Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1143: raging river (below)

After sitting with my demented elder brother for a while, when we left the courtyard, the sky was getting darker, but the festive atmosphere in the roadside houses became more and more intense, and the smell of sacrificial stove food wafted from every household.

Sitting in the carriage and driving towards the mansion where she lives now, Lou Shuwan cleaned up her short-term weakness, but when she was only two streets away from the mansion, she saw another group of carriages and horses coming this way. The young man got off his horse, waved to this side, and stopped the carriage.

The driver slowly leaned against the snow-covered roadside, Lou Shuwan lifted the curtain, looked at the middle-aged general who came over: "The evil tiger is blocking the road, what's the matter, General Yu?"

"I just came back from a party in the military camp. I went to look for you. Seeing that you were not here, I thought you were celebrating the New Year in the palace. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Coming from the front is Yu Yulin, Lou Shuwan's long-time partner in Jindi. After that, he got closer to Lou Shuwan just now under Tian Hu's command, and later the two formed an alliance. During the event of Tian Hu's destruction, he has become Lou Shuwan's most staunch ally.

Several years later, in the process of fighting against the Jurchens in Jindi, this talented general has now become one of the most powerful figures in Jindi. In the eyes of some unruly people, After Tian Shi's death, only his strength could rival Lou Shuwan in the political arena of Jin, and even because of his male status, he held the military power. If he wanted to, most people thought he would become the new king of Jin.

But in the past few years, Lou Shuwan and Yu Yulin have been civil and military, but there has never been a big rift between them. Yu Yulin seems to have no ambitions for power, and has never really challenged Lou Shuwan's substantive command over Jindi. This is one of the most important reasons for the stability of Jindi's regime. Choose, from time to time there will be news that Lou Shuwan is having an affair with him.

And only a few people can know that Yu Yulin's security actually comes from the shadow cast by Lu Liangshan and his party back then. The more fierce the fight, the stronger the alliance between him and Lou Shuwan will be. It is also because of such cognition that he, who was not highly qualified and had limited achievements, finally passed through countless storms, and even experienced the Jurchen war disaster, becoming a hero in the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, the two powerful people at the helm of Jindi met on the street. Lou Shuwan got out of the car: "It's such a big day today, if General Yu doesn't hurry back to get ready, why do you want me?"

Yu Yulin spread his hands towards the front, and the two walked slowly along the snow-covered road: "We are officials in the same palace, and we will partner for a game. Is it because you are too busy today, so I want to come and invite you home to celebrate."

According to the custom at this time, men do not worship the moon, and women do not worship the stove. The Stove Lord is a **** of Yang, while women belong to Yin. At this time, Lou Shuwan, who was alone at this time, had a high position and authority, but it was time to celebrate at the end of the new year, but the young year was somewhat lonely. He came here at this time, precisely considering this point.

However, Lou Shuwan smiled slightly: "Xiao Nian is reunited, General Yu invited me home at this time, could it be that he has taken a fancy to me, a widow?"

"That's not dare, Yu is not talented, but there are still beautiful wives and concubines in the family, and there are also a lot of maids waiting to be ruined. If you find a female figure and you come in, they can't survive, and they will die one by one. It hurts the morality. "

"In your eyes, is this concubine so ignorant?"

"Women are naturally aware of the general situation. It's just that they won't die when the time comes, because they don't know the general situation. So...today, how about being you and my siblings, come to our house and have fun in time?"

The two have been working together for a long time, Lou Shuwan occasionally joked, and Yu Yulin could fight back at will. Now that he was talking about this, he paused slightly:

"In the past few years, life has been difficult. This year, when talking about the stall in Jindi, every household took a breath. Look at this young year, thousands of households have some surplus food. When I went to the military camp, they all said This day finally has some hope. In the past two years, you have been the housekeeper. To put it bluntly, you have increased revenue and cut expenditure, recruited merchants from all over the country to rebuild Weisheng, and also brought Southwest into the business, and built the East City. These are all thanks to you. Take it easy, come to my house to worship the stove, and I thank you on behalf of the people of Jin."

"I went to your house at this time. Tomorrow Jindi will say that I am your concubine. Thank you. Why didn't you go to my house to worship the stove?"

