Zhui Xu

: Chapter 1~4? The literati has no heart. Chapter: The sword is out of sheath

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When the time had passed, the missing moon hung in the sky to the west, shed its light quietly.

The thin silver brilliance did not provide much visibility. Six nocturnal pedestrians walked along the side of the official road, their clothes were all black, and their steps were quite open. Because there are too few people walking at this time, Ning Ji took a few more glances, and felt familiar with the figures and steps of the two of them. He hid behind a tree by the roadside and took a peek.

Two...At least one of them had followed Guan Wu to the inn during the day. At that time, I was already in the mood to beat people, so the first thing I would rather jeal to identify was the instability of these people's skills and the strength of the foundation. There are not many things that can be judged in a short moment, but I can roughly remember the steps and physical characteristics of one or two people.

At this time... go in this direction?

When he suddenly realized a certain possibility, Ningji was so surprised that he was almost shocked. When the six people walked over with them, he shook his head slightly and followed along.

The six people who were walking together carried weapons such as long swords, bows and arrows. Although the clothes were black, they were not sneaky night clothes, but short dresses that could be seen in the day. The roads outside the city at night are not suitable for horses to gallop, and the six people may not ride horses because of this. As they walked forward, they were talking about little girls and little widows in the local dialect. They would rather be able to understand part of it. Because the content is too vulgar, it doesn’t sound like the feeling of a green forest story. On the contrary, it is like the vulgar nonsense of some farmers when there is no one in private.

In the night breeze, a faint smell of wine could still be faintly smelted from several people.

The emotions in Ning Ji's heart were a little confused, the anger came up, and the spin went down again.

The past day made him feel angry. Just as he questioned in front of Manager Wu, the head-catcher surnamed Xu bullied the male and female. Not only did he not think he had a problem, but he dared to threaten himself." I remember you". His wife was angry for her husband looking for a woman, but seeing the tragic situation of Xiu Niang Sister and Uncle Wang, she was actually not moved at all. She even felt that she was in a bad mood because of the injustices made by these people. They drive away".

It was fashionable and it can be said that she was maddened by anger, but then the surname Wu came over... In the face of the Xiu Niang sister and herself who might be ruined for a lifetime, she was able to arrogantly say, "You today You have to go."

Can't an apologize for doing something wrong?

Of course, now is the time to fight, and some such arrogant people have power and nothing to say. Even in the Hua Xia Army, there will be some people who are not very reasonable and unreasonable, and they often have to argue for three points. But... I hit someone, almost killed, and almost raped the woman, turned around and chased the person away, and sent someone out again at night. What was this for?

Rush to kill?

These people... really regard themselves as emperors?

He followed all the way with such anger, but then, his anger gradually decreased. One of the people walking in the back was obviously an Orion before, and his voice was just a little bit short. The one in the middle looked simple and burly, but did not have the basis of martial arts. The pace seemed to be accustomed to the field, and the voice of speech also seemed simple and simple. Yes, the six people probably have simply drilled some military formations. Three of them have practiced martial arts. One has simple traces of internal martial arts, and the pace is a little steady, but only by the voice of speaking, it is just like a simple rural farmer.

The most important thing is...you can't drink before doing this kind of action!

Ning Ji shouted in his heart.

Since the six people did not mention the purpose of their trip, it would be difficult for them to judge for a while that they used to kill people in the past-after all, this matter is too vicious, even if it is a little conscience. People, I'm afraid they can't do it. I am a group of scholars who have no power to restrain the chickens. They did not offend anyone in the county, and Wang Jiang and his daughter did not offend anyone. Now they have been made like this and have been driven away. How could they do more? What?

There have been such stories in the story, but everything in front of me has nothing to do with the bad guys and knights in the story.

After walking like this for a while, Ning Ji thought for a while, took a few stones, and made movement in the mountains and forests by the roadside.

The six people on the side of the road stopped hearing the small noise.


When one person yelled at the side of the road, they seemed to be swayed before walking, but at this moment, they were extra vigilant about the possibility of someone on the side of the road.

Naturally, there was no answer in the forest, and then a strange, whimpering wind sounded like a wolf howling, but it sounded too far away, so it was distorted.

"Wha, who..."

"Go and see..."

"get out!"

Several people looked at each other, and then yelled and screamed. Someone rushed into the forest to inspect, but the forest was very small. After walking through it several times in a blink of an eye, nothing was found. The sound of the wind gradually stopped, the sky was high with moonlight, Lin Yingkui, Wan Lai was quiet.

The six people patrolled several times to no avail. They met on the side of the road and discussed it. Someone said, "It's not a ghost, right?"

"Nonsense, where are ghosts in the world!" the leader cursed, "It's the wind, it depends on your virtues."

