Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1134: Bitter Winter (8)

The sky was overcast and gloomy, and it was snowing again.

In December, when Jun Wu came back from Lianjiang, when Zhou Pei entered the palace and saw him, he saw him sitting among the pavilions in the courtyard covered with snow, watching memorials.

Outside the palace, due to the failure of the previous assassination of the king, the liquidation of several big families in Fujian, including Bao and Pu, has already begun.

Zhou Pei took a cushion and put his brother's buttocks under his head, and then sat down himself.

"If you want to do something like this, why don't you tell me first?"

"I'm not sure, they will do it." Jun Wu, who was reviewing the memorial, paused, and then buried himself in writing as usual, "But if there are heroes in troubled times, there are a lot of strong people who want to strike first, and Zuo Qing and others are not in vain Followed for several days."

Zhou Pei, who was dressed in a light yellow dress, sat there, looking at his younger brother who had grown a beard and wrote silently for a long time before slowly opening his mouth.

"Bao and Pu's family did such a thing. It's treasonous. The senior elders have already nodded and agreed to attack them, but at this point, no one is blind. Junwu, we... the Zhou family is desperate, it is indeed true. Everyone in Fujian took us in, and they all had good intentions from the beginning..."

Junwu stopped writing: "Wu Dynasty is to be revitalized, it is doomed to abolish the old system, appoint new officials, and abolish those old Confucianism and aristocratic families' constraints on the army and government affairs...Then the resulting conflicts, from the decision to reform From the first day, it was doomed. Sister Huang, if we don’t do anything this year, we might be able to make peace a little bit, but next year, something will happen...Of course, this time I’m just prepared, they dare to do something , I was surprised too."

Jun Wu spoke calmly, and after speaking, he smiled slightly, probably unavoidably proud of this action. Zhou Pei also smiled complicatedly.

"Thunder, rain and dew are all due to Jun's grace. It's okay if you think clearly. It's just Junwu. From now on, you have demonstrated your dominance. If we lose again, no one will take us in. You and I Brother and sister, when the time comes, we will have to die for the country together."

When she said this, she stretched out a hand and grabbed the back of her younger brother's hand, and Jun Wu also held back his sister's hand. He smiled and thought about it.

"The Wu Dynasty ran from Bianliang to Lin'an in these years, from Lin'an to the sea, and then came here from the sea. The Zhou family's loss of morality has caused the world to suffer. This time, there is no way to go, so it's fine if you don't run. These things General Yue and I have also made promises."

The coup d'état involving Fujian gentry seemed to have been defeated lightly, and the siblings had always been reasonable, but in fact it was decisive for the future choice of the southeast court. From the moment Zhou Pei chose to deal with the Fujian gentry with the crime of "rebellion", the kingly power passed down from the orthodox name of the Wu Dynasty was squandered. From now on, there may still be Confucian masters coming to seek refuge, but any powerful clan of the Wu Dynasty who has a certain local strength may not easily accept the arrival of an emperor like Junwu from now on, and the siblings have also entered a desperate situation since then. situation.

In the past few days, the psychological pressure that has really troubled Zhou Pei may come from this. Communicating with her younger brother at this time, seeing his calm and calm attitude, Zhou Pei also laughed out of relief. She let out a breath, and then listened to Jun Wu's side.

"Actually, there is no need to think so. If it is desperate, I will ask Wen Huai to take my sister to the southwest to join the teacher. The emperor's hegemony cannot be achieved, and his life can always be saved."

Zhou Pei's expression changed slightly. She looked at her younger brother's attitude, then pulled her hand out, and patted the back of his hand lightly: "You're in such a mess, do you still want to go to the southwest to make people feel disgusted? I don't want to To be looked down upon."

"What are you talking about?" Jun Wu smiled, "Teacher will never dislike you and me."

"You know again. The last time I met him in Jiangning, you were still a radish head. The last time I saw him since Bianliang, I was still an ignorant little girl. It's been almost twenty years. How many times have I seen human feelings turned upside down..."

When Zhou Pei said this, his speech speed became faster, and his eyes became indifferent unconsciously. Jun Wu smiled, and stretched out his hand again.

"Just like my sister said, when we parted, you and I were still children. How could a person like Teacher not take care of two children..."

"I'm not a child, I got married when I came back. You are a child, and even if he doesn't dislike it on the surface, everyone in the southwest will dislike it..." Zhou Pei retorted quickly.

"It's the same." Jun Wu said while holding her hand, then he paused slightly, "Speaking of which, Wen Huai told me many things about teachers, you don't know, Miss Huang, he is still the same as before. Interesting, he has no pretensions with his own people, and loves to joke, but to his enemies, that is whoever sees who feels uncomfortable. Wen Huai told me about his reprimanding Nianhan on the front line in Zizhou, and I couldn't help but think of him The method used to deal with the Wu family back then, sister..."

