Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 19: Revitalizing the summer of 2 years (Part 2)

()You can search for "new son ()" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Anger surged in my heart...

The buzzing sound rang in my ears...

The trembling of the body, together with the color of the sunlight falling in the yard, turned gray...

Whispering around, there seems to be various voices of discussion...

The mother stood under the eaves not far away and cried into tears. Several younger brothers and sisters were also anxious. Ning Ke came from the room carrying water, and was scolded and went back crying...

Ning Ji knelt in the yard, with a swollen nose and blue eyes, and beside him, he kneeled three young men with the same swollen nose and blue eyes. One of them was Qin Weiwen, the second son of Qin Shaoqian's family...Ning Ji was too lazy to care about them.

Anger surged in my heart...

In the second year of China, at the end of April, Ning Ji experienced the most humiliating days in his more than ten years...


In the afternoon, the sun shone on the hills, and more than ten figures walked among the rugged hills, with the sound of barking dogs.

"Go here."

Ning Xi and Min Chuyi are both members of this team. They moved all the way into the deep woods, chasing possible targets.

Even Ning Xi, who has always been kind, looks very somber and serious at this moment. Min Chuyi was also cold-faced, while moving forward, paying close attention to all suspicious movements around him.

When the sun was gradually sloping west, some people found some traces in the front. Ning Xi and Junior One rushed over. It was on the edge of a cliff and found some debris, with small packages and leftovers. Dry food, a woman's handkerchief, and a small book with a little blood...

"What about people?"

Ning Xi took the small book for a while and asked.

"It seems...it fell."

The trace of someone slipping and falling on the edge of the cliff is gradually sloping west, and the mountain stream below seems to be deep.

"Prepare the rope, let me go down." Min Chuyi said to the people around him.

Ning Xi pulled her away from the edge of the cliff with one hand: "What are you doing, I'm going!"

The captain of the search team was a bit embarrassed. Eventually, they **** a long rope and let one of the team's best skinny players go down first.

The sunset was burning red on the horizon, and everyone ignited flames on the cliff. When the sky gradually became dark, the thin man came back along the rope.

"It's too deep below and I can't finish the search for a while. I searched carefully on the edge of the cliff a few times, but I didn't find the dead body."

"It is also possible to fall and be taken away by the beast. Did you see any blood?" Ning Xi asked.

"...I never found out, maybe I have to find it again."

"Take a rest tonight, and tomorrow sunrise, I will go down with you to find." Min Chuyi said aside.

The bonfire was burning on the cliff, illuminating the campsites for a while. Min Chuyi brought the dinner, and Ning Xi was still looking at the burden and various objects on the ground: "You said, she fell off the foot, or Jumped on purpose."

Min Chu frowned: "If you want to see someone in life or see dead in death, let me see you again... If the woman is really underneath, the second brother will not be able to say anything in his life."


At night, it rained in Zhang Village.

Ning Ji, Qin Weiwen, and others were still kneeling in the yard. A group of children, such as Wen Wen, Ning Ke, and Ning He, stood beside them with umbrellas to cover them from the rain.

Ning Yi has left the house. In the nearby office, he received Hou Wu who was hurriedly in charge of the incident: "...I found something. This woman named Yu Xiaoer may have some problems. According to Some people have responded that this woman has a bad reputation nearby."

"Don't do anything when you hear about it. She is a young woman who is not married. When she became a teacher, old school people certainly have a bad opinion. It's useful to say something."

"Yu Xiaoer’s father made a mistake. When he was in the northwest, he said he had surrendered on the battlefield. At that time, their mother and daughter had come to the southwest. There were a few witnesses to prove her father’s surrender. In two years, her mother Yu Xiaoer was dead, and Yu Xiaoer was left alone. Although we should not be held accountable for these matters, privately we estimated that it was very bad. Yu Xiaoer was able to be sent from Hedeng as a teacher two years ago. On the one hand, it is influenced by the war, and there is a lack of people in the rear. On the other hand, looking at the records, it’s a bit of a mess...

Ning Yi frowned: "Continue."

"More than two months ago, Qin Weiwen went to Sangping and did establish a romantic relationship with her in private, but neither of them spoke outside. The specific process may be difficult to investigate, but the first people to go today are here. In Yu Xiao'er's home, a small package was found, which was used by men and women to amusement... Aphrodisiac. She is an eighteen-year-old young woman, who looks beautiful and does not know why she prepared this at home... From the packaging It looks like I used it recently, it should not be left by her parents..."

