Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 85: Regret endlessly

Chapter 85 Regret

 After Feng Jialing gave Xiaobao another injection, Xiaobao finally got better.

Feng Tiezhufei made a fuss and came to Zhou Xiaoyun's house together. Feng Jialing was helpless and had to bring a small oil bottle.

 Feng Tiezhu came to Zhou Xiaoyun's house quite often. He and Zhou Zhihai were good buddies and often played with Zhou Zhihai. He was quite familiar with the brothers and sisters of the Zhou family. After he arrived, he wandered around for a while and then went to play with Dabao. Zhou Zhihai heard Feng Tiezhu's voice and ran over to play.

Having more children will inevitably make them chatter, which can cause headaches.

They were having so much fun that Zhou Xiaoyun's head hurt from the noise. She was embarrassed to say anything to others, so she had to shout to Dabao: "Brother, didn't you see Xiaobao sleeping? The sound was so loud that it shook the roof of the house. "

Dabao stuck out his tongue and took Zhou Zhihai and Feng Tiezhu out to play.

 Finally feeling a little calmer, Zhou Xiaoyun had a busy and fulfilling half day. I wake up in the morning and cook rice porridge. After eating, I wash the pots and dishes and wash the family's clothes.

Zhou Guoqiang went out to collect the pigs. Zhao Yuzhen mixed the pig food after feeding the chickens and ducks. Xiaobao had to stay with him while he was hanging out.

Erya is always following behind. Zhao Yuzhen sometimes thinks that if Daya hadn’t helped with the housework, she really doesn’t know how she could have been busy alone.

  Feng Jialing stayed at home to eat at noon, and specially peeled some peanuts and fried them - frying peanuts takes too much oil, so it is more cost-effective to fry them with less oil, and they are still crispy and delicious.

The person who peeled the peanuts was naturally Zhou Xiaoyun. She talked to Xiaobao while peeling the peanuts. Xiaobao felt much better after sleeping for a while, his face began to look rosy, and he had to peel peanuts even while sitting on the bench.

The two siblings were talking and laughing as they peeled a large bowl of peanuts. Zhao Yuzhen took it to the kitchen and heated it up, then put it on a plate and set it aside to cool down. After it was completely cold, they ate it and it tasted delicious in their mouths.

Four salted duck eggs were steamed on top of the rice, each cut into eight pieces, a total of thirty-two pieces, arranged neatly and beautifully on top of each other by Zhou Xiaoyun.

Of course there must be pork, braised in a big bowl.

Pick a few cucumbers that grow in the ground, wash them, cut them into slices, take two cloves of garlic, add some salt and mix them. The best thing is that you still have dried fungus at home, soak them in boiling water, cut them into thin strips and mix them with the cucumbers. Together, they smell fragrant.

 Finally, I fried a green pepper egg.

 Judging from the dishes served to entertain guests, we can see that the Zhou family’s life is better off than before.

Of course, Feng Jialing also noticed it and said politely: "It's very polite of you to go out of your way to cook so many dishes."

Zhou Guoqiang smiled and said: "No, no, it's just a common meal. Daya, go get the wine."

After waiting for the wine to be served, Zhou Guoqiang drank with Feng Jialing. After three drinks, the men began to call each other brothers, and the degree of gossip was no less than that of women. Zhao Yuzhen stayed by the side to talk and take care of the children as they ate.

Feng Tiezhu loves meat the most, competing with Dabao You. Zhou Zhihai also had lunch here before going home, and the three of them competed to eat meat. A big bowl of braised pork went into the stomachs of the three of them.

 The two men who were drinking had enough peanuts, but little else.

Zhou Xiaoyun especially likes to eat cucumbers mixed with fungus. He thinks that after the rain, he will find more fungus to dry in the sun.

Xiaobao was eating cucumber in his mouth and kept staring at the braised pork. Unfortunately, when he was about to stretch out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat, he was blocked by Zhou Xiaoyun's chopsticks: "Xiaobao, you just have diarrhea, but you can't eat these greasy things. Eat some." "Light."

Feng Jialing, who was drinking next to him, nodded after hearing this: "Da Ya is right, it is better to eat something light at this time. Eat meat after two days."

Xiaobao retracted his chopsticks in frustration.

After finishing the meal, Xiaobao became even more greedy. Because Zhou Xiaoyun opened soda for Feng Tiezhu, Zhou Zhihai and Dabao to drink. Needless to say, it was definitely not his share.

Xiaobao is so annoyed. He vowed to become a doctor when he grows up and must take good care of his body. He can eat whatever he wants.

 After Xiaobao's health completely recovered, he was "severely sanctioned" by Zhou Xiaoyun - he was disqualified from drinking soda.

Xiaobao became anxious after hearing Zhou Xiaoyun's announcement: "Sister, my health is already well. It's true, I stopped having diarrhea the day before yesterday."

Zhou Xiaoyun squinted at Xiaobao: "Don't drink it even after it's over. What if you have diarrhea again? Look, I finally gained some weight and lost some weight."

The chubby little face has a sharp chin, and he had diarrhea for a few days and lost all the fat he had gained in the past six months. Zhou Xiaoyun was so angry that he vowed never to let Xiaobao drink soda again.

Xiaobao begged bitterly: "Please, can't I just drink one bottle? I promise to drink one bottle a day, and I will never drink soda secretly again."

Zhou Xiaoyun took the time to admire Xiaobao's bitter face: "I used to allow you to drink one bottle a day because you were very obedient, but this time you were disobedient and secretly drank soda behind my back, causing you to have diarrhea for several days and two bottles of water. It’s better to take a lot of medicine. Not to mention that your family has spent a lot of money and you have lost a lot of weight. You also suffer from the money. Do you think you should be punished for this behavior?”

Xiaobao was stunned for a moment after being lectured by the truth, and could only nod his head.

"As long as you agree. Listen, my punishment for you is that you are not allowed to drink a drop of soda this summer." Zhou Xiaoyun said his decision, ignoring Xiaobao's pitiful look.

Dabao was snickering next to him, but unexpectedly he was the one who was called out next: "Brother, listen too. You are also half responsible for this time Xiaobao secretly drank soda and had diarrhea. As an elder brother, instead of stopping him when faced with such a request, he Are you ashamed of being an accomplice? Don’t you know that Xiaobao is not in good health and cannot drink too much cold food?”

This time Lun Dabao was speechless. He scratched his head and tried to defend himself: "I..."

“Stop me. From now on, you can only drink one soda every day. If you drink more, you will pay.”

Dabao was unconvinced: "You promised to give me two bottles to drink."

 Zhou Xiaoyun smiled happily: "That happened in the past, I have changed my mind now. Of course, you can also choose not to drink a bottle at all."

Dabao looked at Zhou Xiaoyun with itchy teeth. He had never thought she was so hateful. Out of boyish dignity, he almost blurted out the phrase "If you don't drink, don't drink."

Zhou Xiaoyun looked at Dabao's wonderful expression and suddenly felt very good: "How is it?"

Dabao finally gave in: “Just one bottle.”

 In Xiaobao's disdainful eyes, Dabao went out in despair.

 In this round of competition, the brothers Dabao and Xiaobao were defeated miserably.

After this, Xiaobao became a completely obedient baby and no longer dared to disobey Zhou Xiaoyun.

As for Dabao, of course he was still fighting with Zhou Xiaoyun.

 He is the elder brother and the boss, Zhou Xiaoyun should obviously listen to him, right? Dabao thought unconvinced.

  As for the outcome, haha, you know the answer from Zhou Xiaoyun’s cunning eyes and smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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