Zhou Pei laughed and squeezed his younger brother's hand: "Look at you now, how can you still have the determination to break the boat just now, Jun Wu, if you always think about defeating and then go to the southwest, our sister and brother may really die for the country one day."

"... What my sister said is true." When she said this, Jun Wu was slightly taken aback, and then stopped, and then sighed softly: "Is there any major event outside?"

"Several elders approved of our actions, and will help to appease the outside world's opinions. Chen Min followed Master Chen's book today, and also talked to me in private, let's have a class here at the Armed Forces Academy. The class was held, and a few young people from Fujian gentry families who had not participated in the rebellion this time were recommended to enroll in the Armed Forces Academy as soon as possible. This can be regarded as making it clear that what we want is people who can do things, and it does not necessarily exclude the children of rich families. I think it's a good idea for him."

"This is a good thing." Jun Wu thought for a while, turned his eyes, and then nodded slowly, "I was a little impulsive about the trip, and it was also because I was not sure. I only prepared arrangements for how to defeat the enemy in advance. Later I went to Lian Jiang, it took some time for the arrest and interrogation, and I got carried away with complacency. Mr. Zuo was busy writing letters to appease all parties at the first time, and Mr. Cheng was in charge of the calculations... If you want to do things properly, you really need these old men... "

For a long time, I imitated the teachers in the Southwest and forged ahead with determination. Although I also accepted his kindness and comforted the Confucian people, after the wings became more and more prosperous, there were actually many negligence. This time he noticed some clues, took a risky trip, then defeated thousands of enemies with more than two hundred people, won a complete victory, and killed the first time on the battlefield. It was indeed the most impassioned moment in his life, and as an emperor, It is indeed a beautiful move.

With the support of heroes like Cheng Zhouhai and Zuo Wenhuai around him, Yue Fei and Han Shizhong in the army, and after Zhou Pei settled down a group of famous Confucian officials in Fuzhou and approved his action, Junwu's power-seizure action has come to an end. Ninety-five percent. He was so happy that he couldn't help taking a few hot springs to celebrate when he was in Lianjiang. Afterwards, he planned a lot of arrangements, but when he returned to Fuzhou, he realized that his actions were not necessarily meticulous.

"In the past, the great families all attached great importance to literature, and they were extremely repulsed by the saying of respecting the king and rejecting the barbarians. Therefore, the Armed Forces School can only recruit people from the army and the bottom. This time, the top two have been beaten to make room for the bottom. Others should After realizing the importance of the Armed Forces School, it was the right time to recruit them... I was too slow to think of it in the first place..."

While thinking, Jun Wu said in a low voice, and then said: "The recruits from various big clans are easy to connect with each other and take care of each other, and I am afraid that they may also easily conflict with the former military and poor families. Then this Tuen class should be Whether to put them in a single class, or break them up with other people, we have to consider... These details, we will ask Wen Huai later. In addition, I would like to arrange for them to come over for dinner and have dinner with them. Confidentially, by the way, let the children of their family go to school more, what does sister think?"

Zhou Pei laughed: "You are determined to forge ahead. The elders in the court are both gratified and a little scared. What is gratifying is that the Wu Dynasty will finally have such an enterprising king. What is afraid is that you are stunned. Zhenxue If you have reached the extremes of the Southwest, you must wipe out all the Confucianists and even the aristocratic families... They must be pleased if you can show this gesture."

"The teacher said to destroy Confucianism, but I have no idea. How can I be so arrogant because I am a man. It's just that the old people are used to everything, and many even hold on to the weak. I want to break the situation, and the young people are easier to use. Why don't you want to get along with those elders and ministers." Jun Wu smiled, "It's just that the current situation is such that weak people have to take a risk."

Zhou Pei looked at her younger brother. When she came over, she still had a lot to say. For example, with more than two hundred people fighting against thousands of people, as an emperor, she would be afraid every time she thought about such a risk, but seeing the high spirits on her younger brother's face at this time, and his last words, Zhou Pei thought I can understand his mood. She squeezed the back of his hand.

"To take risks in the future, let others go as far as possible." He simply said this sentence.

"I know." Jun Wu nodded with a smile, "However, it's just dangerous to say, Huang Jie, you don't know, these people who have studied in the Armed Forces Academy for half a year, with the help of Zuo Wenhuai and others, the two One hundred to one thousand is really the same as chopping melons and vegetables. I used to think that the guards dispatched by others must be cronies and elites. Who knows, if we charge forward, we will kill them directly. After all, people are different. , went to the Armed Forces Academy to learn from Zuo Wenhuai and the others, it was really different..."

