Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 413: Bad thoughts Dongsheng (7)

On the sixth day of June, Dulonggang.

The flames roared, and the pillars of smoke were like dragons, rushing into the sky.

Between the roads outside the village, there is a slap in the face. In order to prevent the impact of the Liangshan army to the utmost extent, the Dulonggang side ignited the forest. Although there was abundant water in the vicinity, the trees were abundant, and the flame did not spread on a large scale, but the rising black smoke still caused the impact of the people to charge. In the past few days, it has been the enemy weapon of Dulonggang.

Perhaps it was angered by Ning Yi's means. From the morning onwards, the momentum of Liangshan's offensive was fierce, and it was like a mountain, and the thunder was overwhelming. Dulonggang’s resistance was particularly difficult, but fortunately, the retreat of Liangshan in the evening yesterday also added a little morale to Dulonggang. At the same time, relying on the location, people in the village can also go out one by one. The enemy is doing the restraint, and at the same time, the captives are released in twos and threes.

Business is still coming, the squeezing sound of the horticulture is coming. They did not intend to attack, but they have made frequent attacks. This is to constantly exert pressure on the people in Zhuangzi. If it is said that the Tianliang Mountain was dispatched by three to five percent of the people earlier, today it is almost sixty-seven percent. The Pantuo Road near Dulonggang is big and small, but it really has to be played. There is always a saturation. It doesn't make much sense, but when it's spared, it comes to add pressure to this side, trying to keep the inner nerves of Zhuang people on a string.

In the courtyard where Zhuang Nei’s family rested, Ning Yi threw the wound medicine in his hand to the doctor who was beside him. He watched the doctor wash the **** wounds and then wrap it up. He wished to hold the steel gun in his hand. He talked with Ning Yi endlessly before he made an "anti-ambush" scene for Liangshan people. He is strangled on weekdays, with a brave and familiarity with the terrain. But to say that the trick is to do some simple attacks, but there are some team members who have teamed up with Master to play such a technical content and are excited.

"Brother! I wish you to serve you today, you are good. Liangshan over there... Today is like crazy... and you are also a good medicine."

"The recipe that Luliangshan passed over is difficult to match, and I don't have much. I have taken it out." Ning Yi smiled. "They are playing more and more, you are not afraid that Zhuangzi will be broken earlier."

"Brother, you are laughing, I wish my temper is almost, but not stupid. Yesterday, Master said, I will react. The more unusual Liangshan is. It shows that the more useful your strategy is. The more they do, the more I play. Happy."

I wish you a ten-year-old at this time, and your temper is arrogant, and it’s hard to be tamed, but the temper is still cool. The young people started out because they were martial arts and played for honor. However, when Liang Shan came over, he actually had more responsibility for protecting the family. In these few days, he was killed so badly that many people in Liangshan also suffered from his losses. But behind such bravery, I saw the tilt of the situation. He often kills his blood, but he doesn't have to tremble. At this time, I met Ning Yi’s method of planning. I also frankly expressed my admiration.

"But this thing next, should Big Brother still have a backhand?"

"Of course, there must be." Ning Yi smiled. "How about the situation of taking prisoners?"

"Like Big Brother said here, they arranged for people to specifically respond to these things, and we ran all over the country, but it seems that the trouble for them is not big, and the rest will not let go? Let's stay hostage?"

"The trouble is still there, but it is not so obvious. We can't see it for a while. People still have to keep it. This is very important, and before they completely trap Zhuangzi, they have to finish the people. But the more they are disturbed, the more they are disturbed. More, more anxious, the more you play, in this regard, I wish the brothers still have to be psychologically prepared."

"Don't fight for Zhuangzi, his own business." Zhu Xi nodded, the doctor had already bandaged him. He sat there with his injured arm and thought about it. "Actually, there is no way to tell the plan completely. The thing is really the first to see, Big Brother, really no solution? What if you do?"

"Yes, it's very simple."


"Like the opposite, serious military discipline, then hard hit. If possible, send the returned people to somewhere else. But they reacted a little late yesterday, some people have already hid. Plus we next When people are kept out, they have to send people away, and it is impossible to send them one by one, so it should not be done in the first place, it is unrealistic. But when the problem arises, it will be late... ... In fact, these people do not necessarily want to go. After all, it is the first battle of the mountain. It is very important. Who wants to be separated?"

