Zhou Xiaoyun’s Happy Life

Chapter 96: windfall

Chapter 96 Windfall

At about 11 o'clock at noon, Zhou Guoqiang and Zhao Yuzhen came back with Erya pushing a tricycle.

Dabao had long ago gone to the market on Zhou Xiaoyun’s order to report the guests at home. The couple were very happy when they heard that Zhou Xiaoyun’s teacher was here. It just so happens that the meat is almost sold out today so I can come back early.

It was inevitable for the adults to exchange greetings when they met. Zhao Yuzhen knew the purpose of Sister Dai Shuping's visit and said with a smile: "It's rare that you are optimistic about the small things made by our elders. I'm afraid that the younger ones won't be able to help."

Dai Shuping could lift people up to the sky with his words, and then he praised Zhou Xiaoyun to the point where Zhao Yuzhen couldn't even say any kind words and could only laugh.

The adults were talking here, and Zhou Xiaoyun came over early to take over the vegetables that his parents had brought back from the market. He was washing and cutting the vegetables in a series of very smooth movements.

Everything is ready. Chef Zhao Yuzhen comes on stage. There are guests at home today and I am embarrassed to let my daughter start cooking. It's not that Zhou Xiaoyun's cooking is not delicious. On the contrary, the taste of Zhou Xiaoyun's cooking is not much worse than that of his mother.

Zhao Yuzhen was afraid of making her guests feel neglected, so she insisted on coming over to cook and cook.

 Fang Wenchao and Zhou Guoqiang were chatting in the main room.

The mother and daughter were cooking and cooking. Dai Shuping insisted on coming over to help. Zhao Yuzhen couldn't refuse and asked the two sisters to stand aside and chat.

 Dai Shuqi became more and more interested in her husband's student. In the past, she often heard Fang Wenchao mention her various abilities, but she only thought it was a bit exaggerated. Now that she has been up close, she feels that Fang Wenchao's words are too modest. Look how neatly Zhou Xiaoyun does things, even better than an adult like her!

Speaking of this, I feel a little embarrassed. Dai Shuqi has never been in the kitchen very much since he was so old. In the past, he didn’t even mention four liang at home. After getting married, Fang Wenchao’s parents came home from get off work and ate ready-made meals. Dai Shuqi now knows how to make noodles.

Dai Shuqi's eyes almost went straight when she saw how well a child like Zhou Xiaoyun was washing, chopping, and cooking the food.

Dai Shuqi was even more stunned when Zhao Yuzhen talked about Zhou Xiaoyun's usual behavior at home. Taking care of younger siblings, doing laundry, cooking, sweeping the floor... He is an all-around talent!

 Looking at Zhou Xiaoyun, who seldom made a sound, he had delicate features and fair skin. His long ponytail was tied behind his head. His simple clothes could not hide his outstanding beauty. I wonder what kind of water spirit I will become when I grow up!

 At noon, Zhou Guoqiang specially opened a bottle of good wine brought by the people last week and drank with Fang Wenchao.

Fang Wenchao usually refused to drink at first, but after Dai Shuqi's eyes suggested it, he felt relieved and picked up the glass.

Zhou Xiaoyun couldn't stop laughing. It turns out that Teacher Fang is also a "hep-controller"!

  Needless to say, the atmosphere during the meal was very good. With Dai Shuping here, I never had to worry about running out of topics to talk about. Coupled with Zhao Yuzhen and Zhou Guoqiang's flattery towards Fang Wenchao and his wife, the atmosphere couldn't be disharmonious.

Although Fang Wenchao was not drunk, he was obviously drunk. His words began to get knotted and he began to praise his student Zhou Xiaoyun.

Zhou Guoqiang listened with a smile on his face: "Teacher Fang, our eldest daughter is all indebted to your teachings. Without your careful training, where would she be today? We are rural people without much education, so we don't know how to express gratitude. If so, come and give you two more drinks!”

Looking at Fang Wenchao drinking a cup from left to right, Dai Shuqi finally couldn't sit still and coughed softly. Unfortunately, Fang Wenchao didn't hear the coughing sound because it was so quiet. When the coughing sound got louder, everyone at the table could hear the warning in it.

Zhou Xiaoyun dissuaded Zhou Guoqiang, who was still trying to persuade him to drink: "Dad, I think Teacher Fang drank a lot. Stop trying to persuade him to drink!"

