Zhui Xu

Vol 9 Chapter 377: Weiyang (2)

From Jiangning all the way to the capital city, the original plan is to try to prevent possible Jingkang from exerting strength. M, but the plan can't change. After roughly deciphering the situation of the Detective Division, the original planners can't hand over. The rest of the things are some sidelines, and it doesn't matter.

When I first came to the Wu Dynasty, the role of physics and chemistry in later generations was not too deep. Even though the stones of his mountains could be used to attack jade, it was difficult to reform in this world without industrial foundation. Seeing decisive results, if people have a dependency, they will wear out the soldiers' fighting spirit. Second, the Confucian system is seriously plagued by reforms and technological revolutions. This taboo is not manifested in verbal, but once reforms hurt interests, exclusion will come in a variety of ways. After the end of things in Hangzhou, when Ning Yi thought about what to do, the first choice in technology was not gunpowder, but steelmaking.

China's five thousand years of culture are profound and profound. That is to say, but if we talk about technology, such as metallurgy, when the technology develops to a certain extent and the people feel that it is "enough", in the long millennium or even two thousand years, the technology of iron smelting may be small. The scope of change, but from the technical revolution without real sense. And this small-scale technological change may be largely due to the sorrows of the blacksmiths. If there are any powerful techniques, they will not spread to the vast majority. In the end, in the torrent of time, the new craftsmen have to study some new ones. skill.

Purely in terms of technological innovation, this self-sufficient and rich land does not spit out new radiance, and its branding is more of a plot to be firm and self-sufficient. In the final analysis, after all, because of the richness of this land, we have ushered in a huge slap in the aftermath of the industrial revolution in the West. If you look from the back. Many historical cynics have said that the technological innovation of the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty has already sprouted the industrial revolution. In fact, this is just a dream of self-feeling. After the ruling pattern of the land and the ruling culture were formed, it was difficult to develop an industrial revolution around the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. If it was not the invasion of foreigners, it would be internal division and waste. A nation without a sense of crisis will not change, but will only fear change. So there will be no change in the eighteenth century, and it may be possible in the eighties.

Of course, even for Ning Yi, this is a question of negation in the thinking. But because of this, he has thought about many simple technological innovations that can be put in place for a short time. The first thing that comes to mind is the method of steel making. In the late years of the 1950s, there were not many strict and profound technical requirements for the blast furnaces above the Chinese land. That movement was criticized in later generations, after a lot of waste, one thousand one. More than 8 million tons of steel, more than 8 million tons, can reach the industrial level. However, if it is compared with the steel at this time, even if it is unable to reach the industrial level of more than three million tons of scrap steel, many indicators will far exceed the level of Wu Dynasty.

There is no need for high industrial standards here. I am not afraid of how much waste, as long as I can open a way of thinking and find the right carbon content, at least I can mass produce the good knife that the blacksmiths spend a few months in a few months to make a good one. There are not many problems in the armed elite forces, but because the current Wushu army lacks a good knife but a military literacy, Ning Yi will conduct preliminary experiments. Still handed over to Lu Hongti.

On the other hand, although there is no such painful experience as the East Factory West Factory. However, the upper level at this time is cautious about the establishment of a large-scale secret detection system, which can be seen from the constraints of the Secret Investigation Department in many things. If the situation is not urgent, and there are many emperors and relatives involved in checks and balances, I am afraid that the Secret Investigation Department will not even have the power to act. Therefore, the plan to develop a large-scale public opinion-oriented system based on bamboo records cannot be supported from the beginning.

First of all, the upper level simply does not understand the significance of launching the lower class. On the contrary, it is more like a clue. Once it is hanged under the name of the Secret Investigation Department, the expansion of this system will also lead to the uncontrollableness of the Secret Investigation Division. For these reasons, Ning Yi decided to go it alone. This time, the matter related to the line is still second, even if he does not intervene, after coming over, Taner has enough ability to push everything up. What Ning Yi really wants to do is to think enough about Zhu Ji’s things before he leaves.

This time north, Yunzhu and Jiner did not bring any accompanying personnel around. Because the first batch of personnel training, this time is still in Jiangning, this is the thing that has been prepared since Hangzhou returned to Jiangning, similar to the post-employment training, enough to train in this time in two or three months. Come to the professional who is already in use. After Yunzhu and Jiner are set here, after a month or two, the first batch of new and old employees will arrive in Beijing and begin to participate in the new store.

Even after this, there will be no training on literacy, work skills, corporate culture, etc., and a sufficiently robust evaluation, promotion, and mutual supervision mechanism will be put in place, so that all the things are not even the bosses of Yunzhu and Jiner. Care and participation can be carried out as usual. With regard to the basic structure of these things, you can start building prototypes at this point. On the other hand, if you want to prepare these things for localization, you will naturally have to start to refer to the various restaurants and brothels in Beijing.