In the pavilion where Xiaoxue was flying, it seemed that he also understood the worries of his relatives around him. Jun Wu smiled and talked about the situation that day, and he spoke quickly, like a child. Zhou Pei hadn't seen such a younger brother for a long time, and after a while, he also laughed.

After a while, Zuo Wenhuai was summoned to discuss the recruitment of new students in the military training school. Zhou Pei had to arrange a dinner with the elders, and left after chatting for a while. Yes, if one day this road is difficult to travel, I will go to the southwest.

In the blink of an eye, nearly twenty years passed by. The former girl has already experienced many complicated things in the world, and the tired and even hateful teacher in the past has also experienced countless fights. Just like those aristocratic families and those old Confucianists, what people think in their minds is no longer the simple thoughts of the past.

What if we meet again?

The carriage drove away from the palace and passed through the snow-swept streets. Zhou Pei sat in a corner of the carriage, quietly thinking about herself when she was in Bianliang at the end.

She already lives in a complex world.

Not long after, she received an even more complicated battle report from this complicated world.

Liu Guangshi was out of the game, Dai Mengwei and Zou Xu teamed up to restore Bianliang in the name of the former officials of the Wu Dynasty.

Countless people are up and down in this cruel world.

This winter when the land reform was carried out in the Southwest, the Central Plains experienced even harsher heavy snowfall.

With the heavy snow falling, the fighting in Bianliang area had a brief pause.

Leading the coalition army, which is said to be 800,000, but actually more than 300,000, marched northward. With the cooperation of the superior force and the elite weapons bought from the southwest, Liu Guangshi drove all the way through the whole autumn, sweeping half of the Central Plains In the place where the heavy snow fell, the encirclement circle was opened under Bianliang City, and the process of siege and persuasion began.

Throughout the course of the war, Zou Xu, who was at a disadvantage, mobilized his troops and made several adventures, raids, and raids. Every time he attacked, he showed a high military quality, but Liu Guangshi was dignified. The advanced posture and weapons resisted the opponent's surprise attack. Even if there were occasional small defeats, the entire coalition army continued to attack the city and seize territory on the big battlefield.

During this period, some staff members from the Huaxia Army also gave a lot of insight into how to deal with Zou Xu.

After spending the money, he really felt his strength.

However, the judgment of fate also came extremely suddenly, but it also seemed extremely natural.

When he was commanding the battle on the front line and preparing to complete the final step of the great cause of restoring the Central Plains, Dai Mengwei joined forces in the rear with the name of "sage". The ability of the local government to govern in an orderly manner with the laws of Confucianism, and then selected some personnel to lobby in private.

In November, he led his students and the more than 30,000 troops available under his command that were originally in charge of logistics garrison, together with Hanyang Xiao Zheng, Xiao Pingbao and others, launched an attack on the logistics route arranged by Liu Guangshi's army.

This "Confucian sage" who seemed to be only good at combining vertical and horizontal alliances showed thunderous decisiveness when he did it, and the soldiers under his command also showed brave combat qualities to a certain extent. Afterwards, Dai Mengwei braved the wind and snow, only using the light vehicle team as protection, and personally lobbied several coalition generals at key points.

His lobbying is not complicated. It is nothing more than a frank statement of the situation, clarifying the fact that Liu Guangshi is a great talent, and that he only knew how to make money in the past. Then he explained the benefits of combining the reputation of Confucianism with Zou Xu-as the Huaxia Army, which the whole world fears, it can now wait and see. He understands very well but doesn’t want to be as harsh as the Southwest. Maybe there is only Zou Xu from Bianliang. combinations.

As for following Liu Guangshi, everyone knew that it was just a grouping with the mob to keep warm. In such a harsh and chaotic world, everyone had to find a new path sooner or later.

Dai Mengwei's statement is very convincing.

In the past period of time, Liu Guangshi used Dai Mengwei as a banner of Confucianism and carried out publicity in the army, and he also saw the effect at this time.

While Dai Mengwei was pressing all the way from the south with the attitude of "today's sage", Zou Xu was mobilizing more vigorously in Bianliang City every day, and the war drums were like thunder, and the battle became more intense day by day.

In late November, when the city gate of Bianliang opened wide and Zou Xu led the army to rush out like a tiger, the hundreds of thousands of troops led by Liu Guangshi either surrendered or bombed the camp. There was chaos.

The army fled in all directions, and Liu Guangshi also fled at night.

Zou Xu led the pursuers, but they did not let go.