Zhou Guoqiang was not a shy person. Of course he heard Dai Shuqi's cough. He wisely put down his wine glass and advised Fang Wenchao to eat vegetables instead.

Fang Wenchao looked a little embarrassed, so he had to eat vegetables to hide it. Dai Shuqi was finally satisfied and his smile bloomed again.

Zhou Xiaoyun who was next to him was amused. Fang Wenchao was usually gentle and cheerful in school, but how could he see Fang Wenchao like this!

 The guests and hosts had a great time having lunch, and Dai Shuping reluctantly said goodbye. When leaving, she took Zhou Xiaoyun's hand and thanked her again and again.

Zhou Xiaoyun smiled and waved goodbye to Fang Wenchao, and gave Fang Wenchao two pots of wild flowers to take back.

Fang Wenchao had both hands full, and he admired Zhou Xiaoyun's careful knowledge.

 After that, Dai Shuping found time to come here two or three more times, but this skill is really not that easy to master. Zhou Xiaoyun was soft-hearted. Seeing that Dai Shuping was so sincere, he took the time to make two pairs of dolls for her to sell in the store first.

Within a week after Dai Shuping put the dolls in the store, a young man and woman who were getting married and decorating their new house took notice of one of the dolls and bought them for 18 yuan.

 Another couple was spotted by their daughter while a family of three was shopping in a store, and their parents spent money to buy them as birthday gifts for their daughter.

Dai Shuping was very proud of her vision and quickly brought over thirty yuan from the sale to her brother-in-law Fang Wenchao.

Zhou Xiaoyun is not willing to ask for this money. Fang Wenchao advised: "Zhou Xiaoyun, just take it! Sister Shuping is feeling embarrassed because she didn't pay your tuition fee. Let's count it as tuition fee. Besides, this is your labor. Results."

Zhou Xiaoyun was even more reluctant to ask for it after saying this: "Teacher Fang, I'm going to blush when you say that. I've been learning the accordion with you for so long but I've never paid tuition. You'd better take this money back!"

Fang Wenchao forcefully stuffed the money into Zhou Xiaoyun's pocket: "How can this be compared? If you don't put in the effort and I teach you, what's the point of all the time? The key is your own efforts. Take this money quickly, sister Shuping opens a shop. The business has made a lot of money, and she doesn’t care about it, but it’s not a small amount for you. It’s easy to buy whatever you want with some money.”

These words reached Zhou Xiaoyun's heart, but he was so disrespectful that he had to accept them.

However, she rarely hid money from her family. As soon as she got home, Zhou Xiaoyun honestly explained the origin of the money and handed the money to Zhao Yuzhen.

  Zhao Yuzhen, who has made some money from business, is much richer than before, who was always cautious and calculating. At that time, I simply asked Zhou Xiaoyun to keep it and buy something he liked.

  嚯! What a historic change!

Zhou Xiaoyun, who was not comfortable with his mother's change, touched the back of his head and asked, "Is the sun rising in the west?"

 Dabao was so greedy when he saw Zhou Xiaoyun's so much private money that he almost scratched his head and almost didn't ask for it.

Xiaobao didn't have as many worries as he did, so he directly asked for a dollar to buy an exercise book.

Erya, a little money-lover, also wanted to go. She held the five cents in her hand and giggled from time to time when she looked at the money.

Dabao hated himself at this time: How come he is three years older than Zhou Xiaoyun and becomes his brother? How dare you ask your sister for money? Seeing how good Xiaobao and Erya are, they should open their mouths without any scruples.

Zhou Xiaoyun wanted to see how long Dabao could hold it in, so he deliberately waved the money in front of Dabao and put it in his pocket. He took Erya to buy something to eat, and then took Xiaobao to buy homework books and pencils, but did not mention the distribution. Dabao some things like this.

Dabao watched eagerly as Erya proudly ate a dime-a-yellow egg roll in front of him, almost drooling. When I saw the beautiful book in Xiaobao's hand again, I became even more jealous.

Dabao finally put aside the psychological barriers brought about by his brother's identity and shouted loudly: "Daya, I want a notebook too! I also want to eat egg rolls!"

Zhou Xiaoyun laughed happily!

 (End of this chapter)

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