Zhui Xu

Vol 9 Chapter 347: Small journey (on)

The thirty-fourth chapter of the journey of small things (on)

For Zhou Pei, to some extent, that may be a memory she is most reluctant to mention and think of in the future. (.M) In the fifteen-year-old grade, he went to Beijing in order to escape marriage. He tried to achieve a good story in the future. It was a good thing, but what he did not expect was that he would encounter such a big one at the beginning. frustration. Originally hiding in the box, considering whether you want to make a sound, when the decision is made, things are already late.

From the pier of Jiangning to the Yangtze River, the river was bumpy along the way, Zhou Pei was locked in the big box and there was no trace of light. For her who had always been pampered, the fear in her heart could not be added. But even though she was desperately hitting the box wall of the wooden box, the sound that could be transmitted was already very small. The box next to it was full of heavy objects, but it had already come under the bumps of the road. She realized that she could not save her, but she still brought a dagger. Then she began to cry and cut the wall. However, after cutting it for a long time, she only cut a small hole. In fact, if there is no such small mouth to speed up the ventilation, I am afraid that it will not be long before she is killed in the box.

The time after that was a nightmare. Darkness, hunger, panic, and exhaustion, for Zhou Pei, it is like torture that has never been thought of before. The box is quite big, but the 15-year-old girl is inside and the body cannot be fully extended. The sweat drenched the clothes and the knife cut a hole in her hand. She once thought that she was going to die, and then reflected the most embarrassing urine...

She didn't know how much time she spent in that big box. When she was awake, she went to knock on the wall, sometimes kicked with her legs, and sometimes her fingers went to scratch. Sometimes I want to "I am going to die, I am going to die", and sometimes I feel that it is better to die, the smell and time in the box gradually become strange. In Bali, she felt like she was the demon who had been told in the bottle that she had said before, and she thought how she would be discovered.

Sometimes I think that if someone can save her, she will like him for a lifetime, and reward him well, that is, how he can do to himself. When I think of the shame, the body curls up together, feeling a warm flow between the legs, crying painfully against the wall of the box.

Sometimes I think of the teachings at home. She is the owner of the county. She is the blood of the imperial royal family. She has royal dignity. Although she can't see her in the dark, she can imagine that she must be embarrassed now. I was seen, I am afraid that the first thing I want to think about is killing people.

A heart swayed between the body and the murderer, and made some dreams in the confusion, dreaming of becoming a relative, but then killing his own, sometimes royal Sometimes, she moved her hand, no matter which time, she cried. Sometimes I think of the teacher, she has always admire the teacher's poetry and talent, but the teacher probably does not know. She actually wants to say it several times, and she always wants the teacher to see her extraordinary. She is a small county owner who many people praise. Many people like it and come to the door. I want to show her noble and elegant side in front of the teacher, but the teacher does not seem to be amazed. In the circle where she lives, she is obviously so stunned by so many people...

After all, everyone is not a circle. Ning Liheng is too strange. He doesn’t know which circle he is. Then he feels like a teacher in his dreams. He thinks... After he died, she was so sad...

In such a confusing fantasy and dream, the time is as long as the past few days, and the consciousness has become increasingly blurred and difficult to become a clue. (Net m full-text novel update is the fastest) When the first bright light finally appeared in front of her eyes, when she saw the appearance of Ning Yi, she still felt that it was a dream, but between reality and dream, that figure made her feel A little peace, she finally fell asleep tired...

There is not much bumps and the ship is breaking the waves.

Ning Yi stood on the side of the ship on the back of the big ship and looked at the scenery. On the summer evening, the landscape on both sides of the river went away with the boat, and occasionally there were pedestrians passing through the picture. At this time, it is already the third day after the departure. It enters the fairway of the Grand Canal in the north. The weather is clear and the sunset is very good. Several large ships are breaking the waves, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

On the other hand, the room where I originally lived is now occupied by Zhou Pei. The young county magistrate, who is only fifteen years old, is in a rebellious period according to later generations. Ning Yi is not willing to participate in her quirky and tangled mentality. Although it is said that there are mentoring points, at least on Ning Yi’s side. They are not close to each other, and he does not want to be too intimate with such a little girl.

