Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1127: cold winter day (1)

In the southwest corner, Wenpu County.

Before dawn, the night watchman walked through the dark long street, and some scattered figures also started to move in such a quiet street.

Hanging small, orange lanterns and pushing carts through the streets and alleys, there are some shabby and plainly dressed women. Most of their figures are barefoot, and some of them are barefoot, stepping on the streets full of sewage in the early morning. street. These women each have their own paths. They stop under the familiar eaves or on the side of the road, pick up wooden barrels one by one in the agreed, inconspicuous corners, hang up the carts, and continue to push the carts.

The first ones to get up before dawn were Ye Xiang women in the small town.

The ancient towns did not have a sewage system for excrement discharge. Pouring night incense is a cheap business that people are taboo to talk about, but honestly, the income is not low. Some women from poor families or widows come out to handle this matter when they have nowhere to go. They can also earn enough money and things to survive for themselves and their families. In some places, Yexiang women also have a fixed "sphere of influence" in contracting business, and sometimes even cause conflicts due to competition for customers.

But at this moment before dawn, most of the women pushing the carts to collect the night incense barrels were quiet. They walked through the dark city according to the predetermined route, and then gathered in a dilapidated courtyard outside the south gate of the city.

A man wearing a bamboo hat would take away the night incense they brought in bucket by bucket, and gave copper coins as a reward.

Feces are indecent things, but in the past, some people collected them collectively, but since the Huaxia Army came over, because the people who collected Yexiang in the past were scared away, the business here was taken over by the people of the Huaxia Army—although they couldn’t tell the family Why did the Huaxia Army take over this kind of thing, but after a period of time, most of the women who bought and sold Yexiang knew that this place had become a "public" property, and even the person who took Yexiang seemed to belong to the Huaxia Army member.

The Huaxia Army’s collection of Yexiang is actually better than that of the rascals and rogues in the past. They didn’t make too much trouble for Yexiang’s women, and they gave money clearly and straightforwardly—it wasn’t like this in the past. Most of Yexiang's people have a rascal background, and they often interfere with Yexiang's women's "qualifications" and "sphere of influence". The little widow will even tease her. Things like **** bandits and **** bullies sound absurd and ridiculous, but they are also things that actually happen at the bottom of society.

After the Huaxia Army came, these things disappeared. In the past, it seemed that the people in charge of excrement collection in the Huaxia Army looked down on the interests of this area and had no intention of meddling in these matters. In the past two months, with the change of a new manager at this Yexiang station, they have been connected The dilapidated courtyard gradually became more orderly.

The visits of various items were orderly, and when the Yexiang women came over in the early morning, they could smell that the surrounding environment was not as smelly as usual. This new member of the Huaxia Army strengthened the frame that supported the huge excrement bucket on the side of the yard, and washed the road with water every day, so that the women did not have to work as hard as usual to pour the night incense, and occasionally he would help the women dump it. Ye Xiangtong, although he is not skilled, seems to have an easy-going temperament, and it is not difficult to talk.

Within a month or two, Ye Xiang's wife, who was sophisticated, quickly started a conversation with the other party, asking about her background, whether she was an official member of the Huaxia Army, and why did the gentlemen of the Huaxia Army accept her? Dung... and other questions, this middle-aged man named Tang Minjie did not shy away from answering the question. He was originally from the north, so naturally he was not an official member of the Huaxia Army. As for why he collected dung, it was Huaxia The army built a farm in the nearby Xiaoye village. He needed to stockpile manure to study fertilizers and other things, so he took his wages and came to do odd jobs.

"Oh..." The Yexiang women also understood these things, and nodded: "Then...the person in charge of you before should be a regular worker of your Huaxia Army...I said, he wouldn't do more... "

Relatively speaking, the "formal worker" at Yexiang Station in the past did not have the enthusiasm to devote himself to this position. , without much communication. At this time, a "temporary worker" came, the status of the two parties was similar, and the conversation was a bit more, the temporary worker would ask about their lives and experiences over the years from time to time, and some elderly women laughed Talk about things in life.

Although the job of pouring Yexiang is disgraceful, after getting used to it, life is not too embarrassing. Or it can also be said that in these years, embarrassment is originally a part of life. Most of these women are silent when they collect night fragrance in the early morning. In the station, occasionally women's laughter could be heard.

After dumping the feces at the Yexiang Station, the Yexiang women pushing the carts will go to the tributaries of the nearby small river to clean the Yexiang barrels—this is also part of the Yexiang work. Add points. Some women continued the conversation by the river, occasionally mentioning the "temporary worker" at Yexiang Station.

"Age is not accurate..."

"Thirty... more than forty?"

"Speaking skillfully, people who have seen the world..."

"The people are very nice..."

"The body doesn't seem to be good..."

"Well, seeing him coughing, he almost couldn't breathe once, and the incense barrel fell on him..."

"Is there something wrong..."

"It's not a tuberculosis ghost, you see he hasn't been coughing..."

"Eating public meals..."

"Look at him doing things... I think he may become a regular in the future..."

"I look pretty good too... You said, why don't you tell Xiaoqing to him? Xiaoqing looks good..."

"Xiaoqing is strong and can give birth..."

After older women express their appreciation for men, most of the topics come here.

The Xiaoqing in the population is a new night fragrance woman, twenty-seven years old, with fair looks. After her husband passed away, she brought a daughter to live. She was stumbling, but the woman had a tenacious character, and was quickly recognized by others.

After several rounds of talking like this, I think it is quite reliable, especially when the woman named He Qing was there, everyone made fun of him, and saw that the other party was just blushing and silent, and he didn't start cursing harshly, so he knew how much women felt about that. The temporary worker was "okay", so after a few days, an old lady who was the most sociable made a private suggestion to the other party.