Hou Wu said that he took a small bag out of his arms, and Ning Yi waved his hand: "It's not empirical, it's all speculation."

"Currently only these."

"Are you looking for?"

"I am using the greatest amount of manpower to find it, but this woman has disappeared for a few days. It is hard to tell if I can find it."

"Go find it first." Ning Yi said.

Hou Wu nodded and left.


In the early morning, four people were still kneeling in the yard of Zhang Cun. Children such as Wen Wen and Ning Ke still opened their umbrellas with red eyes, and the rain gradually stopped in the sky.

Zhao Xia confided that Ning Xi and Chu Yi, who were in the mountains dozens of miles away, **** the ropes and took turns to find the mountain stream.

At noon, a team of people came quickly to the side of Zhang Cun, headed by the one-eyed general Qin Shaoqian. He walked all the way into the yard and picked up a wooden stick on the way. After entering, he knocked Qin Weiwen to the ground with a bang.

In the nearby room, Wen Wen, Ning Ke and other children had not slept through the night, still resting at this time, and then were awakened.

"Fuck! A bunch of mindless things, for the sake of a woman, the hands and feet are crippled, and I will kill you now-"

Not only did Qin Weiwen overturn Qin Weiwen with his stick, he later overturned Ning Ji with one stick. After the two of them each got a stick, Su Tan'er, Xiao Chan, Yunzhu, Jiner and others in the courtyard all rushed over. Red lifted the block in front, and Watermelon snatched the stick in his hand: "Old Qin! You are not allowed to mess up! Who will let you beat the child!"

"Things haven't been figured out yet!"

"Lao Qin, you get angry..."

"Fuck!" Qin Shaoqian also extended his foot to kick Qin Weiwen on the ground, and then backed away, looking at a group of women: "Ning Yi?" Turned out to find Ning Yi.

Ning Ji, who fell to the ground, got up and continued to kneel there indifferently, and his mind was still full of anger...and doubt...


Since returning to Zhang Cun in the second half of last year, Ning Ji has basically not done anything too outrageous.

I practice martial arts and study medicine every day, and occasionally participate in high-intensity training and simulated operations of special forces. Although the results are not too good, the family has not excessively demanded him.

Xi Wu was fourteen years old and had a solid foundation. It was the age of blood and energy, and occasionally somehow. He would think of the little **** dog Qu Longjun in Chengdu. As for why, he was not clear and he was unwilling to think about it. Too clear.

Qu Longjun has left Chengdu, and the weak woman waiting for the chickens may be silently dying somewhere in the outside world. Sometimes it is a pity to avoid such thoughts, but it is a pity at most.

In the school, the physical characteristics of men and women aged 13 to 14 years began to become more and more obvious, which is the most ambiguous and the most isolated moment of youth. Sometimes when I think of the feelings between men and women, I meet with red ears, and in public, there is no boy who will be honest about girls. Relative to the children around him, he would rather have seen more worlds. For example, he has seen a little **** dog bathing in Chengdu, so he occasionally thinks of these things when he thinks of them.

Last year, Aunt Gu once asked him if he likes small dogs, and would rather avoid being decisive on this issue. Even if I really talk about likes, how can a girl like Qu Longjun compare to the girls in the Southwest China Army, but at the same time, if you want to say that the girl around you is more attractive than Qu Longjun, he For a time, I couldn't find any unique object with such a comment. It can only be said that any of them is much better than Qu Longjun.

In April, the school organized an activity outside of class to let all children go to the relatively poor places around the mountain. The school here chose Sangping, which is beautiful and beautiful. There is also an elementary school in Sangping. There is a very beautiful and gentle female teacher Yu Xiaoer. It is said that she used to live in Hedeng before. The two sides spent nearly half a month. During this period, she would rather avoid martial arts. Hearty temperament is also one of the mainstay of the class, helping each other to do many things.

On April 23, he helped everyone in the village collect firewood, rather than finally helping Yu Xiaoer, who lived on a remote mountainside, picked a load of firewood back.

