Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1114: break (1)

Streets divided the ancient city one by one.

A large number of people are flocking to the outskirts of the city.

In the center of the city, another group of people was gathering near the Jiangning Yamen in the old Wu Dynasty.

Street after street, the intersection of street and street forms a small intersection square. The people who set up the stalls had already put away their carts and disappeared without a trace. Only people who were doing good things, watching the excitement, or people who still didn't understand what happened gathered at the intersections of these streets, and gathered nearby because of unknown reasons. In the few restaurants and teahouses that were open, the terraces and roofs of nearby houses were even filled.

The noise of hustle and bustle appeared at every intersection.

With the old Wu Yamen as the center, there are seven or eight streets and more than ten intersections within a radius of several miles. At this moment, there are famous green forest masters sitting in the town, and from time to time, they will preach He Wen's order .

"...This is chaos. If there is a grievance, someone will deal with it in another day..."

Whether someone will deal with it in the future, or whether it will be just another day, no one can guarantee, but the strict barricades, refusal of horses, and a large number of flags have already explained the attitude of the four kings in the Fair Party. This is the scene of a rupture, and of course these barricade builders can do more than gentle persuasion...


The rolling dance of the steel knife rushed into the sky with a large piece of flesh and blood, and what appeared in the square was the sound of violent chopping and even smashing bones. The tall body of the warrior with a cracked chest flew upside down, and in front of him, the swordsmen who were slightly shorter but as strong as iron towers slowly slashed, and the bleeding blade even had flesh and blood on it, and the smell of blood had already permeated.

On the surrounding roofs and by the side of the road, some people watched this scene, and some warriors sighed in a low voice: "This 'Camel God' Jiang Lian used to be a butcher of pigs, but the power of this knife may not even be able to split stones. Open. No wonder it's the vanguard of 'Heavenly Killer'..."

"Who else?" Jiang Lian, known as the "Camel God", yelled, "I am a fair party and act according to the sky. Who else dares to make trouble in broad daylight! Where is there any injustice?"

Someone rushed out from the crowd, but it was a white-haired old man, he was old, and his steps were staggering, but perhaps because of excitement or fear, his body trembled, his steps were extremely fine, and he coughed Twice, with a hoarse voice: "I... I... old..."

After running a few steps in the small square, an arrow suddenly flew towards the courtyard wall in the distance, piercing the old man's neck from the side, and it seemed that something suddenly appeared on the old man's neck while he was running. There was not much reaction yet, and he fell down.

The roof where the arrow was shot was thirty or forty feet away from this side, and the opponent shot an arrow from that side, which can be called a hundred-step piercing.

"That's the 'God Hand' Zhu Yang..." The warriors onlookers murmured again.

In front of the small square, including the old man who fell down just now, there are also eight or nine corpses lying in a pool of blood at this time. This is the number of people who do not believe in evil, want to come forward to reason, or want to stand up for others.

"When I came to Jiangning this time, Mr. Zuo was supposed to be lobbying for the Majesty in the southeast. Now he looks radiant. Has he achieved his goal?"

"Hey, why did Eighth Master force the old man to leak the secret about the loyalty of the emperor? But this time, Eighth Master really represented Mr. Ning and sided with He Wen?"

"Isn't this also a secret... But Mr. Zuo is here, we are all his own people, let's exchange information..."

"He Wen has a big mouth, it has already been spread all over the world, Lord Ba..."

"You also know that He Wen has a big mouth. Can you believe what comes out of his mouth? You can only pretend that there is no news, but you are old. Which side did you choose to bet on?"

"Hahahaha..." the old man laughed, "...Actually, He Wen has already confirmed with us about your affairs in private."

"Hehehe... He Wen also told us about your goal in private."

"Hahahahahaha... He Wen, this little bastard..."

"Hahahaha... He Wen is indeed a bastard..."

