Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1165: Gale (7)

Latest website: After leaving Huaiyunfang, sail left and go west along the road in the dark.

Time has passed, and the night markets on the edge of the city have gradually dissipated. There are occasional pedestrians on the main road, and many alleys and small roads are mostly quiet. He found a few alleys and walked through them quietly. This is a fixed procedure to avoid being followed, and only occasionally dogs bark in the night.

Fuzhou City is currently under the control of the imperial court, and the difficulty of espionage is not as high as that of the enemy's rear, but some fixed procedures are definitely needed. After confirming that there was no tail behind him, Zuo Xingzhou came to a dilapidated small courtyard in the west of the city, opened the secret door on the side, and awakened the veteran guarding the courtyard. He made a specific request, and the veteran left immediately. In the room, Zuo Xingzhou saw Zuo Wenxuan coming from the tunnel.

The man named Zuo Wenxuan was in his early thirties, wearing a pair of glass glasses that looked like they had been used for many years in the night, his eyes were squinted, with bags and dark circles under his eyes, and there were many ink stains on his long robe. At first glance, apart from his tall and straight figure, he looks more like an accountant who lacks sleep. He was holding a writing brush and a book in his hand. After entering the room, he closed the door and made a few strokes on the booklet before putting the things down. The expression in his squinted eyes was clear.

The words were low but clean: "Yue Yun said that you didn't show up at the scheduled place, and the family was a little worried. You came to see me again, what happened?"

"Of course it's a big deal, third brother." Zuo Xingzhou was vigilant about his surroundings, frowned complicatedly, and sat down.

"How big is it?"

"It's very big." Zuo Xingzhou lowered his voice and cut straight to the point, "I saw Ning Ji."


According to the needs of espionage, Zuo Xingzhou will never approach this side unless there is a great need. He made Yue Yun's appointment, and then asked for a private meeting through the reserved channel. Zuo Wenxuan was mentally prepared for the seriousness of the situation, but within a short time after hearing the other party's words, the expression on his face still changed obviously. Chaos, weird confusion mixed in.

"…what happened?"

"It literally means... I fled to the night market at Yinqiaofang to wait for Yue Yun according to the agreement, and then there was a stall selling goods next to me. I took a look and there was a flag on the stall with the words 'Bamboo Records' written on it." No.', the next one is Ning Ji. Third Brother, I was just as confused as you at the time, how could Second Young Master come here suddenly..."

In the room in the early morning, Zuo Xingzhou talked about his experience that night as systematically as possible. He didn't keep it secret. After talking about the meeting, he talked about following the other party in the past begging for nothing, and found out that the other party ran away from home. series of things. In the silhouette of the lights, Zuo Wenxuan nodded occasionally, and sometimes stretched out his hand to stir the wick in the oil lamp on the table, and so on until the other party finished recounting all the information.

"... Ning Ji is just a **** who is afraid of chaos in the world. He has nothing to say personally, but I know that with his identity, nothing can happen." Zuo Xingzhou said.

Here Zuo Wenxuan listened to everything, took off his glasses, and rubbed his forehead. Then just nodded: "You handled it very well, you can't tell other people about this matter..." He paused, "Also, for this matter, we have to make a record separately, and then save the record in a place where we can't find each other. The place."


"This is not a trivial matter. Next, if something happens to Ning Ji and the interests of the Huaxia Army are harmed, I will testify against you, and you will also testify against me."

"...I understand." Zuo Xingzhou thought for a while, and then nodded: "But third brother, with the character of Ning Ji, a guy who dares to hang bamboo markers in Yinqiaofang, I'm afraid he will make trouble sooner or later. What a big problem, we are not the only ones who know him in the city, and then it will not be a question of whether we keep it secret."

"Then we'll talk about it when the time comes." Zuo Wenxuan frowned and waved his hands, "He has such a sensitive identity, he ran here...had a headache... sailing, we must keep quiet about this matter, even if it belongs to our Zuo family Those of my own who have studied in the Southwest may not be all stationed in the Southwest, once his identity is exposed, the careerist behind the scenes will be fried."

"I know the pros and cons." Zuo Xingzhou rubbed his chin, "But third brother, I was on the road, and I thought about it, you say... Your Majesty will stand in the southwest? If he knows that Ning Ji is coming, will he?" meeting…"

Zuo Wenxuan lowered his head and wiped his glasses: "Your Majesty respects Mr. Ning very much. If he knew about this, he would probably be very happy, and maybe he will meet again."

"If something goes wrong, we can at least report it to the police. His Majesty always wants to protect him."

"Your Majesty will keep him safe, but what about the others?" Zuo Wenxuan raised his eyes, "In the inner circle, what does Mr. Cheng think? What does Mr. Li Pin think? What does Mr. Wenren think? And... the eldest princess What would she think? They all stand in the southwest? Even including the Zuo family, you said that Uncle Quan knows, will he stand in the southwest? No, big things will happen..."

"Well, you're right."