When the little county owner was taken out of the box, the girl who had been detained for one day and one night was indeed in a state of extreme desolateness. It may be said that it was not overdone. A person is locked up in such an environment for such a long time, many adults may not be able to support it, let alone a little girl. After waking up yesterday afternoon, she curled up in bed and has been silent, seemingly more arrogant. I don’t know how thin it is. I guess it’s already a shadow in my heart. It’s hard to slow down.

If I am a responsible parent, I am afraid I will send her back to Jiangning at this time, but Ning Yi has chosen two. After writing a letter, the pigeon was sent back to Kang Xian, and the room was simply given to a girl who was unwilling to move after being traumatized, so that she would become a big wicked person in her eyes.

Nowadays, there are not many people who know that Xiaojun is on the ship. Apart from the manager who stayed at the door yesterday, he was only a little embarrassed. It’s just that Xiaoyan’s caregivers are fine, but there is nothing to do with the psychological trauma of the girl. When it’s time to eat, it’s up to Ning Yi’s hot porridge. Perhaps because of being locked up in the dark for too long, even if I saw Ning Yi, the girl sitting on the bed with a quilt looks a bit complicated, like fear or fear, but if it is a small cockroach, it is close to each other. There was no positive reaction, or it was simply holding the quilt down to the corner of the bed.

After being rescued from the box by Ning Yi, Ning Yi first asked Xiao Xiao to bathe and dress for Zhou Pei. At that time, she was still in a coma, and she was left with a small shackle. After waking up, it would be no longer the case. She was wearing a small sash on the bed, even though she was already the most beautiful dress of Xiaoyan. She was wearing a little shabby on Zhou Pei’s body. She was wrapped in a bandage on her finger. The wound, a long hair that had been well maintained, was also dissipated. Sitting on the bed was extraordinarily thin and small, and it was a bit pitiful.

Ning Yi sat on the edge of the bed and ate the porridge rice for her to eat.

"...The ship has passed Yangzhou, not on the Yangtze River, and then it will not be so bumpy. It is not too late, and it will probably be parked near Huai'an in the evening. Many people on board will go down the city, you can consider Just a moment. The news on your boat has not been made public yet, but it is not a big deal. If you feel better, go out and walk, the scenery on the boat is not bad."

He said this, he will sneak into the past, Zhou Pei smacked a small sip, and then retracted slightly, holding his quilt and bowing his head. Ning Yi said: "However, the news has been passed back to the grandfather Kang by the flying pigeons. What is going on next, think about it yourself. The best thing is to go back, you are a royal family, but fortunately, if things are Noisy, no one can get up, and Liu Guanzhi, who is in the boat, is scared to death by you."

Ning Yi said a few words, Zhou Peicai over there moved a little, the committee succumbed, whispered: "Teacher... I feel trouble?"

She asked, if the average person is afraid to answer is no trouble, but Ning Yi nodded: "It is really troublesome, but now you have to raise your body first... take it."

After feeding the porridge, Ning Yi changed her fingers and bandaged medicine and bandages. Zhou Pei’s fingers were long and white, stretched out there, and occasionally encountered, slightly shaking, Xu is a fingertip and pain.

"Let's change it for you next time. You have seen her before. Now she is my wife, and it is your teacher. You are too high, she is under some pressure, don't scare her."

In fact, Zhou Pei is now psychologically traumatized, but she is well-educated after all. After Ning Yi said this, she would resist other people, at least she would have to show her closeness. But I heard her whispering over there: "Isn't it a teacher's dim room..."

"The diverticulum is the wife." Ning Yi replied.

"No, I didn't listen to others saying that..."

"My family's rules." Ning Yi smiled and saw that she had begun to speak, and said, "Yes, that Zhuo Yunfeng, what is the relationship with you?"

"Zhuo, Zhuo Yunfeng?" Zhou Pei probably thought for a while before reacting. "He...it doesn't matter..." I don't understand why Ning Yi suddenly asked this.

"I think he talks very well and he is very talented. See him talking and he is familiar with you..."

"Teacher, you...have seen him?" Zhou Pei raised her head slightly, then bowed her head and whispered. "Oh...he, he asked someone to find a teacher?"

"He is on the boat."

