Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 425: The heart of the moonlight mandala (2)

In June, the collapse of the entire Liangshan was initially hidden in a hidden stream at the bottom of the water, and then rapidly expanded and expanded. The whole process did not last for a long time, even before many people had yet to fully understand the truth of the situation. The cruel reality has already been pushed to everyone's eyes.

From the afternoon of June 11th, Wu Yong and others learned what was done on the opposite side. The rumors have actually spread quietly on the top of Liangshan, secretly eroding the dark side of people's hearts. In the early morning of June 12, people who had secretly sneaked into Liangshan at night were cut off by more than a dozen people, and those who had not been intercepted or who had already sneaked into the cottage through various relationships had There is no estimate of how much.

At the beginning and end of the Battle of Dulonggang, the reason for the other party’s death, the terrible means and the determination of the will, in the next few days, was unstoppable on the Liangshan. In the Dulonggang campaign, more than 500 people were placed in the mind to choose to wait and see, but this time, the people who really chose to stand because of fear in their hearts, I am afraid that more than half of them.

Going to Jiangjun Ridge and Wanjialing to take the initiative to choose honesty or self-exposure, only a few of these people. In this year, people who can dig green forests, or who come out to find a thing in a hundred miles, are among the most ordinary people, and they all belong to the class of minds and minds. The identity is hidden, it is the perfect strategy to enter and retreat. The other side will solve the Dulonggang in three days. If you really come to Liangshan, can you really run to death?

These people who choose to wait and see are actually breeding grounds for betrayal. As a weak individual, they can only sneak back to Liangshan. Even if you don't do bad things, you can arrange your family in advance. Once they are cut off and realize that they may be able to take them, these people can only scream. At the same time, the process of the Battle of Dulonggang was rendered, the other party’s horror, and the helplessness of this intention.

"We have not betrayed Liangshan, just want to come back in advance. There is really fun, we don't want to be jealous, we have to sneak back, or what else?"

These people have relatives and friends on Liangshan. The whole situation says that friends and brothers can't let them go, but in a sense, they can only understand their practices. The next day, the brothers who secretly returned are said to be more. But the number of people who were cut off. It is less. It is said that there are some middle-level leaders who are guilty. The reason for secretly letting go.

Among the more than a thousand people who were released, they had carefully considered them beforehand and chose the position. After seeing this situation after returning to Liangshan, I will understand more. Only when the situation is more chaotic, can they have a way to live, and the frequency of secretly and privately talking about things and rumors to those around them is gradually increasing.

In the first two or three days, the troubles are not just these. In the Wanjialing area, the Liangshan soldiers who were brought together were initially mixed with the captives who were released, and when the facts of being separated were detected, the human heart began to shake. Many of them are still loyal to Liangshan and take the initiative to explain the situation. However, their family members are also on Liangshan. If they are isolated and suspected, this is what it is. And more of them are the soldiers who have really fallen behind on the road. These soldiers only feel innocent and start shouting. This is mixed with many drowning fish...

When a person is upset, they will start to talk like they are brothers. The previous conscious of the fear on the Liangshan Mountain has completely collapsed. The whole process is only two or three days. Some people whisper in the population, that is, how many people privately voted for the government. When the officers and men came over, Will the neighbors cut the knife to their side? Although more people think that "what's going on," "things are not so terrible," the ignorant people, but the words of smart people have been able to dominate the direction of the whole situation.

When the time passed June 11th, the thoughts of Song Jiang, Wu Yong and others at the top of Liangshan gradually began to become blurred. Everyone knows that the decision-making layer at the top of Liangshan is bound to withstand tremendous pressure and suffering. This can be seen in the mental state of Song Jiang, Wu Yong and others in the next few days. The horror of the conspiracy is that once it really forms a climate, the situation is like a snowball that has rolled off the snowy ridge. It can no longer be blocked by human resources. If you really want to crack it, you must also have the same extreme and intense method, but now it is almost No one can find it.

From the appearance of the external image, after the initial hesitation, Song Jiang and others made a few things that they had to do. They began the full recall of the army of Wanjialing after June 13th. Liangshan’s defense line shrank in the most conservative manner. Song Jiang made several lectures to boost morale, but it was not very meaningful, but after the speech, He put all the brothers who had sneaked back into the mountains and the soldiers who had been isolated in Wanjialing, because they couldn't handle them at the moment, and they could only do nothing.

At the same time, Liang Shan is also doing things for his companions who are dying. The original rituals can cause the enemies of their companions, but at this time they are mixed. The enemy's heart of some people can indeed be shaken. On the other hand, it proves the fiasco of Dulonggang.

They strengthened the defense and military discipline of Liangshan from the order, but in fact, it was already late, and some sensitive quarrels and frictions appeared on Liangshan from the beginning of the 13th and began to breed a storm.

In this chaotic situation, Ning Yi, who is outside the Liangshan water park, has not stopped doing things for a few days. On the one hand, let Dulonggang send people to go to the surrounding villages, cottages, and horsemen to promote the defeated things of Liangshan, telling me that Zheng’s methods were sinister and sinister, and that they created the wall and the enemy’s heart. On the other hand, he also Visit the governors of several nearby states in the vicinity, send money, send credit, and at the same time render Qin’s seriousness about this matter. The situation on Liangshan is occasionally transmitted through different channels.