"If you dare to say this, I will drag my family over later?"

"...I should really nod my head and see if you can get off the stage."

Lou Shuwan rolled his eyes at him, and then both of them laughed.

After a while, Yu Yulin said: "...Actually, I originally thought that you would spend the New Year with Shan'er in the palace."

The two walked forward, Lou Shuwan was silent for a moment, and sighed: "I have a mean face, too murderous, and I don't get along well with children. Tian Shan is afraid of me. If it's Chinese New Year, let them go."

"... When you shouldn't be indecisive, you are soft-hearted."

"Tian Shi is a good person. If he is alive, there will be a lot less things in Jin."

"After all, he is dead. In the past two years, although there are not many people, there are still some people who want to get rid of the child. If you let it go, you will harm him in the future."

"I hate children." After Lou Shuwan finished speaking, she was silent for a long time before she looked at Yu Yulin and sighed, "Brother Yu, I look at Tian Shan...I can't like it..."

At this moment, what she was talking about was not politics, but personal feelings. Yu Yulin opened his mouth, and his eyes became a little complicated. Lou Shuwan shook her head and continued to walk forward: "Besides, maybe it's because I'm too busy, and I don't have that much time to perfuse him as a child and get closer to him... Sometimes I see him afraid of me, their mother The way the two are afraid of me and have to please me at the same time, I feel...disgusted."

"Forget it, what a big deal..." Yu Yulin also sighed, "At the age of only six years old, if you want to be called a tiger's skin as a banner, you have to wait for some years... After two years, the situation will stabilize. How do you want to arrange it, send them away. Bao Tian is an incense burner."

"Well, I thought so too."

"You really don't want to go to my house?"

"Actually, it has been planned long ago, there is a place to go."


"I originally planned to go at night, but since we met, it's still early, so let's go together." Lou Shuwan looked at Yu Yulin, and smiled, "I guarantee you can go home for dinner."


Lou Shuwan raised her head.

"Tianji Palace."


Yu Yulin was silent for a while, then nodded: "Let's go."

He spoke simply, he was riding a horse when he came, and now he got into Shu Wan's carriage, but he drove the other party's carriage driver aside, and drove forward with his whip. in the past.

The Tianji Palace was originally at the highest place in Weisheng, and it was already in ruins at this time, but in front of the ruins, a place where you could see the city, a small forest of steles was built with the waste of the palace. This is a martyr's mausoleum built according to Southwest's idea. Tian Shi's tombstone is the largest one in front of the mausoleum. In addition, there are many tombs of the victims.

Xiaonian is not a festival to pay homage to the dead, but Lou Shuwan has nowhere to go, she has already made plans, and she has already prepared some sacrifices in the accompanying car. At this time, a group of people came here stepping on the snow, While talking, the two lit the torches around them.

"A few days ago, someone told me that you mentioned at the Ministry of Household Affairs that after the new year, you were considering moving people to Liaozhou and Fenzhou, or even moving the capital there. Is this true?"

"Well, there is such a thing."

"What do you think?"

"Now it's just spreading the word and letting outsiders guess...Brother Yu, Weisheng is not a good place. It just happened to be here when the Tiger King rebelled. Later, there were wars everywhere, and there was no time to move the capital. In fact, Liao Zhouzhou, Fenzhou, and Taiyuan Prefecture are much more convenient than here, if it is not uncertain, I really want to rebuild Taiyuan City."

"Taiyuan is a strong city. After being destroyed by the Jurchens, it should be picked up, but it is too close to the Jurchens. On the avenue, if the golden dog goes south again, it may not be able to hold it. Second, even if it holds , I am afraid that the family belongings of Jindi will also be taken in..."

"That's the truth... But the one in the Southwest is right. It's better to look at the scenery. Brother Yu, whether you want it or not, it's time for us to have the qualifications to fight for the world. If we want to fight for the world, sooner or later, we To have the possibility of defeating the Jurchen alone, expand our strength to the north, and first grasp the south of Yanmen Pass. This is what we have to do sooner or later. Soldiers cannot fight, but they can practice. Taiyuan City cannot be defended, so they can retreat. Just hold the rear , you can still retreat into the mountains in the future, but if you don’t dare to go out, then you will never have hope.”

