Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 6: The new Zhou Xiaoyun

Chapter 6 The new Zhou Xiaoyun

There seemed to be a lot of sounds echoing in his ears, making Zhou Xiaoyun's head hurt. She tried hard to open her eyes, but she couldn't.

stop fighting!

She shouted, but she just opened her mouth, but no sound came out at all, and her throat hurt like a fire.

At this time, a big hand lifted her head up and fed some water into her mouth, which she couldn't help but swallow. He was put down again, and the quilt was covered under his nose.

Next to him were the voices of two people: "Da Ya's fever is really bad. It's been two days and it's still not gone. It's better to ask Dr. Feng to come home and take a look."

 “Okay, I’ll go now.”

dad! Mother!

The voice was very familiar, it was that of my parents, but it was also a little strange, and it seemed much younger. etc…

 Da Ya! Isn't this her nickname? Before going to school, she was always called Daya, and she was named Zhou Xiaoyun when she was in first grade at the age of eight. Could it be that she was really six years old again?

Zhou Xiaoyun was a little confused, but he couldn't think clearly, so he had to fall asleep.

I don’t know how long she slept for, but she felt like someone was wiping her sweat, giving her medicine, and then pricking her buttocks for a while.

 She was finally able to open her eyes.

Zhou Xiaoyun looked at the roof in a daze. Every household had a thatched house since childhood, and it wasn't until I was ten years old that my family built a tile-roofed house. When she was eighteen years old, her family built a two-story building in a patchwork manner.

 Everywhere you look is a roof made of wood, a low roof. There was no electric light, and a kerosene lamp was lit on the table.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoyun vaguely remembered that the village did not have electricity until he was seven years old.

Zhou Xiaoyun slowly sat up from the bed and looked at his childhood home that had long been blurred in his memory.

 In addition to the kitchen and toilet, there are only three main rooms in the house. One of them is equivalent to a living room, with a long Eight Immortals table and several chairs. My parents lived in the east room, and my sister, who was less than two years old, was still sleeping with them.

 She, her brother Zhou Dongliang and her younger brother Zhou Xiaobao lived in this west room. After removing the two beds, there was not much space left in the small room. There is a small crooked table next to the door, which is where my brother does his homework.

 Zhou Xiaoyun was sleeping on a small bed by the window and heard the laughter of children coming from outside. After a while, his brother Zhou Dongliang barged in, shouting, "Da Ya, wake up!"

 Looking at the miniature version of Zhou Zhiliang in front of him, he wore a cotton sweatshirt, a pair of cloth trousers, and cloth shoes with two holes on his feet. There were mud marks on the left and right sides of his face, his hair was short, and there was some runny nose under his nose, which he wiped nonchalantly with his sleeve. As a result, I didn't wipe it clean, and some snot was wiped on my face.

“Da, Dabao,” this was my eldest brother’s nickname when he was a child. It was only after he became an adult that these names gradually stopped being called. She was called Daya until she was fifteen or sixteen years old, "I'm so hungry!"

 “Mom, Da Ya is awake and shouting that she is hungry!”

Dabao is only nine years old, three years older than Zhou Xiaoyun, and is currently in the first grade.

It's summer vacation now. I've been playing wildly outside for a long time and I'm already hungry. But my sister is sick and the house is so busy that no one calls for dinner. At this time, I saw my sister waking up. I was very happy, thinking that I could finally eat.

 Seeing Dabao go out, Zhou Xiaoyun tried to get up and put on his cloth shoes, which were much smaller. He seemed to feel better. I just feel a little dizzy and my stomach is growling hungry.

Zhou Xiaoyun recalled that he had always been in good health as a child, unlike his younger brother Xiaobao who was always sick. The only serious incident was when I was six years old and had a high fever, which took three days to recover from.

 It turned out that she actually went back to the year when she was six years old.

There is only one full-length mirror at home, and she cannot see clearly what she looks like now.

He stretched out his hand and looked at it. He looked at his thin little hands and looked at his legs. He saw two thin legs like small bamboo poles. The clothes on her body are a bit too big, with her top hanging down to her thighs and her trousers rolled up. These should be the clothes of her cousin Zhou Xiaoxia.

Just when Zhou Xiaoyun was looking at himself, his mother Zhao Yuzhen walked in.

Zhao Yuzhen saw Zhou Xiaoyun standing stupidly beside the bed and pulled her over: "Da Ya, are you feeling better?"

Zhou Xiaoyun looked at the young mother, feeling as if she was in a dream for a moment, and casually replied: "It's better, Mom."

At this time, Zhao Yuzhen was just in her early thirties. Although she was a rural woman, she was quite pretty. It is completely different from the wrinkles on my face when I was in my fifties.

"Go and eat."

Zhao Yuzhen took Zhou Xiaoyun, who had no idea where his soul was flying to, to have dinner.

 When we got to the kitchen, the lamp was still on, and the small dining table was already full of family members. Father Zhou Guoqiang is only thirty-four years old and in his prime.

Dabao was so hungry that he had already secretly stuffed a mouthful of cake into his mouth.

 My younger brother Xiaobao is only one year younger than me. He is five years old this year. He is frail and short in stature.

 The younger sister’s first name was Zhou Xiaoyue, but her nickname was definitely Erya at this time.

Thinking of the vulgar nicknames given to his siblings, Zhou Xiaoyun secretly laughed in his heart. It was hard for his father, who graduated from elementary school, to come up with any nice names. My brother’s famous Zhou Zhiliang was named after his deceased grandfather?

There wasn’t much food for dinner, just a few pickles, a few baked pancakes, and a big pot of corn porridge, and that was the family’s dinner. Zhou Xiaoyun secretly glanced at Dabao. He could eat one and a half pancakes like this in one meal. He always had a good appetite and would eat a full stomach no matter what.

Xiaobao's appetite was much smaller, so he ate half a bowl of porridge and stopped eating after a few bites of cake.

Erya has just been weaned and can’t speak clearly yet. The rice bowl is obviously not porridge, but a poached egg and some noodles.

Zhou Xiaoyun was not used to eating such a dinner. He reluctantly took a few bites and drank some porridge. When his stomach stopped growling, he stopped using chopsticks.

 At the dinner table, Dabao’s laughter, Xiaobao’s shouts, Erya’s cries, Zhou’s father’s scolding, and Zhou’s mother’s persuasion were like a symphony. A feeling that he had not experienced in many years spread over Zhou Xiaoyun's body. My family members whose blood is thicker than water! At this moment, the dim lights and the low room couldn't resist the warmth.

 (End of this chapter)

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