Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 929: Turning point (6)

In the evening of the red sun, it turned into a star of the sky, and it turned into a cloud of clouds in the daytime.

The news of the southwest Wangyuan Bridge was over, and the news of Zonghan’s troops rushing away was already spread in various places in Jiangnan and Central Plains in April.

It is a war that determines the trend of the world. Up to now, it has shown a trend that is inconsistent with most people's expectations. The Chinese military's combat strength and tenacity have shocked many people's eyes. Some people are stunned, some are afraid, some are excited from such a victory, and some are wary. But no matter what attitude or mood is held, as long as it is a person who is slightly qualified to dance on this stage of the world, no one can be indifferent and indifferent to it, but it is no refutation.

Even after thousands of miles away, the two units above Liangshan were invigorated, and the mountains and grasses came to vote, even between the Huaxia Army led by Zhu Xi and Liu Chengzong, and the Guangwu Army led by Wang Shanyue and Xue Changgong. The big win caused two small-scale frictions and fights, which made people laugh and cry.

Far away from Baoding's Wan Yanchang, because of the eagerness of Liangshan, it strengthened the defensive power against the Central Plains, and watched out that these people in Shandong were encouraged by the southwestern war situation and took advantage of the big troubles.

Further, in the interior of the Golden State, large-scale influence is gradually brewing. In the cloud, after the first round of news was delivered, it was not publicized, and it was only quietly spread among some high-ranking members of the Golden State. After learning of the defeat of the West Road Army, some of the Daikins of the Daikins pulled out the Hannu in their homes and killed a group. Then they went to Tuen Mun and paid a fine.

As for the tragic news of the withdrawal of the West Road Army, more time will be passed back from the southwest thousands of miles away. At that time, a huge wave will appear inside the Golden State.


When the horse team passed through the rolling hills and turned toward the small basin on the side of the mountain, Lou Shuyu opened the curtain in the middle of the carriage and saw the smoky and residual fire below.

The flames ravaged the village and the wheat fields, and the nearby army had come over to save what could be saved in a messy place. The closer the team is, the more you can hear the cries in the wind.


She clenched her fist and cursed it like this.

This is a scene in March.

If it wasn't for what happened in the spring of this year, Lou Shuzhen might be able to get more encouragement from the intelligence of the Southwest War. But at this moment, Jindi was plagued by sudden attacks and was overwhelmed for a while.

Winter snow melted in the lunar calendar in February, and the competition between the Lou Shuyi side and the Liao Yiren side led by Jinyi was re-emerged. This time, the interracial reinforcements that suddenly appeared on the side of Liao Yiren removed the two counties and towns on the side of Lou Shuyi in such a way. The other party was fierce and murderous. After doing some investigation, it was confirmed that the attack was very good. It may be a prairie who has been killed all the way from Xixia.

This newly emerged interracial mercenary has a flexible warfare and a strong desire for fighting and massacres. They broke the city twice and were pretending to be merchants. They contacted the defenders in the city and obtained the permission to seize the gate with a small amount of precision. Slaughter and burn. Judging from the battle of the other side to seize the city gate, it can be determined that this unit is indeed an operational elite that cannot be underestimated this month.

The seizure of the city in February has aroused the vigilance of Lou Shuzhen and Yu Yulin. By the end of February, the other’s operations were hindered. After being seen once, in early March, the army attacked the patrol again. By means of false news, they attacked two small counties and towns. At the same time, they launched a more inhuman attack on the civilian population in the Tiger King.

With the flexible small horse team and elite hunters, they interspersed in the villages and towns here, attacking the villages in the night, and most importantly, burning houses and burning wheat fields. This kind of fighting strategy, in the past wars, even Liao Yiren will never dare to use, but in March, this side has suffered more than ten such devastating attacks.