The north wind was blowing in the forest of steles located on a high place. The two walked leisurely and lit the torch. The words in their mouths were calm, but the content contained a soul-stirring power.

Yu Yulin smiled: "Although she is a woman, she really has the courage to swallow the world, I am not as good as that."

"It's just talking big, but when it comes to reality, how to fight in the future still needs to be played by big brother Yu. Next year, I think this way. On the one hand, I will conquer the Northwest with General Wang for training. On the other hand, Liaozhou, Fenzhou Or Taiyuan, choose a place as the focus of development..."

"...I learned something from Ning Yi. As long as we are willing to give up some benefits, there will be speculators who will help us do things one step ahead. I post the news just to see what's going on outside in advance. But brother Yu, you The worry I mentioned just now is also the worry of many people. Once the Jurchen goes south again and cannot hold it there, everything will be in vain. But even if they go all out and hold it, it will be that the Jin land has exhausted its wealth to prevent disasters for the world... "

"So in the beginning, farming for the people's livelihood came second. Let the people of the world see that our Jin land has the determination to fight against the golden dog. Come here, Liangshan Zhubiao, Liu Chengzong, and the Guangwu Army will cooperate with Taiyuan, and our pressure will be much less. I think there will be many people who want to share a piece of the pie in Taiyuan, a place that extends in all directions. .”

Yu Yulin nodded his head: "Understood, even if you build a military base first, it's not bad just to run a business."

"Well, the investment in the early stage is to prepare for the war. No matter how long we can actually defend, the place must be ours. One day in the future, our soldiers will be tempered there. Even if we can't fight, returning back is better than hiding here. Blindly seeking perfection is good…”

When she said this, she paused slightly: "Besides, I have a feeling that the Golden Dog's West Route Army will not be able to fight."


"I just received the information that more than ten days ago, Jin Wushu led troops into Yunzhong, and in front of Nianhan, ransacked the home of Gushen Wanyan Xiyin, and the whole family was imprisoned."

"I heard that Xi Yin committed a crime in the first half of the year, and finally the result?"

"The most important thing is that Nianhan tried to protect Xiyin, but he didn't keep it. Back then, he fought against the Eastern Mansion, and now he has lost control of the power of the Western Mansion in Yunzhong... In addition, Gao Qingyi, an important minister of the Western Mansion, is also involved in the case and is yet to be investigated. Wanyan Quan After going up, it seems that they have teamed up with Zong Pan and Zong Gan to deal with Nian Han first, and once the veteran is gone, the troubles brought by the West Mansion will be much less..."

"The Jingou family originally said they were very united, but in the end they also engaged in this kind of political strife..."

"Inevitably, Jingou's family, Zong Pan is Wu Qimai's son, Zong Gan is Aguda's son, and Zong Han is just a powerful minister. When Aguda and Wu Qimai are still there, old comrades in arms can make things happen. , when a junior like Wan Yanquan comes to power, of course the master will have to clean up the master's slaves first..."

The north wind was bitter, and the lit torches whistled in the wind. Lou Shuwan and Yu Yulin walked forward slowly and stopped in front of the tombstones, speaking calmly.

"Besides, there is also some very interesting news. It is said that Xiyin was imprisoned because the spies of the Huaxia Army used a poisonous plan to frame Xiyin's wife. This news will be spread in the second half of the year. I heard that Xiyin sent people to spread the news. Those who came out said that the Huaxia Army will do anything, have no bottom line, and betray their own people at any time... It is also interesting."

"I've heard the news...do you think it's true or false?"

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not. When the Huaxia Army people are arguing with me, I firmly believe it's true. When everyone closes the door...when they close the door to deal with the Jurchens, I naturally treat it as a fake. What the golden dog said, can you believe what the dog said...Watch me scold them to death..."

The woman said witty words and smiled slightly. She stopped in front of a tombstone, and the name on the tombstone was Zeng Yuhuai. The tombstone in front of her was covered with snow, but she still remembered that fiery autumn, the lantern flowers all over the courtyard with falling yellow leaves, that pedantic Confucian scholar confessed to her.

"...As the body of Xu Guo, no matter how difficult it is for Xu Jun."

