Zhui Xu

Vol 5 Chapter 129: Nightmare sign

The flowing river was soft and quiet, and the simple four-piece **** trembled. After a while, she took a step back from the blanket, blushing her face and lowering her head, but then she lifted her gaze again. && latest chapter Baidu search: &&

\"云竹... Yunzhu has nothing else to do, just play a few songs, sing some songs, except that... except that... this can only be done..."

She smiled seriously and then lowered her head.

\"These days I heard about Liheng, I was so anxious that I didn’t know what to do, but you have never been here. It’s so happy to see you today. But I also know that when I encounter such a thing, Even if Liheng is open-minded in your heart, it must be somewhat unhappy, if... oh..."

\"You are very risky to do this..."

Ning Yi sighed slightly, then reached out to touch her left cheek, Nie Yunzhu neck subconsciously shrunk, his eyes turned slightly unremarkable, after a while, but the micro-band was biased to the head, the cheeks Rely on, feel the gentleness of the palm of your hand. Ning Yi also slightly turned his head, and after a while he laughed a little more complicated.

\"Oh, in recent days, when I was at home, I was really annoying..."

\"A bunch of people screaming, a group of people in the Su family smashed their guns, and their grievances are skyrocketing..."

\"Well, oh, it seems that I am quite pitiful..."

\"Make up the business..."

\"Out of big ugly..."

\"Being put together and being seen as a fool by everyone..."

\"Oh, this is..." After a long time, Ning Yi still seemed to shake his head in an interesting way, \"he..."

Su Taner hugged the blanket and stood there, his cheeks against the palm of the other hand, feeling the heat of the palm. He had never dared to look up. At this moment, he felt a little strange, his eyes lifted upwards, his vision Among them, the figure is also close, in the blink of an eye, double bsp; \"唔..." Her body slightly stepped back, the back directly attached to the wooden wall, the sun, Ning Yi's figure bullying Come over, almost the thin blanket separated from her, but not annoying, a hand also squatted on her waist along the back. There were rustling leaves in the eyes, and the sun shone in the leaves. At this time, she also felt dizzy. ##看说要去##

When she was a little awake, her body almost fell on the platform and leaned against the wall, so she did not fall completely. Ning Yi squatted beside her, and the pair that touched it left slightly. Some look at her, her face is still laughing, the smile is a bit weird, but also a bit relieved. It’s just that Nie Yunzhu naturally can’t think about it at this time. The two people’s bodies are almost stuck together at this time. The ng mouth is undulating and squeezing together. It seems that with each heartbeat, the feeling will be clearer. Ning Yi The left hand was on the side of her ng mouth, and almost touched the skin between the ng mouth and the intercostal space. Her mouth moved and tried to calm herself down, but it naturally failed.

When the previous impulsive 上n went up, she tried to consider the consequences of doing so, but never thought that something would be so fast. She has never experienced these things before, but since the other party likes this, it is... "The body of Yunzhu has not been touched by other men before, but... if Liheng wants it, I like it..."

Her face is also a bit serious, and the words are as light as mosquitoes flying, but near the foot, Ning Yi naturally hears clearly. He just looked at Nie Yunzhu's god, the smiles on his face did not change, and at this time, a slight voice sounded on the side of the platform. Ning Yi and Nie Yunzhu turned their heads.

Appeared in the mouth of Mén on the side of the platform, it was a Yuan Jiner in a green dress. She may have just returned home and heard a voice on the side of the platform. So she rushed to find Nie Yunzhu, and then crossed the mén. Two steps, I was there. The right index finger bite into the mouth at this time. This is probably the expression when she came in, and she smiled. It was there. The three people face each other, Yuan Jiner keeps the action of biting his fingers, his eyes turn around, his face is red for a while, then he suddenly turns around and wants to run.

She ran in the wrong direction, and turned back again. Then she was stunned by mén, and she fell on the ground of mén. As a nv child, it sounded like a slamming sound. Even Ning Yi’s eyes were moved a bit. What's more, she still bite her finger and fell, and both feet stretched out at this time. On the side of mén槛, one of the embroidered shoes fell, and she did not pay attention to it.