Ning Yi thought about it. Later, he also sighed a bit: "Liangshan is just beginning to prepare for the show, and there is no end to it. In this case, many things can be suppressed, and what problems are coming from the blood. Time is not a problem, I am also aiming at this... But if this war is really over, and then a purge, if you learn the lesson, I am afraid that no one in Shandong can stop them."

Ning Yi’s sighs did not form too much resonance in Zhu Xi’s here. He was thinking up and thinking: “In this way, it’s like those who said the book, the same, what are they used on the other side, we Here is Lei Feng Lei brother, you are fighting on both sides..."

At this time, the storytelling, naturally, there is also a military confrontation. You come and go as soon as I try, I wish you can’t be smart, but of course you have heard such stories. Ning Yi smiled: "It’s exaggerated. It’s really being put together, but for the time being, they won’t put me in the eye, only when the problem expands... Oh, when I have to ask the three sons to help me and let them eat a dark loss."

I heard that Liangshan people can eat a dark loss, and I wish you a bright eye: "Brother, you said, anything will do."

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Zhujiazhuang is still continually releasing people. Even though it is no longer possible to see the troubles of Liangshan on this side, the impact of people being released back and forth. The interior of Liangshan is still warm and self-aware.

Most of the prisoners who were returned by Zhujiazhuang were indeed assembled by the military judges of the various teams in Liangshan. Prepare centralized control, but there are still a small part, which is quietly returned to the team through various channels. For many conscious "smart" people, the first battle after Liangshan's expansion is crucial for their future promotion, if possible. They also don't want to stain this kind of stain on their own body. If they really have a relationship, they try to choose to hide.

This type of person is only a small part, and it may not really do anything to damage Liangshan. At the same time, many troublesome and trivial situations are also emerging.

First, at this time, there are a large number of people who come to Liangshan to gather justice. They are all heroes on the rivers and lakes green forests. They are not the talents of Lin Chong Luda. They are called heroes. At this time, the Liangshan army is really close to half of the rivers and lakes.

These people in the rivers and lakes have more or less two. Some of them may even be a horrible savage singer in a certain place, or a boxer bully in a certain place. They may not be tough guys. Under the knife of Zhu Zhuang, they will bind their hands and squat, but return to Liangshan. They are not willing to be humiliated. I heard Liangshan Juyi, so I came to help the boxing. You doubt me?

When the military judges are vigilant to do more, these people will make trouble on the spot. In fact, there is also a guilty conscience and a balance of thoughts. They know that they have been suspected. In this military array, which is all "good guys", if you still want to go up, you can’t just swallow it. The hero wants one. Tolerance, even if you play against a person, and then cherish each other, you will do better than what others ask you to do. Running through the rivers and lakes and mixing the green forests, they all have their own set of survival wisdom.

Second, Suo Chao’s team was captured and captured. When the prisoners were released one after another, some people could not find a leader who could prove their identity. The military judges could only gather them. Looked up, and it is said that in response to this situation, the opposite official thief named "Family Hand" Lei Feng, arranged some Zhujiazhuang people mixed into it, assassinated the temporary military judge and escaped.

In this case, for the people in the upper Liangshan who really know the whole situation, they did receive information together. Among the tens of thousands of military squads, one person was assassinated and fled by the other party on the battlefield. In fact, It’s not a big deal, but it’s falling to the bottom, but it’s spread quickly, especially among the military judges, so that they are more alert to those people who have been put back, and some have had a few small frictions because of excessive prevention. .

Third, in the afternoon, someone lit a hay of hay near the military camp. When the smoke rose, it looked like a military camp attack. People who saw it far away could not help but wonder. On the battlefield, someone did kill a companion and fled to Zhujiazhuang. The battlefield was too chaotic. This matter has not been confirmed. It is said that the family information of the person was known to the court. It was only necessary to do so. The news was spread in a small area.