At the south street corner, cheerful laughter resounded from the tea house, and the big square in front was full of noise and fierce fighting. There was a moment of silence in front of the tea table, and then the old man turned his head and came over.

"Do you really think that He Wen can still be saved?"

"It's such a big deal, who knows..."

"In the past two years, the FAIR Party has tasted the sweetness of wanton looting. This sweetness is also poison. Relying on slogans and reasoning, people will turn back. I think...it's hard..."

"Zuo Gong is wise, no matter how good the slogan is, it is always only the first step forward. Throughout the ages, there has always been a gap between a progressive movement and a successful movement."

"That you…"

"The second step is discipline, the third step is discipline, and the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth..."

"Does He Wen have these things?"

"If you always ask He Wen, you will know."

"...When are you going to make a move?"

Passing through the chaotic crowd, the three figures slowly walked down the road of the city.

A fighting crowd rolled past them, several figures dragged the knight off the horse and killed him on the side of the road, **** leaflets flew all over the sky.

On both sides of the road, there are closed courtyard gates, and there are also collapsed abandoned houses. The garbage and **** smell blend together on the road, and the corpses of beggars are lying on the opening of the dark alley.

Xue Jin staggered, picked up a flyer on the ground, looked at it close to his eyes, and read it silently.

"Hey, put that thing down, do you want to kill yourself?"

A blood-stained warrior came over from there and approached with a ferocious aura: "You still haven't persuaded your father..." In his eyes, there were only two young beggars and an old lame legs of a middle-aged beggar.

Long knife bullying.

The older young man grabbed the back of the knife stretched out in front of him, folded his hands, and grabbed the long knife. The other party's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he grabbed it with both palms. The next moment, the young man held his right palm with his left hand, swung it twice in the air, grabbed the man and turned around, and pushed him to kneel down on the ground in front of him. Wanting to resist, the boy stepped on him on the ground, twisted his right hand to the back with a huge, penetrating angle, and it was already broken.

The rest of the people rushed towards this side, the young man was waving the steel knife, and slapped the head on the ground with the side of the knife, like slapping a watermelon, blood seeped out. Several figures with knives rushed to the vicinity, the young monk retreated to the rear, and the young man swung his knife over, the lights of the knives staggered.

Surging waves hit the shore, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

Several figures fell in disorder on the street full of **** and corpses.

Beside the road, Xue Jin closed the leaflet.

His eyes trembled and became confused, his lips moved in a murmur, but finally, he gradually thought of something.

He clasped his hands slightly, and saluted tremblingly.

"Two...two benefactors...I, I have a request..."

"…you say."

Ning Ji and Ping An were taking off the clothes they were wearing together from the dead and injured on the ground. The first swordsman who rushed forward had the most complete clothes. He crawled forward with difficulty. dragged back.

"I... little old man... I want to ask for a set of paper and pens, and then..." He said this slowly, tears gradually falling from his eyes, "Then, please leave me alone..."

The little monk stood up and gave him a solemn look. Ning Ji was still taking off his clothes and pants, but then nodded.


There was a good life.

Is it based on insulting others? Xue Jin couldn't say these things well.

He used to be a **** in Jiangning City.

Witnessed a luxurious life.

There was also a time when young people in Wuling struggled to entangle their heads, and there was a song of red silk for an unknown number of hours.

I once admired a cloth girl girl named Su Tan'er, Dong, and I also smashed the back of other people's heads for it...

I have seen the birth of "One Night Fish and Dragon Dance", and I have also appeared evil during one or two parties...

He has seen the long flowing water in Jiangning, and the tranquility of a deep old house shrouded in the endless spring rain...

I also saw hungry people shivering in the rain and snow outside the city, and dead bones that filled the wilderness every spring when I was pretending or following the crowd to give out porridge and rice...

Everyone is guilty...

Perhaps it was the crying of others between the laughter and the hunger and cold in the wilderness amidst the prosperity and prosperity that made that prosperous world finally collapse without a trace...

