Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 18: Lively market (1)

Chapter 18 Lively Market (1)

As soon as it was light, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother got up. Father Zhou put a big bag of wheat harvested this year and tied it to the back seat of his bicycle. Zhao Yuzhen used a basket to put thirty eggs and a dozen duck eggs that had been collected for three or four days into it, and straddled it in her arms. Prepare to go to the market early to sell them.

Instructing Dabao to take Xiaobao out to play, Zhao Yuzhen decided to take the obedient Daya and the still young Erya with them.

Zhou Xiaoyun obediently followed his parents towards the market where farmers bought and sold things at that time.

 When passing the grain station, Zhou’s father went to sell the wheat first. Letting his wife and children wait outside, he pushed his bicycle directly into the grain station.

 The selling price of grain is not high during this season, but it will be more expensive if left until winter. Food is the most precious thing for rural people, and no one will sell it easily unless absolutely necessary. Every family has a large grain store dedicated to storing grain. Zhou Xiaoyun's grain is stored in the kitchen, which is big and round and contains a lot of grain.

Zhou Xiaoyun thought about how much trouble her parents had to pay for her tuition, and she felt very sorry and unspeakably sad. My family has always been relatively poor, and having more children costs a lot of money. Throughout the year, he relied on the more than ten acres of land at home to grow food and raise chickens, ducks, and pigs. My father couldn't make much money by killing pigs.

Recalling that when he was in junior high school, he slept in the same bed with his sister and didn't even have a room of his own. Zhou Xiaoyun secretly made up his mind to help his parents make money to improve his family's life. She hadn't figured out what to do for the moment, but after all, she had gained more than twenty years of life experience, and she was no longer the child who didn't understand anything. There is a mature soul beneath this childish appearance.

Father Zhou came out happily after a while, holding a few thin one-yuan bills in his hand: "Damn it, our wheat is clean, plump and first-class, and the price is pretty good. Da Ya's tuition fee Don’t worry.”

Zhao Yuzhen took the money and counted it with a happy face. It was seven yuan and eight jiao in total. After counting it three times, he folded the money, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and put it in his pants pocket.

 Zhou Xiaoyun was infected by Zhou's father's joy, and the family of four began to go to the market.

 When we arrived at the market, we saw that many people were already there.

There are many stalls on both sides of the road. There are cabbage sellers, cucumber sellers, jelly sellers, tofu sellers, bean sprout sellers, meat sellers, etc., forming a small market. A few steps away are those selling fabrics, dishes, daily necessities, clothes, etc. It looks like a small shopping mall.

Of course they are all open-air, and there is no need to pay any taxes. Anyone who has fresh vegetables can sell them. Zhao Yuzhen sells her own eggs and duck eggs at every market, and when she sells them, she buys some food to take home.

Zhao Yuzhen walked to an open space, put the basket on the ground, and waited for the buyer to come. Zhou's father held Erya beside him, saying hello and talking to familiar people.

Zhou Xiaoyun was in a market that he had not seen for a long time. He was familiar, unfamiliar, excited and excited at the same time. She quietly told Zhao Yuzhen that she was going to the grocery stall.

Zhao Yuzhen thought that Zhou Xiaoyun was quiet and obedient and would not cause any trouble, so she said to her: "You will come back after a while. Your father and I will be waiting for you here."

Zhou Xiaoyun happily squeezed into the crowd, as if he had regained the mood of visiting the market.

  Every month on the third, sixth and ninth day of the lunar calendar, there is a customary market. Some villages are too small to form a large scale, so several villages join together to hold the market.

 The market only lasts for half a day in the morning and ends at noon.

Rural people come to the market every time. They sell the vegetables they grow at home, the eggs laid by chickens and ducks, and some people kill pigs to sell pork. This small vegetable market was very busy. When there was no farmers' market, farmers could only buy some fish at the market.

However, Zhou Xiaoyun wanted to visit the market on the other side.

The stalls a few steps away sell daily necessities. Most of them are bought by people with extra money at home who go to wholesale markets in distant counties and sell them to their neighbors with a little extra profit. At this time, people were very simple and there were basically no profiteers. Moreover, most of the people coming and going in the market are familiar faces from the village or neighboring villages. This one calls me "Second Uncle" and the other calls me "Auntie". You can meet your relatives even if you don't care. So Zhao Yuzhen felt relieved and let Zhou Xiaoyun come out for a while.

 There were a lot of people in the market at this time, so I could only walk slowly along with the crowd. Zhou Xiaoyun walked with the crowd and looked at it. She didn't buy anything. Even if she liked something, she didn't have the money to buy it. But just looking at it like this made her quite satisfied. Thinking that in a few years, the market will be replaced by shopping malls, supermarkets, farmers' markets and disappear. How can children who have not experienced this era understand her feelings?

Zhou Xiaoyun stopped in front of a small stall selling hair ties and rubber bands.

The stall sells only small things for girls, including small packages of colorful rubber bands, long colorful headbands, pictures printed with beautiful princess patterns, and various hairpins. , there are many types of zero-zero totals.

 Zhou Xiaoyun has always had short boy haircuts since she was a child. She has never used these and liked them very much after seeing them.

Zhou Xiaoyun is determined to grow her hair long from now on. From now on, it will look good with a ponytail and two horns hanging around, right? How can a girl not love beauty?

 (End of this chapter)

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