Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 15: Clown (3)

The stars are sparse in the night sky. Mandu Daru rode his horse and crossed the streets of Yunzhongfu in the early hours of the morning. Halfway through, he also met with the soldiers patrolling the city, and the two companions in the back took tokens for his inspection.

After running for a long time, he arrived at the long street where the cousin's cousin in the west of the city, he patted the door, and then the cousin rushed out of the room and opened the door.

"I'm late and I don't know if he still has eyes--"

The laughter of the captive seemed crazy in his mind. He thought that the children in the family were kidnapped by the black flag, but it was not. The cousin dragged him and ran to the medical hall on the other side of the street, while running, he said sadly what happened in the afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon, an unknown carriage rushed across the long street at high speed. The legs of the 11-year-old child in the family were broken on the spot. The driver did not stay as crazy, and the car hanging behind the car. The iron hook caught the child's right hand, dragged the child across the long street, and then cut off the rope on the iron hook to escape.

The child was dragged into a blood man by the carriage and was hurried to the hospital, still alive at this time, but I don't know if I can survive it.

This child is indeed from Mandu Daru.

Earlier in the year, I returned to the cloud to catch fast, there was no backstage around me, and there were not many ways to promote, so I had to work hard. The folk customs of the Northland are brave, and the gangsters who have been active on the road have no shortage of good players from the army, or even the aftermath of the annihilation of the Liao Kingdom. Upbringing. After that, the number of visits was not much.

In the past few years, the status has gradually increased, and it may have been less likely to harm the family. But who would have expected such a crazy desperate man among the black flags?

I walked all the way to the medical hall. The cousin who was guarding here had already cried with red eyes. They had raised the child for many years, and they already had real emotions. Seeing Mandu Daru arrived, the cousin dragged him to He told the abominable of the murderer and asked him to seize the other party and stab at it. Mandu Daru was speechless. As the doctor walked to the medical hall, when he arrived near the wooden door, he even hesitated slightly and tranced before stepping on.

The doctor told the situation in his ear.

Mandu Daru looked at the drug-laden child on the bed. For a moment, the doctor felt a little noisy. He reached out and pushed to the side, but he didn't push anyone. A few people looked at him suspiciously. Subsequently, he pulled out the knife.

The eleven-year-old child on the bed lost two legs, one hand, and a face dragged across the long street on the ground, and it had already become bloody. The doctor does not guarantee that he will survive tonight, but even if he survives, he will only have one hand and half face in the long life in the future. Such a survival, anyone who thinks about it will feel suffocated.

Mandu Daru's blade pointed to the child, but he stepped back involuntarily. The cousin on the side screamed and threw over, grabbing the knife in his hand. The crying sound rang through the night sky.

The expression on his face was sometimes fierce and sometimes trance. In the end, he failed to get a knife. The sister-in-law cried out loudly: "You go to kill the murderer! Are you not the head catcher? You go to catch the murderer that day ——That beast— ”

Mandu Daru was rambling out of the room, and the people around him still gritted his teeth to persuade him to catch the murderer. That crazy face flashed through Mandu Daru's mind, and there was a calm look in that crazy face.

"Did you kill Lu Mingfang?"

"... Lu Mingfang's matter, we are clear."

When the member of the Huaxia Army named Lu Mingfang was arrested last year, the other party did not die until this time. He did not know his identity for a while. After fighting, he vented his anger and almost chopped people into many pieces. It was later learned that the man was the head of the Huaxia Army in the North.

Now the chopped corpse overlaps with the appearance of the child still alive in the room.


He opened his mouth and roared in the night, then raised his knife and chopped it again, then put away the knife, and staggered rushing out.

On the horse, he ran all the way to the gate of the small prison near Debeimen. He pulled out his knife and tried to rush in, letting the animal in it endure the greatest pain and die. However, the catcher who was standing outside stopped him, and Mandu Daru's eyes were red, which seemed terrible. One or two people could not stop him. The catchers inside came out one by one, and then the high servant tiger came. After seeing him like this, he probably guessed what happened.

A group of people rushed to control Mandalaru ...

