Zhizhou: \"You're An Official, But You're Raising A Bunch Of Demonesses?

Chapter 8 Transcending Tribulation Of Immortals, Mortal Suffering

Chapter 8: Immortals Transcending Tribulation, Mortals Facing Hardships

Fatty fainted.

The three brothers held the stolen money, facing Bai Yu, and fell into silence for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Should they share the spoils with this young master?

It seems that he is not very interested in it.

"Speak up, why did you engage in such activities?"

After Bai Yu kicked Fatty, he spoke first.

These three people are inexperienced and have this temperament.

If they were bandits or robbers, struggling to survive by robbing, they would have starved to death long ago.

As soon as these words were spoken, the youngest of the three brothers instantly froze.

He clenched the broken silver in his hand, his eyes turning red.

"Father... Mother..."

He lowered his gaze and couldn't help but sob softly.

The other two also had sorrowful expressions.

The eldest brother paused and said to Bai Yu, "Big brother, to be honest..."

"Eight days ago, my family suddenly encountered a disaster!"

"For no reason, the heavens sent thunder, causing the mountain to collapse and the flood to pour..."


The second brother beside him angrily pounded the tree trunk, let out a low roar, lowered his head, and was filled with grief.

"My family is in a low-lying area, and everything was submerged."

"Poor my parents..."

As he spoke, the voice of the nine-foot-tall man gradually weakened, but tears flowed uncontrollably.

"I am useless and couldn't borrow money to bury my parents."

"Now I can only engage in such activities to raise money..."

The story of the three brothers is very simple.

In this era, it is not difficult to understand.

Ancient people emphasized loyalty, filial piety, and belief in ghosts and gods.

When parents die and the family is poor, they cannot raise money.

Unable to properly bury their parents, they wander like lost souls, unable to find peace.

The three brothers have nothing but their physical strength and no quick way to make money.

So they simply came here to become bandits,

Robbing passersby to raise money.

However, because the three of them are honest and simple farmers, they have no experience in robbery.

Coupled with the remote mountain road and bad luck,

The passersby they encountered were all poor scholars, farmers, and woodcutters, not their targets.

Finally, they encountered this fatty with very little money.

Seeing that time was dragging on,

The three of them became more anxious and sorrowful.

Bai Yu fell silent upon hearing this.

Eight days ago?

Thunderous mountains collapsing? Flash floods?

He paused and asked the three of them, "Where are you from? Where do you live?"

"Li Family Village, Guanyue Mountain, in the neighboring county."

"Is it the Li Family Village below the Jue Long River?"


Bai Yu: ...

Well, it seems there is some connection with him after all.

Truly, it is the Transcending Tribulation of a deity, while a mortal suffers calamity.

A trivial matter for a demon deity, when it falls upon an ordinary person, becomes a matter of life and death magnified countless times.

He pondered for a moment, seemingly contemplating something.

The atmosphere became somewhat silent.

After a while, he kept patting his chest, letting out a sigh.

Sister Snake Demon, I must owe you from a previous life.

"Give it to me."

He reached out his hand towards the three burly men.

"Huh? What?"

The three of them were stunned, somewhat confused.

"His money."

Bai Yu pointed to the unconscious Liu Song beside him and said indifferently.

"Ah... Oh!"

The three of them were momentarily confused, not understanding, but still obediently handed over the silver they had managed to snatch to Bai Yu.


However, as soon as Bai Yu received the money handed to him, he casually threw it, throwing it onto the unconscious Liu Song not far away.

"What?! Big brother, what are you doing?!!!!"

The three of them immediately widened their eyes and exclaimed in shock towards Bai Yu.

The third brother directly knelt down to pick it up.

"Is it not dirty to use money obtained like this to bury our parents?"

"Can our parents rest in peace?"

However, the next two sentences from Bai Yu

made the three brothers suddenly tremble, standing still in their tracks, stopping all their movements.


The eldest brother, as if struck by lightning, knelt directly on the spot, his knees sinking into the dust.


"Father... Mother..."

"Your child is useless, your child is unfilial!!!!"

Looking up to the sky, he let out a long roar, crying out in sorrow.

Although they lived a poor life,

their parents were wise and virtuous people.

Since childhood, they taught their siblings to be generous and upright, to understand propriety, righteousness, integrity, and shame, not to bully others with their power, and not to commit disloyal and unfilial acts...

Otherwise, they wouldn't have raised such honest and kind-hearted siblings.

However, now they were at their wit's end,

having to use stolen money to bury their parents,

how could their parents... rest in peace?

But the reality was,

they truly had no ability, no money.

Wang Yumin, just make sure they have enough to eat!

As members of the lower class in ancient society,

they had no knowledge, no ideas of the upper class...

They only knew to work hard in agriculture, and even having enough to eat was already difficult.

It was even more impossible to earn enough money in a short period of time.

Of course, their parents' funeral should be as dignified as possible, with no limit!

The three siblings really didn't want to just find a random place to bury their parents and be done with it.

But... there really was no other way!

A penny is hard to come by for a hero!

The feeling of powerlessness clung to his soul like a festering sore, causing him grief.


"Take it, take it~"

Just then, a hand reached out in front of him.

"Not many people can get money from me!"

"You're lucky, kid."

"This should be enough! Unless you want to build something luxurious."

"Your skills are not good enough, don't do this job in the future! It's embarrassing, and you won't be able to eat..."

Bai Yu patted the strong man kneeling on the ground, and casually gave him some money, saying.

He was capable and intelligent.

He had taken some money from home when he left, relying on his advanced ideas and knowledge.

It wasn't too difficult to earn some travel expenses along the way.

At least, they were living quite comfortably.

But he didn't show off his wealth, he never displayed it in front of others.

"This... this..."

The eldest brother suddenly froze,

took the money Bai Yu gave him, and looked at him blankly.

This was not a small amount!

It would be enough for their family's expenses for a year!

Burying one's parents is indeed more than enough!

Under the excitement, the whole person became somewhat stunned and confused.

"Big brother!!!"

"Thank you, sir!"


Immediately, the second and third brothers reacted,

Their faces turned red, tears streaming down.

Full of excitement, they knelt directly in front of Bai Yu.

"Sir, please leave your name!"

"We will definitely repay you!"

"Willing to serve like a dog or horse, even if it means death!"

"Big brother, my life is yours!"

With such great kindness, they have nothing and only their lowly lives, so they have no choice but to repay it with death.

"No need!"

It's just settling a cause and effect.

Bai Yu gently waved his hand.

If it weren't for their parents dying because of the Transcending Tribulation of the Sealed Dragon and Thunder,

He wouldn't say a word, let alone spend his own money to repay them.

He is just a bystander.

There are countless sad and pitiful things of life and death in the world, what does it have to do with him?

If he had to take care of everything, wouldn't he be exhausted?


"Sir, please tell us your name!"

The three of them remained kneeling, stubbornly speaking to Bai Yu.

For Bai Yu, it was just a small effort,

But for the three of them, it was a great kindness for burying their parents. How could they not repay it?

To not repay kindness is to be unworthy of being a man!


Bai Yu shrugged, "My name is Bai Yu."

"Sir, where do you live? How can we find you after we finish our affairs?"

The three continued to ask.

Bai Yu thought for a moment,

Then he smiled at the three of them,

In an instant, his temperament changed drastically,

Between his eyebrows, there was an indescribable confidence and arrogance.

"Come to the capital city. In September, the list of talented individuals will be announced, and the whole city will know my name!"

The young man, Ling Yunzhi, considers himself the best in the world!

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