"It's not reasonable, it's common sense." The lamp shadow flickered, Zuo Wenxuan tilted his head and was still thinking about the question, he answered casually, then frowned and said, "But...the names Long Aotian and Monkey King, I always feel impressed."

"I heard about it when I was in the Southwest."

"No, like the intelligence from Jiang Ning last year, they must have done something."

"Ah?" Zuo Xingzhou opened his mouth, and then said in a low voice, "Ning Ji bragged to me, saying that he punched Wang Nanda and kicked Lin Zongwu in Jiangning, and said that Wang Nanda was shot to death by him. , Lin Zongwu has nothing to do with him, I know that Chen Shuai was at... can't it be true? Did he really do such a big thing?"

"I'll check it out, there should be..." Zuo Wenxuan stood up thinking about it, "You wait here first, don't leave."

"Ang." Zuo Xingzhou replied with complicated emotions.

Zuo Wenxuan went out from the room, and after a long time, he just came back, and when he came in again, he was holding some papers in his hand, and his eyes had already become rather dignified.

"Ning Ji, did he really say that he is called Monkey King now?"

"hold head high."

"The one with him is called Long Aotian?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Not seeing each other for more than two years, the little brother who once blew up the cesspit together became unfathomable. Even Zuo Wenxuan in front of him had an incomprehensible complicated expression on his face, and Zuo Xingzhou was confused. And as Zuo Wenxuan threw the papers in his hand on the table, he couldn't wait to read them, only to find that they were some newspapers with rewards.

Not long after, he found specific information...

"Sun Wukong... four, four foot obscene demon!?"

The dark sky was faint, and the night was as black as ink. In the room under the night, the two of them were astonished, confused, confused, guessing, and had a chaotic conversation. As professionals, it was difficult for them to sum up their emotions and looks, but despite the complexity and helplessness, both of them couldn't help laughing for a while—although they tried hard to be serious, but sometimes, I can't help it.

"...four feet, puff..."

"...five feet, hum..."

"Haha, he's an obscene demon, and he's still a younger brother—"

Since such meetings are kept secret, no one knows what happened at this moment.

"...Regarding the rewards offered by the two, it first appeared during the Jiangning Conference last year. At that time, the rewards from all parties were mixed together. The two obscene demons were on the black list. After the Jiangning Conference, the parties split, but it can be seen To be clearer, you can see that the reward is still there today, mainly under the command of King Pingping, Shi Baofeng, who issued a reward of 12,000 taels to the two, but the notice of the reward did not list the evil deeds of the two in detail. Quite intriguing."

"That five-foot obscene...won't it work with Shi Baofeng's wife?"

"It's not impossible to say, but the character of the second young master is not so bad. I think that during the time they were in Jiangning, they had a deep hatred with Shi Baofeng. Of course, what is the reason for it? The second young master probably wouldn't say it. Since he didn't say it, he didn't want to change his name, so he had to carry the blame... If these things are spread back to the southwest, there will be a lot of excitement, but it's not a big deal now, it's rotten in his stomach. "


"There is really no way to break the appointment with Yue Yun today. I will arrange another time until dawn. You guys find an opportunity to do tricks. It is said that the rumors outside are a little nervous. Are you here?" What idea?"

"According to the Taoism, it seems that Chen Shuangran is going to do a big thing, but everyone guesses that it doesn't look like assassinating an official."

"They have failed so many times before, and there should be some changes."

"In private, some people estimate that the important people in Fuzhou are divided into three directions. One is Her Royal Highness, we all know that Her Majesty is the new party, and the eldest princess tends to the old party. These days, the conflict between the two sides has deepened , it has always been because of the mediation of the eldest princess that the hearts of many old officials have been stabilized, and many of His Majesty's New Deal measures have only been implemented because of the coordination of the eldest princess. Therefore, it is rumored that Chen Shuangran may have given up assassinating the king Kill him, and instead plan to kidnap or assassinate the eldest princess."

"It's not impossible... If you compare it with the eldest princess, Mr. Li Pin and Li's side may not be at peace."

"That's right. Mr. Li has gathered a large number of young scholars with his influence over the years. He was originally the core figure of the New Party. What's more, he also holds the power to issue five newsprints inside and outside Fuzhou. If Chen Shuangran can really guide the overall situation, Getting rid of Li Dexin will also be a good move."

"...and the third direction..."


"That's a good thing..."

"For the specific news, you need some luck... By the way, third brother, there is one more thing."

"you say."

"The official family is going to choose a concubine, what's going on?"

"Private affairs in the palace, what are you curious about?"

"It's like this. I know a friend in the world. He is very loyal. He used to be married to a cousin of Putian tea merchant Huang Bailong's niece. This time, there was news of the selection of concubine in the palace. Huang Bailong seemed to want Send this cousin and niece to the palace. Third brother, do you think this will happen? What is the standard for choosing a concubine this time?"



"...As long as the Huang family is willing to give money, they can send it in."

"—This is breaking the standard!"


The night was deep and quiet, and in the room where we met in the early morning, after explaining about Ning Ji, there was another kind of communication on work.

