Zhui Xu

Vol 5 Chapter 121: Undercurrent

Chapter 21, Undercurrent

After the city gate was closed, Qin Lao was staying at home for a while, and there were not many outings. Occasionally, old friends such as Kang Xian came together to gather, and it was impossible to play as often as in the past. Today, Ning Yi and Nie Yunzhu came over. The time was already in the afternoon. After a little conversation in the living room, Ning Yi and Qin Lao walked around in the courtyard outside the study room. Nie Yunzhu was called by the mother and Mrs. Qin. They were mostly I already know the things of Yunzhu, and I am very warm and warm.

The previous plan to let Nie Yunzhu recognize Qin as a righteous father was only mentioned by Ning Yi. Qin Lao and Nie Yunzhu have not been officially clarified. Therefore, it is better for Ning Yi to talk about this.

Because of some problems arising from this incident, Ning Yi naturally cannot say that he has nothing to do with Nie Yunzhu. Of course, he will not think that Nie Yunzhu has any responsibility. It's hard to say right or wrong, but since it's born, it's the right way to deal with it. Fortunately, Qin Lao is also understanding people. When Ning Yi will probably say the last time he was born in Yan Cuilou, he will understand the meaning of the other party and understand why the other party will mention this.

However, after a long delay, he did not immediately express his attitude towards this.

\"This year's floods, the scale of the upstream disaster has not happened for decades. Although Jiangning has closed the city, it still seems calmer than in previous years. What does Liheng know?" Qin Laodun, "Jiangzhou I However, although the disaster is serious, at this time, there have been more than 200,000 victims of homelessness in the host organization, and the number is still increasing. It is said that the order is orderly and there is no epidemic, and the other side of the river is due to the Yellow River. In the disaster-stricken areas of Zhangzhou and Jinzhou, Langzhou and Guizhou are also doing proper resettlement. If in the past, the epidemic has already started and it is difficult to control. Although there are epidemics this year, some orders have been made. Good state and county are separated and have not continued to spread..."

\"喔." Listening to Qin Lao talking about this, Ning Yi nodded. Since the gate was closed, the information outside was difficult to pass in. Ning Yi didn't care much. He listened to him and only knew about these outside Jiangning. thing.

\"Jiangzhou, Zhangzhou, Jinju, Langzhou, Guizhou and other places, most of them used or referenced the methods of Liheng, although it seems simple, but the effect is very good, I have recently been thinking about the truth. But in any case, hundreds of thousands of people benefited from Liheng. Liheng came over today, but he only talked to me about rare things..."

Qin Lao laughed, but Ning Yi shook his head and smiled: "One yard is one yard, the original is cheap. Qin Lao is not a bargain, and it is a human condition. It is also a truth. If you have human feelings, If you get another inch, it’s not good. Qin Lao can not care, but I can’t take it for granted. This is the truth of being a man. It’s hard to say right or wrong, but reality is reality, all kinds of problems, if you add The trouble is not good. The main thing is not that I am not willing to go, but Yunzhu feels that I am not willing to go..."

Qin Lao nodded and then did not speak. After a long time, the two men put up the chessboard in the study, and the old man said: "" A few days ago, I heard Ming Gong talk about your conversation with Li. Can you meet with Ming Yun in recent days?"

Ning Yi shook his head: "There have been a lot of things lately, but he found a pair of strange brothers and sisters who came to see me. Oh, I didn't see it. Listening to the 6 brothers said that I might marry me when I meet. a meal..."

\"Oh, it’s the sister-in-law of Zhou’s family. It’s just a matter of identity. I really want to do something in the future. I’m afraid it’s not easy.” Qin laughed and raised a chess piece, followed by a chess piece. It’s because of Li Heng’s statement that I have discussed with Ming Yun for a few days. After I heard about the Su’s affairs, Ming Yun’s words are complicated. Can Li Heng’s heart count?”

\"It should be able to solve it."

Ning Yi did not put this matter in his heart, and answered it casually. Qin Lao looked at it and then finally dropped the piece: "This is so good. That Li Feng is your good friend. I listened to Ming Yun and was quite talented. If he goes to Beijing, I can substitute for a book and introduce it for him."

