Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 174: Spring rain season

Chapter 174 Spring Rain Season

It was time for mid-February and it was raining.

There is still a short period of time from Qingming, the cold rain of spring will wash the world clear and clear, the buds of grass, sputum, bit by bit, the world is dotted with rich.

Today, in this year, Qingming is a big day. After more than ten days, Su’s family is already preparing for the sacrifice of the ancestors. As usual in the past year, Ning Yi is relatively idle when he arrives at these seasons. If he does not change his family name, he will not enter the church. On that day, he will not be a much more important participant. Some Su women still have to prepare for the ancestor's help. Ning Yi naturally doesn't even care about these things. Of course, he is also relatively leisurely on weekdays. At this time, there is no more special place.

If you don't go into the ancestral hall, it doesn't matter, it means that you don't pay attention. In this way, according to the general concept, men will appear to have no face. After all, how the world speaks of "the big man". It’s just here at Ning Yi. It’s been like this last year. This year, it’s a little embarrassing for the Su family. According to Xiao Yan, several grandfathers in the family are looking for Su Boyong to discuss whether to find a way to get Ning Yi to participate. In this ancestor's ancestor, don't let him feel cold, and then discuss what results are not coming, so everyone is distressed.

After all, Ning Yi’s importance in the Su family has now become prominent. Although he is an embarrassed person, he can’t help but respect others. The identity of the enlistment is needed in the Su family, but it cannot be changed, but he will not be allowed to enter the ancestral hall. Later, he will not be able to stand the incense of future generations. Now everyone cares about this, but he is afraid of what is in the heart of Ning Yi. Everyone discussed it and asked Su Taner to ask him. Su Taner was also a headache. He ran back and slammed a few words, and Ning Yi thought about it.

"Su Yi Su Liheng is not very good at listening..."

"I feel that I am."

"Then don't change it... Don't think about those who don't have it. As for the old people, just go with them. It doesn't matter if you take care of your heart..."

Humanity, rules and regulations, Ning Yi will think clearly when they think about it. He understands that the other person's troubles come from himself, but even if he doesn't care much about many things, he will not be willing to change his surname. The other party will understand these things, which is also the source of their distress.

Of course, suspicions and fears that these things are inevitable from the night when Su Yusu’s grandfather announced the truth of the imperial concubine, these people will certainly worry if he will have ambitions and worry that his ability will not be too great. Or worry that he will have such dissatisfaction, these are indifferent. They have to do what they want to do, to suppress or suppress them. After all, from the beginning, Ning Yi has no idea about the wealth power of the Su family.

Although the relationship with his wife is very good now, in the matter of ancestor worship, Su Taner said that there will be some words and stops, but these do not matter, one day, she will probably understand what she is. People, even if she will feel strange, and after a long time, they will become clear.

This may be a long process, but it will be smoothed down and it will be.

Every day in the academy, a group of disciples, about Zhou Pei's recent emotional problems, Ning Yi feels a little strange. Before, he knew that this little girl was annoyed by the choice of the county horse for her family. The pretty little girl even sneaked and cried. Recently she was weird, because she saw her sneaking two days ago. Take some leaves and wash them, then hide and chew. The kind of leaves are bitter to die, and Ning Yi thinks that he is frowning. I don’t know if the identity of this small county is suddenly unable to open.

As a teacher, he is still concerned about several female disciples in the class. It is only because things are rare. After these enlightenments, these female disciples have no chance to learn any more. After all, they face it later. It’s just two things to marry and to teach each other.

But this matter is only concerned with attention. It is futile to do the enlightenment. After all, even if they have any psychological problems, it is also a social problem. If they can’t change society, the more they think about it, the more bad things they have, the women’s talents. This is the fact that the German language is still extremely correct. Therefore, for this little county owner who suddenly became strange, Ning Yi still only taught her some arithmetic, and the rest did not ask.

Outside the Su family, the assassination of Zhu Ji, since several assassins have escaped, is now coming to an end. This matter is abrupt and quick to go, but the unusual meanings that are hidden in it are enough to attract the attention of the people. Liao people, Jin Guo, Wu Daz... Some complicated wrestlings are only slightly revealing some clues here.

