?"

Lan Su looked at his astonished daughter and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Um...we've met briefly before."

Lan Xi subconsciously touched her chest, blushing slightly.

She never expected that someone like him...would write such an impressive answer.

"Would a whale shark, who roams the rivers and seas, care about a few small fish fighting over shrimp?"

The disdainful image of that person was still fresh in her mind.

He wasn't just bragging...

He really was a whale shark, roaming the rivers and seas!

He gave such an astonishing answer.

And he only used such a short amount of time.

She even saw when he left.


Lan Su raised an eyebrow and pointed at the paper in her hand, saying lightly, "If you can gain his approval, then you will be the crown prince. After I die, you will be the king!"


Another earth-shattering news.

As if hearing something unbelievable, Lan Xi trembled suddenly.

The paper in her hand felt as heavy as a thousand pounds, and she could barely hold it steady.

For so many years, even though the ministers repeatedly advised him, Lan Su still resisted the pressure and didn't appoint a crown prince.

No one knew what he was thinking.

The factions of the princess and the second prince fought countless times in secret.

The emperor just watched, never taking a stance.

Lan Xi was also quite helpless.

In terms of talent, she believed she had the ability to govern, and she had no problem handling political affairs.

In terms of identity, she was the legitimate eldest daughter.

In terms of prestige, she was not lacking.

She worked very hard, using all her efforts and squeezing out all her time to study and become a good ruler.

She never understood why her father didn't pass the throne to her.

Instead, he gradually supported her younger brother, Lan Chi.

Lan Chi was brave enough, but he was too stubborn, too domineering, too cruel, and too militaristic...

At least in her opinion, it was not suitable for the current court.

But her father allowed the two sides to compete freely.

He never took a stance.

And now, suddenly, he made her a promise.

She was caught off guard.

Bai Yu recognized her...

Is she the crown prince?

Bai Yu... What kind of aphrodisiac did this person give to the emperor?

Even if he wrote such a sensational article.

We can't just entrust the future of the country to him based on this, can we?

He's only sixteen years old!

"The same applies to Lan Chi!"


Lan Su looked at her shocked and somewhat dumbfounded daughter.

Shaking his head, he continued, "If he approves of Lan Chi, then Lan Chi will be the crown prince."

"This... this..."

Lan Xi stared at Lan Su, somewhat incredulous, and said, "Is he really that important?"

Lan Su pointed to the test paper in her hand and asked, "Isn't he important?"

Lan Xi: ...

"Let me show you something interesting."

Lan Su seemed to remember something and took out a paper document, handing it to her, and said lightly, "A small tavern in the capital has recently gained fame and quickly become the most prominent inn in Lielang City in less than a month."

"What do you think is the reason?"

Lan Xi opened the document and carefully examined it.

Meanwhile, Lan Su introduced in her ear, "The reason is that before the imperial examination, the innkeeper of the tavern, Hua Baijin, bought three strategies from Bai Yu, which are the three strategies in your hand!"

Lan Xi stared blankly, "This... Baijin? Buying three strategies?"

Too extravagant!

But after seeing the content on the letter, her eyes widened.

She is not involved in business.

However, having learned so much, her level of understanding is much higher than that of ordinary people, and one can see the value of these three strategies to some extent.

"Take a closer look. Although these three strategies are simple, upon careful consideration, they are full of infinite mysteries, transcending boundaries and containing the essence of human nature. If one can comprehend their essence, then traveling the world to engage in business and strategy would be easy!"

"A hundred gold is really selling for too little!"

"A thousand gold should not be exchanged!"

Lan Xi leaned against the seat, her eyes seemingly filled with some emotion: "Such a thing is casually brought out by a young man of only sixteen years old, exchanging it for a hundred gold to squander."

"This proves that he doesn't care about it at all!"

"Think about it, how much has he revealed, and how much has he hidden?"

"This person is too intelligent, almost supernatural! His understanding of human nature has reached a terrifying level!"

Lan Xi: ...

That person is indeed very clever.

The first time they met, his eyes were incredibly profound, as if he could see through people's hearts.

Just through a few lines of dialogue, it seemed like he had figured out her identity.

Father has never praised anyone like this before.

No... perhaps it's not praise, but envy and jealousy.

Even the supreme emperor, the ruler of the empire, is jealous and envious of him... How is that possible?

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