Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 58: Cicada (2)

Chapter 58: Catching Cicadas (2)

Catching cicadas is a very difficult technical job. After finding the target, you have to approach it quietly, then suddenly aim the net on the bamboo pole at the cicada and cover it. When the cicada is dizzy, take it off and put it on the glass. in a bottle.

The cicadas were flying around in the glass bottle, shouting "Zicicadas, cicadas". No one would be willing to look at a child with a bottle like this in his hand.

Behind Dabao and Erya, Zhou Xiaoyun took his younger brother Xiaobao, and the four siblings were milling around under some big trees behind the house.

 I was lucky today, and soon I found a cicada lurking on a branch.

 Dabao crept closer and before he could make a move, he was startled by Zhou Zhihai's loud voice: "Dabao, what are you doing?"

Zhizhi flew to a higher branch and disappeared without a trace. Dabao was a little annoyed and complained to Zhou Zhihai.

When Zhou Zhihai heard that he was going to catch a cicada, he refused to leave and wanted to stay and help. Dabao teased him: "It's better if you don't follow behind and cause trouble. I don't expect you to help."

Zhou Zhihai pointed to a lower branch of another tree with great interest, and whispered to Dabao: "Dabao, look over there."

Dabao looked at it and thought, oh, what a big one!

Dabao put his finger on his lips and said "shush", signaling his younger brothers and sisters to stop talking. He quietly and slowly approached by himself. Zhou Zhihai, who was itchy and unbearable, was anxious and did not dare to follow him, fearing that Dabao would not be able to catch him and would be blamed.

This time, I was lucky. Dabao's eyes quickly lived on the big knowledge. When Dabao took the knowledge in the net, he took a few children in his hand and exhaled the mouth for a long time.

Three-year-old Erya ran to Dabao happily: "Brother, brother, you said you wanted to catch cicadas and give them to me."

Dabao generously gave Erya the cicada in a glass bottle. The bottle was a bit big and Erya had difficulty holding it, but she was determined not to let anyone touch it. Tsk tsk, she has been a stingy and shrewd girl since she was a child.

 The bottle containing cicadas was a wine bottle left over from Zhou Guoqiang’s usual drinking. He simply rinsed it with water and used it. There is still a faint smell of alcohol in the bottle.

Zhizhi was a little bit crooked at the bottom of the bottle. Although the bottle was uncovered, it couldn't fly out.

 Xiao Bao was also greedy when he saw it, so he rubbed Dabao to catch one for him.

Dabao’s self-confidence greatly swelled under the adoring gazes of his younger brothers and sisters, and he patted his chest and agreed.

Zhou Zhihai also said with a shy face: "Brother, catch one for me too."

  When you ask for help, you know how to call me brother. Usually, you have a big treasure at your fingertips.

Dabao waved his hand grandly: "I have them all, Daya, I will catch one for you later."

Zhou Xiaoyun thought Dabao looked particularly cute like this, and said with a smile: "Brother, I'm waiting for you to catch Zhizhi and give it to me."

Dabao, who had boasted, began to grab the cicadas with all his strength, but the cicadas on the tree hid in the lush branches as if they knew they would be in trouble if they came out. Dabao searched for a long time but couldn't find one, let alone catch one.

Zhou Zhihai looked around anxiously and found nothing, so he suggested that he go to the woods further away.

Dabao felt that he could not break his promise and could not embarrass this person in front of his younger brothers and sisters, so he and Zhou Zhihai went happily.

Xiaobao also wanted to go with him, but Dabao thought he was in the way and refused to take him with him, so he had to go home with Zhou Xiaoyun with a sad face.

Dabao and Zhou Zhihai didn’t come back until it was getting dark at night. They were obviously wet and had gone swimming again.

Xiaobao waited eagerly all afternoon. When he saw Dabao coming back, he happily jumped at Dabao: "Brother, did you catch the cicada?"

Dabao had no idea what to do with cicadas. He coaxed Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, be good, Haizi and I have been searching for cicadas in the woods for a long time today. I will catch them for you when it rains in two days."

The truth is that Dabao and Zhou Zhihai were asked to go swimming in the pond halfway, and they were so busy having fun that they forgot about the incident.

 Xiaobao was very disappointed after hearing what his brother said.

Dabao’s words were very effective, and there was a thunderstorm the next day. The summer rain pattered down the sky and darkened the ground for a while, then suddenly stopped and the sky became clear.

Taking advantage of the break when the rain stopped, Dabao went to the tree and squatted down to find small holes in the ground, and dug out several small cicadas. It tastes so delicious when cooked!

  Xiaobao was angry with his brother the day before, but when the delicious food hit his mouth today, he started calling "big brother" and "big brother" non-stop.

Dabao wanted to give one to Zhou Xiaoyun to eat. Zhou Xiaoyun quickly waved her hand. She was most afraid of eating this kind of food, so they should eat it together.

 After the rain, the weather got cooler.

Zhou Xiaoyun picked up the basket and called Zhou Xiaoxia next door to pick some fungus together. Zhou Xiaoxia also imitated Zhou Xiaoyun and carried a small basket from home. The two girls set off talking and laughing.

  A pile of wood happened to be piled a few steps away, and clusters of black fungus sprouted. It can be pulled off with a gentle tug of the hand. Zhou Xiaoyun searched for a long time before the basket was filled with the basket. She stretched her head and saw that Zhou Xiaoxia didn't have as many as she did, so she suggested to look farther away.

Black fungus is most abundant after rain in summer, especially on rotten wood.

Zhou Xiaoyun and Zhou Xiaoxia looked for the place where the wood was piled, and only returned satisfied when they were half-laid with the basket.

 After returning home, Zhou Xiaoyun washed the fungus and dried it thoroughly for two days before putting it away.

When you want to eat it later, soak the fungus in water, cook it, and cut it into thin strips. Then mix it with some sesame oil and salt, and add some cucumber. It tastes so delicious! You can also add some freshness when cooking. This is a standard pure natural green food. Zhou Xiaoyun drools just thinking about it.

 (End of this chapter)

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