During the long dark night, there was no more peace outside the small prison. Mandu Daru came one after another under the Yamen. Sometimes the battle was noisy, and the high servant tiger also called more people to guard The security of this prison.

At this time, the terrible storm had swept away from the upper power of the Yunzhong House, and the people below were not yet clear. The high servant tiger knew that the **** of the valley would probably go down, and Mandalaru was the same. He had a hard time with Mandu Daru in the past. It was a time when he could not make concessions in the officialdom. Now his purpose has been achieved. Seeing Mandu Daru as crazy, he has no intention of turning this thing into immortality The endless private enmity only makes people secretly investigate what happened to the other son.

In the early morning of April 16, the morning spit out the morning light, followed by a breezy sunny day. It seemed that the streets were quiet and peaceful, and the passers-by still lived as usual. At this time some strange atmosphere and rumors began to penetrate into the middle.

On April 17, news about "Mrs. Han" 's betrayal of West Road Army information began to appear vaguely. And in the Yamen Gate of Yunzhong Prefecture, almost everyone heard that a fight between Mandu Daru and Gao Puhu seemed to be deflated, and many people even knew that Mandu Daru ’s biological son was made alive. Something as good as death, in conjunction with the rumors about "Mrs. Han", some things have become unusual among these sharp-smelling heads.

That afternoon, Gao Puhu took several subordinates and a few Yamen who came over to find him to inquire about intelligence. He quickly ate in the street market opposite Xiaomen in Beimen, and he revealed something privately.

"... Mother, that man is a lunatic. I only knew the night before ... Mother, I was fooled. This madman set up a bureau before he died, and he worked with Mandu Daru's son. Now The child was eleven years old and only had one hand to use. This mother and I were crazy. "

He recalled that when he first grabbed the other party, everything seemed normal. After two rounds of punishment, the other party burst into tears and burst into tears, shaking out a lot of evidence. Afterwards, the six female lords , Also showed a normal and duty "prisoner" look. It was not until Mandu Daru broke in that Gao Puhu discovered that the prisoner named Tang Minjie was totally abnormal.

"Mother ... The lunatic ... Most of them are people with heads and faces in the Huaxia army ... They just handed the knife to the east ... Don't die at all ..."

He gritted his teeth and said to drink.

There was a head catcher beside him: "If this is the case, this person must know a lot of secrets, and they can dig again."

"Do you think I didn't dig?" Gao Puhu glared at him. "That night I grabbed him and tossed for another hour. His eyes ... it's crazy, **** madman, and everything else. Can't pry it out, his previous flexion is a trick, his mother is pretending. "

"It's only an hour, isn't it enough ..."

"The news he shook out gave all the gods of the valley, and then Dongfu took over, and Laozi was going to be promoted. The son of Mandu Daru is like that, and you want his son to be like this. Go in and play, let the big guys see their skills? "Gao Puhu said here and took a sip of wine:" Wait ... it's going to be a big deal. "

Big things are happening.

That night, a tense dysprosium sounded in the direction of the city walls in the clouds, followed by the gongs of martial law in the city. The army stationed east of Yunzhongfu is moving towards this side.

In Zonghan Mansion, a confrontation was under way. Wan Yanchang and several real-power Jurchen princes were all present. Zong Bi shouted with confession and evidence in his hand.

"... Come, sticky! It's in Yunzhong Mansion! It's here! You shut the door! Do all of us one by one! You can keep Xiyin! Otherwise, his thing happened. ! The evidence is solid-you ca n’t tell where you go-"

"Dao Maan Ran! Selling fame and reputation! You are in Beijing, and you said to Jurchen! I will let you take a step! When you come to the cloud, follow your rules, and I will play with you according to the rules! Now your own **** is not clean! Come on! I, you are the boss of the Western court! I came to you in the cloud, I did not bring soldiers into the city, I entered your house, I did n’t even wear thick clothes today, you have a kind of protection from Xiyin, you will die now I--"

Zong Bi shouted in front of Zong Han for a while, Zong Han's forehead stretched out, and suddenly rushed over, his hands violently grabbed the clothes on his chest, lifted him up, and Yanchang and others around him also rushed Come here, a mess in the hall for a while.