"Ah?" This is a shock to Zhou Pei. He didn't know what he was thinking when he looked down. He only heard Ning Yi say: "Looking at him, I have a good impression on you. It is estimated that I have already been with you. I have kissed you over there..."

Zhou Pei quickly shook his head, and then he said: "He...he is the son of Chaoyang County, and the aunt of Chaoyang was originally married to a commander. Later, the Zhuo commander made a crime, and the family road fell. Because The relationship between the aunts of Chaoyang is not too sinful. Zhuo Yunfeng... People are very smart. They were sent by the aunts of Chaoyang when they were young, and I worshipped a teacher with me. So I can recognize him with him..."

She thought about it in her heart, but she did not say a lot of things. Among the various young people around Zhou Pei, Zhuo Yunfeng is considered to be a very outstanding person. They are still some friendships, but they are not going to men and women. Although both of them are royals, the blood has been separated for several generations. After the news of Zhou Pei's selection of the county horses, Zhuojia sent people to mention the relatives. Zhou Pei here is a refusal. Zhuo Yunfeng is also a proud person. I have never mentioned this before or after.

It’s just that Zhou Pei also appreciates his talents. They are naturally closer to each other than the average person. Her admiration for Ning Yi’s studies is sometimes inevitable in her words and deeds. Zhuo Yunfeng should know, just I don't know how much he said to the teacher.

In the past, she often expressed dissatisfaction with Ning Yi. At this time, if Ning Yi knew this, she naturally lost her face. Although she was already embarrassed when she moved out of the box before she wanted to come - she was lying on the bed during the day, thinking about how she was being held over and over again, in her In the imagination, it is almost more embarrassing than being taken out of the light, so that she sometimes wants to cry, sometimes wants to hide and see no one. But this time, the heart is still inevitable, but Ning Yi listens to her. When I said this, I nodded and no longer asked.

Speaking a few words with Zhou Pei, seeing her state improve, Ning Yi also let go of her heart. When I went out to the tableware, I saw Zhuo Yunfeng and several other people coming from the side of the cabin. I came over and said hello, looking at the tray on Ning Yi’s hand, saying: "Mr. Ning, I have eaten and cleaned up myself. What?” Ning Yi smiled and said: “It’s just fine.”

Most of them with Zhuo Yunfeng are the children of the privilege in Jiangning. Ning Yi does not know and does not say hello to them. When he left, Zhuo Yunfeng looked at the room thoughtfully and looked away from the crowd. Some people talked about it, but it was also the identity of Ning Yi. Someone said: "Living here. Isn't it a Mr. accountant."

"Looking at the attitude of Yunfeng, it seems like the aides of anybody, may be accompanying to Beijing."

Zhuo Yunfeng said: "He is Ning Liheng."

Everyone has heard the name: "It was our first talent?" In the speech, it was not too surprising, and then someone said: "The teacher of the county owner?"

At this time, naturally, I was quite familiar with Zhuo Yunfeng. When I got to the corner, I whispered: "Yunfeng didn't want to marry the little county owner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why did you suddenly go to Beijing this time? ......" Zhuo Yunfeng looked back, just frowning and shaking his head.

They gradually drifted away, and the sound was unclear. In addition to Zhuo Yunfeng, among them, they also knew Zhou Pei. But as they walked over, Zhou Peizhen was lying on the bed in the room, gently biting his fingers and thinking about his small, chaotic mind. He did not listen carefully to the little noise outside.

In the room not far from here, Su Wenxi, who was accompanying him, was lying on the bed palely. In the past few days, seasickness was faint. On the outside of the ship's side, Ning Yi and the coming smell of people say hello. On the back of a large ship, Yunzhu and Jiner sat by the window and looked at the scenery outside. They spoke in the ear, and the ships were strangers. Their female identity, after they came in, did not go out. The sunset is blushing, carrying the hearts of the people under the rolling water below. On this night, I arrived at the county town near Huai'an.

Huai'an is the junction of the Huaihe River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Although it is not as prosperous as Huai'an, many people on the boat still enter the city to have fun at night. However, when it was late at night, several servants came back from the wolverines and said that a little Houye had a squabble with the people in the county building and was robbed...

Going out for a whole month, I got home. (To be continued.

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