"Strange, these guys, it looks like they are confessed, there is no special action, how can they save Liangshan?"

The carriage was driving on the official road, and there was a table in the car, surrounded by Ning Yi, Wang Shanyue, Qi Xinhan, and Su Wenzhao. Sorting up the information passed, Qi Xinhan threw the report in his hand on the table, which was quite strange for the development of the situation. Wang Shanyue also frowned. "We don't know what to do in the dark? But they can't clean up now, Huairou is useless. Even if it's not easy to let go down the mountain, there are at least a few hundred thousand ready to mess inside. When I got up, I used a knife to cut my own brother. I really can't think of what they can do... Or else, is it to find someone else to rescue the soldiers? For example, Tian Hu. In the first battle, defeated the Wurui camp?"

After saying this, he looked at Ning Yi, and Ning Yi was actually thinking about it. He looked at Su Wenzhao: "Where do you think?"

Su Wenzhao, as a Su family to be trained, has always been a low-key person. At this time, she frowned. "I think... they won’t think about Tianhu at this time. But what to do. I can't think of it. Second brother-in-law, if it is you. What can you do?"

Ning Yi took those things for a while: "Wu and Zhu Wu add up. Still can't be underestimated. But in this situation, I think they want to be strong."

"This time... how is it broken?"

"I am just guessing, but in this situation, they are pushing forward. The harder they are pushed, the more they will be able to annihilate the whole army. Once they really realize this, they are afraid to push it. Right now. This bureau, their only way of life, is not how to break, because it can't be broken, then you can only follow the board and pick yourself up. If they are so decisive, it is the most troublesome thing for us..."

Ning Yi paused, and the others were still stunned. He smiled: "You think about why the military mind is shaking, whether it is the leader or the internal chaos, or the side of the people who are stunned or the smashing hands are too powerful, inductive. To the most fundamental point, everyone is worried that if Liangshan is broken, I will not survive. Now if I am Song Jiang, Wang Shanyue wants to live, kill Qi Xinhan, kill my will, you have not So strong, even if I kill, I can be an official. If this is clear, it is a strong man who breaks his wrist."

He said it was not clear, his eyes looked at Su Wenzhao, and several people stunned. Wang Shanyue said: "Impossible, you will never say that he wants to let the situation develop, then, Liang Shan ... Liangshan is really finished."

"When Dulonggang was used, they were able to withdraw their troops. They could only be considered as gecko's tail-to-tail escape. The real strong man broke his wrist. It was painful. It hurts people to think that it is a broken wrist." Ning Yi shook his head and smiled. "If they can think of it, It’s enough to have enough execution ability, which is the most troublesome for us. Su Wenzhao, think about it, think about it and tell me why this is the most troublesome...”

He said this, set up the homework, Su Wenqiu pumped his mouth, nodded nodded: "ah..."

In the carriage, Wang Shanyue and Qi Xinhan both laughed, but they also thought about what would happen on Liangshan. Substituting yourself into the position of Song Jiang and Wu is really a headache. On the other hand, Ning Yi sorted out the information: "No matter what, next... I am going to fight."

Above Liangshan, Song Jiang, Wu Yong and others, it is really a headache at the moment.

On the day of June 15th, a small-scale rally appeared on Liangshan. The cause of the fire was because the friction between the two families, which had not been ruined, eventually led to the slashing of dozens of people on each side. When the situation was controlled. There have been seven or eight injuries. This is actually in the case of mutual restraint. Although there is no dead person, when things are reported to the Juyi Hall, Song Jiang sitting in the chair scratches the arm of the chair and can’t say a word. Come.

Starting from this incident, frictions and fires of large and small bursts frequently afterwards, and then some people disappeared. Big and small heads are struggling to try to stabilize the situation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then belong to the jealousy between the leaders, in fact, also upgrade. The body of Li Fei, the "flying sacred", was found in the grain and grass on Liangshan. It was obvious that the inner ghost who killed Li Wei later brought the body back. Xiang Chong and Fan Rui brothers saw that they were zero. They pointed to Li Weidao in the Juyi Hall: "You see it now! My brother is not a ghost!" Li Wei had nothing to say at the time.

But in fact, everyone understands who is pushing the matter behind this step and who is the leader.

Ning Yi Ning Liheng, at this time even the most determined and hard-working elements on Liangshan had to realize that the revenge that occurred in Suzhou, at this time, the revenge brought has brought unbearable to Liangshan. The great pain, and the revenge of this person, is still far from the end of the end.

A cottage is on the last person, and finally it is such a field...

In the next few days, the situation became more and more intense. On June 19th, there were leaders who tried to leave Liangshan, but there were not many people who could really go.

On the morning of June 20 this morning, the warships of Wuruiying broke open the fog and began to block the waters and pounce on Liangshan. It is necessary to draw the whole situation and draw a period. Before the Liangshan Mountain, the whole army was sent to the army. At this time, the Wurui Camp was put on the door, and it was less than a month before and after...

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