Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 31: Zhou Xiaoyun's Secret Garden

Chapter 31 Zhou Xiaoyun’s Secret Garden

After the weather gets cold, the Zhou ducks can only stay in the pen without a chance to go to the pond.

Zhou Xiaoyun still hasn't gotten rid of her habit of playing the harmonica by the pond. She estimates that if she takes out the harmonica to play at home, she will arouse a lot of questions from her parents. Coupled with the mischievous Dabao and the curious Xiaobao who loves to join in the fun, Erya, just think about it, it will be a chaotic scene.

 So, after the holidays, Zhou Xiaoyun often took the music score book given by Teacher Fang and went to his secret garden to practice quietly.

The so-called secret garden is a place where Zhou Xiaoyun often stays. It is a relatively hidden corner that she discovered after examining the pond for a long time.

There are some trees and bushes around the pond. Zhou Xiaoyun’s secret garden is in a bush not far from the pond. Bushes more than one meter high and two tall willow trees cleverly blocked this small space that could only accommodate one or two people. You will definitely not find any mystery within it if you are less than two or three meters away.

 When the weather was warmer in the past, Zhou Xiaoyun often drove the ducks into the pond and hid in it alone, playing the harmonica one note after another and practicing over and over again.

 The sound of the harmonica is not too loud, and there is an open field of crops around the pond with very few people coming and going. The grove that Dabao and the others like to go to is still some distance away from the pond. Therefore, no one has discovered the secret that Zhou Xiaoyun is practicing harmonica.

Zhou Xiaoyun likes his secret garden very much, especially in autumn when the trees are lush and foliage is lush and wild flowers are everywhere, making it feel like a paradise. She privately regarded this place as her own back garden. When she got here, she was completely alone. She always felt indescribably relaxed and comfortable.

However, it is winter now, and the leaves have long fallen off, leaving only bare branches.

Zhou Xiaoyun found a relatively flat tree root from the grove and placed it inside to serve as his throne. Sitting on such a tree root, Zhou Xiaoyun felt like he had returned to the carefree time of his childhood.

Zhao Yuzhen showed great tolerance for Zhou Xiaoyun's behavior of disappearing for half a day. In her opinion, Zhou Xiaoyun is very measured in his actions and will naturally go home when the time comes. When he goes out, he does not run around as naughty as Dabao. He must be playing with his friends.

 As a result, Zhou Xiaoyun spent more and more time in the Secret Garden. She has mastered all the songs taught by Teacher Fang, and can also play a few longer songs on the music score. Listening to the melodious and beautiful piano sound he played, Zhou Xiaoyun felt indescribable joy and satisfaction.

 She was very happy practicing alone, but someone was unhappy.

During the winter vacation, Wang Jingjing, Fat Niu, and Xiao Doan, whose home was nearby, all came to play with her, but Zhou Xiaoyun was always not at home. After a few times, Zhao Yuzhen began to feel strange. I didn’t know who Zhou Xiaoyun was going to play with. When Zhou Xiaoyun came home again, he asked her: “Da Ya, Wang Jingjing came to play with you again today. I told her that you went to someone else’s house, and she said she was in Fatty. Niu and Xiaobu Dian came to see you when they didn’t see you. Where did you go after eating every day? "

Zhou Xiaoyun was wearing a thick cotton jacket and cotton trousers. It was quite warm, but the bulging bulge looked like a small ball from a distance and looked ugly.

 In winter, children look like this. Naturally, Zhou Xiaoyun did not dare to protest. He couldn't help but miss the light, warm and beautiful down jackets. He didn't know how many years it would take before they would appear on children.

However, such a cotton-padded jacket is not without its benefits. Zhou Xiaoyun stuffed the harmonica into his arms and couldn't tell at all from the outside. She just put the harmonica in her arms and carried it around every day without even Zhao Yuzhen noticing.

 After hearing Zhao Yuzhen’s question, Zhou Xiaoyun couldn’t find a suitable person to serve as a shield. Wu Mei's home is too far away, and it is obviously a lie to say that I went to her home. Zhou Zhihai was right next to his house, so it would be easy to expose his lies if he went to his house. Yes, Feng Tiezhu’s house is a little far away from his home and takes five minutes to walk. Use him to deal with it:

“I went to Feng Tiezhu’s house. He wanted me to teach him math problems. I was embarrassed not to agree, so I went to teach him some math problems every day.”

As soon as Zhao Yuzhen heard that it was Feng Tiezhu, a chubby boy immediately appeared in her mind. She had only met Feng Tiezhu a few times, but his father, Dr. Feng, was an old acquaintance. Little Bao was often sick and had troubled others a lot.

 Zhou Xiaoyun said that he would teach Feng Tiezhu mathematics. Zhao Yuzhen immediately believed him. He praised Zhou Xiaoyun a few words and finally told Zhou Xiaoyun that he often called Feng Tiezhu to come to his house to play.

Zhou Xiaoyun finally felt relieved after seeing that she had passed the border safely, but she later spent less time going out.

It would be inappropriate to always use Feng Tiezhu as a cover. My parents and Dr. Feng are familiar with each other. If the adults raised this topic during greetings when they met, wouldn't the secret be revealed immediately?

 Since it’s cold in the outdoors, it’s not comfortable, so just go as little as possible.

Wang Jingjing was happy when she saw Zhou Xiaoyun at home again, and she brought Pang Niu and Xiao Dian to Zhou Xiaoyun's house to play.

 A few children not only jump rubber bands but also sometimes jump ropes together.

The thick and long ropes are used in every house to tie bags and store grains. The two of them swung hard to the same side, and the other people jumped on it. It was lively and fun.

 After a while, Zhou Xiaoxia and Zhou Zhihai were attracted and joined the rope skipping army. Dabao didn't go out when he saw how lively the children at home were. He was very energetic and was responsible for throwing the rope, and a bunch of children played together happily.

Zhou Zhihai was very skilled, jumping and spinning in circles. Several girls were tired from dancing, but he was the only one who was still dancing. Seeing everyone standing around and watching, Zhou Zhihai became proud and performed a difficult rope skipping move.

  The dancers were hopping on one foot, hopping on both feet, spinning around in circles, and the people watching were dazzled and applauded.

Zhou Zhihai, who was so carried away, accidentally stepped on the rope and fell with a "snap", and burst into laughter.

Wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket, Zhou Zhihai felt no pain or itch after a fall. He stood up, patted the dirt and continued dancing.

 The children all had a great time. They just wish the winter vacation could last another two months.

 (End of this chapter)

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