Zhizhou: \"You're An Official, But You're Raising A Bunch Of Demonesses?

Chapter 75 Gentle Township, Tomb Of Heroes; How Can You Be Such A Philistine?

Chapter 75: Gentle Town, Hero's Tomb; How can you be so materialistic?

Although the mysterious and enchanting Fox Lady asked Bai Yu to find her at the Flower Moon Tower,

In these past few days, Bai Yu has not gone to look for that enchanting beauty.

Or perhaps it should be said that he hasn't gone anywhere.

Countless people outside are discussing him,

Saying how outstanding he is, how talented he is, how ambitious he is...

But in reality,

The main character is indulging in the gentle town, unable to extricate himself.

"Sister Long, why... don't you call me husband?"

He embraced the beautiful Dragon Fairy Sister's waist,

Resting his head on her neck, gently exhaling, and asked with a mischievous smile.

After going through the tribulation together to form a bond,

As time passed, they had become the most intimate couple.

"Don't... just call me Young Master..."

A hint of blush quietly appeared on her fair skin,

The beauty blushed, her pretty face turning slightly red, surpassing all the sweet words in the world.

In just a few days, Sister Long had completely changed from before.

Her eyes were filled with tenderness, her gaze flowing,

Radiating a shimmering water-like glow, the immortal who was once cold and detached from worldly affairs had completely descended to the mortal realm, taking on a human touch.

The thousand-year-old Dragon Fairy had fallen in love,

But it was only for the first time in this lifetime.

There was no difference from a shy young girl.

The beauty gently gathered her slightly messy hair and tucked it behind her ears.

Then she sat in front of Bai Yu,

Her fingers gently and gracefully tidying up his disheveled collar, like a gentle and dignified wife.

"Young Master, we... can't always be like this..."

She said softly.

Gentle Town, Hero's Tomb.

In these few days, Young Master hasn't done anything, just accompanying her every day, intimately close.

Unprecedented joy and happiness filled his heart.

But at the same time,

Sister Long inexplicably felt like she was a wicked woman who brought disaster to the country and the people.

After all, Young Master had spoken of having a heart for the world... someone who said such things.

How could he be intoxicated with this every day!

Moreover, the palace examination is coming soon, he should at least prepare.

After all, so many people are looking forward to him!

Being praised so highly, if he were to fall,

It would truly be a devastating blow!

Although no matter what Young Master does, she will always be by his side until the end of time.

But overall, she hopes for his well-being.


"Sister Long, do you want to change the scene? Change to a few new poses?"

Bai Yu held up the beautiful woman's delicate face, and Meng Lang leaned down to kiss her, jokingly saying.

Now he really has nothing to do!

Even the old emperor in the palace examination has already designated him as the top scholar.

Why bother to work hard?

Isn't it better to take the easy way out?

Apart from that, there is only eating, drinking, and having fun left.

Miss Lingbi said that the guests didn't come.

The eldest princess and the second prince didn't come to find him either.

He was indeed interested in the matter of the fox spirit, but now he had to accompany Sister Long.

Naturally, he put that bewitching and mysterious fox aside.

Isn't it good to enjoy life in a timely manner?

IE: ???

"Young Master~~々~~"


The relationship has reached its peak.

This bad person still likes to tease her!

"Haha, Sister Long, do you want to go out for a stroll!"

"Then let's go out on a date!"

Bai Yu held her hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. Bai Yu, I am Shi Hongqu, currently serving as the sacrificial official of the Qianyuan Imperial Academy."

"I have come to visit without sending a greeting, please forgive me."

In the end, Bai Yu and Sister Long's date didn't happen.

After indulging in pleasure for these days, as soon as they went out, they were blocked by someone!

"It's okay!"

"I am just a sixteen-year-old student, Mr. Shi, please don't be so formal, just call me Bai Yu, I dare not accept the title of 'Mr.'"

Seeing the elderly Shi Hongqu visiting him with such respect, Bai Yu felt a bit strange.

He bowed to the other party and replied.

Now he is famous, and he can't stay in the small inn anymore.

The place where Bai Yu currently lives was arranged by Lan Xi, and he will be assigned a mansion after the palace examination.

Naturally, some people know his whereabouts.

"Those who excel in learning should be given priority. Mr. Bai Yu's talent is outstanding, and his aspirations are lofty. I, as an old man who has lived for fifty years, feel inferior."

Shi Hongqu shook his head, showing great admiration for Bai Yu in his words.

"Oh... Mr. Shi is too kind, please don't be so polite."

Sometimes, it is not as comfortable to get along with literary people as it is with straightforward martial artists.

The old man doesn't want to be a beauty like the eldest princess.

He speaks with a feeling of a high school teacher.

Just listening to it, Bai Yu already wanted to sleep.

"Mr. Shi, why did you come to me?

Bai Yu was in a hurry to go on a date with Sister Long!

Speaking of which, this is the first time Bai Yu has greeted an official from the Qianyuan Dynasty.

The Guozi Jian, also known as the Imperial Academy, is what is commonly referred to as the Kyoto University.

