Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 158: Aftermath

Chapter 158 Aftermath

Just after the New Year, not yet until the New Year’s Eve, the streets along the Qinhuai River are full of festive atmosphere, and the firecrackers are occasionally heard. Some are opening stores or New Year’s greetings for the guests, and some are scattered. The children took it. The 1uan of the firecrackers is full of streets, and the hahas are running, and the vehicles and pedestrians pass by on the streets.

The festive atmosphere is also not cold in the weather. In this market, the snow is swept to the side, there is no sign of melting, and it is like a hill. On the side of the road, the restaurant in the restaurant called Tingtao Pavilion is warm, well-arranged, burning stove, while warming the room, while ensuring a slight circulation of air, the room is luxurious, the curtain is in the air, the smell of incense Scattered, there are also ethereal and beautiful piano sounds as an accompaniment. The woman who plays the piano is beautiful and looks beautiful. At this time, she only makes a foil and does not talk much.

Tea was smashed into the teacup, and the leaves in the water wave spread out and the heat floated out.

\"I was away from Jiangning at the time of the year, and I went back yesterday. What are the big things in these days?"

\"With Tang brothers, the younger brother also went out to worship the ancestors and called on the elders in the family. What can be said?"

The scene seems to be peaceful. One of the two speakers is Yu Yangyi, and the other is called Tang Yan. They are the best of the younger generation of Jiangning business. Tang Yan is a gentleman, not only doing business, but also studying in literature and literature. Very successful. These two people are both rivals and can be regarded as friends. Occasionally they will meet once and have a tea chat. Today is also the encounter after the year, just the flower 绮 绮 也在 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

\"......This time out of the city, I heard that there was a snowstorm in the north, Lin Shouzhou over there, shipped a batch of goods, the road met an avalanche, the blood was gone, poor."

\"Lin Shouzhou has a lot of means, and it is always possible to borrow from the East. Hehe, it’s the difference between the two years..."

\"It is a powerful person, I am going to fight. I heard that he has invested a lot in the North. Once he starts playing, he will wait for the money. Now it’s probably counting on the days. It’s also a rich and dangerous...”

\"The gang is also discussing things recently. The first two days have been with the people of the Weaving Bureau, and a bunch of sighs."

\"Well? Last year ng got things not enough? What's the matter now? Is Xue's action also?”

\"It is still a matter of Sujia and Wujia."

Yan Yangyi drank a cup of tea, a little bit of an accident: \"At the end of October last year, Su’s family was not finished, wouldn’t it be finished? The Wu family was counted badly by Ning Yi, and now those businesses are probably close Is it not convinced, but also planning to make trouble?"

\"The aftermath is not over."

\"There is still aftermath?"

\"I guessed it today, but the people in the cloth line are more sensitive, and it is estimated that it has also come over... The Wu family took the initiative to take all the old cloth shares in Jiangning area, and officials at all levels walked quite frequently."

\"Get the old cloth? Is he crazy?"

\"bī has no choice, I heard that in the recent period, Wujia spent money like water, and the home is like a landslide, taking a third of the Su family knocking, taking the old cloth, going up and down, almost went again. Half, the things that were managed were only noticed after the year, and they were too exaggerated. Now it’s probably a relief. After that, it’s estimated that the Ukrainian’s heritage is less than one-third of the previous one, and within a few years. I am afraid that I can only be busy for the Emperor. I have encountered Wu Qilong and I am very restrained."

Yan Yangyi opened his mouth: \"Why is this?"

\"Guess, I just reacted."

There was a cup of tea over the mouth, then rubbed his eyes and put the cup down: \"The cloth faded... Can't solve it?" This is not a question, but a speculation after deep thought.

Don Juan nodded in the opposite direction: "I guess so, there should be many people who have already noticed it."

\"This thing is really twists and turns, even to this time has not finished..." Fuyang Yi said, a complex expression.

