Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 50: Mai holiday (1)

Chapter 50 Mai Holiday (1)

The wheat in the field is ripe and golden from a distance, and the farmers are happy to have a good harvest.

The school gave a week's holiday so that the children could go home and help harvest wheat. It was euphemistically called "wheat holiday". In addition, each student was assigned to work-study, picking up wheat grains in the fields during the wheat harvest, and was required to hand in a basket of wheat grains after the holidays.

The children all shouted and jumped excitedly when they heard about the one-week holiday. Zhou Xiaoyun was infected by this atmosphere and cheered.

Life at school was still comfortable at this time, with very little homework and almost no homework. There was only one test a semester, and I even had a week off to harvest wheat. It was not as hard as being a student later! Children who do homework every day and take exams every month will become myopic early on, and study becomes a heavy burden.

Fang Wenchao asked Zhou Xiaoyun to practice the harmonica more at home. It is estimated that it will not be easy for Zhou Xiaoyun to master the accordion in a short time. The harmonica is simple and easier to practice. Just practice the music well before Children's Day.

Zhou Xiaoyun agreed. At this time, she also found out that Fang Wenchao intended for her to participate in the county Children's Festival. She was quite interested in the competition. How could she, who was mediocre before, have such an opportunity.

 Zhou Xiaoyun is very happy to have such an opportunity now. Zhou Xiaoyun feels that it is not necessary to win an award. Participating in such an event is a rare life experience for her. It seems that she will have to practice hard in the coming time.

Zhou Xiaoyun's family has a total of five or six acres of land. If Zhou Guoqiang and Zhao Yuzhen are both busy harvesting wheat in the field, it will take five or six days to harvest them all.

 But Zhou Guoqiang’s pork selling business is still booming, and he really can’t bear to stop. The couple discussed that Zhou Guoqiang would go to the market alone while Zhao Yuzhen would work in the fields. After Zhou Guoqiang left the market, he went to work in the fields, so that he wouldn't miss out on making money.

The plan is good, but when will so much wheat be harvested? Zhao Yuzhen simply invited her younger brother to help.

Zhou Xiaoyun's uncle Zhao Gang is having a relationship at home and has not gone out to work this year. The wheat harvest at home was finished last week. After hearing Zhao Yuzhen ask him to help, he rode his bicycle and came early in the morning without saying a word.

The two siblings were very friendly when they met. They were closer in age and had a good relationship. They didn’t feel tired while chatting while doing things.

At that time, the sickle with a wooden handle was used to cut wheat. The sickle was curved and sharp, and the sickle had to bend down and cut along the heel of the wheat. After a busy day, people will have backache.

Every child is playing on the edge of the field. They say they are helping, but they can’t do much. No one can trust the child to use the sickle so fast. It would be terrible if he cuts his leg. However, I can still help hold the straw. At that time, when harvesting wheat, the wheat stalks were cut, and after the wheat kernels were removed, the straws were kept in the home for cooking.

Dabao picked up a bundle of wheat straws from the field and quickly carried it to the flatbed truck at the edge of the field, running happily from time to time. Xiaobao was holding a lot less, and Erya was holding a few more. It was more like playing than doing things.

Zhou Xiaoyun’s task is to do a good job in logistics, and he has to be responsible for looking after the house and feeding the chickens, ducks and pigs. When the sun was high, Zhou Xiaoyun boiled hot water at home, poured it into a large and sturdy green military kettle, and handed it to the field for adults to drink to quench their thirst.

When Zhou Xiaoyun came home, he took Xiaobao and Erya home, who were tired and making trouble in the fields. Dabao was as big and strong as a boy of thirteen or fourteen, so he could still do some things in the fields to help. Busy, Zhou Xiaoyun thought to himself, let him stay here.

 At noon, Zhou Guoqiang came back pushing the tricycle. He asked Zhou Xiaoyun to burn the remaining two kilograms of pork for his busy brother-in-law to add to his meal. After saying this, he hurried to the field to cut wheat.

 The kitchen of Zhou Xiaoyun's house is a self-built stove with two large iron pots. Zhou Xiaoyun cooked half a pot of rice in one of the pots. When the rice was ready, he cut the pork and cooked it.

Zhou Xiaoyun was a little uncomfortable with the knife at home. The iron knife was very heavy and her right arm became sore after being unable to hold it for a few minutes. Reluctantly, he cut the pork into square chunks. Since Dabao was not at home and no one was around to light the fire, Zhou Xiaoyun used straw to guide a few branches. After a while, flames came to the ground.

The oil in the pot crackled. Zhou Xiaoyun put the pork in the pot and quickly stir-fried it for a few times. When the light-colored meat changed color, he poured some soy sauce to color the meat. Then he added chopped green onion, minced ginger, sugar, salt and vinegar. Fluency and proficiency without any stagnation, Zhou Xiaoyun would not dare to behave like this if there were adults around.

Especially in front of Zhao Yuzhen, Zhou Xiaoyun deliberately acted clumsily. You have to hide something, it would be too unchildish if you go too far.

  Generally speaking, Zhou Xiaoyun's concealment and low profile are quite successful. Zhao Yuzhen only thought that her daughter was a good helper because she was well-behaved and sensible, so she did not become suspicious.

The aroma of roasted pork with radish in the pot was overflowing, attracting the greedy Xiaobao and Erya.

Erya pulled the busy Zhou Xiaoyun's clothes and said in a cute and sweet childish voice: "Sister, I'm hungry."

Zhou Xiaoyun felt warm in her heart when she saw Erya acting coquettishly. Perhaps it was the effect of empathy. She always unconsciously regarded Erya as Niu Niu and loved her: "Okay, Erya, let me serve you some food first. Don't worry." Urgent."

Not to be outdone, Xiaobao squeezed over: "Sister, I want to eat too."

 “Okay, okay, you two eat together.”

Zhou Xiaoyun gave Xiaobao and Erya each a bowl of rice, and also used a large eating bowl to fill a bowl full of meat and radishes.

This is the time when green radishes are most delicious. There are two acres of radishes planted in the small vegetable garden in front of Zhou Xiaoyun’s house. Green radish is sweet, crispy and watery when eaten raw. When cooked with meat, it is very delicious, fragrant and soft. It tastes so good to the little baby! I ate a whole bowl of rice and half a bowl of radish and meat before I stopped talking.

 At this time, the rice bowl was a large white porcelain bowl, which was not beautiful but was durable and very cheap. However, when people's living conditions improved, they were gradually eliminated and replaced by thin, compact and small bowls with beautiful patterns printed on them.

Zhou Xiaoyun was surprised that Xiaobao could eat such a large bowl of rice. His little face turned red and the meat began to appear when he pinched it. It seems that the food intake and appetite can be cultivated!

 (End of this chapter)

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