He married his wife and soon got tired of that face...

He lingered among the brothels, and after chasing the excitement overnight, he gradually fell in love with new things...

People always think that everything they get will come for nothing...

I think that a smooth life is a matter of course...

I thought today's happiness would last forever...

Three figures walked through the chaotic streets, looking for the location of the pen and ink while heading towards the old Wu Yamen.

But most of the shops on the side of the road have been closed, and some people smashed the doors and windows and lit the flames.

There are no shops that specialize in selling stationery. In such a fair and chaotic world, how can anyone use writing and ink?

The corpses on the side of the road were fresh.

There is also paper.

The little monk pointed to the corpse and said:

"Otherwise, write it in blood."

Xue Jin lay on the ground, began to smear his hands with blood, and wrote what he wanted to write on the paper.

But what to write?

He thought of Yueniang who entered the door last.

She is an ordinary girl in the brothel.

Plain and beautiful.

Unremarkable and talented.

Unsurprisingly, it has aroused the envy of many people.

He is also unremarkably envious of a certain talented scholar from a poor family.

She is not the most famous girl in Jiang Ning, but it took Xue Jin a lot of troubles to win the other party's closeness on the scene.

She wants to make money and redeem herself, and she also looks forward to one day in the future when she can get rid of the life of entertaining people.

Xue Jin spent a lot of money to comb for her for the first time.

She forced a smile, which pleased him. He has been in the brothel for so many years, how can he not understand the other party's mind?

But gradually, he was able to stay overnight with her.

Gradually, she gave up the hope in her heart in the past. Xue Jin actually didn't want to know how many inhumane experiences she had in the process.

He was very face-saving on the scene, so he married her and entered the door. After entering the door, he gradually began to get tired of all this...

Jiangning was tossed about in the midst of military disasters, and they sometimes left here to avoid disasters.

He also escaped two rounds of Jurchen ravages.

The fair party came and swept across the entire south of the Yangtze River. People finally couldn't escape the disaster this time. They had seen the houses of rich families being ransacked and destroyed, so they decided to surrender and wait for their release.

In the first round of entry, some people in the family were killed and some were raped, but not many people were affected. The troubled times have come, and people have to go through this kind of suffering. However, in the following days, people come one by one, and then drag them to the square. The woman named "Bai Luosha" cried Sue them for the evil deeds of the Xue family...

The stones came like rain, people killed and snatched them happily, the woman who was still beautiful was dragged out, Yueniang was dragged into a nearby alley amidst screams, and then there were hoarse cries and begging for mercy...

People say that the past was not fair...

Those people say, this is fair...

All sins will always have retribution...

The buzzing in his head...

In the misty rain in Jiangning in the past, the east wind in the prosperous age bloomed thousands of trees at night, and people's smiles bloomed in front of his eyes. Those were things he didn't deserve to have. Is this why we have fallen into such a hell?

Yueniang survived, she was speechless, trembling in his arms, his voice was hoarse, his legs were limped, his hands were broken, he gently hugged her under the bridge hole and watched the misty rain outside, he went out Begging, he went out to collect firewood, sometimes he was beaten, and slowly crawled back with blood on his body, the scene under the bridge hole gradually changed, and the flowing river gradually became turbid and smelly.

For some reason, they still survived like cockroaches...

They cuddled together, sometimes Yueniang would look at him with wide eyes, what was she thinking when she looked at him? Have they had a loving time in the past? Have you ever had a sincere entrustment?

Sometimes, she would open her eyes wide and look at the distance outside the bridge hole. What is she thinking? Thinking about her teenage dreams? The promise with that poor student, their love?

They sat side by side on the embankment, wanting to watch the fireworks.

The city no longer puts…

Living in blood and killing, living in a city that is gradually stinking, living in the midst of unexplained hopes... He doesn't even know why he survived, let alone why Yueniang survived. Live hard for him?