\"So I thanked Dexin." Ning Yi smiled, "Yes, that 吏 s 郎 傅 Fu Ying, I would not have been with you before."

\"Non-speaking kid..." Qin Lao smiled, but then he sighed, "I have resigned when Li Zhongzhong was elected, but Fu Ying was really promoted by me. This person is somewhat biased. However, it is still good to do things. In some cases, the party’s tactics are also common, and I can’t manage it. Listening to Ming Yun’s statement that Li Fan’s policy is just the opposite of Fu Ying’s coronation policy, the words are fierce. Something, the scholars, this is the case, the article is not surprisingly endless every year, who knows that Fu Ying’s reaction is so fierce, it is estimated that it was satirized by some political opponents, hey, this kind of thing..."

From beginning to end, Qin Yuyuan did not mention Ning Yi’s speech with Li Pin on that day. The two played a game of chess. They only said some trivial things. Of course, there were some situations in the field. When Ning Yi and Nie Yunzhu left, they had already Near evening. Neither side has raised the attitude towards the "righteous woman".

\"Liheng... Has it been said?" On the way back to the small building on the riverside, Nie Yunzhu asked softly. Ning Yi nodded: "Well, but people didn't nod and didn't shake their heads."


\"Oh, Mrs. Qin, they are good to you tǐng."

\"Well, tǐng is good." Yunzhu smiled and nodded, "I am afraid that they will be tired of them."

\"Let's go as a relative, and don't deliberately recognize something. After a while, it will become a good thing, and it will be a good friend.

\"... um." Yunzhu thinks, nod, \"芸姨娘 let me accompany her to go shopping on the street tomorrow, let me bring Jiner together."

\"tǐng is good."

When Yunzhu was sent home, Ning Yi was ready to turn back, and the other side opened his mouth and stopped him.

\"Liheng, Sujia's thing..." Yunzhu looked at him and thought for a while before he found the words. "You can do it well."

Ning Yi groaned and then laughed: "Reassured."

He returned home all the way, it is already time to eat.

After that, time gradually entered August. This is a serious, chaotic, but seemingly stable month. Except for some really thoughtful and thoughtful traders, few people can see the weaving of Jiangning this month. What happened in the industry, and what kind of trajectory the surging undercurrents had.

The gates have been closed, and the days have passed as usual. It seems that every day is the same as in the past. The work and the life of life, the brothels still sing in the night, and the victims inside and outside the city have already passed. The more embarrassing, if the outside states used new disaster control methods to reduce the pressure on this side, I am afraid that the feeling of depression in this city will be more serious now. Of course, even if it is serious, it can only be felt at the level of ordinary civilians. s things.

The Huangshang issue of the Weaving Bureau will be released for the first time in late August. It is said that there will be a rally in the weaving industry to celebrate the occasion of the disaster relief and let the interested merchants come out. Cloth comes and is dedicated to the royal family. The decision has been made, but the news only flows under the sī, for example, to celebrate the disaster relief, the merchants must also take practical actions to give enough porridge and share the pressure for the government.

In the past, several merchants who took over the Huangshang will naturally not give up, and the intentions of Sujia, Xuejia and Wujia on the Huangshang also led some medium-sized merchants to turn the situation of the recent weaving industry into a drowning. Among them, although Su Boyong and Su Tan are sick, the momentum shown by the Su family is still the strongest. At the end of July, Su Boyong’s injury stabilized. After the publicity, the old man’s running and various relationships finally worked. The murderer Su Boyong’s murderer Chen Er confessed that he was indeed instigated by Su Boyong and Su. It’s purely a matter of killing his wife and children.

Who is behind Chen Er can't find out because he doesn't know. However, after the bad reputation was washed, it undoubtedly increased the number of chips that the Sujia won the Emperor, and the morale of the shopkeepers and managers of the big house was greatly enhanced. The two-bedroom and three-bedroom are relatively silent. Even if the Su family is forced to kill the whole family, the foreign business will be affected. However, the Emperor’s business is the only one. Now the old elder is opening the way to the emperor, is it true that the Su family will By Su Taner at the helm?