Halfway between them, it rained in the sky. When arriving at Yu Xiaoer's house, the other party asked Ning Ji to take a shower and iron his clothes here, and then ate dinner and went back. It is better to avoid disdain and agree to come down.

He took a bath first, then sat in the room and drank tea. Teacher Yu ironed his wet clothes. Because of the hot water, she also washed it. When she came out, the wrapped towel fell off...

Rather than dry mouth, the female teacher was also a little flustered, but then did not cover up, slowly approached him...

For Ning Ji, this next thing is of course a love. Although I don’t know what to do next, Yu Xiao'er is really perfect for him. She is mature and gentle, and she doesn’t want to be bored by the little girl around her. She looks like she once was in Qu Longjun. The style I've seen, but she is her own in the southwest-how could she like the women outside the southwest?

On the evening of the twenty-fourth day, he also spent in Xiaoer's house, rather than saying many, many words. On the morning of the twenty-fifth, everyone who came over wanted to go back to Zhang Cun. Although he was full of happiness, he naturally had no courage not to go back. He returned with the large army, still thinking about how to find a way to go to Sangping Who knows that twenty-nine, Qin Weiwen came from Sangping with two followers.

According to Qin Weiwen, he and Yu Xiaoer are in a true love relationship and have been in private for more than two months. Twenty-five on this day he came back from the outside and saw that Yu Xiaoer was injured, he tried to ask, but Yu Xiaoer drove him out. Qin Weiwen inquired about what happened. On the afternoon of the 26th, Qin Weiwen went to the home of Xiaoer and found a blood book she wrote, saying that she was innocently stained and no longer wanted to live. The person who tarnished her with Qiang was Ning Yi’s second son, Ning Ji. Although he was only 14 or 15 years old, he was highly skilled in martial arts. On the night of the 24th, he was so animalistic that he couldn’t resist and was beaten. I was taken away from innocence, and now I can only die.

Qin Weiwen suddenly panicked. First of all, he naturally wanted to find Yu Xiaoer and asked him clearly. At the moment, he called a few friends to look around, but people never found it. Later, he learned from the population near Xiaoer’s home, 25 In the early morning of that day, I did see Ning Ji walking out of her house. Qin Weiwen couldn't hold back anymore and rushed towards Zhang Village all the way.

After seeing the blood book, Ning Ji suddenly became blinded, as if the whole world suddenly changed color. He didn’t even know what was going on. His first reaction was to go to Sangping to find Yu Xiaoer, Qin Weiwen He punched directly. Ning Ji was arrogant and thought that he had not done anything wrong. Where would he show weakness? Now with one enemy and three, all four became the same with swollen noses and then things spread.

Ning's second son raped a woman...

It seems to be a teacher...

He committed suicide...

In a trance, I would rather hear this kind of argument coming continuously. Even at such an age, even if he has been on the battlefield and killed the enemy, how can he possibly cope with such a thing... He doesn’t know what happened...


Ning Ji, Qin Weiwen and other four people kneeled after 29 and 30. When Qin Shaoqian arrived, it was already the first day of May. On this evening, Ning Xi, Min Chuyi, Hou Wu and others came one after another and reported the staged results.

In the mountains dozens of miles away from Sangping, the scene of a woman committing suicide is quite realistic, but there are no corpses under the mountain stream. There are doubts in it, and it is likely that they are suspected. On Hou Wu’s side, they found that the woman had bought a road guide and identity certificate through a special channel. On the 27th day, this certificate appeared near Chengdu. Now it should be a cargo ship out of the river. It has been difficult to find.

"Other speculations can't be proven for the time being." Hou Wudao, "However, Yu Xiaoer bought the identity certificate. The time was two months ago. The person who handled it had already grasped it. We can only speculate at the beginning of her purpose. ... At that time, she happened to have a relationship with Qin Weiwen and son Qin. Perhaps in recent years, because of her parents’ grudges, she wanted to do something. After two months, she would rather go to Sangping in April. Having lived, it was just recognizable, so..."

In the room of the small courtyard, Ning Yi, Qin Shaoqian, Tan'er, Ning Xi, and Junior One listened to this, and their expressions grew darker.

"...Catching Qin Weiwen or even killing Qin Weiwen is nothing more than to make General Qin sad, but if this fake death can really be believed, Mr. Ning has a suspicion about his child, then it is really Let outsiders take advantage of it." Hou Wudao.

