Zhui Xu

: Belly black

One by one, under Chen Luo, welcome all friends to visit Xinzhuang, as you know. Today, a few friends came from outside, they.........There was a champion in the past, and there are great talents who have a good reputation in the capital, there are..."

The time is almost the same, and people have basically arrived. The middle-aged Confucian named Chen Luoyuan, after greeting some people, is also ready to greet everyone to go up the mountain. According to the previous statement, the reason why he held this youth meeting was mainly because the relationship with Zhou Bangyan was good. Zhou Bangyan was worthy of the title of “respecting the great talent of the capital city”. However, he said that the champion of the year was the order. Ning Yi was a little surprised.

"Zhou Bangyan was admitted to the champion?"

Generally speaking, those who are famous for poetry may not be really powerful in the imperial examinations. Although Li Bai of the poetry has the eyes of the emperor, in the evaluation of the officialdom, it is shaped like a jester. The poetry of the cuckoo Du Fu has been mixed in the officialdom for decades, and he has never been a decent official. The fate of the land is hard, and the officialdom has repeatedly suffered. Squeeze out. To some extent, good artists often fail to become good bureaucrats. If they are thinkers, there may be some possibilities. If Zhou Bangyan is really the kind of person who can take care of both, it is really impressive. I just heard that he is only a small official with about seven items in the capital. This is inconsistent with the identity of No.1.

However, after Ning Yi asked, Qin Shaoqian chose a white eye to the other side: "No, the older brother used to be the champion of the 14th year of Chengping. At that time, his father was a sergeant, and they were afraid to take it."

The year of Wu Dynasty, Jinghan was Chengping before, and Qin Shaohe’s feeling was quite low-key. It seems that he is more restrained than his father Qin Qinyuan. Compared with Zhou Bangyan, such talents, "Qin Shaohe seems to be incapable of being famous. It is not because of the well-being of the scholarship. Ning Yi did not pay much attention to it, but he did not think that he was the former champion. This is largely because his steadfastness in doing things has overshadowed the literary ostentation. It is a high-profile work and a low-key bragging style.

Today, in addition to the beautiful women in the various brothels, the ten are all literati. On weekdays, everyone is keen on poetry and songs, but in the final analysis, reading and writing is still for the imperial examination. Zhou Bangyan was the official of the "Yu Jing Fu", because the literary talents are famous all over the world, but the talents of the champions, folklore and even the literary works, the dynasty of the Wu dynasty can be tens of thousands of tens of thousands of officials, and the champion every year There can only be one. When the name comes out, it suddenly wanders around. If Chen Luoyuan then tells the other’s state of identity, I am afraid that someone will immediately go up and close.

With Qin Shaohe's little episode, it was a little time to dilute the attention of others in Zhou Bangyan and others. On the other hand, in the scene, the respected teachers and Jiangning students are more tolerant, and they have paid more attention to this stepping ceremony. There is a champion who is going to write poetry and write a word, naturally it’s a good performance. .

A brief introduction "Let the participants know what people came from the capital. Zhou Bangyan and others are still dressed as scribes, but Li Shishi holds a guqin, méng veil, and looks quiet." The squad has no choice but to make a prestigious appearance, but the smile after the veil and the faint smile can still give a deep impression. She doesn't have any pitiful look, just...

"In fact, I think this teacher girl is not easy...",

Jiner said softly next to him, Yunzhu just smiled and Ning Yi turned his head and asked: "What do you think?"

"Well, people just came over to visit relatives and friends, and didn't say how to do it. Let's force her out here. We have to say that she looks down on Jiangning. In fact, the woman in this line will be stupid. To do these things that are unpleasant and offensive, they are all 濮阳逸, "..."

"She deliberately."


"Look at the side, Lan Lan, their instruments are all held by the donkey. She came out like this, holding the guqin, holding her hands in front, expressing resistance. The hands holding the piano crossed very deep, and it seemed to hold the piano. Some force, suggesting to be isolated, she laughs very naturally, but from one out, did not say anything, 〖limbs body language has been suggesting: Although I am the capital of the city, but also by others, actually I It’s just an ordinary woman, and you bully me. You see, the beautiful women are looking forward, these students in Jiangning have to be divided into a batch, and everyone will worry about Zhou Bangyan, but they will eventually be merciful to her.”