These things are stuffed in my mind. Although Ning Yi seems to be leisurely in the day, she can chat with Cheng Zhouhai and others all day long. She also proposed to Qin Shaoyu a plan to visit a shop every day from tomorrow. Zhou Hai and others even mentioned the invitation of the peers. In fact, many things are still in his mind. From the words of the ancestors of the ancestors and the people of Zhouzhou, they have perfected their ideas. At night, they have to write a copy of the articles of the modern company. Which ones can be used, which ones need to be changed, and which ones are simply deleted. In a sense, it is simply back to the feeling of starting a business. Of course, once again, there are many cumbersome things, and everything is more familiar.

On the afternoon of the same day, Qin Yuyuan and Jue Ming monk returned to Fuzhong, but they talked about Ning Yi to Ning Yi. In recent days, the little county owner was busy with various visits. It is said that he was prepared to see the Queen Mother. Ning Yi. But I saw Qin Yuyuan twice. I once asked about where Ning Yi lived. This time, I asked Qin Qinyuan to help me. Two days later, there was a grand meeting in the main government of Qingyang County, asking him not to go and see.

"Qingyang County Lord? Who is that?" Ning Yi did not know the name.

"One of the most famous talented women in the Liangliang area, the daughter of Tan Junwang, after she became a relative, the husband and wife of Liu Xiaozhou are also good poetry. The husband and wife are respectful and respectful. They are often at home and friends. Over time. The wood garden in her home. It has become one of the most famous cultural relics, and the past is also talented. If Li Heng is interested, you may wish to look at it in the past." Qin Yuyuan smiled and explained. Then the neighboring monk also added a few words with a smile. The owner of Qingyang County is his cousin, and Liu Xiaozhou is familiar with him.

"If you are interested, you can go shopping with the poor in the day after tomorrow."

"I'm afraid there is no time..." Ning Yi thought about it. For such poetry and essays, he wanted to be lack of interest. Especially recently, he prepared a lot of poems to be used in the store of Zhuji, too lazy to waste: "However, how is Xiao Pei recently?"

"However, two or three days. I will be convinced by many people." Qin Yuyuan laughed. "I heard that yesterday afternoon, the university student of Chongwangfu Li Yanzhong was in charge of the school, and Zhou Pei answered the question. The stunning four is that the poetry is somewhat crafty, and this is also Everyone likes it most. Although it may be the special arrangement of the prince, but I want to come in these two days. It should be tempted to raise a kiss, haha."

Speaking of this. Qin Yuyuan smiled happily. Zhou Pei’s appearance is good, and no one can deny it as a beauty. If he learns well, he will have the identity of a talented woman. Plus the status of the family, who does not want to climb high, poetry and art, but this woman’s character It is not a good thing to marry. Zhou Pei is coming to Beijing this time. Kang Xian’s goal is to let her find a favorite talent. This incident must also say hello to Qin Yuyuan and Chongwang Zhouyi, let them help stare, lest Zhou Pei play too happy, but there is no sense of urgency.

"So, the poetry of the Qingyang County Lord wants to let her choose more?"

Ning Yi said the idea with a smile, Qin Yuyuan nodded: "Little girl has not been pushed recently, except for the Qingyang County, there may be a lot of poetry gatherings that can't be pushed. Liheng is also her. The teacher, for her to check, is also a matter of the matter."

"I want to say Jun Wu, I still recognize it. Qin Gong, you said Zhou Pei, this girl is very strange, just teach her some arithmetic on the same day, she picks up the tongue with me all day, and thinks that I brought her brother to the bad. I am similar to her age, and the marriage is not involved, so as not to hate me for a lifetime... I want to say that these things still have to be done by the elderly."

"One day is the father of the teacher for the rest of his life. If there is an age, Zhou Pei always worships Liheng." Qin Yuyuan waved his hand with a smile. "Why, this is a matter of course, haha, how can I get involved in these drags?" The junior matter. When the monk is free, he will take care of it."

After all, it is a small matter, and Qin Yuyuan did not say too much for the poetry of Qingyang County. Of course, a few people will not know that Zhou Pei has already promoted the master of Jiangning’s first talent in a group of friends of the capital. Although he talked with Qin Yuyuan, although he was somewhat understated, he actually took the master. Will the past poems give her support?

Ning Yi, who still has a lot of things to do, naturally has no more time to waste on boring poetry. After leaving Qinfu, the sky was in the evening, and I went back to the Wenhui Building. I noticed that the look of Yunzhu and others were not quite right. The emotions seemed to be somewhat low. Jiner was not like the kind of cold ice in the morning. Looked but still very energetic, but he was gloomy. When he saw him, he seemed to have no strength to go away. When asked what happened to Xiaoyan, she only said that everyone went out shopping in the afternoon and tired, then revealed a Happy smile.

