
Chapter 13

The right foot slammed on the flat ground, summoning several rock spirit vines to bind the "patriots" who were still slashing and killing the masses.

"What the hell is this!" The restrained "patriot" used all his strength to break free from the shackles of the rock spirit man.

His legs were amplified, and Zhongli grabbed his dagger and rushed towards the "patriot".

Zhong Li's body shuttled through the crowd like a ghost, leaving elements everywhere he went.

Adjust the angle of the dagger and lay it flat at a height where you can easily cut off a person's head.

With the advantage of speed, Zhong Li instantly approached the body of the fat man who gathered netizens to chop people.

Feeling the fear of death, the fat man quickly yelled at Zhong Li: "Wait a minute!" They are all Z country people, Z country people do not need to kill each other!

Zhong Li didn't speak, and waved the dagger in his hand across the fat man's huge head.

A crack appeared on the face of the fat man who was still pleading like a pig's head.

After two seconds, the fat man's intact head split in half along the blood-red crack and fell to the ground.

The moment the two heads fell to the ground, the heads were devoured by the elements that had long been lurking on the ground.

Losing control of his head, the fat man's fat body fell backwards.

The people of the Cos characters at the comic show voluntarily stayed away from Zhongli's vicinity, except for a few who were afraid to leave, the rest quietly watched

Zhongli clear the "patriot" and saw that the fat man died completely, Zhongli increased the speed of increase in his legs, and rushed to the other tied "patriots".

Every time a "patriot" passed by, Zhongli would slash the dagger in his hand at their fragile brains.

The "patriot's" brain is like a watermelon in front of the elemental dagger, and it will shatter with a single slash, and bright red blood will flow.

This animal is not even a human, and its corpses and brains fall on the ground to feed the elements of the earth.

After cleaning up the animals in the comic exhibition, Zhongli found that there was still a "patriot" left on the field.

Stretching out his straight and slender legs, he walked in front of the "patriot" who had been frightened by Zhong Li's momentum.

"Beast, damn it..." As

the icy voice disappeared, a pair of rock elemental arms emerged from the ground and grabbed the "patriot's" head.

The elemental arm slowly increased its strength, and the head of the "patriot" was pinched abruptly in the presence of the crowd.

The brain pulp that burst out was eaten by the elements on the ground, and not a trace of blood residue could be seen.

For the tragic death of the "patriots", they did not have a trace of psychological burden.

If there were no emperor's help today, they would all have to be hacked to death by those who claimed to be patriots.

"Mom, I want to learn this too!"

"Huh?" Zhong Li lowered his head and found Xiaoying looking at him with interest.

"Huh? What the? I do not know? Zhong Li pretended to be crazy and stupid, and wanted to fool Xiaoying over at will.

But Xiaoying was so easy to fool the past, holding Zhongli's arm and starting to shadow coquettishness.

"Mom, mom, you teach me, I learn to protect you in the future."

"That..." A voice broke the conversation between the two.

"Thank you Emperor Yanwang for your rescue!"

All the Cos Genshin characters in the comic show bowed to Zhongli, not to mention how spectacular the scene was.

Zhong Li glanced at them, nodded slightly, withdrew the rock spirit vine that had just been released, and turned around to leave.

A siren suddenly sounded outside the comic exhibition.

"I am An Yumu, a police officer in country Z, number: 144244." The policeman showed his evidence to the crowd and continued.

"Received a report from an injured person, and someone here took the lead in cutting people?"

The girl from Cos Qin stood up: "Uncle police, it should be that the injured person made a mistake, there are no hacking incidents here at all."

The people around him also echoed: "Yes, yes, I don't believe you see if we have any injuries on our bodies." An

Yumu checked whether there was blood around and used his eyes to check the surroundings, not to mention whether there were injured people.

He didn't even see a trace of blood, which made An Yumu have to wonder if the injured person had deceived him.

Just as An Yumu was thinking, a man in the crowd pointed at Zhongli and shouted: "Comrade police! That's her! He killed more than twenty of our group friends! An

Yumu looked at the position pointed by the man, a wife... Ah no, a lady stands quietly holding a cute child.

An Yumu's face was full of black question marks, and he stretched out his hand to pull the man out of the crowd.

"Are you fooling me? This is the murderer you call killing twenty people in a row? The

man nodded vigorously: "That's her!" If you don't believe you ask the people around you, I believe that the eyes of the audience are snowy.

The boy of Cos Kaia stood up: "Fart! It's just a lie! Do you think a woman holding a child can beat more than twenty people with her bare hands?

An Yumu thought about it, indeed, how could a woman holding a child beat twenty people.

Picked up the silver bracelet and put it on the man's hand: "You have been detained for fifteen days for obstructing the security officers. The

events of the comic strip ended amid a burst of bitter pleading from men.

"Mom, mom, is it okay~" Xiaoying pouted, not forgetting what happened at the comic exhibition.

Zhong Li wanted to refuse directly, but Xiaoying kept looking at him with Kazilan's big eyes, so that Zhong Li couldn't bear to refuse.

After thinking for a while, he slowly spoke: "Xiaoying, now you are still young, if you grow up, your mother will teach you."

Xiaoying stretched out his little hand: "Pull the hook, mother can't lie to me."

Zhong Li smiled dumbly, stretched out his hand and hooked with Xiaoying.

"Flawed, fleeting!" A wide stream of water slashed towards the man wearing a hat.

The man in the hat raised his hand and smiled contemptuously: "The wind sounds." "

The calm floor suddenly blew a violent wind, absorbing the water element that was chopped.

The man said in a mocking tone: "Yo, Dadalia, I haven't seen it for a few months, how has my strength regressed?"

Dadalia withdrew the elemental dagger in her hand and casually picked up the waterless glass on the table.

The control water element poured some water into it, took a sip and said, "Stupid... Skirmishers, as if your strength has not regressed. The

Thunder and Lightning Country Collapse gathered the wind element in his hand: "You call me a skirmish again, believe it or not, I will tear you down here."

Dadalia put the water cup back on the table: "Okay, okay, just kidding, but you must have something to come to me, after all, a big director like you will definitely not come to me with nothing."

"Yes, but I don't know if you're interested."

"Oh? Speak quickly, speak quickly. Raiden

Guoban sat on the sofa and said with a sad face: "You should know that the Rock King Emperor has also come to this world, right?"

Dadalia didn't speak, just nodded.

"I saw my mother following Zhongli and calling him mother."

"Oh!" Dadalia found something strange: "Then are you going to call Grandpa Zhongli?" Raiden

Guoban shook his head: "No, I just feel that the female version of Zhongli is particularly beautiful."

"Female version of Zhongli!" Dadalia discovers the New World for the second time.

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