Ning Yi said this, the cloud bamboo and Jiner next to him looked at him, Yunzhu whispered: "In a few movements, there are so many mysteries? Liheng really is..."

Ning Yi also laughed: "Fake, in fact, is the cause of the consequences, she may have never thought about anything, but some people can see the occasion and immediately know how to deal with it, although the mind does not think, the effect is It’s just that, I’m just adding some messy explanations to the effect.”

"No, no." Jiner’s eyes were sparkling and seemed to admire Ning Yi’s analysis. “I think it makes sense.”

"Look, come here."

After Ning Yi finished, Yunzhu laughed, and Jiner’s nose was lightly stunned. “You look at Yunzhu’s sister, smile and be subtle, and look at you after laughing, but there is nothing on the face. The way, this shows that Yunzhujie believes in your previous statement and feels that your vision is very unique. Hey, you always look at others and know what the person is thinking?"

"Which is so powerful...",

A few people are talking, and Yiyang Yi also came over here: "Ning brother is here too."

He looked at Yunzhu and Jiner, recognized that the two were women, and perhaps recognized the identity of Jiner. They only thought that they would like to come along with them. Although they were curious, they did not say hello in words, but only made a slight trip. ceremony.

"I just saw some people over there. I don't want to come and say hello. Ning brother forgives sin." He smiled and looked around. "There are many people coming today. He will definitely become a good story, the article is the world, Ning brother today. Can you have a mood to play?"

In dealing with the Su family last year, among the business people, the familiar people gave Ning Yi a "10 steps and one count" name. This name was only spread in a small area, mainly because it was eaten in Ning Yi's hand. A few families have lost their hearts. If they fall into the ears of the literati, they only feel that the mall is small.

Dao, everyone read the book of sages. In the future, it is necessary to take care of the world. If you shoot yourself, most of them are not bad. You feel overstated about this nickname. However, Xiangyang Yi watched the whole process of the event of the imperial business, but he understood The weight of this nickname, this time is not dragging the water, just asked Ning Yi's decision made here, but Ning Yi also shook his head.

"Today's group is complete" is afraid to see everyone's performance is enough, ear, ""


"I knew the girl Li before."


"When I was young, I lived in the middle of Sanlian Lane. At that time, Li girl probably studied piano in a house in the middle of the road. She suddenly touched the side in the past few days." I didn’t know her identity today. I came here this morning. of."

In front of Fuyang Yi, Ning Yi was also frank, and there was a slight sigh, and then it was a bitter smile, arched his hand. "More is also open-minded: "Oh," it is so, understanding, understanding, friends, it is a relationship "Ning brother is not good for 绮 作 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Apologizing, then smiled and sighed \\\\1 tone: "Today Zhou Bangyan is famous in the world, there is no Ning brothers finale, it seems that the side of this is quite dangerous. In the downside is offended Li girl, but the heart is not malicious, I’m going to ask Ning’s brother to say a few words. But these things can be put away. If Ning’s brother really has a mood, he still has to write a good sentence. Today’s literary meeting, if there is no Ning’s words, it will always Although people feel a lot of ecstasy, although the city is a little bit stunned, Yu Wenshi is still the most respected. In the past few days, I only hope that Ning Xiong will take care of some of the poems and take care of some of the orchids. Said, please also ask Ning brother not to be guilty Good. "Puyang home enthusiastic poetry, of course, there are many considerations interests, but by the family learning Puyang Yat influence, say these words at this time, also has respect for poetry from the heart. This is the atmosphere of this era. Poetry and essays have always been the highest art. If good words are written, can you feel that there is a sage in it? People use this color to smear the scroll of history. When Yu Yangyi knew that things could not be done, he put down the balance of interests in his heart, and the respect for words was actually from the heart.

Everyone talked a few more words. When Yu Yangyi left, Yunzhu asked him to know about Li Shishi. Ning Yi said something about Sanlian Lane not long ago. Yunzhu said: "That... Li Heng Are you ready to participate in today's literary meeting?" "This is to see the performance, the poetry, the temperament, the sentiment, and the comparison, it is not necessary. What's more, they are in order to have a good reputation. Out of the limelight, I don't have this need, so I don't have to stop people from making a fuss. It's good to be a foil. What's more... It's really a bully, oh.........