This matter is a bit big for Ning Yi, and in the meantime, Qin Yuyuan’s life is still suppressed in the complicated silence, and there is not much change. Ning Yi occasionally passed, but also talked about the book, the next Go, or the trivial things at home, Ning Yi talked about the troubles of the recent Su family, laughed at the convenience, saying that he is too low-key is also a trouble . It’s just a matter of national affairs.

In the assassination of Zhu Ji, Yunzhu was injured, and Jiner also subdued one of them. It was also a life-saving grace for Qin Yuyuan. For a long time, Ning Yi played the idea of ​​letting Qin Yuyuan take Yunzhu as a righteous woman. Later, because Yunzhu’s performance in Yan Cuilou was lost, Yunzhu and Qin’s family still had a relationship. Occasionally, I came to visit this person. Grandpa Qin, after this incident, one day Qin Qinyuan raised the matter of collecting women.

The last time Ning Yi mentioned this matter, the meaning was originally very unusual. I want a former official to accept a girl in the brothel as a righteous woman. After passing it out, the reputation of Qin’s old man was damaged after all, but at that time Ning Yi’s consideration was because he understood the friendship of the other party and determined to give Yunzhu a Good backing, as for Qin Lao, one has some understanding of each other. Secondly, Ning Yi is determined to pay something for this matter. As long as the old man promises, he naturally has this ability, and he will not let the other party suffer. Later, because Yunzhu made another appearance for himself, and then let the other party agree, there was some instinct, and Ning Yi did this.

But this time it was proposed by Qin Lao, and the meaning is more special. At the beginning, Qin Lao could only be regarded as an official who was dismissed. Nowadays, all kinds of voices outside are soaring and they have been assassinated by the Liao people. If he is revived, he will be a high-ranking official under one person. Even if he raised such things, Ning Yi could not help but see.

It is impossible to promise on behalf of Yunzhu, and it is not necessary to open it. At this time, because there were often big people in the Qin family to visit, Yunzhu was not good enough to come over. Then Ning Yi visited Yunzhu and Jiner to visit once, and the old people thanked them for their shots.

This afternoon, the tea was brought out in the yard. Several people said something. The relationship between Ning Yi and Yun Zhu is also clear: "What is the difference between the two of you, I am really hard to say. I have never seen it before..." The two people have long been able to get together, but it seems that because Jin's obstruction did not break through the last step, Ning Yi could not bring the other party home, but this time It’s natural to lead Yunzhu to come to visit, or Ning Yi decides some of the big things in her life, even if it feels like her husband is returning to his father’s house with his wife. For this kind of thing, occasionally Qin Yuyuan talked with Kang Xian, but also feels helpless.

At this time, Jiner was also known to the Qin family. After listening to him, he excitedly told Ning Yi. Ning Yi and Yun Zhu can only listen, sometimes drinking tea and laughing. For their attitude, in the eyes of Jin Er, naturally, the dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, and they are not obsessed with Yunzhu’s obsession. It’s also a big disappointment to listen to it: “Grandpa Qin, you have to marry them.”

Qin Yuyuan laughed: "You also said that they are obsessed with obscurity, and they are not awake. In fact, if you can really obsess yourself in life, it is not a good thing. And give them some time."

I was cold, "No."

That is to say, Jiner has nothing to do with this. In fact, she may not have the ingredients in the whole thing. After she was ill, she still struggled with Ning Yi every day, or talked about the things of Jin'er, and habitually lived a leisurely day. In the past few days, it was the fact that Li Shishi’s visit to friends in the capital city became more and more lively in Jiangning. I don’t know who is hyping, turning the whole thing into a challenge for Jiangning in Tokyo. Many Jiangning’s talents have already Acting, taking advantage of Lan Lan, Luo Wei and others, preparing to do a performance in those days, invited Li girl to come over and compare. The people have not arrived there, and the speculation has been very lively here.

"The teacher Li’s reputation is very big. I heard that many powerful talents in Tokyo have written poems for her. There is also a famous name called Zhou Bangyan. I have read his words and wrote very well." In the afternoon, I came to the small building. Yuan Jiner was also paying attention to the matter of Master Li. "Now Jiang Ning has many talents who have thanked him for making a new one. Ning Dacai, do you want to write a new word and suppress the arrogance of Tokyo? ?"