Xiao Yan couldn’t hold Ning Yi in such an emotion. After eating dinner at night, Ning Yi called Su Wenqi and asked about the things that went out during the day. Su Wenzhao didn’t dare to marry him before he said what he saw. .

Time is still in the morning, Ning Yi went to Qinfu, Yunzhu and other people still have to go out to buy things, the family followed all the way, they saw a body near the street that passed yesterday.

The situation seems to be that the government is working on the case. The body of a sack is picked up from the river. The sack bag is loose. After the fish is caught, there is even blood flow. It is obvious that the bag is dead soon. It was a whole body of a woman's body. At that time, many people were watching it. It was said that the time of the corpse was thrown. It was before dawn.

Walking down the street and seeing a female corpse born in a murder case, it is not a reason for people to have no spirit all day, but in the tone of Su Wenyan’s vomiting, Ning Yi probably understands that the body is packed. In the bag, there are still some broken steps, headscarves and the like. The appearance of the body is also intact. The person who throws the body does not care that the family will recognize the identity of the body. Su Wenzhao saw it at the time. I was thinking in my heart that this woman is very much like the woman who was stunned by the sorghum in the alley yesterday. Although she only looked far away, the color of her face and headscarf at least had a rough idea.

"Nie girl, Yuan girl and Xiaoyan, although they didn't say it. But... I guess they guessed it like this..." Su Wenyan frowned. "The woman died... suffered a lot of abuse and torture, she ... her... there, even a stick, we didn’t look much, then, after noon, it’s not long... we’re back...”

Ning Yi opened his mouth. But finally he couldn't say anything. He licked his mouth and was silent for a long while. I think of going to Qinfu, Chengzhou, and other people in the morning. I probably understand it. After Qin Shaoyu went back, he would meet Gao Qien’s things and tell him about his ancestors. People such as Zhai Zuian, Ji Kun, and Cheng Zhouhai were afraid to investigate through the Secret Investigation Department. If the order is made at night, the first piece of information will probably come back the next morning. Cheng Zhou Haishu Taifu House is lawless, and it is for the woman. The Secret Investigation Division...may be able to find things when the corpse was thrown in Taiyuan, but there is still a possibility that it is possible for the Secret Investigation Division to find this when the Taifu House starts to work that night, but this is meaningless. Even if it is found, the Secret Investigation Department cannot intervene. This kind of state of affairs is probably the most grievous.

In this sense, it is correct to say that the system of public opinion propaganda is not implemented in the Secret Investigation Division.

On top of this, Ning Yi can even extend a part of it, with the heart of Gao Muen, should not put that woman in the heart. Too sorghum does not care about his son playing a woman, but he must add a piece of insurance to prevent him from touching someone who should not touch it. This insurance should be the ones who are arranged next to him. In the alley, Lu Qian prevented Gaochun from being inside the street, but when he returned home, the temper in Gaochun was on him, and he couldn't stand it. So it is Lu Qian who is really responsible for taking the woman away. Not that you can't play, just can't play with problems. This person has the ability and means to measure, but it is no wonder that Lin Chong can be so bad.

He sat there thinking about these things, Su Wenzhao sat on the side, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, because suddenly, the second brother-in-law seems to suddenly become very gloomy. But after a while, this sullenness will also dissipate. Ning Yi will look over his eyes: "When you say it, you are accompanying Jiner in the past, and you are dedicated to what you are doing on the road... Hey, do you have a chat?"

Unexpectedly, Ning Yi suddenly said this, Su Wen stunned for a long while: "This... because of that incident, and the Yuan girl seems to have no emotional expression... She, she is a little avoiding my feelings, but maybe... ”

"Well, don't say this, they are a little uncomfortable for this, you already know it."


"Then what are you waiting for, Jin's mood is not high, to comfort it."

"Oh... but..."

"Catch the opportunity, no. But no topic, I will find a topic. If she does not comfort you, you will comfort her." Ning Yi patted his shoulder. "The girl is like this. Don't love face like this, listen to me right." ”


Su Wenzhao stopped talking and hesitated, but it was finally over. Ning Yi sat there and thought about it. In fact, Yunzhu is also a good thing, not a person who has never seen the darkness of society. Even if it is a brothel like Jinfenglou, no woman died in a year. If you carry it out, this kind of thing will happen in front of you. Even if Ning Yi will not feel happy, there will always be a feeling that the stock will be caught by something, but it is necessary to say that if you see such a thing, you have to do it for Heaven. Even on the bar of Taifu, Ning Yi admits that he has no such ability for the time being. Yunzhu and Jiner will naturally not expect such a thing. More, I am afraid that it was because the woman was stared on yesterday. On the other hand, it is inevitable that there will be some fear and pain in pushing people and people.