On November 27th, in the evening, it started to snow lightly. Zou Xu and Dai Mengwei, who came from the south, met outside the big tent in the camp after the battle. Zou Xu has a dignified appearance, with calm and introverted eyes. Wearing a long gown, Dai Mengwei has a straight figure and tight lips. Behind him are several leaders who are attached to the army.

Under Ding Songnan's recommendation, this was the first time the two met. After a brief exchange of greetings and introductions, everyone entered the big tent. Dai Mengwei said, "Have you ever caught Uncle Liu Ping?"

"Just about to talk about it." Zou Xu laughed. He didn't explain his confusion, but everyone could hear a faint roar coming from outside the account.

The roaring curse became clearer and clearer after a while, it was Liu Guangshi. Not long after, this hero who was still wearing armor was **** and dragged into the tent. There were not many injuries on his body, and he even wore an iron helmet on his head. As soon as he entered the tent, his eyes turned red when he saw the people inside. The scolding became even more severe. At first, it was just saying that people were ungrateful, but gradually they began to be selfish. They also frequently scolded such bad words as "Xiao Zheng, your wife was **** by a nephew". If it weren't for the two soldiers next to him Hold him down, I'm afraid he will pounce on everyone on the spot.

Zou Xu looked at all this with a smile, and Dai Meng looked at him with a slight frown, his eyes were also calm. After a while, he only heard Zou Xu say: "Mr. Dai is worthy of today's saint, and everyone responds to everyone. Without Mr. Dai's help today, it would be difficult to catch this beast alive." But he is so noisy today, it is really ugly, why not Dai Gong...send the Buddha to the west?"

As Zou Xu said, he took out a dagger from his pocket and held it in his hand. Dai Mengwei turned his head to look at him, and he also looked at Dai Mengwei with a smile. After a while, he said: "Or is Dai Gong benevolent, and a gentleman has the habit of cooking far away, so let others do it for him?"

Beside Dai Mengwei, the two accompanying disciples whom he relied on the most wanted to come out, and at this moment, the old man slowly stretched out his hand: "What General Zou said is that the old man can come."

He picked up the dagger and walked towards Liu Guangshi. Liu Guangshi cursed and struggled more intensely, Zou Xu said: "Don't let him hurt Duke Dai." The soldiers next to him pressed Liu Guangshi to his knees.

Dai Mengwei walked in front of Liu Guangshi and pulled out his dagger. Liu Guangshi was still struggling violently and shouted: "You look at me, you have the guts to look at me! Come on! Come on—"

Dai Mengwei leaned over slightly, looked at him calmly, and then said: "I saw it, please don't move around, Mr. Liu."

Liu Guangshi's previous struggles were almost crazy, but he couldn't help but startled slightly when he heard Dai Mengwei's words. He opened his mouth: "You...you old dog, you..." He couldn't choose a good insult for a while.

Dai Mengwei stabbed the dagger over. Liu Guangshi was wearing armor, and his body leaned back with all his strength. He frantically avoided the dagger in Dai Mengwei's hand, but Dai Mengwei looked at him, and then slowly and firmly pulled the dagger from the neck of his armor. Pierced into the gap, the blood was scarlet and viscous, gushing out from the gap, Liu Guangshi's body bounced violently, and the blood stained Dai Mengwei's arm and robe.

Everyone watched all this in silence, and even Zou Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was horrified at the scene of this seemingly frail old man taking a life slowly but firmly.

Not long after, Dai Mengwei pulled out the dagger and handed it to a student beside him. Xiao Zheng, who joined Dai Mengwei's army at the side, pulled out a knife from the soldier next to him, and chopped off Liu Guangshi's head with one knife. Liu Guangshi's body was stabbed twice.

Zou Xu picked up a handkerchief and handed it to Dai Mengwei, wiped the blood, then spread his hands, convinced.

"Dai Gong, UU reading www.uukanshu.com please take a seat."

Before the end of winter, the whole world knew what happened here, and then many people suddenly recalled what happened in Jiangning: If one day, Dai Mengwei restores Bianliang, he will invite the heroes of the whole world to gather together, Establish the "Chinese Martial Arts Association" and participate in the grand event together.

During the Jiangning meeting, many people even laughed at Dai Mengwei's boring picture, but at this moment, all the foreshadowings were connected here. Since sending a mission to Jiangning in the second half of the year, this Confucian sage had already anticipated everything that would happen half a year later.

Since the Jurchen saved millions of lives, at this moment, he once again became the most glorious figure in the entire second year of revitalization.

Vertically and horizontally, it seems like a god.

-----Off Topic-----

By the way, I recommend a book I'm reading recently, "I Will Bury the Gods". The emotional drama in the book is good, and it is a type that is hard to find at the starting point recently. Recently, there is a shortage of books. If there are well-written online articles about emotional dramas and life dramas, please recommend them to me^_^


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