Princes, princesses, and the children of high-ranking officials are usually sent here to study.

Famous scholars in Kyoto, such as Ji Guangchong and Liu Zhijie, all studied at the Tianxue Academy.

Every time there is an imperial examination, a large number of talents are sent from the Guan Yuan, and basically the top few are students from the university.

Most of the officials in the court have also studied in the academy.

Even the imperial princesses and princes also study here.

Of course, the imperial princess is like an outstanding graduate, while the second prince is the type who is mischievous and drops out of school.

The Chief of the Guozi Jian is basically equivalent to the position of the president of a university and the director of the education bureau in the previous life, with a rank of fourth class.

The two middle-aged men behind him with serious appearances are the Si Ye, in charge of teaching and guidance, equivalent to the head of student affairs, with a rank of fourth class lower.

These three people are basically the ones in power in the Guozi Jian.

But today, they all came to find Bai Yu together.


Bai Yu was a little confused by the straightforwardness of the old man.

Shi Hongqu paused and said to Bai Yu, "Bai Yu, I heard that a few days ago, Princess Lan Xi held a poetry gathering, and you made four world-shaking vows at the gathering, is that true?"

The old man's face turned red, and he recited with some excitement, "To establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a mission for the people, to inherit the teachings of the past sages, and to bring eternal peace to the world."

He couldn't help but sigh, "The words and aspirations of the sages!"

"We scholars, born between heaven and earth, should seek this throughout our lives!"

These four sentences are world-shaking words that have emerged from the chaos of another world for five thousand years.

In this world, their impact is terrifying.

Even Shi Hongqu, an old educator who has devoted his life to learning, couldn't help but be impressed.

He even disregarded the difference in age and called Bai Yu, a sixteen-year-old boy, "Sir."

Or perhaps it should be said,

The more one delves into knowledge and exploration, the deeper the feeling towards these four lines becomes.

He looked at Bai Yu eagerly and said, "Today, this old man has come with a thick face to ask for a favor!"

Bai Yu raised an eyebrow and asked, "A favor?"


"This old man earnestly requests Mr. Bai Yu to write a calligraphy piece for our Imperial Academy, rewriting these four lines. We will then frame it into a plaque and place it at the entrance of the Imperial Academy, for scholars from all over the world to admire and pursue, serving as a moral lesson for us scholars."

These are four lines of wisdom that can be passed down through the ages!

To have it framed at the entrance is not only of great practical significance, but also of great historical significance.

After learning about this matter,

The old man immediately found Lan Xi and wanted to ask for the original manuscript written by Bai Yu.

Unfortunately, Lan Xi didn't even keep it for herself, it was taken by her father, and it seems that it was given to this old man.

Moreover, even if it was given to him,

It was written in small characters on rice paper, which cannot be used for framing and display.

So, these three people came to Bai Yu to make the request.

This has nothing to do with the quality of calligraphy,

What I write myself naturally has a different value from what others copy.


"I see..."


Upon hearing this, Bai Yu looked at the three of them with interest and readily nodded.

Writing four characters is indeed a simple task.


The old man's face brightened, and his emotions became uncontrollable.

He couldn't help but smile and said, "Mr. Bai Yu, we have prepared the ink and brush for you. You can start!"

"Master Shi, writing characters is a small matter. What I really want to discuss with you is..."

Bai Yu casually waved his hand and said with a smile, "How much will you pay me?"

For a moment,

There was a strange silence at the scene.

The old man's joyful expression suddenly froze.

The two officials behind him also had strange expressions on their faces.

How should I put it?

This frivolous and smiling young man,

Is quite different from the saint they imagined,

The one with a compassionate heart and a great ambition to save the world,

It seems like he's a bit different!

This is a mutually beneficial matter!

For an ordinary scholar, having their words quoted by the Imperial Academy (Li Li Zhao) is the ultimate honor.

How could this young man... still demand payment?

Can this be measured in terms of money?

For such a sacred matter, have you tainted it with the exchange of interests?


It's very strange!

"How... how can you be so mercenary?"

One of the officials behind the old man couldn't help but blurt out, asking Bai Yu.

The person who spoke such saintly words is now asking for payment from them.

This is really too contradictory!

It feels like the idol filter has been shattered.


Bai Yu narrowed his eyes and naturally asked him, "Isn't it natural to ask for payment for work done? Why do you call it mercenary?"

"Do you want to take advantage of us and make me work for nothing?"

I have built up my brand value.

If you want to use my name for advertising, shouldn't you pay me endorsement fees?

EA: ...

"How can such great words be tainted with the smell of copper?"

Bai Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Don't saints need to eat?"

"Is having ambition enough?"

"You have no wealth, no power, and yet you shout about your earth-shattering ambitions every day. Can you really achieve them?"


Although he copied such grand and great words,

Bai Yu never intended to put them into practice,

He doesn't have the heart of a saint, nor does he want to walk the path of a saint.

Walking the path of a saint is easy to starve to death.

The three people: ...

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