Afterwards, Zuo Xingzhou left, and both of them made their own records about Ning Ji's affairs.

In the early morning, Ning Ji and Qu Longjun woke up in the room, and went outside to do two sets of boxing as usual for exercise. They ate breakfast in the shop outside Huaiyunfang. After Ning Ji observed that there was no follower around, he also sent a letter at a station a little farther away.

The letter was sent to a secret node of the Huaxia Army closest to here. It recorded that I met Zuo Xingzhou and would be told about Zuo Wenxuan soon. If I disappeared for a long time, then one day in the future , The Huaxia Army will pursue the incident based on this record.

He had no intention of moving away.

Although there have been incidents of mutiny by people of Zou Xu's status in the Huaxia Army, if it becomes untrustworthy because of this, then it is indeed a bit too cautious. And although he understands the reasons for these procedures and worries, Ning Ji still has unabated vigor in his heart at this time. After digesting the experience of the Jiangning War, even if he encounters any dangerous situation, he is confident that he will not be helpless .

The only thing I need to worry about is Xiaojian who is by my side... Xiaoqu.

Last night when I chatted with that dog Zuo Xingzhou, when I got excited, I thought of joining in the fun, but when I returned to the courtyard and saw Qu Longjun waiting for me with a stick, such thoughts faded away. up. In fact, what Zuo Xingzhou said was right, Chen Shuangran couldn't possibly be Yu Xiao'er, even though they might all be sluts, they should all have their own **** ways.

The place of Fuzhou itself is the home court of their little court. Tie Tianying brought a bunch of hawks and dogs, plus the Zuo family's gang of dogs from the southwest, they were just a few rebels. I came here with Xiaoqu, to watch the excitement if I have something to do, and to watch the typhoon if I have nothing to do, how easy it is, why bother to fight and kill, always getting involved in other people's affairs.

If she hadn't met head-on, a **** and a bad person, I would have spared her life.

He decided in his heart that the world is wide, so he took Qu Longjun to Sanfang Qixiang to eat delicious food on this day. In the evening, he tore up the troublesome signboard of "Bamboo Records Semicolon" in the yard, and just left The cart went to Yinqiaofang to set up a stall.

Yinqiaofang at night was as hot and humid as ever, Ning Ji accompanied Qu Longjun to sell things peacefully for a while, and then went to wander around to listen to gossip, leaving Qu Longjun disguised as a man here to deceive ignorant girls. He sat for a while by the side of the lobby of Xiangjia Congshi, and only took a few sips of ice-cold snow-soaked water, when he saw a dog-like dog approaching from the crowd at the other end of the night market, and walked past. My own stall, and then sat down in front of the aunt who sold steamed rice cakes.

Ning Ji jumped up, his eyes widened.

- Choose the same place twice, you are crazy, do you have any brains!

For a moment, he was shocked by the imagination of Zuo Xingzhou and Yue Yun.

At this time, the waiter in the shop also brought up the ice cream he ordered, and Ning Ji walked to his stall with the ice cream in his hand, sailing to the left on the way and making a few glances: "Bastard, get out."

Zuo Xingzhou ate the rice cake, pretending not to see it.

Ning Ji went back to the back of the stall, dragged Qu Longjun to stand inside, and at the other end of the road, a swaggering fool figure finally appeared, with his nostrils upturned and arrogant - that was Yue Yun.

"What's the matter?" Qu Longjun took the ice cream and asked him in a low voice.

Ning Ji didn't speak.

Yue Yun walked back and forth among the shopping crowd twice, and then "suddenly" spotted the "Green Forest Hero" at the rice cake stand.

"Hahahaha—" The internal breath was running, and the loud and heroic voice passed through the chest cavity, and began to push away over the hot night market, "There is a way to heaven, you don't go! There is no way to hell, you break in—today is really a coincidence—"

At the rice cake stand, Zuo Xingzhou dropped the bowl in his hand, waved his hand and turned around: "Hmph, where is Xiongtai, I'm afraid - you have admitted the wrong person?"

"Hahaha! Hunyuan Ax Zhou Xing, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, don't pretend anymore!" Yue Yun walked over with a grin, "Young master Yue Yun! It's your long-lost father—"

"Okay! Now that's the case, Yue Yun, listen to me clearly. Others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you! Everyone who has nothing to do with you, stay away from me—I'm going to have a showdown with you today to see who is the real one. No. 1 in Fujian—"

Driven by internal force, the voice of the dialogue resounded through the night sky, and in a blink of an eye, it explained the ins and outs of the grievances.

"I'm going to vomit, I'm going to vomit..." Ning Ji held the ice cheese bowl in one hand, and pulled Mr. Qu Long with the other, and retreated into the distance, "These **** are about to fight, let's stay away, don't be caught Their blood splattered—stinks." He was a man of peace now.

In the night market in front of me, the two figures clashed with each other, and after a while, another figure with a knife came over and said, "Brother Zhou, let me help you!"

Ning Ji and Qu Longjun stood far away, eating ice cream that was about to melt.

Three bastards, fighting together. Pedestrians around screamed and ran away.

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