There are many poems in his belly. At this time, it has melted into the atmosphere of this era. I know more about poetry and more and more memories. It is actually a bully. In fact, it is true, but after saying it, Jin Er naturally gave him a look: "Bragging." Then he said smugly: "But I saw it, that Yu Yangyi retreats, knowing that you can't make poems for the girl of the Lanlan, then I will retreat to the next, let You go to the division of Li Shishi and say that letting you help the beautiful words is actually showing the enemy weak. And he said that there is no way for you to press the finale. It must be fake."

Ning Yi nodded: "Yuyang Yi, this person is good at burning cold stoves. Actually, it didn't really help me. I just did some icing on the cake. He is the kind of person who decided to move. I have not owed it. He is kind, he certainly does not want me to help, he asked me to write poetry, at most Zhang is a deck of cards. The situation is this time, more than just seventy or eighty people, as long as there is no big scorpion, regardless of poetry Compared with the fight, the Xiangyang family can also blow the cypress to the same squad as the teacher Li. Cao Guan won, they also won, Zhou Bangyan won, and Yu Lan also performed with the teacher Li, and everyone will only talk about it later. This literary meeting. And Master Li returned to the capital, while there was a war between her and Jiangning's people. In short, the flower sedan chair lifted people, as long as it was not an idiot, it was always a win-win situation."

"You guys who do business are grinning, and then smiled." But this person is quite good. You said that you know Master Li. He immediately understood it. He apologized so seriously. He heard that he was good at talking. It seems that it is not bad now.

I.........oh... I have seen him several times before...",

The Xiangyang family has always been pursuing the orchids, but Yuan Jiner, as the squad of the Golden Wind Tower, has naturally seen Xiangyang Yi several times, but there is not much contact. At this time, I recall the scenes when I met. Ning Yi smiled and said: "How? Is it crazy?",

"Where, I just think that he is very powerful. I want to learn a lesson. I think it is very good to be considerate of others. When I was in Jinfenglou, there was always someone who quarreled.

For example, I first promised to go to the banquet of Chen’s family. As a result, Lu’s son came over again and said that he must have Yuan Jiner. In the end, he had noisy again. After the quarrel, I had to go to the two sides to pay for it, but if I took the time to go out, Chen Jiagong is not happy, don't go. If Lu's son doesn't come, how can I do it? My mother will always be jealous. No wonder they don't have a big business in Fuyang. I will take bamboo in the future. Remember to be more powerful than the Xiangyang family...",

Jin Er didn't care too much about the past. At this time, the broken and broken thoughts were interesting. Ning Yi was teased and laughed. Then he shook his head: "Don't look down on Fuyang Yi."

"Hey? I don't have...",

"That is not understanding, it is cultivation. He knows that I have difficulties in this area. This is not a big deal, so I have to be personal."

If today’s matter is related to the life and death of the Xiangyang family, he will say the same thing, but after he has finished speaking these words, you have to know that you are an enemy. When he turns back, he will deal with you. Of course, he may I will ask you more, but the result is the same. Above the mall, you can have true cultivation, there will be no real modesty, but Yang Yangyi is very clear, you have to learn from him, but don't really regard him as a modest gentleman~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yunzhu wants to do business Ning Yi did not say too much in the details. Jiner wanted to learn. He did teach him a little, and then he felt that he had said too much. Jin Er has her own set of methods in interpersonal relationships. She does not have much treacherousness in her heart, but she can avoid many treacherous means. This is her interesting place, and she does not need to have many real darkness. Something made her realize.

Then he simply blackened Huayang Yi and shaped it into the image of the crazy big demon in the cartoon. When Jiner felt that the sun was covered with black water, the feeling of hiding the needle in the cotton was diluted, and the group said to laugh. Leaving the yard with a smile, walk along the woods behind the courtyard and walk towards the hillside not far away.

At this time, about two o'clock, that is, ten o'clock in the morning, the sun broke through the morning clouds, the mountains and forests are dense, but the range is not large. The two streams flow down from the mountains, and the waves reflect the sunlight. Blurred and dazzled. A group of people walked among the fresh woods, and occasionally a woman fiddled with the cockroaches in her hands, silky bamboo, or a silver bell-like laugh. At the end of the field of view, small

The forest at the top of the mountain shows a green area, the grass is green, the grass is dotted with wildflowers, the mountains and trees on the side block the blast from the southeast, and the other side has an open view, overlooking the Yangtze River and the stone city in the distance. It’s a great place to go on a spring day...

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