Winter wheat is often planted in the first eight months of the lunar calendar, and harvested in May of the coming year. For Lou Shuzhen, it is the most crucial harvest for the revitalization of the Jindi. Liao Yiren is also a local big family. The battlefield is vying for your life and death, but always pointing to defeating each other. If you can live a good life, no one will set fire to the wheat fields of the people. But the arrival of the grassland people has opened such a precedent.

In February and March, Yu Yulin assembled the army and recovered two towns. However, the area around the army and the place near the plain were also harassed by the grassland people. They used their volley skills to attack the weaker army. They turned and ran after a round of shooting. After the distance was opened, they were shot again. They only pinched soft persimmons and never forced hard bones, which caused Yu Yulin to a certain extent. Troubled.

As a general who has led the army for many years, Yu Yulin and many people can see that the combat power of the prairie people is not weak, they are just used to adopt such a tactic. Perhaps because the survival of the Jindi has nothing to do with them, Liao Yiren invited them to come, and they continued to lick the knife according to the soft ribs of everyone. For them, this is a relatively bachelor and easy combat, but for Yulin, Lou Shuzhen and others, there is only a feeling of resentment.

The only thing that can comfort this side is that due to the loss of helplessness, Liao Yiren’s power on the frontal battlefield is completely out of the enemy’s attack. However, the other party is taking the defensive. Even if everything goes well, it will take nearly half a year to defeat Liao Yiren and recover the entire Jindi. But no one knows how many times the prairie people will make a lot of heart-wrenching things in half a year, and it is difficult to fully confirm that if these guys are bent on attacking in the Jindi, what will happen.

In the friction and investigation after the contact between the two sides, the southwestern battle situation was passed down in one piece. The exhibition responsible for this affairs reminded Lou Shuzhen, although after the killing of the white land in the northwest, there was not much attention to the situation in Xixia and other places, but before he came to Jindi, Mr. Ning once took people to Xixia. Explored the movements of the prairie people.

The forces that will make Ning Yi secretly concerned, this is a signal and suggestion in itself. Lou Shuzhen also paid more attention to it. She asked the exhibition Wu Ningyi's views on this group of people. Is there any countermeasures and hindsights?

"...When Mr. Ning came over, he only arranged for the Tiger King. Perhaps he did not expect that this group of people would reach out to the original. In his experience in Xixia, he did not mention it..."

Lou Shuzhen’s mood is boring, and listening to such an answer, the brow is a fierce one: “Roll, your black flag army is the same as Ning Yi, delicious and good to raise you, no use of fart!”

When she encounters something about Ning Yi, she has to swear a few words, sometimes it is vulgar, and the exhibition five is helpless. Especially after taking the assistance of the other party last year, the Chinese military people were short-handed in front of her and could only leave in vain. What is the face, it doesn't matter anymore.

Ning Yi’s views on the grassland people were not known. The exhibition five had to write a letter temporarily and report the situation here. On the other side of Lou Shuzhen, Yu Yulin and other people were called to raise their vigilance and prepare for hard work. For Liao Yiren, try to solve the problem as quickly as possible. Although the prairie people are temporarily slick, they must also have a psychological expectation of playing against each other. Any method of balancing the guerrilla strategy of the other party must be done now.

Then the fist was taken back, and the time for the overall operation of the Liao family was postponed to April. During this period, Lou Shuzhen and others launched a conservative defense on the periphery of the territory, but the scene of the village attack was still reported from time to time.

Every burned wheat field and village is like a knife in the heart of Lou Shu. Under such circumstances, she even took her subordinates and pressed the center of governance to the front. There was still a period of preparatory attack. In private, the persuasion and lobbying of Liao Yiren was also in full swing. The smoke of the Jindi was swaying. At the beginning of April, the atmosphere was chilling, because people suddenly discovered that the prairie people interspersed. From the end of March, I don’t know why I stopped.

A long silence, perhaps in preparation for the next round of offense, realized that Lou Shuzhen ordered the army to strengthen the vigilance and let the people in front of the news. Soon after, the strange news came from the army in the Liao family.