And she died at last.

As she died, she looked at him with wide open eyes.

In the past, in the brothel, the most attractive thing was her pair of big eyes...

Moon Mother...Are you my family?

You have a little... Treat me like family...

He thinks of these...

Bloody, trembling fingers froze in the air for a long, long time.

He howled... finally...

Pressed down on the paper.

In the noisy city, the people watching the excitement are still watching the excitement.

The masters guarding every corner of the street established their reputation in front of people with their superb martial arts.

Occasionally, people who rushed to the barricade were killed in a pool of blood, and eighteen kinds of weapons drew a flower in the air.

Several masters who were unwilling to be lonely sneaked in, and were killed out immediately.

The banner of the number one person in the world suppressed the waves in the city like a needle that stabilized the sea.

On the Yangtze River tens of miles away, He Wen is on the deck of a huge fleet, heading for a distant place.

Xue Jin walked slowly and tremblingly towards the intersection of a road in the south.

His mouth was almost toothless, and his eyes were covered with tears.

Among the bystanders around, there were warriors with weapons and ordinary people watching. Some spoke outrageously, while others tremblingly waited for the changes. He and the two teenagers watched for a while by the side of the road.

"Is this the way to the Yamen..."

"Why don't you let me go..."

They want to understand the situation here, but random, also in some whispers, understand most of it.

Someone who rushed up to cry for injustice was killed among the corpses...

Trembling, Xue Jin bid farewell to the two teenagers.

"I beg you two benefactors...don't bother me anymore..."

They were silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

"One day, when I go back to the southwest, I may see Ning Yi who was beaten by you. Do you have any words that you want me to bring to him?"

The boy asked about it.

Xue Jin thought for a while, and finally, he showed a slight smile.

"That Taoist lied to me by reciting two poems." Xue Jindao, "I will... hope that he will have many children and grandchildren in his life, eternal happiness and longevity. You let him... must live a good life..."

"I'll tell him..." The young man nodded, "From now on, I won't care about you."

He said this, and finally said: "If someone blocks the way, don't go there."

"...Well." Xue Jin held the piece of paper in his hand and nodded with tears in his eyes.

It was already a quarter of noon in the morning, and the information from the Supervision Department had spread to all parts of the city.

People on the teahouse at Jiekou Square, more than one mile south of the old Wu Yamen, found an unusual target.

The young man separated from the young monk and walked towards the door of the teahouse beside him.

A figure came down from upstairs, it was a handsome woman with a scar on her face, the boy approached and called her: "Aunt Seven."

"What's the matter?" The high-ranking Huaxia Army who was called Xiaoqi in the past and returned to Jiangning this time also smiled softly at him, "What happened to make you so upset that you want to throw yourself into a trap?"

Ning Ji looked around, and Hei Niu and others gradually appeared around, looking at him with mockery.

"Aunt Qi, I... I saw something, I want to... take something with you..."

The woman's eyes became calm, and then she became serious: "What did you see?"

At a quarter of noon, above the teahouse, Zuo Xiuquan was talking with Qian Luoning, when he saw a scarred woman coming up from the side, and whispered something to Qian Luoning.

"...Give it to him?" Qian Luoning asked.

The woman smiled and nodded.

"What time is it?"

"...for a moment."

"...A little earlier... That's okay... Ask the groups to prepare to do it."

He waved his hands and made several gestures.

The old man laughed: "Didn't you say... that you didn't come to fight?"

"Yes." Qian Luoning stood up and let out a long breath, "We are here to fight."

"...But this opening is the direction that King Yan Luo is holding on to." The old man pointed to the distance, "What about Master Lin? Who can hold him down?"

The crowd above the teahouse was already flowing downward like a stream of water. Qian Luoning looked at Zuo Xiuquan for a long time, and then he laughed...

At noon, among the crowd, "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng squinted his eyes and saw a familiar figure not far away.