Taner looked up: "Can you still hold her in four days?"

"Our people are still chasing." Hou Wudao, "However, Yu Xiaoer had been trained by the militia in the past, and she was very careful to see her pretending to be dead this time. If it was determined that she had not committed suicide, she might have returned halfway. There will be other ways to switch again halfway, and after leaving the river, I don’t have much confidence."

Ning Yi was silent for a moment: "...when He Deng, how much harm did the people around them do to their mother and daughter, and what happened, then you should check carefully... Don't be too loud, tell me after you check it out ."

"Yes." Hou Wu nodded.

The gloomy Qin Shaoqian pushed away the chair and walked out of the room, the silver starlight was sprinkling in the courtyard. Qin Shaoqian walked straight to the middle of the yard, kicked Qin Weiwen with one foot, and then kicked again with Ning Ji.

"A bunch of brothers and brothers, played like this by a woman."

Qin Weiwen got up and stared at his eyes, not understanding why his father said this. After a while, Hou Wu, Ning Xi, and Junior One came over and told them the result of the incident.

Rather than raise his head, his eyes turned blood red.

The first grade waited for him to pull him up. He was motionless there, his lips widened, and it took a while.

"She said she liked me...I just..."

Ever since seeing the blood book, Ning Ji and Qin Weiwen fight each other and have not made any excuses in this matter. At this moment, he was finally able to say this sentence. After a moment, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

He fainted...

There seemed to be some grunting noises in the darkness, like water boiling, and blood boiling.

When I woke up, my mother fell asleep by the bed, and the eyelids of both eyes swelled like a small lantern.

It may be early in the morning when the father and the aunt Su Taner spoke softly outside.

"...It has been said for a long time that the bad things that are encountered in this family are much worse than ordinary people..."

"...It's all the woman's fault, and she's deliberate."

"...Ordinary people can't meet this kind of deliberate thoughts...So, I don't feel enough about how much preparation I have made. Ning Xi has been able to stay safe until now, I am thankful..."

"...Thinking of the age of Xiaoji, when I encounter such a thing, I am sad, he is a child..."

"...I want to drive a little bit, anyway, he didn't suffer, I heard that the surname Yu is pretty good...well, what's the use of hitting me, what can I think..."

In this whispering whisper, I would rather fall asleep again.

When I woke up again, a group of siblings had already gathered in the room, and Xiao Ningke was carrying white porridge to feed him. Ning Ji didn't have too many injuries. After a few sips, he came over and mumbled, changed his clothes, and walked out of bed.

Walking out of the room, out of the courtyard, and on the street, someone smiled and greeted him, but he always felt that people were secretly talking about the things of the past few days. He walked to the riverside of Zhang Village and found a piece of wood to sit down. The big sunset was falling to the west. The sunset was soft and warm, as if comforting him.

His face flashed over Xiaoer's face, and then it was replaced by Qu Longjun. Their faces alternated in his mind, annoying him.

I will never like any other girl in my life.

He told himself this in his heart.

This day is the second day of May.

On the third day of May, he stayed at home for a day. Although he didn’t go to school, no one spoke of him. He helped his mother sort out the housework, talked to other aunts, and specially asked Ning Yi to ask for the case. As an excuse, I chatted with my father for a while, and then played with the siblings for a long time. Several of the dolls he collected were also given out to Wenwen and Ninghe.

In the early morning of the fourth day of the fourth day, he put on his makeup, left the written letters on the bed, took a small burden, and quietly turned out from the side of the courtyard. His light work is very good, before dawn, wearing a nightie, he quickly left Zhang Village. He knelt down on the roadside at the entrance of the village, quietly gave his parents a few heads, and then ran away quickly. Tears rained down his face.

He knew that they would be chasing from the main road, so he chose a small road and ran all the way between the villages in the fields. By this afternoon, he felt that he had been far away from Zhang Village before choosing a road with few people nearby.

Around the time of Shen Shi, a warhorse ran from the rear, rather than turning back, he was already overwhelmed by the roadside and walked forward naturally. The war horse surpassed him, and would rather frown slightly, because the knight on the war horse was actually Qin Weiwen. The man ran quickly away quickly, and then Qin Weiwen strangled the reins and turned back to see him in front. Then, he came down immediately.

