Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 46: It's for troubled times! (1)

The lights are dim, reflecting everything around like ghosts.

The torture room of the county government office in Tongshan County is not too big. In the light of the oil lamp, the table of the torture room owner’s book is shrunk in a small corner. In the middle of the room is a powerful bench, a shelf for a tiger stool, and two torture frames for binding people. Lu Wenke occupies one of them. The other shelf is covered with black blood on the wood and on the ground around it. , Spotty, daunting.

Hanging on the surrounding walls are all kinds of torture instruments, finger-clamps, all kinds of iron drills, and weird-shaped knives. They glowed with weird light on the damp green and green walls, which was very impressive. I wonder why there are so many tormenting tools in such a small county. There are still some instruments of torture piled on the ground on one side of the room. Although the room is cold, the charcoal basin is not burning, and there is a soldering iron in the charcoal basin.

Perhaps it was close to the yamen's toilet, where the dull musty smell, the smell of previous prisoners' vomit, the smell of stool, and the smell of blood mixed together.

Lu Wenke once saw these things in the Yamen of Hongzhou, and smelled these smells. At that time, he felt that these things existed, and they all had their reasons. But at the moment, the sense of fear accompanied by physical pain, like a cold wave, surged out from the depths of the bone marrow.

He had shouted to the point of exhaustion.

This is the last gleam of hope in his heart.

When the county magistrate arrived, he was tied to the torture frame. He was already dizzy. He took off his pants when he killed the wand, so he didn’t wear anything under his robe, and he didn’t know how much he had on his hips and thighs. This is the most humiliating moment in his life.

The magistrate of Tongshan County was surnamed Huang, and he was well known. He was about 30 years old and had a thin body. After entering, he frowned and covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief. He seemed quite annoyed about someone yelling in the backyard of Yamen and didn't know it. After coming in, he cursed a few words and moved a stool to sit down. The two yamen who had eaten dinner outside also rushed in at this time, explaining to Huang Wendao how vicious the people on the torture frame were, and Lu Wenke also yelled injustice and began to report his family.

"To shut up--"

Amid the noise, the magistrate Huang yelled, pointed his finger at the two government officials, and then said to Lu Wenke: "You said." Seeing that the two government officials didn't dare to speak any more, the flame in Lu Wenke's heart became a little more vigorous. I quickly began to talk about this series of things after I arrived in Tongshan County.

During the more than ten years since Jurchen went south, although the Central Plains fell and the world became unstable, he still read sage books and received a good education. His father and elder often told him about the decline of the world, but he would constantly tell him that there are always male and female things in the world, yin and yang embrace each other, and black and white depend on each other. Even in the best world, it is inevitable that the human heart will be filthy, and no matter how bad the world is, there will always be people who are unwilling to join in the defilement and come out to keep the light.

He traveled this long way, to the most dangerous place in the southwest, and then all the way out, but everything he saw was still mostly good people. At this moment, when I arrived at Detong Mountain, he experienced all this filth and saw everything that happened to Wang Xiuniang. He was so ashamed that he couldn't even look into the other person's eyes. At this moment, there is only this slim ray of hope that can be trusted and saved.

He finished talking about the matter one to five and ten, and the crying in his mouth was gone. I saw the opposite party Huang Xianling sitting quietly and listening, and his serious eyes made the two government officials want to move but dare not move. After saying this, Huang Xianling asked a few simple questions. He answered one by one. The torture room was quiet, Huang Wendao thought about all of this, and it took a long time for such a depressed atmosphere.


"And...Wang Fa!?"

Lu Wenke, who was **** on the torture frame, heard the county magistrate say this slowly and deeply, and his gaze turned to the two government officials.

"Only the Li Family, I really thought I could cover the sky with just one hand in Tongshan!?"

"Whose person are you? Did you think the magistrate of this official was given by the Li family!?"

Huang County magistrate pointed at the two government officials, and the curse in his mouth was deafening. The tears in Lu Wenke's eyes almost fell.

The two bureaucrats quickly argued that this was a prisoner's one-sided statement, and the county magistrate Huang waved his hand: "I can make it clear! You-let me down!"