However, until the end, Zong Han could not really start to beat Zong Bi this meal.

Close the door, he can kill anyone in Yunzhong House. But since then, Jin Guo is finished ...


"... A large river has wide waves, and the wind blows rice and flowers ..."

In the gloomy cell, starlight penetrated through the small window, with a weird tone of singing, occasionally sounded at night.

After the six Jurchen princes interrogated together, the situation in Yunzhongfu was brewing and fermenting for several days. During this period, the four prisoners went through two more sessions, one of which even saw the sticky.

The city experienced a martial law, but it was lifted the next day. The madman in the innermost part sometimes asks "Xiao Gao" about the outside world. Gao Puhu adapts to this offense and will talk about it casually. Of course, the level of contact he can reach is not high, and sometimes the appearance he sees is already a piece of scrap that has been revealed through high-level battles.

Although the news that the "Mrs. Han" leaked information and led to the failure of the Nanzheng has been spread to the lower levels, for Wan Yanxiyin and Chen Wenjun, the formal arrest or jail has not appeared in these days, and Gao Huhu is sometimes upset. , But the madman comforted him: "Don't worry, Xiaogao, you will definitely be promoted. You have to thank me."

Gao Puhu will also say: "Then thank you."

He hummed the song at night, his eyes always looking at the starlight in the window, and he didn't know what to think. Although the other three people in the cell were forced in by him, they usually did not dare to provoke him, and no one would provoke an unlimited neuropathy.

When he hummed the song, he felt a bit relaxed, his thin body leaned against the wall, and obviously there were various injuries on his body, but in that pain, he felt like It is like removing the heavy shackles of the mountain, waiting for something to come. Of course, since he is a lunatic, perhaps this feeling is just an illusion.

The four prisoners have not been transferred because the most crucial transition has been completed. Several feminine real power princes have already determined that the next witness will be dead, and Xi Yin can not escape this accusation in fact. Of course, the prisoner who was nicknamed the coyote was always uneasy about this, fearing that one night the prison would be set on fire and burn several of them alive here.

So he couldn't sleep every night.

In the middle of the day, the first time those figures walked into the cell, he woke up and several people forced the jailer back. The man headed was a woman with semi-white hair. She picked up the key, opened the innermost door, and walked in. The lunatic in the cell was humming, but stopped at this time, looked up at the person who came in, and then leaned against the wall and stood up.

In these days in the cell, the coyote was very tired and lazy to see the madman. No matter who came, he was lying or sitting on the straw pile. If he was not caught, he It didn't matter to anyone, but only this time, he took the initiative to stand up.

Of course, shortly afterwards, the coyote also knew the identity of the person coming.

I saw that the two of them looked at each other in the cell for a moment. The madman's lips moved a few times, and then he opened the mouth actively, saying one sentence: "Not easy ..."

The woman with half her hair was dressed up, and when he finished this sentence, she slapped a slap on his face. The voice resounded through the cell, but no one was speaking. The madman's head turned a little, and then turned around, and the woman slapped hard again.

His head was still shaking, and the crazy man named Tang Minjie lowered his head slightly, first bent one leg, then bent the other leg, and knelt slowly and solemnly in front of the woman.

Then came the woman's third slap, followed by the fourth slap, the fifth slap ... Tang Minjie knelt straight and let her slap down. After a while, the woman said hoarsely: "I ever ... did anything that hurt you?"

"... no" Tang Minjie said, "... you have kindness to me."

"Have I ever done anything to harm the Han Chinese?"

"... You are Han Chinese in the world ... you have great grace."

"Have I ever done anything I'm sorry for your Huaxia Army !?"

"... No, you are a hero, a hero of the Han Chinese, and a hero of the Huaxia Army. My ... Mr. Ning once specifically told me that all actions must take the protection of you as the first priority."

Chen Wenjun slapped again, heavy, and Tang Minjie's mouth was covered with blood foam.

"Why do you have to do this!"