"Yinling is not scattered..." Ning Ji murmured and walked over there, and Qin Weiwen also came over. He was originally carrying a knife, and at this time he untied the scabbard and was still on the side of the road.

"You stop me this time, I will kill you!"

It is better to avoid walking and talking. Although he was less than fifteen at this time, Qin Weiwen was three years older than him and had reached eighteen, but he was really going to fight life and death. On the twenty-ninth day, he would rather kill everyone.

The swelling on Qin Weiwen's face had not disappeared, but at this time there was no slight backlash. He didn't speak. When he approached, he punched Ningji's face with a punch.

"Fuck, it's all that slut's thing, you have it all—"

Ning Ji shouted, waved his hand, and punched the opponent's lower abdomen. Qin Weiwen stepped back and then rushed up again.

The two fought each other for a long time on the roadside. After Qin Weiwen staggered in his footsteps, Ning Ji stopped a few punches and punches. There are big cars passing by on the road, rather than dragging the war horse to the side to make way, then the two sit down on the grass slopes on the roadside.

"What do you have to do..." Qin Weiwen said.

"I found the **** and slaughtered her with a knife." Ning Ji said.

Qin Weiwen was silent for a moment: "She actually...hadn't had a good time before, maybe we...have something to do with her..."

"Regarding my farts, either you go together, or you cat in the mountain nest!"

"I'll give you something." Qin Weiwen got up, took the burden from the battle immediately, and sat back again, placing the burden on Ningji's legs, "You, your father asked me to send it to you..."


"Otherwise how can I find you! Really want to catch you, can you go away!" Qin Weiwen waited for his eyes to shout, pulling the upper face of his face, making him grin slightly, and then took out a letter from his arms. Sealed the letter, "Well, this letter contains the contact information of Hua Xiajun's various manpower outside. After you read it, you burned it and give it to you now. Without opening the seal, you will see it now. Burn it!"

Ning Ji opened the letter silently. In the letter, it was written that some of the Hua Xiajun's external connection methods. He rubbed his eyes and carried it hard. At the end of the letter, there were two more lines.

Father's handwriting read: Son, take care of yourself.

Mother's handwriting read: Come back early.

There were tears all around again.

Rather than hold back the voice and wipe his tears hard, he read it out, stammered and repeated the contents of the letter twice, grabbed the fire break from Qin Weiwen, lighted the fire several times, and burned the letter paper Too.

Qin Weiwen's tears were also falling. At this time, he stood up and kicked Ning Jiji on the shoulder: "You must die to die!"

Ning Ji said: "Lao Tzu's martial arts are the first in the world, you can only die if you can't fight--"

He didn't care Qin Weiwen kicked him anymore, opened the baggage, there was dry food, silver two, weapons, clothes, as if every aunt put something inside, and then his father let Qin Weiwen send it to himself. It was at this moment that he understood that the morning sneak run seemed to be unnoticed, but maybe his father had waved himself in the attic at home and watched him leave. And not only the father, Aunt Gua, Hong Ti, and even the elder brother and Junior One can also notice this.

They must not want to leave the Southwest by themselves, but at this moment, they have not really made a stop.

Ning Ji walked forward with his burden on his shoulders, and Qin Weiwen didn't follow anymore. He led the horse: "You let her go for a life--"

"I brought her head back to play for you—"

"Do you want a horse--"

"Go to your horse--"

"I am your uncle--"

On Ning Ji's cheeks, the tears couldn't stop. He could only walk while scolding, and after a while, Qin Weiwen's voice was gone. Ning Ji dared to look back to the southwest, as if his parents were still waving at him.

One day, the young swallows will leave the warm nest to experience the real wind and rain, UU reading www.uukanshu.com to become strong...

Father, mother, brother, sister-in-law, brother, sister...

When I come back, I can protect everyone in the family...


At this moment, the summer sun is shining on this vast land.

Zou Xu led a team of men and went north to the ground to try to negotiate a favorable deal; Liu Guangshi and Dai Mengwei were ready to go south of the Yangtze River; Jiangnan, the fair party attacked the city and continued to expand; while in Fujian, the orthodox court's innovative measures , One after another.

A monk named Ping'an followed Lin Zongwu, crossed the Yellow River, and came south. And the young man named Ning Ji, facing the cruel world to the east and north--

Go all the way.

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