She stretched out her hand and swept the snow off the stele for him.

Not far away, Yu Yulin was muttering something to Tian Shi's tombstone. At this moment, in the howling north wind, the stele forest of Tianji Palace overlooked the city. People were beating gongs and drums on the street. Lights up in the dimness.

She heard Yu Yulin muttering to Tian Shi about the achievements of the past year, and then said: "Look at the lights of thousands of houses today, you have a spirit in the sky, so please bless this vicious woman."

Lou Shuwan almost kicked the opponent.

She placed small offerings that looked like ordinary people's offerings, murmured some words, and then lit a few sticks of incense on the burning torch, shaking the sticks and lifting them above her head.

"... Shangxiang."

she said in a low voice and calmly.

Yu Yulin looked at this side, and at the warm city below.

The hardest time is over and everything will be fine.

At this moment, they believed so.

So the curling blue smoke rides the wind of the sky and goes straight into Qingming...


"It makes sense" Nie Xinyuan, who lives in Xigu Village, lives in the inn and has not returned home. He is still waiting for his first article to be published in the newspaper.

Since seeing the power of "electricity" for the first time, he has seen in his heart the future that saints have never seen for thousands of years. After coming to Chengdu, he was full of enthusiasm and wrote generously. The language is jerky, the words are pretentious, offensive, etc.

So in the inn, I immersed myself in revising the articles several times.

During the period, Xu Shiyao and a group of new culture people came over again. They gathered together, talked about their views on the future, and helped Nie Xinyuan revise the immature writing.

Yesterday, a tabloid finally accepted his first article, promising to wait until the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month, and publish it in the supplementary edition. Return to Xigu Village for the New Year.

In the afternoon, Xu Shiyao came to invite him out for a party, and he stammered: "I...I still have something to write..." But Xu Shiyao couldn't help but dragged him out. Write another article.

Those who participated in the party were all "new cultural people" in Chengdu today. They have different identities, such as young masters, merchants, accountants, workers, or down-and-out Confucian scholars who have wandered from other places. Most of the new outlooks have their own opinions. When speaking, they are cited as comrades, or have fierce quarrels, forming small groups. But at this moment, even people with different opinions are mutually supportive. Dear.

Nie Xinyuan, who was afraid of the society, also stammered and talked with many people about the electricity issue. He drank a lot of wine that night, forgot to stutter, and sang generously in front of everyone...

Near the ancient capital Bianliang, there was heavy snow.

Holding a copper bowl and a stick, a young monk lodged in a ruined temple, and healed a dying general with the herbs he carried with him.

Although they met by chance, the general who escaped from the battlefield somehow recovered, drew his long knife and was about to kill the young monk, taking away his burden that seemed to be a lot to eat.

The stick protruded, knocking the body of more than 100 jin off the ground with a whistling sound, the body of the official and half of his armor smashed through the back wall of the ruined temple, pushing the snow all over the sky away.

The young monk looked at him with compassion.

Since Jiang Ning left, the young monk named Ping An has turned from thirteen to fourteen years old. He left his master and bid farewell to his elder brother. Over the past month, it seems that every shot has increased strength.

The growth of martial arts did not touch him too much. Along the way, what he saw in his eyes was still the same war and misery as in the past in Jin. The Fair Party fought in Jiangnan, Zou Xu and Liu Guangshi Fighting in Bianliang, after you finish the fight, there are still others to fight, people are displaced, everything seems to be endless.

The only change is that after getting along with that big brother Long for a while, he has made some progress in saving people with herbal medicine.

I want to go back to the land of Jin, complete my only thought at the moment, and find my own life experience, but I have no idea how to do it, only the scene of Shura hell, ebb and flow, ebb and flow by the monk's side .

He thought of what Master said, "All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles." Maybe this is the way in the world. Before the number of days comes, people's struggles are meaningless.

But occasionally, he would also think that his elder brother Long Aotian had always been aggressive. When he was in Jiangning, he never seemed to be moved by the groans of the world. He only showed firm determination when talking about the Southwest. Confidence, as if to say that it is meaningless to save people in hell, only by doing like Southwest will have a future.