After such a tossing, everyone lost the thought of talking about the little girl and the little widow for a while, and turned and continued on. One of them said: "You said, do those scholars really stay in Tangjiaji?"

Everyone walked forward, and no one answered for a while. After such a moment of silence, someone seemed to say to break the embarrassment: "It's just this way out of the mountain to the south. Where can I stay if I don't stay in Tangjiaji?"

There was another moment of silence.

"They offend people, don't they go further? Are they so ignorant?"


"Don't forget, there are wounded in their carriage, they can't make their way. What are you doing?"

"Who's wrong? How often did Lao Tzu make a fool of myself. I just feel that these gangsters who read books are too ignorant of the human world..."

"Reading is stupid, that's it."

"...Speaking of which, the kick Wu Ye kicked in the shop today is really beautiful."

"That's, you young people don't understand. It's very simple to kick the stool, but kick it, and then swipe it off in the front. That's really hard work... I'll listen to you in my port, that's because the stool is there. In the air, I can't borrow any strength at all...Furthermore, the stool in Mogang is inherently hard..."

"Haha, the faces of those students who were studying at the time were scared and pale..."

"I said I was going to sue the officials, but after all, I didn't sue."

"Still sensible."

"...Speaking of which, it is also our Master Wu who is the most despised of these books. You see, it is important to ask them to leave before dark... You go out of the city and go south before dark, and you must live in Tang's house. Ji, in Tang Niu'er's house, who is Tang Niu'er, let's say hello, it's not easy to say anything. Alas, these scholars, the route out of the city has been counted, so moving them is easy. "

"Then if they are not here..."

"If they are not there, even if they are smart, we will chase ahead and go back. If they are there, once they leave Tangjiaji, they will do things and divide the money into one point. That's a thing. Master Wu said. Yes, these scholars are already offended. Instead of letting them go out and chaotic Hong Kong, they should do it. One hundred... They have money in them, and some of them seem to have family backgrounds. Avoid..."

"How much money do they have?"

"I have seen a lot of things. If you do things, you will get a point. You marry a concubine. I think it's more than enough. Maybe Xu Ye will give us a little reward..."

"Auntie and Miss fell out..."

"One night husband and wife, Bai Yeen, fight at the end of the bed, you are still young and you see little trouble, don't see that Xu Ye is a little sick, it is still very fierce when you start things... His hands..."

As if to fight against the silence in the night, these people talked about things with a circumspect and eloquent headlines. Their steps are rustic, their words are rustic, and their clothes are rustic, but what they say is really about murder.

Things in the world are really amazing.

Ning Ji used to be in the Hua Xia Army and saw people talking about their manners when they killed people. At that time, they talked about **** enemies and **** Jurchens. They used almost every means they could know. Be cautious while calm, because while killing, you must also take into account the harm you will receive.

But there are people like this in the world. They may live a life that looks like ordinary people. They don't have too much training. They used to farm, hunt, and gather together to chat about women trivially. Some of them look simple and honest. At this moment, they also talked about murder in such indifferent way, as if no one would be harmed, and happily.

Ning Ji's eyes were gloomy, followed from behind, UU reading www. uukanshu.com He no longer hides his figure, has stood upright, walked behind the trees and over the grass. At this time, the moon was walking in the sky, and there were faint shadows of people on the ground, and the night wind was sobbing. The person walking at the end seemed to feel that something was wrong. He glanced to the side, and the figure of the young man carrying the burden fell into his eyes.


He could not react, and the Orion who was walking in the penultimate heard his voice. On the side, the figure of the young man rushed over, making a loud "click" in the night sky, and the body of the last person who walked was folded to the ground. One of his legs was stepped on by the teenager from the side, and this one broke his calf, and he failed to scream when he fell.

The Orion, who was the second to last, with a long bow behind his back and a knife slung around his waist, also failed to respond, because the teenager approached him directly after breaking off that calf, and grabbed a head higher than him with his left hand. On the back of the Orion’s neck, a violent punch hit the opponent’s stomach along with his advancement. At that moment, Orion only felt that he had been punched from the front to the back. Something came out of his mouth. All his internal organs seemed to be broken, and they seemed to be mixed together.


The voices and screams suddenly sounded. The figure that suddenly rushed from the darkness was a tank car. He punched Orion's chest and abdomen, his body was still moving forward, and his hands grabbed Orion's waist. Scabbard on the long knife.

The penultimate person turned his head and drew his sword back, the black shadow had already pulled the sheathed long sword from Orion's waist and swung it in the air. This person drew his sword, and the scabbard that was swinging in the air slammed Huashan with a sharp force. Following the figure's advance, it hit this person's knee with all his strength.

His kneecap was broken then, holding the knife, he staggered back and jumped.

The teenager separated from the crowd, and violently approached everyone.

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