Zhui Xu

Vol 3 Chapter 37: 1 night fish dragon dance (3)

The flames lit by the lanterns burned in clusters on the street. Under the body of the old horse, the blood had already flowed into a shallow pool. The blood on the ground, the corpses, and the scattered debris were smashed into pieces. When the woman in black rushed to the adjacent street, several servants with a knife could not stop it.

Ning Yi tried to secretly keep up, only to find that Xiao Yan was holding him in a hurry. In fact, the difference between the two is just the height of a head, but Xiao Xiao’s body is hiding on his side at this time. Some are short. When Ning Yi looked over, Xiao Yan was wrinkling his face and looking up. She held Ning Yi for a long time, pulling and pulling, and she was about to cry. When I met with Ning Yi's eyes, my eyes and mouth were suddenly rounded, and for a second, my expression was lovely, and then I suddenly lowered my head.

Ning Yi licked his mouth and then patted her on the shoulder: "Go."

"Oh." Xiaoxun quickly let go of his hand. Ning Yi walked over the road. Xiao Yan followed a few steps, woke up and shook his head: "No, grandfather, where are you going?"

"Look at the fun..."


Xiao Yan suddenly jumped up and grabbed Ning Yi's clothes corner: "No, my grandfather, the female thief is very good, my grandfather is going to eat, the lady is still waiting for us..."

"It's okay, I will look far..."

"No, the female thief has already ran away..."

"Which is so easy... Hey, if she really ran away, I can't see it anyway..."

Awkwardly, Xiao Yan will hold Ning Yi from behind, the two hands hoop tightly, the spiced beans on the hand spilled Ning Yi, and the head is shaking behind Ning Yi: "No, my grandfather, not allowed. go with……"

Ning Yi stood there, and asked the sky without a word, then looked around: "Small, you hold me like this, what kind of system."

The situation was chaotic. Everyone was watching the fight. Ning Yi kept her close to him. Not many people noticed. At this time, he listened to Ning Yi’s speech. Xiao Xiao reacted and his body was stiff. He suddenly let go of the electric shock, but Immediately, he still grabbed his clothes corner, and his face was red, and Ning Yi smiled. He reached for the little girl and rubbed her hair. The headband of a bag head fell off, half of it. The hair was scattered into a ponytail, and the mouth was flat. Ning Yi walked forward and walked forward: "If nothing happens, just look at what is going on."

"Grandpa... don't go..."

At this time, there was a martial arts soldier with a blue shirt short on the street. The little girl took Ning Yi’s clothes and followed suit. He looked anxious and wanted to cry. The headscarf around the bag was also dropped. I can't tie it up, it looks cute.

The woman in black is only playing blood, and if she runs all the way, it will definitely cause panic. However, the slightly confusing scene only lasted for the next street. When Ning Yi and Xiao Xiao went to another street, the scene of the pedestrians was gone. Obviously, the female thief was either in the surrounding shop. Either quickly found a way to dress up. However, after passing through a tea stall, I heard that someone was also talking about the fight on the side of Suzaku Street.

"...I heard that the female assassin was in the Song Yange’s Song Xian Song Duan, although he did not succeed, but he killed more than a dozen talents. Hey, the blood flowed into the river... It was only at Zhuque Street. I played one game and now I’m gone. This is the green forest strongman who is going to go high, which is what they can’t stay...”

Wu Liejun defended the Jiangning area, the word of mouth is not good, that is what the Song Xian is in the end, the average person is naturally unclear, but there are a few good people in the official, the market said, it is a feeling of great people. However, it is impossible to say that it is impossible to keep the high and high. Among the nearby people, occasionally I saw the short-sleeved figure in the blue shirt. This should be the most elite group of Wu Lijun. The number is not much, but it is still looking for the trace of the female assassin. Ning Yi occasionally observes them. Look for the route, follow it casually.

Xiao Yan has already let go of his heart at this time. He occasionally trots a few steps next to Ning Yi, while getting her loose bag head, and sulking on his face: "Grandpa can't find a grandfather can't find his grandfather can't find... ..."


Regarding the assassination of Feiyan Pavilion, the fight at Suzaku Street is just a small episode that happened this night. The waves are only picked up within a certain range, and only spread in a certain level of people. Even if the Wu Liejun has come again, it is not good to seal the city or seal the road to find someone on the day of the 15th of the first month. In this era of news based on word of mouth, the vast majority of people continue their activities and celebrations.

The old rain building, which is about a street away from Wuyi Lane, is one of the largest restaurants operated by Jiangning’s richest man. It is five stories high and covers a large area. Although it is a restaurant, you want it here. Entertainment is hardly found. Since the development of the first part of the book, some of the industries have also incorporated the atmosphere of elegant books and fragrances. This building is the best place to operate.

The whole restaurant has a square structure and the central patio is large, so there is no lighting problem. In the meantime, the rockery and pavilion stone, the odd wood flower, the layout is small but extremely beautiful. If necessary, these things can be removed and a temporary stage can be built. On the outside of the restaurant, there is also a house surrounded by walls and green grass. Looking down from above, it is pleasing to the eye. On the top of the restaurant, there are various texts and paintings filled with scholarly scent, precious screens, porcelain used for decoration, lacquerware, etc.