\"All were deceived, and even after they were opened, everyone was still being cheated." Tang Yan smiled, "From the beginning of the assassination of the Su family, he has been cheating to deceive. At the end of August, he decided to belong to the emperor. I felt that Su’s family was deceived and marveled at the Wu family. At the end of October, the Sujia clan conference, everyone realized that the Ukrainian family had been deceived. Who knows that after the announcement in October, everyone was still in the dark... At the attitude of Wu’s family, almost everyone thought that Su’s family reached an agreement with Wu’s family. It’s true that they can go to Wu’s family. Now it seems...” He sipped his tea and his expression was complicated. It’s empty gloves, white wolf, this is really admirable...”

Yan Yangyi was silent for a while: \"In this way, the Su family did not use the real Can Jinjin to exchange one-third of the Wu family. It was actually changed to one-third with a secret, and the Wu family could not even I don’t want to lose another third. I’ve already said it at the end of October. No one doubts this. It’s really... ten steps...”

\"I want to come now." Tang Hao nodded. "The Wujia base is strong. If only one third of the loss is lost, I am afraid that we can still maintain the strength of weaving three. After this, Su and Wu I have already made a big beam. If I am Ning Yi, I am afraid I will not allow this situation to continue. I can only completely defeat the Ukrainian family and be unable to compete. I can rest assured that it was only at the time that it was too much. Therefore, no one would think about it. I only thought that the Su family had already taken up a lot of money at the time. If it was good, it would be common sense... Xue family and others, missed the best opportunity. This Ning Yi seems to be mild, but in reality... Terrible."

The two of them chatted, their family business was much larger than that of the Su family, and they were not in a competitive industry. But when they talked about this, they felt wrong and amazed at the work behind it. The results revealed at the end of the clan conference in late October were scary enough. The bureau’s bureau was a set of rings. When people thought that it was the result, they could not think that this matter would continue to this time. The Ukrainian played only one-third of the game. The man behind this is such a scholar.

\"It’s not an enemy."

\"Oh, these tricks may not be available anytime, fearing that there are coincidences. You may not be afraid of him. But the younger brother heard that the brothers of Xiangyang and Ningli are very good, how is this person, Was it undetected before?"

\"It is a few times, but it may not be able to speak privately. This person is indifferent, and the interest in the party is not high. In the past, he only thought that he was very good at poetry and writing. I was able to pick up such an astonishing wave. A Ukrainian family was so embarrassed by the birth of it... I also visited him after October, only to hear that the matter of the Emperor’s business was decided, and he continued the Yushan Mountain. The life of teaching in the academy, occasionally hanging out on the street to meet, for the Su family thing, actually ignore it, this is much more free than you and me."

\"There are such strange people." Tang Xiao smiled and raised the teacup, and then said, "I am thinking, if anyone wants to count on the Su family afterwards, I am afraid I have to slap the back of the Su family. Constant weight..."

Think about the situation of the Su family today. If you are an enemy of the Su family, there is a Ning Liheng who is called "10 Steps and One Calculation". He always stands in the back. It is really scalp. I have erased one-third of the Ukrainian family, and the others are really good enough.

After the bead curtain on the side, the orchids tweeted the piano, and at this time they gradually understood the things that the two men talked about, so they listened carefully.

The story of a talented woman is always the mainstream. She is now a squad. Occasionally she will listen to Ning Yi and then tell her in. Her heart will actually feel a little different. Ning Yi is really one of Jiangning’s strangest talents. He is considered to be the first talented person. He is not very close to the joyous field. In the past, there was such a talent, but she also felt that Ning Yi was deserved, even more than Cao Guan is also very powerful, and this feeling is really strange.

He is not close to the field, but if he is interested, he should be able to get along with himself. Ou Lan occasionally thinks like this in his heart. After all, he is different, and he didn’t reward himself thousands of times in the last contest.