This feeling is very bad, but Ning Yi thought about it and did not know how to comfort him. If you are as powerful as Lu Hong, you may be able to get rid of Lu Qian and Gao Wei tonight and pick up the sorghum head. Unfortunately, such a thing can only be considered for the time being.

If you have the chance to get the sorghum into the political struggle, it will be comfortable... He snorted and some YY thought about it. Then went to the back courtyard of the inn, and was ready to go to Yunzhu to chat, but there was no Yunzhu in the courtyard, and then Su Wenzhao was encountered, and Daojin was not found.

"Maybe walk around and go shopping."

The Wenhui Building covers a large area, and the rear courtyard is reserved for people with identity and also has a pond garden. Ning Yi walked all the way to the garden, but saw a round table in front of the garden. A woman was sitting on her chin, and the lantern was swaying in the orange light. I didn’t know what I was thinking. This slightly a bit of a look is from Jin Er. It is a bit of an accident. She apparently saw him when Ning Yi came in. At this time, she still held her chin and looked at it indifferently. Ning Yi’s original appearance was to walk all the way. At this time, he took his hands and walked forward. Then... he walked around a rockery in the eyes of Jin’s, and left in the direction of his travels.

On the road, he met Su Wenzhao, and the other side looked excited. Exchanged information with Ning Yi: "I just met Xiaoyan and Nie, and they went back to the house."

"Jin's in the garden, comfort her."

"Oh, good..."

Speaking of Jin Er. Su Wenzhao was still a bit stunned, and Ning Yi shook his head and secretly licked the rookie. Although my experience of picking up girls in my life is a bit rough, I got this time. It must be very powerful, and there are very powerful ones to guide you here. Actually, I was so timid, I felt a little unspeakable. When he returned to the courtyard where Yunzhu lived, the other person was sitting down and squatting at him. It seemed that he had solved the problem in his heart. Waiting for his arrival.

"I heard Su Wenzhao say something about the morning." Ning Yi glared at her shoulder and sat down next to her.

"Nothing, just remembering that we met yesterday, and some were afraid." Yunzhu smiled and leaned his head on his shoulder. "Liheng, you said that woman, it may be what we met yesterday. That? Although it looks a lot like...but it’s not sure, right?”

"Well, but if it is true, the person who started is the one who is surrounded by Gao Qian."


"It is to persuade the guy in Gaochun in the alley. He is the servant of the Taifu government. He can't let this thing pass too badly, but it is the best to prevent him from doing things in the sorghum. The practice is to catch people at night..."

Ning Yi’s tone was a bit light, and the reasoning was mechanized once and for all. At this time, even if you say that you can't change things that have already happened, he is a man of Yunzhu. Although he can use the feelings between the two people to temporarily suppress the heart of Yunzhu, but still can't stop Yunzhu. After thinking about it, I simply turned things into mechanization, expanded the matter, and the atmosphere became colder. Perhaps it would rather dilute the tragic mood.

He sat there in a cold voice and said for a long time, who is the mastermind who is the accomplice, who is the cause and who is the means, who does not know who is shameless and feels innocent, so after the end, the woman holding the side sat for a while.

At the same time, there is a scene in the garden that is not too far apart.

A single lantern spreads under the gallery and casts a bright yellow light. In the garden, the firefly shines sparsely on the water. Next to the stone table, a man and a woman did not know what to say. Su Wenqi stood up and stepped back two steps. He lowered his head and whispered. On the other side of the table, the woman held her chin and her fingers licked her lips. She didn't look to Su Wenzhao, but she looked a little arrogant and her eyes were cold. It is not easy to appear in the always lively Yuan Jiner, but Su Wenzhao as a party has not felt angry or hurt because of her high-spirited, arrogant and cold face, tears flowing. It’s down.

"What happened to Jin'er? It seems like I have a lot of opinions..."

Time quietly passed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a long time, Ning Yi turned the topic between the courtyards here.

Yunzhu laughed: "You don't know? Of course you will have opinions..."

"I didn't do anything..." Ning Yi probably understands why he is hated, but the matchmaker is often misunderstood and not surprising. In the end, the other party should understand himself. That's enough. He thinks this way.

After Ning Yi’s snoring, Yunzhu was silent for a while, then revealed a little serious look and said to him: “Liheng, Jin’s thing, I want to tell you...”


Ning Yi nodded, Yunzhu was about to open, and a sudden voice came from behind: "Ning Liheng, you come out."

The tone was a bit harsh and decisive. Going back, Yuan Jiner, wearing a goose-yellow dress, stood at the door of the courtyard over there and looked over here, like a fighting stance, carrying the chin proudly.

Poor tone.

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