The piles, the size and friction, are not in the military camps of the past. After Wu made the decision last night, the heads of the heads also issued orders to the following. For a time, all the things were in a state of being crushed, but the friends of the familiar friends were arguing in twos and threes. Such things did not affect the combat power, nor did they alarm the top. For Wu Yong, what really embarrassed him this day was the fact that Lin Chong and others were used in reverse after they set up.

After the afternoon of this day, Lin Chong and other leaders in accordance with Wu’s plan, signaled to the people on the side of Zhuzhuang, they gathered around to prepare for the encirclement. However, people did not wait, and Yan Tingyu, Zhu Xi and others took advantage of them to concentrate on one side, but instead bittered the "red-haired ghost" Liu Tang, who was weak in strength. Liu Tang martial arts high-strength, his majesty is also brave, resisting for a while, but Yan Tingyu shot hot, before Lin Chong and others rushed over, still gave Liu Tang a stick, playing his shoulders flesh and blood, the injury is quite heavy. It’s hard to say in the future, at least in this battle, it’s hard to get a knife to fight.

Everyone knows that this is because of the strategy of the military teacher Wu. Although everyone does not say it, Wu used to sincerely apologize to Liu Tang and other people. But turning around, it was like being slap in the face. After the incident spread, the generals also had a deeper understanding of the official thief named Lei Feng. As Zhu Zhu said, it was really like the military divisions in the drama.

Of course, this is just a private statement. On the sixth day of June, Liangshan’s offensive was not until late at night. After all, the battlefield’s affairs were the real focus. Even the small plots used by the other side did bring this side. Trouble, can't really expand to the battlefield, after all, it doesn't make sense.

This night, Zhujiazhuang Yujiazhuang side, talking about the new "military division", talking about his arrangement, Wu used to eat, to cheer the villagers. In the Liangshan military camp, the friction is also expanding. The more than 200 soldiers who have been isolated have already had many conflicts with other people. People are talking about things in a whisper, saying that there is a guy named Lei Feng planning there. all of these. This night, there were several small incidents that caused turmoil. Even some people were killed. A soldier took the head and tried to escape from the military camp. He was found to have hurt two people hysterically and was eventually surrounded by the group.

"My wife, children and my mother haven't had time to go up the mountain! My identity has been recognized by them! I can only do this!" After being surrounded, the soldier shouted and then turned the knife at himself: My name is Diane! My name is Diane! You told him that I have done it! You remember to tell him! My name is Diane!"

Then the soldier named Dian committed suicide in front of everyone.

Some people have been arrested, and some people will be recognized. Some people have not yet gone up the mountain. Some people will take risks and do things before they are expected.

In fact, this matter does not affect the combat power of the next day. Wu uses the steady account and supervises the war in an orderly manner. He no longer distracts himself from anything. As long as he pushes the past, all the other means will be turned into smoke.

As for Lei Feng, the news about the means used by the other party, in the seventh day of June, has actually floated almost at the bottom of Liangshan. After all, the situation can be seen by everyone. The discussion at the bottom is actually not too big a floating of the military, there are all kinds of small frictions, and it will not change the whole situation of the situation. The news swelled very quickly, and even Wu and others couldn't figure out why they swell so fast.

Of course, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the battle is still a battle. Although there are many discussions at the bottom, it is almost impossible to expand to the extent that it affects and reverses the entire Battle of Dulong. This incident outside the war situation has become an interesting thing that all the generals can't help but pay attention to. They have never seen or heard of such a method of warfare. The other party seems to have transparently passed all the means of action. Everyone knows and sees, but no one has a way to stop the gradual deterioration of the situation.

If it really gives him a lot of time, maybe Liangshan really suffered a big setback. Everyone thinks this way, and naturally they want to end the battle in a faster way.

However, the catalyst that was hidden under the transparent appearance and truly squandered with great maliciousness finally came to the surface until the eighth day of June. On the day of the seventh day alone, some people have already noticed the clue. This person is not Wu, but he is responsible for the logistics of Xi Jun in the army. Unfortunately, the things that should be spread and not should have been broadcasted at this time. Throughout the military camp, on the day of the eighth day, the truly transparent conspiracy finally came to the shape of its embarrassment.

Sometimes, when I feel malicious, I finally have no way to go back...

Next, give everyone a grand game! Seeking a monthly ticket! (To be continued...)

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