The family spent a lot of money on this building, and the fame that came out of this building was not expected. There was money, family life, and people who felt free and literary often greeted guests with a banquet here. If a senior official like the prefectural adult is a banquet outside the government, he will often choose to come here. But naturally, having money is the last word, and the literati with two sleeves can only come over when invited. This building is already the best combination of money and elegance.

Today, my family has hosted many talents here. After all, the weather has not yet warmed up, the wind on the river is big, and the six ships are not very good. The party is actually similar to another poetry. Taking the Yuyang Yi of the family as the head, many people were invited to come according to the specifications of the Liyuan Poetry Association. However, this time, no one brought the family to the home, and they were accompanied by the Qinlan Huaiyan Yanlan. In the past two or three years, Minglan has also been regarded as the signature of his family.

The atmosphere of the banquet is more casual than that of the Mid-Autumn Festival, but everyone is still very poetic. In addition to the few talents and Xue Jin who have had a relationship with the family before, there is still a famous person coming here. The younger generation in Jiangning is often in the same name as the rigorous and steady Cao Guan, but his character is free and easy, and his poetry is often arrogant. He is known as the Tang Dynasty legacy. He is the talented Li Jin who participated in the Lichuan poetry during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Li Fei’s reputation is bigger than the number of people he can choose from, but of course, it’s all young people. It’s hard to measure the gap. Some people talk about their homes. At most, they’re more because of the smell of copper. It is a few grades lower than those of the Shishui Poetry Club and the Lichuan Poetry Club. This time he will come here for dinner. The people are actually very strange, but in fact, he can be invited mainly because he did not attribute the financial resources of his family, but because he heard a few stories of Ning Yi at the Yushan Academy a year ago. Su Chonghua and he will know each other, but no one can think that Su Chonghua’s face will be so large. It’s not a big feast on weekdays, but Li Yuan’s time can be brought on in the days of Shangyuan Festival. There is light on the surface.

The rest of the talents originally thought that Li Feng might have grabbed his own limelight, but fortunately, Li Pin is a low-key person. Today, he only makes poems. Although it is also a good poem, it does not cover everyone’s light. He laughs. It is also advancing and retreating. In a short time, people feel that they have become friends of the other party rather than their opponents. This person has a professional communication skills, and naturally he will not be close to Li Feng. Compared with others, he is somewhat alienated from this talent. The long-sleeved dance can also control the situation very well. The scene is warm and happy.

The poems of the Lichuan Poetry Association and other gatherings will continue to be collected for everyone's evaluation. The poetry here is also rich. Although the poems are not on Lichuan, Li frequency occasionally ridicules those Lichuan talents. Sentences, others will feel that the talents there are not too much. The banquet was mixed, occasionally drinking wine, poetry, and the girl played the piano and danced. When the time was approaching the three moments of the sea, Li Yangyi used to talk to Li, and at the same time, with Su Chonghua, Xue Jin came over and said a few words.

In a short while, I talked about the first song of the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, and then asked about Ning Yi’s business. Yan Yangyi said casually, but in fact he had long wanted to invite Ning Yi to come up with a poem to increase his sensuality. Su Chonghua smiled and talked about some things about Ning Yi in the Su family, and talked about Song Mao’s exams and praises. In fact, for Ning Yi, he used to have an indifferent attitude, but now he is vigilant in his heart. The most important thing is that he is afraid that the other party will grab the name of his Yushan Academy, and he has run a school that has not improved for so many years. Ning Yi taught the students to come out, and for him, it was no different from the face, and he saw Su Taigong’s weight on Ning Yi, and he naturally worried. On the surface, however, I have to talk about juniors and have a proud attitude.

"Fake, I don't believe it." Xue Jia and the Su family have always been unsettled. Xue Jin no longer hides too much at this time. "I heard that years ago, the water melody was that he listened to a sergeant. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~嘁...he steals it for his own use..."

"Haha, Xue Xiong, you take this matter again." Xue Jin’s voice fell, another voice came from the side, but this is the Wu family. Jiangning Buxing three, Xuejia and Sujia have always been unhappy, but the Wujia as the head of the line has a good relationship with the two. The coming is Wuqihao, the second master of the Wu family, who knows both Su Tan and Xue Jin. When Su Laner visited Uzbekistan in the New Year, Ning Yi had a relationship with him. At this time, he smiled: "The Taoist saying, but not many people will believe it."

Next to Xiaoyang Yi smiled: "I don't believe it either, but for this Liheng brother, I really have a long-awaited experience. Su Shanchang, I can recommend it next time."

Then the topic was removed from the name of Ning Yi, and everyone laughed for a while. Dai Lan performed a song and dance. After Wu Qihao looked out of the window for a while, he smiled and turned back: "Yang Yang brother, said It’s a coincidence that you, the person I just said, seems to be squatting downstairs, Su Shanchang, Li Xiong, Xue Xiong, I only had one side with Li Heng, and I was not sure, let’s take a look. ......"

In fact, his words can be heard in the small halls around him. Someone is interested in getting together: "Wu brother is so interested, who is it?"

"Li Heng? This person is not..."

This discussion spread to the entire second floor party lobby in a short time. On the inner side of the window, Wu Qihao stood there with a few people and looked at it. "Look at it, it seems that the person is next to him. That girl, isn’t it the little girl around Tan’s sister?”

Near the rockery downstairs patio, Ning Yi and Xiao Yan are hanging around in a boring, a lantern, looking around...


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