The two government officials hesitated for a while, and finally came over and untied the rope that bound Lu Wenke. Lu Wenke landed on both feet, and the pain from his legs to buttocks almost didn't look like his own body, but as soon as he got out of the catastrophe, blood was surging in his heart, and finally stood still staggering, pulling the bottom of his robe, said : "Students, student pants..."

The county magistrate Huang took a look: "Go out first, and someone will show it to you later."

"Yes Yes……"

Lu Wenke nodded, he tried to move forward with difficulty, and finally stepped out step by step. When he was going to pass the Huang County magistrate, he hesitated to step, but Huang County magistrate stared at the two government officials. Spread out: "Go."

Lu Wenke gritted his teeth and walked outside the torture room.

After walking a few steps in this way, he held the door frame with his hand and stepped beyond the threshold of the torture room. Outside the torture room is the small courtyard behind the Yamen. There is a square sky above the yard. The sky is dim and there are only faint stars, but the slight fresh air in the night has passed, which is completely different from the gloomy musty inside the torture room.

He thought of Wang Xiuniang. After this incident, he was finally ashamed of her...


What came from behind was a sudden pain...


Lu Wenke could not react.

There is no stress response in almost the whole body. His body fell forward, and his hands were still holding the hem of the robe, so that his face was knocked straight to the ground. What followed was not pain, but an indescribable physical impact, his head There was a hum, the world in front of me became black, then white again, and then went dark again, repeating this several times...

Buzzing buzzing...

The sound spread, so good for a while.

There was a rustling sound in his mouth, an infiltrating and terrifying sweetness, his mouth had been broken open, and his teeth seemed to be falling out of the small half of his mouth, and they were mixed with flesh and blood in his mouth.


Someone seemed to be speaking in the back, and it sounded like the talented Master Qingtian.

Lu Wenke shook his body. He tried hard to turn his head to look at the situation behind him, but his eyes were only flying flowers, countless butterflies flying around like his broken soul.

"You... haven't... answered... this officer's question..."

I don't know how long it took, and he had difficulty understanding the full meaning of this sentence.

what is the problem……

Who asked me questions...

He couldn't understand in his mind, opened his mouth, and couldn't speak for a while, only blood foaming in his mouth.

"This official... just asked you, do you think... the emperor is almost gone, who gave this official magistrate..."

"My official asked you just now... Li Family, in Tongshan... can you really cover the sky with just one hand..."

"My official asks you..."

"...Is there still Wang Fa——"

The county magistrate surnamed Huang held a stick, and after saying this, Lu Wenke swung a stick on Lu Wenke's leg.

"The officer treats you so well, you want to leave without answering the question. Are you despising the officer? Ah!?"

His stick fell and his gaze also fell. Lu Wenke turned **** the ground. At this moment, he finally saw the face of Huang County magistrate nearby. There was a ironic sneer at the corner of his mouth, deepened by excessive indulgence. In the darkened eye sockets, there was a human-devouring fire flashing, and the flame was as dark as the night on the square sky.

The county magistrate is laughing, the two government officials are also laughing, and the sky behind is also laughing.

"...After leaving, I dare to come back and complain... and report my name and family background... Traveling around the world, what are you swimming, when you can still walk out of Tongshan alive... Shame! Tie him to me , When Xu catches his head, greet him again..."

Two government officials dragged him back to the torture room, tied him up on the torture, then slapped him again, and humiliated him on the side of the torture for his lack of pants. Lu Wenke was tied and hung there with tears in his eyes. He cried for a while and wanted to ask for mercy. However, he couldn't speak, and he was pulled up by a big ear scraper: "It's useless to shout, I don't understand it! Call me again! Damn you!"

Another servant said: "You won't survive tonight, wait until the head catcher comes over, hey, you can feel better."

Then he said: "I knew it was so, you guys sent that girl up obediently, it wouldn't be all right..."

Lu Wenke's heart was mixed with fear and regret. He grinned with a mouth that was missing the small half of his teeth and couldn't stop crying. He wanted to kneel down for these two people, kowtow to them, and beg them to forgive himself, but because he was tied up. Tethered here, he can't move after all.

I don't know how long has passed since this, and I don't know what happened outside. Suddenly there was a small riot, and the two government officials also went out for a while. When they came in again, they put Lu Wenke down from the shelf. Lu Wenke tried to struggle, but it didn't make sense. After being beaten a few more times, he was **** and put into a sack.