Of course, she now has a status. In fact, she is very busy. She is a guest of the Xiangyang family, repaying the enlightenment of the enemies, all kinds of people, and knowing some other talented people. I only think about it when I am free, and think of Ning Yi. There are not many situations, but every time I think about it, I will never hate it. Sometimes I will hear that Ning Yi has a relationship with the already well-behaved Yuan Jiner, but I don’t know how true it is. There is always no rumor in the field.

Today's party doesn't need to say too much, so she is happy to pluck at the side and think about these things at will. Yan Yangyi and Tang Yu talked for a while before they got up and said goodbye. Yan Yangyi also said that she went back to Sujia for a few days to visit. By the way, she invited Ning Yi to participate in the poetry meeting of Yuan Xi... I don’t know if he will come. Guessed in my heart.

There is still something in Fuyang Yi. After sending away Tang Yin, he and the Lanlan parted up at the gate of Tingtao Pavilion. Anyway, there was a slap in the face of Lan Lan, and some drivers drove her back directly. However, when the car was on the road this day, Woodland really saw Ning Yi and Yuan Jiner.

After the closure of the year, even though there are already many pedestrians on the street, there are not many purely leisurely shopping. Most of them are all about the New Year’s greetings. Each has its purpose. The carriage rides along the Qinhuai River and reaches a street. When she opened the curtain, she saw Ning Yi’s figure and another person went to a restaurant by the river. The person who walked with Ning Yi seemed to be somewhat like Yuan Jiner, but it was somewhat strange and felt with the past. Different, so she stopped the carriage.

Mainly because Yu Yangyi and Tang Yufang only talked about Ning Yi. At this time, Shulan got off and saw that the restaurant on the riverside was still under renovation. Now it is probably because of the Chinese New Year, but the pattern is actually very strange. There are some small changes [Dragon Beads], although there are not many discerning, but these changes [Dragon Beads] really highlight the two-story building that is probably used as a restaurant. It looks like a flower. A lot of thoughts. Because of the cold weather, Ning Yi wore a lot of clothes, because wearing a hat, it looks a little rustic, the person next to it is a woman, also dressed a lot, a brown dress, a hat, a white velvet, although still Can't hide a few beautiful, but in the long run, the little panda is also like.

Yulan has made a distinction. Walking with Ning Yi is indeed the Yuan Jiner who has retired in the legend.

As a flower creator, Woodlands is still a beautiful dress today, beautiful, in fact, it is also warm, it is a lot of thought. Yuan Jiner used to be a squad in the past. In the past, he will definitely not do this kind of casual dress that seems to have a bit of self-confidence. Ning Yi and Yuan Jiner walked into the restaurant, holding a few sheets of paper in their hands, pointing to the furnishings in the hall of the restaurant. Lan Lan frowned, letting her wait here, and she ran over.

The floor was halfway renovated, and some of the windows were not closed. Ning Yi held a pen in his hand and discussed it with Yuan Jiner. He occasionally squatted on the table to write and paint. Yuan Jiner was in the house. In the hall, I push something 1uan to run ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The dialogue sounds from inside:

\"......The original is not a big change, but it must be set off to be neat and tidy... Well, in fact, it’s very busy recently, two apprentices, the small one who wants to do dangerous experiments all day, bigger... ...the big one is also a little loli. I recently had a face all over the face, only 13 years old, this year, fourteen, I heard that the family is giving her a porter, so it is very annoying..."

\"The age of fourteen is also very big, you can become a relative, at least you can do it."

\"The esoteric age problem, I can't tell you clearly... Well, I decided to add a few stools... How old are you, why don't you marry yourself?"

\"I am suffering, I can only rely on Yunzhujie to live with it...you don't count on it! Right, right, I was thinking about it, can you call this side 'Bamboo-Jiner store? You promise me I will go and make a sign."

\"...Change the second store to a Jiner store."


\"Okay, no problem, just you."

\"How is your expression so strange..."

The two of them spoke in pieces, some words she could not understand, but ... it felt very warm.

It feels like a family, a couple, or a brother and sister.

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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