Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 335: get together

Chapter 335 Gathering

 After arriving at the station, Zhou Xiaoyun and Liu Lu were going to find a place to eat first. It took several hours of driving, and the little food we had eaten in the morning had long been digested, and my stomach was already empty.

As soon as they got off the car, the two heard Li Tianyu shouting: "Liu Lu, Xiaoyun!"

Zhou Xiaoyun took a look and saw that Li Tianyu was waving to the two of them not far away!

Li Tianyu ran over panting: "I have been waiting for you two for a long time. I will be waiting for you at the station at about ten o'clock."

Liu Lu giggled: "Brother Xiaoyu, are you here to wait for me or Xiaoyun?"

Zhou Xiaoyun pinched Liu Lu, and Liu Lu shouted exaggeratedly.

Zhou Xiaoyun met Li Tianyu's burning eyes and couldn't help but blush slightly.

 It’s strange, I haven’t seen him in the past two or three months, and it seems that Li Tianyu has matured a lot. He looks indescribably handsome when wearing an ordinary T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

Li Tianyu glanced at Zhou Xiaoyun a few times and felt that Zhou Xiaoyun in a cotton dress was very delicate and comfortable to look at. I haven’t seen Zhou Xiaoyun for such a long time, which is really surprising. Now seeing each other like this is as refreshing as drinking an ice drink in summer.

Li Tianyu took Zhou Xiaoyun and Liu Lu to a fast food restaurant in the city center and ordered three fast food.

 The three of them were eating and chatting, attracting a lot of attention.

A man with long hair who claimed to be a popular person came over and struck up a conversation: "Miss, can I chat with you for a while? I am a junior student at N Academy of Fine Arts. I want to participate in an art exhibition recently and I urgently need to find an artist. Model. I think your temperament and appearance are very suitable..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Tianyu interrupted him rudely: "I'm sorry, I think you have found the wrong person. She won't be a model."

Zhou Xiaoyun shut up when he saw Li Tianyu making music.

The boy who came to strike up a conversation was probably in his twenties, with shoulder-length hair and clothes with holes everywhere. Maybe he thought he was quite fashionable and avant-garde.

However, Zhou Xiaoyun didn’t like it at all.

I always feel that boys who casually strike up a conversation are frivolous.

The boy was stunned by Li Tianyu: "This classmate, she hasn't said anything yet, how do you know she is not happy?" Then he turned to Zhou Xiaoyun and said: "I can show you my student ID card, I really She is a student at N Academy of Fine Arts. I am looking for a girl with refined temperament, long flowing hair, gentleness and quietness. You are particularly suitable. Please consider it. I can pay you by the hour."

Zhou Xiaoyun said calmly: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in being a model. You can find someone else!"

The boy still didn’t give up: “Miss, please think about it again, or else, tell me your name and contact address first…”

 The rest of the words were frightened back by Li Tianyu's raised fist.

The boy who claimed to be a talented student at N Academy of Fine Arts walked away in a hurry.

This unexpected episode made Liu Lu watch with great interest: "Xiaoyun, I think you can agree. Let that boy paint you so beautifully that you can participate in some art exhibition, and you will become famous."

 This sentence caused two pairs of eyes to roll.

 Liu Lu obediently shut up under the gazes of Zhou Xiaoyun and Li Tianyu.

After finishing the meal, Liu Lu took the initiative to leave in the car. Before leaving, she told Li Tianyu: "Brother Xiaoyu, I entrust Xiaoyun to you. You have to be responsible for sending her to school safely."

Li Tianyu happily agreed.

 “Xiaoyun, come on, please get in the car!”

 After Li Tianyu turned the bicycle around, he asked Zhou Xiaoyun to get on the bike.

 The bicycle was riding toward N University in a swaying manner.

The two of them didn't say anything, probably because they had exchanged letters several times during the summer vacation. It seemed that the words they had always wanted to say but had not dared to say were freely expressed on the paper. Once we meet, we don't know what to say.

Zhou Xiaoyun asked gently: "Li Tianyu, have you earned all your tuition this summer?"

Li Tianyu laughed loudly and said: "I worked a job in the school library, and then found another job outside the school. In two months, I earned more than a thousand yuan, and my family sent me some more. It should be That’s enough. I want to go out and find a more stable job this year, Xiaoyun, what do you think if I go out to be a tutor?”

 Tutor? Zhou Xiaoyun thought about it for a while, and then said: "Tutoring is not bad, and the salary should be more than what you get in school. And it's not that tiring, and it's better than working in a supermarket."

Li Tianyu was very happy to get Zhou Xiaoyun's approval: "Last time, one of my seniors introduced me to tutor a high school student, and I told him to think about it for a few days. The salary was paid by the hour. I did the math, and it was better than what I had in school. I’ll make twice as much money from working part-time. Then I’ll tell him when I get back and start going in two days.”

Zhou Xiaoyun looked at Li Tianyu's cheerful expression and sighed with emotion: "Li Tianyu, you have become so diligent now!"

Li Tianyu was confused by Zhou Xiaoyun's clueless words: "What does it mean to become so diligent? I have never been lazy, okay?"

Have you never been lazy?

Zhou Xiaoyun smiled.

It's strange that when I think about the past things at this time, I suddenly find that I no longer care about it, only a touch of melancholy remains.

 It’s all over! Everything is completely a thing of the past!

The shadow of the man in her previous life has become increasingly faded, and now the only person in front of her is a man also named "Li Tianyu"...

 A completely different Li Tianyu…

 Seriously hard-working, diligent, down-to-earth, eager to learn, motivated, lovely Li Tianyu...

 After arriving at the school gate, Li Tianyu rode into the campus again and went straight to the girls' dormitory building.

A bag brought by Zhou Xiaoyun was held in Li Tianyu's hand: "Xiaoyun, let me take you upstairs!"

Zhou Xiaoyun nodded silently and led Li Tianyu upstairs.

 The door of dormitory 301 was open, and Qian Duoduo and Jiang Xiaodan came.

 Jiang Xiaodan gave Zhou Xiaoyun a big hug: "Long time no see, do you miss me? I miss you so much!"

Zhou Xiaoyun laughed and cursed "sick", and then asked Li Tianyu to put his bag on the bed.

Li Tianyu should have left at this time, but when he thought about how many days it would be until the next meeting, Li Tianyu was reluctant to leave. I thought I would come and find Zhou Xiaoyun while I was still busy as school had just started in the past two days.

Zhou Xiaoyun glanced at Li Tianyu: "Why don't you come to see Yang Fan?"

Li Tianyu responded, but still didn't move.

Zhou Xiaoyun said again: "Go and find Yang Fan. Let's go out for dinner together in the evening."

Li Tianyu was overjoyed: "Okay, okay, I'll treat you tonight." Then he happily went out to find Yang Fan.

Jiang Xiaodan said enviously: "Xiaoyun, I really envy you for having such a considerate boyfriend. It's not easy to find a pleasant boyfriend these days."

Zhou Xiaoyun didn't refute—because it was useless to refute. Everyone had long believed that Li Tianyu was her boyfriend. No one believed her even after she complained N times.

Li Tianyu is a very considerate person?

Zhou Xiaoyun smiled slightly.

 (End of this chapter)

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