Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 94: Built a food court

Chapter 94: Built a vegetable market

 This year is a good year for the farmers in the village. Several nearby villages merged into a township, and the newly established township government applied for funding from the county to build a vegetable market.

 The vegetable market is located in the open space near the market, and it is a simple greenhouse-like building.

 However, it has a completely different meaning to the vegetable seller. Not only does it have a fixed place to shelter from wind and rain, but it also allows you to set up stalls every morning regardless of the market. It is much more convenient for farmers, as they have a place to buy vegetables every day.

 The market was built in half a month and was called Xingwang Market. As soon as the big signboard is hung up and firecrackers are set off, the market is officially open for business.

Unexpectedly, there were very few people going in to set up stalls. Most of them took a wait-and-see attitude and set up stalls outside at the same place.

 There is of course a reason for this. The township government has paid to build a food market, so of course it has to recycle the money. If you want to set up a stall in a new food market, you have to pay a certain stall fee. This money is more than a dozen yuan a month, but it is not a small number in the eyes of rural people.

Zhou Guoqiang was a little hesitant, reluctant to part with the money and undecided.

Zhao Yuzhen came up with an idea at home: "His father, let's wait for a while and see what others do."

Zhou Xiaoyun, who was lowering his head to eat, couldn't help but interrupt: "Dad, let me see, you should pay some money to sell meat in the market! Think about it, ten yuan a month is a lot, but selling it in the market The meat is very convenient. It can’t be blown by the wind and rain, and it can be sold every day, which is much better than every market. You can earn a lot of money by selling more!”

The last sentence touched Zhou Guoqiang and made him determined to pay the money to the manager of the market. The person in charge is Xu Meili's father, Xu Dashan. When the vegetable farm was located in their village, he, the production captain, was put in charge.

After receiving the money, Xu Dashan opened an order for Zhou Guoqiang and specially reserved a good seat near the entrance of the market for Zhou Guoqiang. Zhou Guoqiang gratefully invited Xu Dashan to his home for dinner and drinks.

Xu Dashan readily agreed and brought Xu Meili with him.

Zhou Xiaoyun, who usually ignored Xu Meili, couldn't neglect his guests at this time, so he painfully played with Xu Meili all afternoon.

Zhou Xiaoyun was puzzled, how could Meili talk to herself without feeling bored at all? She only said a few words from beginning to end, "um", "ah", "oh", "really" and "ok". The rest of the time Xu Meili was there alone.

Wu Mei and Wang Jingjing also like to talk. Zhou Xiaoyun himself doesn't talk much and always likes to listen to his friends chatting.

Perhaps the content of beautiful words is too intolerable, even if you boast about yourself, you will belittle others. Zhou Xiaoyun heard this in great pain, and finally understood why Wang Jingjing and the others hated her so much.

 Xu Meili felt very good about herself, and she had a great impression of Zhou Xiaoyun who kept smiling and listening to her. She suddenly felt that it would be good for the two to be good friends, and she made a generous and unilateral decision to become friends with Zhou Xiaoyun from now on.

 Of course, if there is a chance, I still have to seize the position of squad leader, Xu Meili thought to herself.

After finally getting through the meal and sending the eldest sister away, Zhou Xiaoyun let out a long breath. Her ears were so clear that she wanted to cry.

 The market gradually became lively, and farmers gradually became accustomed to going to the market to buy vegetables every day.

From then on, Zhou Guoqiang officially went to the market to sell pork every morning. As Zhou Xiaoyun said, the business was much better. Zhao Yuzhen takes Erya to the market every day, and the couple cannot get home before twelve o'clock.

Zhou Xiaoyun took on the heavy responsibility of cooking again. Every day at noon, as soon as I put down my schoolbag when I get home, I will light a fire to make rice. When the rice is ready, I will cook the dishes prepared the night before and wait for my parents to get home.

Dabao cannot hide even if he wants to, so he is the best choice for lighting fires.

Xiaobao is much more diligent than Dabao at his young age. When he sees his brother and sister cooking and the other lighting the fire, he helps carry dishes, wipes the table and sweeps the floor. The three brothers and sister divide the work and work together to solve the lunch problem properly.

 Zhao Yuzhen and Zhou Guoqiang were extremely happy to be able to have hot meals when they got home.

 Zhou Guoqiang and Zhao Yuzhen no longer have to worry about "lunch", so they feel confident in doing business. They don't have to rush home from the market, and the stall can be closed later, so of course the business will be better.

Although there are two or three more pork sellers in the market, Zhou Guoqiang's pork stall is still the most prosperous business.

Another thing that makes the couple happy is that the children are so obedient and well-behaved. Nothing makes parents happier than this.

The days passed by inadvertently, and the life of the Zhou family quietly changed without even realizing it.

 First of all, a telephone is installed in the home.

 At this time, there were not many households in the village equipped with telephones, only a few households at most. Zhou Guoqiang's family accidentally came to the forefront of the village, which can be considered a sense of accomplishment.

Of course this phone is not just for viewing, but it is of great use.

Zhou Guoqiang spent money to install a telephone at home in order to expand the scale of his pork stall. In the past, he traveled all over the country to collect pigs, but now a large part of his business relies on telephone calls. This can not but be said to be a huge improvement.

Now when some people who have pigs to sell from far away call, Zhou Guoqiang will come to collect the pigs at any time, saving a lot of time.

Zhou Guoqiang not only kills pigs to sell for himself, but now also runs a wholesale business.

 Several pork stalls in the vegetable market come to him to sell pork. Of course, the profit is not as much as the retail sales, but the more quantity is better.

 Speaking of which, this idea must be attributed to Zhou Xiaoyun’s reminder. Zhou Guoqiang mentioned at home that there were several pork vendors in the market who went to the county slaughterhouse to buy pork and sell it. People like Zhou Guoqiang collected and killed the pigs themselves and sold very little.

Zhou Xiaoyun said casually: "Dad, why don't you go find these companies and let them come to our house to sell pork. If their prices are lower than those of the slaughterhouse, and they save you the trouble of running errands, they will definitely be willing." "

Zhou Guoqiang slapped his thigh and woke up the dreamer with one word!

 And the shrewd Zhao Yuzhen also opened the business in the restaurant.

She has visited all the restaurants in nearby villages, and has won unanimous praise from the restaurants for her low prices and door-to-door service. As a result, the couple can only guard the pork stall and go out to run business.

Zhou Guoqiang rides a tricycle around all day long, his hands and feet constantly busy. But seeing that I am making more and more money, I feel happy no matter how tired I am.

The couple is looking forward to it. If this continues, maybe they will be able to build a small building in two years.

 Zhou Xiaoyun went to the market to help Zhao Yuzhen sell pork on Sundays. At a young age, he was quite famous in the market for being polite, courteous and calculating accounts while selling things.

 The family's finances have become better, and the children's pocket money has increased. Zhao Yuzhen was extremely generous and gave the children pocket money every week, 50 cents a week for each child.

Zhou Xiaoyun smiled and accepted, Xiaobao couldn't close his mouth with joy, while Dabao shyly discussed whether he could get one yuan a week, but was slapped and left alone.

 (End of this chapter)

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