After being silent for a while, Tang Minjie sighed again and again, and then told the other party that his health was not good, especially that he had a serious illness last year and almost died. Now that he asked his relationship to find such a thing, he might not be able to do it anytime soon. How can you implicate a good opponent?

His words were sincere, and when it came to the end, apart from a few words of comfort, the old woman also felt that the combination of the two was not suitable. Turning around to report to everyone, mentioning this "Xiao Tang"'s physical problems, she couldn't help crying. After the woman named He Qing learned that the other party was "too weak" and "often sick", she was silent. Don't pay attention to this anymore.

People everywhere have their own lives.

After the sky gradually brightened, the surroundings of Yexiang Station returned to calm.

Tang Minjie started to clean up the sundries, and did a simple cleaning of the inside and outside of the yard, then set up the mule cart, and transferred the huge dung bucket supported by a wooden frame at the back of the yard to the mule cart. Due to the setting of the height difference of the wooden frame, this work is not laborious.

The mule cart used to transport manure every day is the main wealth of Yexiang Station, and it is also a manifestation of the "richness" of the Huaxia Army. The mule cart will drag one to two barrels of Yexiang back to the experimental farm nearly ten miles away every day. To verify the pros and cons of various fertilization techniques, and to selectively experiment with the characteristics of various substances—of course, none of this is considered mature, especially in the field of fertilizers, even in the Chinese army, it also belongs to the " "Bad industry", Ning Yi mentioned some ideas, and many people put forward ideas, but the experiment period is long, the overall clue is not clear, and there are not many participants, and it is not as organized as the direction of "best breeding".

The farm here is named "Huaxia Army 223 Agricultural Research Institute". It is close to a village where hundreds of people live. It is obviously not a key project in the Huaxia Army's agricultural experiment territory. The small number of people, the small place, the vague research direction, and the lack of fighting will of the members are things that Tang Minjie can see at a glance when he comes over. The director of the research institute is called Chen Cirang. Literate and hyphenated, he should be a Confucian scholar who has read books. He can arrange things in a reasonable way and have a relatively gentle personality-of course, perhaps only this kind of personality is suitable for conducting agricultural experiments.

Tow it back to Yexiang in the morning and pour it into a large septic tank. According to the work schedule of the farm, there will be different retting experiments. Due to the working rhythm of the farm, most of these things are dirty. For Tang Minjie, it is not very tiring—of course, as a person who has worked in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin for several years, his spirit has been distorted. The standard is not consistent with ordinary people, and it is difficult to tell whether it is objective or not.

Since we get up early in the morning, there are often not many things to do in the afternoon.

Although it is said that there is no distinction between high and low in work, but the matter of collecting Yexiang will inevitably stink people's bodies. In the one or two months since he came to the farm, Tang Minjie didn't make any friends—this was also his own wish. During work meetings, he will sit a little farther away from other people. He simply greets colleagues on the way, and eats in the cafeteria. Naturally, no one wants to take the initiative to sit next to him. Discrimination is not mentioned, and the taste is also unappetizing.

The injury brought back from the north has not fully recovered. His body is still weak, and occasionally he feels unable to do physical work. After being assigned here, in the process of adapting to work, he asked Mr. Chen to borrow some Judging from the books and materials on agricultural research, the overall understanding is not difficult.

On clear and peaceful afternoons, he often crosses the grove at the edge of the farm and sits on the edge of the pond to watch the situation in the opposite village. Opposite the pond is the grain drying field in Xiaoye Village, and there is a stone mill next to the grain drying field , Men, women and children in the village often gather there, some people grind things there, some chat, and some children play and play.

The sun shone down on his body, it was late autumn, but the warmth in the sun would still bring out the chill in his heart, the chill burst out, clashing with the sun in his body, tormenting on the skin, crackling in the bones .

He would flash across his eyes the sights of the North that he could still see every night, the mad horror of those who died skinny, those who died of all kinds of torture, those slaves whose skins were flayed. Calling, thousands of miles apart, they are still clearly visible and within reach. They often blend with everything in front of them.

The villagers on the opposite side of the grain drying field occasionally looked at him curiously. Once or twice, an old member of the village came for a walk along the pond, as if wanting to strike up a conversation with him and smell his scent. Also walked away.

The life after arriving in Wenpu County did not exist in any of his previous expectations. During this period of time, his spirit was chaotic. Many times he woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly felt that he was still in the clouds. He listened to the movement outside, and even rushed out of the yard to look for weapons. When he realized where he was, sometimes the Yexiang wives laughed and he felt dizzy like in a dream, and the people on the side of the grain drying field in the sun always reminded him of the villages in the north where the Han slaves gathered. He would habitually fumble for the neckline, but there was no poison inside.

After placing him here, the outsiders seemed to have completely forgotten about him, so one afternoon in October, three soldiers from the Huaxia Army came to Xiaoye Village on horseback~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was Peng Yueyun.


At this time, Peng Yueyun could already be regarded as one of the representatives of the young and strong faction in the army, and he also had the representative significance of inheriting the mantle of the Western Army. With the title of senior colonel, he had a bright future, but facing the sinful Tang Minjie, he still worked hard. A military salute. Tang Minjie looked at him for a moment before waking up from his dream.

"It seems that I can't be called Xiao Peng now. What should I call her?"

"Everyone is on his own, so be casual." Peng Yueyun said, "Just call me father."


After subconsciously answering, Tang Minjie hesitated. Kicked over.

(end of this chapter)

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