Yan Yunzhi was standing at the corner of the street, watching the killing scene in front of the square. The person standing beside her must be Yan Tiehe, the second master of the Yan family.

Both of them have now been wanted by Baofeng with a huge reward.

Li Yanfeng smiled.

Immediately, he saw that Yan Yunzhi seemed to have noticed something too, standing on tiptoe and looking towards the center of the square. Li Yanfeng immediately looked over there...

The surrounding corpses are ferocious, and the smell of blood is filled...

The dead people opened their eyes, as if they were nostalgic for this world...

Those eyes also reminded him of Yueniang's eyes...

Ever seen a wonderful world...

Lived a life of nostalgia...

But now...

Xue Jin cried out in the crowd...

He squeezed the piece of paper in his hand, and slowly walked forward...

In the square ahead, someone pointed to this side and yelled something...

Between life and death, there is a line.

Cross that line and this life ends...

He is finally...going back to where Yueniang went...

He lifted up the paper in his hand.

So the people on the other side of the square also understood what he would do...

Xue Jin stepped into the area of ​​blood...

Not far away, people are watching all this...

This is not the first person to fall on the square this morning, and it will definitely not be the last...

Far away, arrows whized over.

Xue Jin closed his eyes and walked forward.

A figure passed by his side, jumped up and down again, holding the arrow that was shot tens of meters away in his hand.

The little monk threw the arrow away.

On the other side of the square, the warrior in charge of guarding the place held a red-tasseled spear, and at this moment showed a smile:

"Haha, here comes another Lianjiazi..."

The little monk waved to the back: "Brother."

A boy named Ning Ji was walking towards here with a package in one hand and a knife in the other.

With slow and trembling steps, Xue Jin wept and moved forward holding the **** paper.

Among the crowd behind, Yan Yunzhi saw that figure.

And not far from the side, "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng also saw the appearance of these two people. Murderous aura spread in his brows. The warrior said hello.

"Brother Lu. One of these two brats is mine."

Far and near, whispers came.

"It was the 'Monkey King' who made the move..."

"The one on the square is the 'Sharp Spear' Lu Fan..."

"Who are these two children..."

"Enter the dragon and the tiger..."

Ning Ji walked forward, he didn't pay too much attention to Li Yanfeng coming from the side, and he didn't pay attention to the gatekeeper in front of the square. His gaze became fierce, and he waved his hand and threw the burden forward.

The little monk accepted the burden with some doubts.

"Find a flagpole." Ning Ji said, "Raise it up."

Li Yanfeng walked towards this side with vigorous steps.

"Sharp Spear" Lu Fan flicked his spear, and put on a stance: "Today, the road is blocked, and it will not work for anyone!"


Xue Jin moved forward crying.

Behind him, Ning Ji lowered his figure, and suddenly, his strength exploded, and the whole figure rushed forward like a tiger. The sun was shining, and the distance between him and the person in front of the square suddenly shortened. Spears were thrown all over the sky, and then only a few jingling sounds were heard. The spear's attack was like a snake and a giant python, but the light of the saber slammed open the middle door of the spear, and after a few consecutive slashes, the spear shot The body smashed to the ground. The stone chips on the ground were splashed by the gun body, and the young man leaped up as if stepping on the gun body, and slashed down like thunder with both hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Fan's body stepped back and hit the back With a pile of rejected horses, the steel knife fell obliquely into his body from the side of his neck, almost cutting off his entire upper body, and the viscous liquid gushed out like an explosion.

The boy stood in front of his body and drew his knife.

This morning, in front of the fortress formed by the four great kings of the Fair Party, some people charged, some protested, and some were beheaded in the competition. The warrior made such a cruel move.

But at this moment, the bright red blood spurted like a pool of blood.

"Today, this road can go... I said so."

Facing the countless figures in front of him, he stated so.

Behind him, Xue Jin staggered forward.

Death has not yet come.

Malice surged in.

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