On this side, Ning Yi and Nie Yunzhu have not had the same atmosphere. Nie Yunzhu turned his eyes and looked at him. He saw Ning Yi looking over, and immediately turned down and turned to the bottom, and then turned to the left empty space. When Ning Yi let go of her, she was still holding the blanket, leaning against the wall, and the double tu curled up.

\"I, I... I went to see Jiner..."

She whispered something like this, and looked at Ning Yi, then climbed up and chased it out there.


Ning Yi was still laughing, sitting down against the wall in Fangcai's position, looking up, looking at the sunlight between the sand gaps, the guqin not far away, the smile on his face became deeper. && The latest chapter Baidu search: && That is what I feel is, happy smile... He certainly knows the reason why Nie Yunzhu’s emotional change today [Dragon Beads] is just happy for this, in this world, total Some people are really thinking about you, whether you need it or not, this is always a happy thing. He didn't need anything to look at Nie Yunzhu, but he had never talked about this before, so there is no need to make things happen in these days, but I did not expect that she would do this.

This time, it’s simple... it’s also troublesome.

On the other side of the hall, Nie Yunzhu seems to have recovered Yuan Jiner, a vague squabble. Yuan Jiner seems to be very sad and crying. Of course, if there is such a degree, I have to see it, but the voice is heard. Some like it.

\"Yunzhujie, how can you do this..."

\"In the broad daylight, you two are on the 1st stage, want, want..."

\"Reversely say, you are on the 1st stage, I don’t say anything outside, no one on the river...but if you want to do this, you shouldn’t...you shouldn’t take the blanket I sleep...”

\"Ning Liheng is a big metamorphosis!"

Yuan Jiner shouted and kicked a kick on the other side of the wall. Wood wall, she lived here for a long time, accurately grasping the position of Ning Yi, the vibration of this foot came over, Ning Yi was like being knocked by the back, slightly left the wooden wall, uncontrollable Laughing out, the laughter was getting bigger and bigger, and then I clenched my fist and couldn't help but knock it on the platform.

Yuan Jiner was full of anger, Ning Yi had no face and no skin. Between them, perhaps Nie Yunzhu is the most difficult person to be the most shy in the middle. After a while, she walked up to the platform, and the figure of the white skirt was shrinking. The fingers of her hands were almost twisted in front of her. White, suddenly the image of a fairy who sings from playing the piano has become a 媳fù that will not be cooked after being used by a mother-in-law. Ning Yi looked at her and smiled, then patted the place around her. Nie Yunzhu came over, and some embarrassedly bent the double tuǐ to sit down, pulled the skirt angle, covered the ankle and socks.

\"Hey, what I just said, is it still counting?"

Ning Yi shook her palm and smiled and asked. There is a mess in Yuan Jiner. There is no atmosphere in any matter. However, some things that are frank, at this time, have to be frank, and some should say clearly, and there is no way to avoid it. Of course, with such words as a beginning, Nie Yunzhu was slightly shy at a time: "Jiner, Jiner at home..."

Ning Yi laughed again, among the gold powder, two figures on the stage of the stage said something. Nie Yunzhu was sometimes ashamed, sometimes serious, and sometimes surprised, but in the end, the two hands held together did not let go... From the side of the building, when it was on the way back, it was already afternoon. Ning Yi thought about the things that happened before, confession or the like, and sighed slightly: "The old society of evil..." If it was more than a year ago, he and Nie Yunzhu had such a situation, maybe he would choose Another place to find a place to live, but now in Sufu, not only Su Tan, but also awkward. On the side of Nie Yunzhu, I never thought about making him embarrassed. Perhaps it was the place that would make him feel a little embarrassed.

Of course, this way of thinking, it is like a man who takes advantage of the cheap and sells the wind. When passing the Qin Laofu, he is ready to go in and sit and see that 6 Agui is standing outside mén, only to know that Kang Xian is here today. .

When I entered the house, Zhou’s sisters and sisters also followed here. When I saw Ning Yi, Jun Wu ran over to ask the sin: \"Teacher, my sister and I went to see you in the morning. Where did you go?"