In the midst of chaos, no one can see what it will be like at the end of August. The two-bedroom and three-bedroom rooms seem calm. Xuejia, Wujia and some other merchants are also competing in the emperor's business in their own way. They talk about business, find relationships, what is behind the yīn, what counts, and nothing on the bright surface. . During this period, Ning Yi also began to dissolve into the big family of Jiangning weaving as the temporary helm of Sujia Dafang.

He participated in some entertainment, and of course he also met some people. In the past, he was a scholar, so he didn't have to participate in these things. Now that Su Tan is sick, he has some necessary entertainment to participate. The most important thing during this period is the weaving party at the end of July. This is a gathering every month. Because in Jiangning, the weaving line also has its own guild, which is now the Wujia, the leader of Jiangning cloth industry.

During this period, Ning Yi also saw Wu Chenghou, the father of Wu Qilong Wu Qihao's two brothers. As a line, this is also a moderately and prestigious middle-aged man who also looked for Ning Yi for a long time:\ "Everyone is a peer, although it is an opponent, but also a good teacher and a friend. For a long time, if any household has a cargo that is not in place for a while, others will lend a helping hand. This is a friendship. Li Hengxian’s name has already been heard. The matter of the emperor's business, Su Jiasheng counts a lot. Xue's words, Xianxian does not have to put it in his heart..."

The reason why he said this is because the Xue family and the Su family have long been guilty. According to the deaf children, every time they are also mediated by the Wu family, this time see Xue Jin and Xue Yan’s father Xue Sheng, that It was also a bit cold and not hot, but Xue Yan had a good attitude towards Ning Yi. He specially went to Ning Yi for a meal and apologized for the last time.

In addition, there are Chen Dixin of Chenjia, Lu Tianhai of Lujia, etc. After nearly a month, Ning Yi probably knows the whole outline of Jiangning's weaving industry, and those in the weaving industry probably have him. Simple cognition.

There is definitely a talent, the first talent, but the scholars came into the business, obviously and somewhat at a loss. Although there are not many entertainments involved, but the words are graceful and temperament, but there are also books that can't be changed. The Su family has a hard time. The man who entered the school obviously wants to help his hand. However, the inexperienced thing is that he has no experience. After one month, he actually did not do anything.

In fact, after he placed an oolong over there, there were only two things he had done.

The first one was that he talked about a business. This was originally a business with no suspense, but since Ning Yi signed the word, of course he had to put it on his head. There is nothing to talk about, but it is one thing. On the other hand, after he racked his brains, he made a reform of one of the shops.

At that time, in the eyes of everyone, Ning Yi seemed to be very confident. He tried his brains for a few days, then made some rules, and then let the buddies in one of the stores use them first. To this end, he trained the gang for three days. When the customer entered the store, he said "Welcome", and then standardized some terminology, plus many seemingly specialized terms. However, this reform has only been carried out for three days, because they scared the customers a lot, because people feel cramped~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So, this book-style reform has suffered a failure, and it has been woven by Jiangning. A joke, Ning Yi seems to have been hit, and then no longer do more than the daily fixed inspections.

During this period, he also met the congratulatory party. Of course, he did not talk too much about the matter of the emperor. He also went to the business with several shopkeepers and met with some officials of the weaving bureau, but it did not play much. The role. Some people in the past felt that he would not be so simple—for example, Xue Jin, who lost much interest after more than 20 days, because it was very simple. A scholar who entered the business world should have been like this.

In the case of Huang Shang, this guy is not working, maybe it is a blind man. After that, no one has relaxed their vigilance, because the helpers of the Su family have been operating under the performance of Ning Yi, pushing the voice of the emperor to the highest.

There is no such thing as yīn calculations. During this period, the Su family has been advancing the process of taking the imperial convoy with the incomparable bright and straightforward manner. Xue’s family and Wu’s family have no way to do such a thing. In the final analysis, the Su family had been prepared for several years, but they did not, and the foundation was thin, at least on the surface, it could only fall behind.

During this period, Zhou Pei and Zhou Junwu, two brothers and sisters, often came to the Sujia's cloth line and waited for Ning Yi to come over. Gradually, they also had a slightly strange way of getting along...

It seems calm, boring, tense and monotonous in August, and it gradually goes to the end of the month...

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