They loaded the sacks into the car, followed by bumps along the way, and didn't know where to send them. Lu Wenke was in great fear for a while, and when he was released from the sack, he was in a hall with bright torches and lights all around, and many people looked at him up and down.

He was dizzy and vomited for a while. Someone cleaned up the blood from his mouth, and then someone kicked him to the ground, questioning him harshly. This question lasted for a long time. Lu Wenke subconsciously said everything he knew. He talked about the people who were walking along the road, about Wang Jiang, Wang Xiu’s father and daughter, and about the people he had seen on the road. , Those precious things, in the end, the other party stopped asking, he kneeled subconsciously and wanted to ask for mercy, begging them to let him go.

Someone has grabbed him.

They dragged him forward and all the way to the ground. They passed through the dim and damp walkway. The underground was a huge cell. He heard someone say: "So I can teach you that this is the black prison of the Li family. Go in. But don't think about it, here... there is no one—"

Someone set him on a torch and crossed the aisle of the cell. Lu Wenke looked around. In the cell next to him, there were weird people with broken limbs and disheveled hair. Some had no hands, some had no feet, and some were knocked on the ground. , There was a "ho ho" sound in her mouth, and some women looked crazy with no strands on their bodies.

"These are all people who have offended our Li family..."

In my mind, I remembered the rumors that the Li family ruled out dissidents in Tongshan...

With a bang, he was thrown into a cell. The man with the torch locked the cell door, and he turned his head to look at the corner of the cell with a dark and weird figure-he didn't even know if it was a human being.


Lu Wenke grabbed the railing of the cell and tried to shake it.


No one paid any attention to him, he shook faster and faster, and the words in his mouth gradually turned into wailing and gradually became louder. The Li family who sent him over clung to the torch and turned away.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah..."

Lu Wenke cried madly and shook the black jail column madly. However, the firelight went away, and the wailing gradually turned into more wailing. Darkness swept in from every direction, blocking the way of life.

In the tragic wailing, I don’t know how many people fell into the **** of despair...


Those desperate wailing could not penetrate the ground.

At a distance from this black prison, in the brightly-lit hall of Lijiawubao, people finally pieced together an outline of the matter and knew the possible name of the assailant boy. At this moment, the dealers of the Li family have organized on a large scale. They brought fishing nets, limes, bows, swords and guns, and other things, and began the first round of dealing with powerful enemies and hunting down the thief. ready.

Going through this ground and going up again, there is only a faint spark in the dark sky, and the spark falls on the earth, bringing only a negligible and pitiful light.

After being beaten and scolded by his wife for a day, Xu Dong, the chief arrester, found an opportunity to rush out of the house after learning about the accident at Li Jiawubao, went to the Yamen and asked about the situation. After that, he brought long and short weapons to the four Yamen. His companion stepped on the steed, ready to go to Lijiawubao to help.

The county magistrate Huang Wendao chased it out: "I heard that the strongman is very fierce."

"It's so fierce, I'm suffocating my stomach! Fuck!"

He is tall, riding on a war horse, holding a long knife, and he is mighty and domineering. In fact, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, his heart is still thinking about the hero meeting in Lijiawubao. As the son-in-law who is attached to the Li family, Xu Dong has always relied on his martial arts skills and wanted to play a world like Li Yanfeng. This time the Li family and the Yan family met, if there were no previous issues, he was originally going to be the main family. The face of the people attended.

Now this matter has been disturbed by those few scholars who don’t know how to promote, and now there is the one who came from the snare, and was sent to the Li family. His home is not easy to return at this time, and his stomach is full. The fire cannot be dispelled.

"Miao Dao" Shi Shuifang's martial arts is good, but compared to him, he went there before seeing him, and Shi Shuifang is a foreign guest after all. Xu Dong is an out-and-out local snake, the surrounding environment The situation is very clear. As long as I go to Lijiawubao this time, organize defenses, even take down the murderer, and make a big splash in front of everyone in the Yan family, his reputation as Xu Dong will be beaten out. As for the few problems at home, they will naturally be solved.

The night was hazy, he took his companions, a group of five horses, armed to the teeth, and rushed out of the gate of Tongshan County——

At this moment, there was a vigorous vigorous wind and cold water.

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