For a long time, he has longed for the legends of the Southwest. In the legends of the outside world, there are various descriptions of the Southwest. He thinks that one day in the future he will take a look. Oath to Joust in the Southwest.

At this moment when he reached Bianliang, there was no bond between heaven and earth for him, and his master let him go. He was free to do whatever he wanted, should he return to Jindi, or go to the southwest for a look? He pondered such a question in his mind.

Huainan, Hailing County.

Braving the wind and snow, Yan Yunzhi, wearing a cloak, entered a teahouse to take shelter temporarily. The Jianghu people in the teahouse occasionally talked about things here, and she listened carefully.

During the last great chaos in Jiangning City, his second uncle Yan Tiehe, who witnessed the death of many clansmen, blamed her for the cause of the chaos. Disheartened, she asked about Long Aotian's whereabouts, and after learning that he had not returned to the southwest, she quietly left the brigade and embarked on a journey to find the other party's trace.

She couldn't tell if the other party was an enemy, but she also knew that even if she found that high-spirited young man, she might not be able to withstand the three punches and two kicks of the other party with her kung fu. Shi Baofeng's poisonous hands and second uncle's accusations hurt people, but if she had nothing to do with her, even in her heart, she couldn't get over this hurdle.

Finding the young man surnamed Long and killing Shi Baofeng, Shi Weiyang and his son are now the clearest thoughts in her heart.

After seeing the martial arts of many masters in the Huaxia Army, she realized that her skills were still insufficient, so on the one hand, she traveled in the south of the Yangtze River to inquire about various news, and on the other hand, she honed herself during the trip and practiced the swordsmanship at home. In today's Jiangnan, they are ready to die at any time.

Huainan is now the territory of Fair King Hewen, and it can be regarded as one of the most peaceful places among the several forces of the Fair Party. Many people from the rivers and lakes walking outside in the teahouse chattered about the situation about Bianliang.

During the Jiangning Conference, the Great Confucian Dai Mengwei sent a team of envoys to visit heroes from all walks of life in the conference and lobby from all sides. Among all the forces that sent envoys, what Dai Mengwei said was the most peculiar. He promised to conquer Bianliang in the near future. There will always be heroes from all walks of life to join us.

This kind of promise didn't put too much pressure on people, even if they agreed casually, they could gain a little fame in advance. Many martial arts people naturally made the promise in accordance with the rules of people carrying people in bridal sedan chairs. At that time, most people thought that Dai Mengwei was helping Liu Guangshi gain popularity by saying those words. Who knew that the other party would cooperate with Zou Xu and kill Liu Guangshi when he turned around. It is said that the promise about the "Chinese Martial Arts Conference" will be put into practice in the near future.

In the coming year, there will be a lot of excitement in Bianliang.

That Long Aotian seems to like to join in the fun and gain fame...

Yan Yunzhi remembered this in his heart.

Between the sky and the earth outside the window, there is fluttering snow...

At the same time, in another inn not far from Yan Yunzhi, three brothers and sisters who had escaped from Jiangning were listening to the storyteller in the inn about the story about "Measurement Ruler" Meng Zhutao.

Ling Chu and his two senior brothers stared wide-eyed.

During the chaos in Jiangning, Meng Zhuotao killed their second senior brother Yu Bin, and then sent the three of them out of the city.

Afterwards, there was an incident in the south of the Yangtze River, and there were rampant soldiers and bandits and refugees everywhere. The three of them were displaced during the incident. Only recently did they find an opportunity to cross the Yangtze River and leave the terrifying war-torn zone.

After a life-and-death experience, the martial arts of the three all improved, and their hatred for Meng Zhutao was still in their hearts.

However, when they came here and heard the storyteller's narration, they suddenly understood what Meng Zhuotao did that night.

It turned out that the elder brother became a member of the study club, and after sending them away, he went to kill Xu Zhaonan, and then died in a vigorous contest with the number one person in the world.

It turned out that that unkind and unrighteous senior brother had already become a great master who could stand up to the world's number one person...

The last thing Meng Zhutao left behind was handed over to He Wen by Ling Xiao, who had been by his side all the time, so the propaganda version that flowed out in He Wen's jurisdiction was also the most detailed account of his perplexed search all the way, until now For a moment, the three brothers and sisters could vaguely see what kind of trials and sufferings the man who once killed his teacher was still righteous, was enduring behind his back.