"Writing poetry? Well, there is just inspiration recently." Ning Yi wrote with a pen, and Jin's mouth was a piece, and he quickly came over from the table, and Yunzhu, who passed by, also curiously explored his head.

"锗钚 锗钚 钍 钍 钍 铯 铯 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占 占

Ning Yi recently recalled the periodic table of elements, but unfortunately, there was always no memory. At this time, holding a rice paper, I shook my head with joy: "Good poetry, good poetry... but there are four sentences, followed by lead. Aluminum tungsten palladium fluorocarbon itch... well, it sounds a bit like itching..."

"Hey, don't write, don't write. Always like this..." This "Mountain Garden Xiaomei" does not seem to be passed to Wuchao. Jiner's probe looks at the few sentences of the dusk and the dark floating moon. "The white ruined a good sentence, the great talent is great..."

She thought about it and smiled and said: "Oh, yes, this morning, I have a son to visit Yunzhu sister. People look good and steady, knowing the book and being an official. Writing poetry is definitely better than writing. Well, Yunzhu sister talked with him very happy."

“Hey?” Ning Yi laughed. “Don’t believe, how could he write such a good poem...”

"It is the old son of Qin." Yunzhu laughed at the rear. "Because Qin Lao was assassinated, it was clear and clear, so he came back from Jiangzhou. Today, he came to thank him. He said that he had been to Liheng yesterday. Visiting at home, just going to rush, never seen, Liheng still don't know?"

"Qin Shaohe... Yesterday someone actually passed, but did not leave a name, but said that he will come over..."

Ning Yi thought about it, but he also understood that the two sons of Qin Yuyuan had heard it many times. Qin Shao and Qin Shaoqian were both literary and martial. Because of Qin Qinyuan’s relationship, they were heavily used in politics and the military. Last year, due to the disaster relief, Qin Shaohe has been promoted to Jiangzhou Zhizhou. Probably because of the busy schedule, the two brothers did not return to Jiangning at the time of the year. This time they heard the father’s assassination and they rushed back.

He asked Yunzhu about the situation of Qin Shaohe. As the eldest son of Qin Yuyuan, this person is actually nearly forty years old. Jiner said that there is nothing wrong with the handsome and steady knowledge of the book. According to what I heard from Qin Yuyuan, this Qin Shaohe is a modest and steady person. It is quite a father's style. In terms of learning, it is a person who truly inherits the Qin dynasty. It’s just that he is not publicized. Under the influence of Qin Yuyuan, he is very practical and not very exaggerated. Although the poetry skills are also very good, but they are written very little, they are not well-known. On the official stage, they are step by step. After all, the years have been dragged down by my father, and only recently have been promoted.

The three said that the two brothers of the Qin family ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ning Yi also tossed the "Mountain Garden Xiaomei", and then finally wrote it out for Yuan Jiner to see, Yuan Jin I read it again and sneered at it: "It’s just that." But it still seems to like martial arts.

Ning Yi sneaked a sneak peek and didn't take it out. It would be fine to see it yourself. Don't pull it on him now. Going back this day, I went in and visited once when I passed by Qin. I really knew that the Qin family had returned, but this afternoon I went out to visit other people. He went home and happened to be someone, but it was not Qin Shao. And, but the Xiangyang Yi of the Xiangyang family, Ning Yi did not return home is Su Taner and Su Boyong at the reception.

"...In recent days, the rumors that the teacher of Tokyo’s teachers will come over must have been known to Ning’s brother. Now Jiangning City is full of emotions. Everyone is looking forward to letting Shulan and the teacher’s girl learn from each other... Although the intention of the other party is not yet known, but after all, there is still the possibility of meeting. The younger brother thinks that after all, it is related to Jiang Ning's reputation, so I want Ning's brother to break the case once, for the reputation of Jiangning Shilin, write a picture for the orchid. New words, so, well prepared..."

In the past, everyone had come and went, and Yan Yangyi always put his posture low, but he did not ask any non-point requirements. This time, Ning Yi understands that the other party has been operating for a long time and intends to harvest the results of a long-term goodwill...! ~!

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