North of Fuyang, Huixian, Liao Yiren’s hometown, the chaos still continues here.

The prairie people are suddenly in trouble.

The evening was in the evening of March 28, and a dinner hosted by Liao was held in this mansion. Soon after, the Mongolian team attacked the nearby military camp and they took down the generals of the army. Captured the commanding heights of the Liao family's inner court. Since then, the Mongols have controlled Liao’s parents for four days. Due to previous arrangements, the nearby armaments were looted. A large number of grassland people came over and towed away the gunpowder, iron cannons and ammunition they were most valued at this time.

Although it seems premeditated, the Mongols still showed a lot of rushes throughout the operation, and it was difficult to determine why they chose such a point in time for the Liao family. But in any case, in the next four days, Liao’s mansion was staged in various inhumane things. Liao Yiren was not dead at the time, and no one was sympathetic in later generations. However, in the early part of April, he and some of the Liao family were once in a state of disappearance. Because the Liao family’s forces were in chaos, at that time no one paid attention to the whereabouts of the Mongolians after they robbed the Liao family.

On the second day of April, the Mongolian squad left the Liao family. The nearby military camp suffered a massacre. On the third day of the third day, the first person who came over found the corpse of the Liao family. At the beginning of the fifth day, people gradually moved to the building. The idea of ​​surrender was conveyed. At that time, people still did not understand why this happened in the chaos, and still could not see the impact it would have on the future situation. Where did the Mongolians go? The conscious pursuit of the fifth day began, and the shocking feedback was only after the first ten.

After many years, people can sort out the things of the Jindi from the mouth of the survivors...

No one knows that on the afternoon of March 27th, two Mongolian generals named Zha Muhe and Chi Laowen, when they discussed things in the room of Jindi, alerted the outside window. It was a flying wing. The bird is still a relative of the Liao family who accidentally passed by. But in short, the command to prepare the hand was sent out soon.

During the three months of the Jindi period, the Mongols learned the situation of the whole world at the same time. At this time, they already knew that there was a more powerful enemy in the southwest that defeated Yan Zonghan. What Zhamuhe and Chi Laowen are negotiating is what they are going to do next, and things are advanced because of the external movement.

The army in Mongolia was escorted to a group of Liao’s family who were like animals. They had already tortured enough information.

The key to the action lies in the few supervisors and immediate family members who participated in the Liao family business in the past. In the seventh day of the seventh day, a business travel team with the flag of Liao, arrived at the northernmost part of the Central Plains... Yanmen Pass.

After the Jurchens controlled the Yanmen Gate and controlled the Central Plains in essence, due to the decline of the Central Plains, there were not many business trips on both sides. www.wuxiaspot.com~ But there are always. Liao is one of the forces with business qualifications, and after a resolute confrontation with Lou Shuzhen and Yu Yulin, Liao’s status has become very high among local warlords.

This is a large team of more than two hundred people. There are a lot of goods and goods. It means that there will be more oil and water in the army stationed at the checkpoint. So the two sides conducted friendly consultations: the Jurchen team in the defending level had a hard time, and the Liao family members of the team could not wait to throw a lot of treasures to bribe each other. This kind of urgency is not unusual, but guarding the Jurchen of Yanmenguan. The generals were soaked in the filial piety and oil of the parties for a long time, and no abnormalities were found for a time.

More than two hundred people entered the gate of Yanmenguan. Among the two hundred people, there are many Mongolians who will make a loud name in the future. They are: Zha Muhe, Chi Laowen, Mu Huali, Zhe Don't, Boer, Torre, Hesa, and the nephew only - Jinmuzhen...

More cavalry, waiting quietly in the mountains south of Yanmenguan...

This is the moment when the Jurchens are back in the air.

The tiger showed off his teeth. The Mongolian's 兵锋, in the near future, runs through the entire Yanyun 16th state and reaches the cloud...

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