\"Hey, something in the morning..." Ning Yi patted his head, where Kang Xian was playing a game with Qin Lao. At this time, he and Ning Yi greeted him a few words and invited him to play in the past. Zhou Junwu moved to the stool and sat down, Zhou Pei was silently followed, and occasionally looked at Ning Yi's expression. At this time, Ning Yi had a chat with Qin Lao and Kang Xian. There was something in his heart. He had a crush on his face and a moment. Kang Xian said: "In recent days, the city has to open mén. The child's apprenticeship is also in recent bsp; Ning Yi looks at Zhou Junwu, and looks at Zhou Pei, smiles: \" This also let me teach? Will not be very disappointed with me? ”

\"Winning defeat is the common cause of the military, Grandma said, this is not the teacher's best at it, so even if they lose, because they are too mean, I still like the telescope..."

Zhou Pei silent for a moment: \"I learn from you to plan, and do not learn business..."

\"How?" Kang Xian laughed, and Qin Lao pulled the hand of La Junwu: "Two good children."

\"In this case, of course, I have taught, but I still don’t want to do it for the time being, it’s a bit arrogant.”

Kang Xian thought about it. When he dropped the chess piece, everyone chatted a few words before they asked: "Is there something in the past?"

\"Hmm." Ning Yi took up a piece and nodded.

\"In fact, these days, the old man has been waiting for you to come for help, but unfortunately you have been in the future..."

Ning Yi looked at him: "Oh, Kang Lao Gaoyi..." He didn't think about it, he laughed, but Kang Xian was a little serious.

\"Becoming a major event may not be able to do everything, I know that you are xìng love, do not want to owe people easily, so do not do cha hands before. Can reach this level, but can do things with ease, open a What is the difficulty of the mouth, the feelings between you and me, do you think that even this kind of human feelings are not owed to me?"

He said this sentence, Ning Yi looked around and also became serious. For a moment, he nodded: "Okay..."

The vast Jiangning City, here may be just a corner for the gathering of idlers, the stone thrown into the pond, stunned, and then flattened in the wind and rain. Soon after, the city mén opened, and Li Fan left Jiangning to go to Tokyo for an official. When he left, he also comforted Ning Yi for the Wu family. When the Yushan Academy resumed classes, some children gave up the course of Professor Shang Ningyi. Su Zhongkan also seemed to want to take some actions in the school, let some masters talk about it, reject it, and so on. Under the style of self-satisfaction, this matter has not played a role for the time being.

Everything is going on in the direction that everyone expects. Wujia got the Huangshang and is preparing for the things of the Emperor. Su Taner tried to stabilize the situation of the Su family, but it seems that she is also helpless. She invested a lot of money in the market that was originally aimed at Wujia. In the eyes of everyone, it is probably a nv person hysterical for the low The preparation for the price rushing to destroy the market, of course, has not yet been implemented, and there will not be many people who will defeat her.

On the external side, under the efforts of Su Taner, it is only a little landslide. The rest of the people are probably waiting for Su Tan to really step down or decide whether to give up the Su family. Even after the Su family still has a medium-sized scale, There will always be some people who will give up the Su family. As for the interior of the Su family, the pressure faced by Su Tan is getting bigger and bigger. Su Boyong has not passed away, so he can hold it for the time being. However, it seems difficult to say how long it will last. Some of them are close to the big room. The cousin’s cousin also began to move closer to the second room and the three rooms. www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the world outside, people talked about the sinister way of the Ukrainian family and talked about the wine. With Judi, Ning Liheng's embarrassment and the quiet, gray-faced face at this time, of course, more said, or the layout of the future, the expansion of Wujia. Due to another month's time, there is no movement, the situation of Jiangning cloth line seems to change rapidly [Tianzhu change], brewing, people are forgetting Ning Liheng this person, no one knows or feels necessary When I learned about his recent moves, some things finally began to appear as a nightmare.

It was at the end of September, and it was just a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival’s annual gathering. In this month's time, everything was so clear, but on a certain day, without any warning to the outside world, it began to become strange.

If it is put into the millennium, it will be like a stock that is stable and right, and naturally reaches a high point. When everyone thinks it will last, it falls, collapses, and even everyone without warning. I don't understand why the reason is. And when people finally came to understand, they finally could see the darkness in those things, and the figure that was over the top of everyone at the beginning... On the last day of the month, ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! There is also a monthly ticket to vote for it ^_^

To be continued)

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