After the song of the great river, the strong man also has a generous elegy.

They walked forward with hatred, and the object of their hatred had already fallen in the darkest night.

At the end of the story, the storyteller chatted about the reading club...

He Wen promotes Meng Zhutao on his territory.

On the other side of the battlefield, on the site of "Runner King" Xu Zhaonan, Lin Zongwu was training a group of masters in the snowstorm.

According to the scheduled itinerary, he will train the promised "special forces" for Xu Zhaonan.

Even though Wang Nanda, who planned this matter with him, is no longer there, the disciple who has been with him for several years has already embarked on a new path.

He was already alone.

I have no choice but to hold back and move forward...

In the mountains, Long Aotian and the little cheap dog performed a ceremony to worship the stove in a decent manner.

Qu Longjun knelt on the bed next to him, watching the young man say a few words to Lord Stove in a serious manner.

On the stove was the supper they were going to eat.

In the folklore, Zao Jun is a **** who takes care of the people's livelihood in every household instead of the Jade Emperor. Through the fireworks when each household cooks food, he knows whether the family is prosperous and hardworking. Heaven, report back to the Jade Emperor, and for those who work hard and live a good life, the Jade Emperor will bestow blessings in the coming year.

This is a beautiful thought for people during the Taiping Festival.

In the other direction, each stove where there is a kitchen king represents a family in the world.

She no longer has a home.

And the other party promised yesterday that he would take her with him.

She sat there, thinking of these things, smiling so sweetly, so sweetly...


The palace was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the emperor, Junwu, who worked hard to govern, warmly entertained many courtiers who had worked hard for him in the past year.

The various actions of mastering the military power, reusing newcomers, respecting the king and fighting barbarians, and seizing power downwards are beginning to bear fruit. Some big clans who acted rashly were hit head-on and couldn't hold their heads up. After realizing the firm will of the new king, some old officials became loyal. The old courtiers with means also came up with strategies one after another, and shared with the emperor various means to win over and divide the nobles below. The people who were originally trembling, saw hope for the first time.

The folks agree that the number of people with lofty ideals who respect the king and fight against the barbarians and want to contribute to the new king is still increasing

The fleet of the first batch of maritime merchants has already left here, heading for the distant Southeast Asia.

Like all parties in the world, they also have a little room to breathe.

This is the winter of the second year of the revitalization of the Wu Dynasty.

In the auspicious snow, it heralds a good year.

clouds in the sky,

It seems to have melted into a gray and white one.

The field below was covered with a thin layer of snow.

The long road passes through the snow-covered field, and far away is the faint and peaceful village. The gray clouds make the time seem to be in the evening, and some villages hold fire lights, and the orange color adds to the warmth of the festival. meaning and popularity.

The carriage bumped slowly and traveled a long way.

Ning Yi and Shi Shi sat by the car, looked at the scenery, and spoke slowly, while Juan'er was sorting out the documents on the car a little bit inside.

Ning Yi on this side is wearing a black coat, and Shishi on the other side is wearing a white fur coat, with white fluff on his warm boots.

About Li Rulai's arrangements~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They didn't talk for too long. Since the land reform began, Ning Yi left Chengdu, and he and the people around him have not seen each other for more than a month. Land reform, what needs to be said at this time, is not enough. Instead, they chatted a few words about the issue of He Zhong and made some jokes about Dai Mengwei. After that, it was just a trivial matter.

There is no need to say too much about the peaceful and snow-covered field, the peaceful year, the unpleasant problems, and the worries in my heart. After a long war, the journey home suddenly turned out to be It reminds me of the outing in Jiangning and the poetry meeting in Bianliang. Naturally, there were worrying chaos in the world at that time, but more people still lived with the peace and joy of the Taiping Festival. People who have not suffered or lost their lives in the turmoil of more than ten years.

The journey along this road is like the turbulence of the river, like a mighty long song.

They will not return to the scene of the year.

Instead, it is driving towards a profound future that is completely different from that of the past.

before finding the right path.

Maybe it will be a long night...

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