"Only by removing Xi Yin, can we prevent the East and West from forming a joint force ..."

Another slap fell.

"So should I deserve it?"

"... in order to avoid that Jin Guo, as they say, regards confrontation with the Huaxia Army as the first priority ..."

Another slap.

"How many people have I saved over the years? Do I not have a hospice?"

"... So, in order to avoid the Chinese army going north in the future, the Jurchens really form a strong resistance ..."

Another heavy slap.

"You Hua Xiajun do this, how will you tell the world in the future! You shit--"

"... We can end this battle several years in advance, and we can save tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands less. I have no other choice ..."

"I don't seek a good end, but my family, my children, they are my children after all ..."

"... what I did was unforgivable ..."

A slap, another slap, Chen Wenjun spoke in his mouth, and Tang Minjie also murmured in his mouth. At the moment when talking about the child, Chen Wenjun suddenly reached out and pulled out the hairpins on his head, and the sharp edge waved toward the other person. The relief in his eyes flashed to Tang Minjie's eyes, and he welcomed him .

At the moment when he was determined to finish it, all the shackles of him had fallen, and now, this is the final, unrepayable debt.


There was a sorrowful roar in Chen Wenjun's mouth, but the hairpin stopped still in the air.

Tang Minjie waited for a moment, then he stretched out ten hands with vaguely flesh fingers, and gently held each other's hands.

"The scene has passed, Xi Yin can't escape the crime. You can kill me."

He whispered, pulling the hairpin to his throat.

"... I knew that I committed a sinful crime, and I would never be able to repay my crime in my life. We are in the North, and if you say that I want to die in the hands of you, then only you, Mrs. Chen, you are a real hero. You have saved countless lives. If there are other ways, even if I were killed a thousand times, I would not be willing to do anything that hurts you ... "

In the cell, Chen Wenjun had anger, desolation, and tears on her face. She had sheltered countless lives in the snow in the north, but at this moment, the cruel snow was finally about to take Going to her life. On the other side, Tang Minjie was scarred, his ten fingers were bloody, and his hair was swollen. His cheeks were swollen on both sides, his mouth was covered with blood foam, and several front teeth had already disappeared during the torture.

In the past encounters, Chen Wenjun has seen his exaggerated expressions, but has never seen him at this moment, she has never seen him cry, but at this moment calm and ashamed words In the meantime, Chen Wenjun could see tears in his eyes. He did not cry, but kept crying.

He turned his neck toward the hairpin.

Chen Wenjun “ahhhhhhhhhhh!” He waved his hands away and then kicked him to the ground.

Tang Minjie slowly got up again when the cell was quiet for a moment.

"You killed me. I know this can't be redeemed ... Please kill me."

Then came a kneeling, heavy kowtow. Chen Wenjun stared at all this with a daze. After a while, her footsteps receded to the rear. Tang Minjie raised her head, her eyes full of tears. Seeing her retreat, she seemed frightened and disappointed. Kowtow again.


The forehead hit the ground. There seemed to be a choking voice in his throat.

Chen Wenjun withdrew from the cell. She has seen countless storms and countless people in her life, but she has never seen such a thing. There was another bang in the cell, and she threw away the key and started striding toward the outside of the cell.




That's the sound of the forehead hitting the ground ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ again and again. But Chen Wenjun and others finally left the cell. The jailer picked up the key and someone went out to call the doctor. When the doctor came, Tang Minjie curled up on the ground, his forehead was already a piece of blood ...


Hemostasis, bandaging ... There was no such humming song temporarily in prison, Tang Minjie was faint, and sometimes he could see the scene to the south. He could see his sister who had died long ago, when she was very young, she hummed a childish nursery rhyme softly, what was humming there, he later forgot.

Later, he followed Mr. Ning to study in Xiao Canghe. Mr. Ning taught them to sing that song, and the melody in it always reminded him of the children's songs sung by his sister.

"... this is the great motherland, where life supports me, on that warm land ..."

In that warm land, there was his sister and his family, but he could never go back.

Or maybe they are about to meet ...

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