Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 11: This hot summer (2)

Chapter 11 This Hot Summer (2)

Zhou Xiaoyun knew that he couldn't explain this matter clearly, so he simply changed the subject: "Sister Xiaoxia, come and see how to pronounce this letter. If you ask my brother, he won't know how to read it. You must know it, come and teach me."

Zhou Xiaoxia became happy, it was rare for someone to ask her for advice, and she got over the addiction of being a teacher.

Hearing Zhou Xiaoxia's substandard pronunciation, Zhou Xiaoyun regretted how he had come up with such a bad idea. The most painful thing was that he had to look up at Zhou Xiaoxia with admiration and admiration.

Zhou Xiaoxia would be so angry that she would vomit blood if she knew what her cousin was thinking. She proudly taught Zhou Xiaoyun how to read Pinyin, her voice deliberately louder than usual, which attracted several nearby children to gather around and watch the fun.

Xiaobao and Shitou also imitated Zhou Xiaoyun in a weird accent, pronouncing aoe as "woe", which made Zhou Xiaoyun so happy that he couldn't stand up straight.

Zhou Xiaoxia saw two more students and became more enthusiastic in teaching. Zhou Xiaoyun held back her laughter and followed suit.

The lively teaching time passed quickly, and it was already close to noon. Zhou Xiaoyun reminded Zhou Xiaoxia, who was forgetful,

“Sister Xiaoxia, the sun is so high, it’s time to go home for dinner.”

Zhou Xiaoxia reluctantly stood up and said, "I'll teach you again in the afternoon. Don't take Dabao's tattered book. He tore out many pages in the middle. I'll bring you my textbook."

Will you still teach in the afternoon?

 Zhou Xiaoyun didn't know how to refuse the enthusiastic Zhou Xiaoxia. Thinking that it would be nice to have a companion, and that he could demonstrate his humility and positivity in front of his parents when he returned home, he agreed.

As expected, when I went home and talked to my parents, Father Zhou was the first to applaud: "Yes, Xiaoxia is much better at studying than your Dabao. It would be great for you to learn from her, and you can also be a companion when she herds ducks."

 Zhao Yuzhen likes Zhou Xiaoxia very much. After all, her eldest daughter always wears other people's old clothes, which saves a lot of money, and she also agrees. He also ordered Zhou Xiaoyun to play more with Zhou Xiaoxia.

To be honest, the relationship between Zhou Xiaoyun and Zhou Xiaoxia in the previous life was very ordinary. They were neither close nor distant, they were just ordinary cousins. She remembered that when Zhou Xiaoxia grew up, she was very beautiful and loved to dress up. She was a famous flower and was followed by many boys. At the age of twenty, she married into a wealthy family in the county. The two of them lived different lives and had little contact.

 As a result, Zhou Xiaoyun began to get intimate with her cousin Zhou Xiaoxia, and quickly integrated into the circle of girls who were two or three years older than her. The sweet-tongued, clever and clever Zhou Xiaoyun also won the love of everyone after her rebirth, including her uncle Zhou Guofu.

There are three brothers in the Zhou family. The eldest, Zhou Guofu, is a carpenter and has a son and a daughter. Zhou Xiaoyun's father ranks second and has the most children in the family, four in total. He has always been the poorest he has ever lived. Zhou Xiaoyun also has a third uncle, Zhou Guomin.

This third uncle is amazing. He is the most highly educated in the family. He has graduated from a technical secondary school and works at the post office in the city. He is considered an intellectual. I have a three-year-old son, and my third aunt is a middle school teacher. The family lives in the city and only comes back for two days during the holidays.

Oh, by the way, Zhou Xiaoyun also had an aunt who was married to a neighboring village. Her aunt drove a tricycle and took guests around the city and countryside to make money. The family background is also very good. Zhou Xiaoyun's family is incomparable to his third uncle's family, and even his aunt's family and uncle's family are much better than his own.

The families of Zhou Guofu and Zhou Guoqiang were already close to each other, only separated by a courtyard, and they were only a few steps away. Zhou Xiaoyun became a frequent visitor to Zhou Xiaoxia's house, and later even to the dinner table.

Zhou Xiaoxia's family is one of the richest families in the village. There are three families building tile-roofed houses from the beginning to the end of the village, and Zhou Xiaoxia's family is one of them. There are three tall tile-roofed houses with two kitchens and toilets, and the uncle's house also has a lot of furniture. Look, there are five or six long benches, and the big table can seat ten people. Not to mention so many small benches and two small tables for children.

Zhou Xiaoyun especially liked the two small tables. The wood was just mediocre and they were pieced together by the scraps left over from making furniture for others.

However, my uncle’s craftsmanship is good and the work is small and exquisite. At first glance, there is no trace of patchwork. It was painted brightly with red paint, reaching to her waist, which was just right for her homework.

 Zhou Xiaoxia saw that Zhou Xiaoyun liked it and said generously: "You can come to my house to do homework with me in the future. We can use the table together."

By the way, my uncle was very impressed when he saw that Zhou Xiaoyun wanted to go to school at a young age, and announced that Haizi would also enroll with Zhou Xiaoyun. Haizi tried his best to object, but the objection was invalid for the following reasons:

"Look at my eldest daughter, she is one year younger than you. She has taken the initiative to ask her to go to school. You are seven years old and you are playing at home every day. Why don't you go to school quickly? Look at your eldest sister and your little one every day. Xiahou, you are so serious about your studies. From today on, you should also learn from me.”

Haizi joined the learning army with tears in his eyes, and felt very displeased with Zhou Xiaoyun. He complained that Zhou Xiaoyun had caused him trouble, and he bickered and grinded his teeth with Zhou Xiaoyun every day and tried every means to bully her.

How could Zhou Xiaoyun take this little trick of his seriously? He dismissed his childish provocation with just a few words, and also showed off his cleverness in front of his uncle, which made him praise him endlessly and made Haizi very angry.

 (End of this chapter)

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